Explanations wanted by secondary learners

This is part of some work reported in a seminar Challenging pupils with scientific explanations given as part of the APECS Project (Able Pupils Experiencing Challenging Science):

Explanations wanted

The students were set a task to think about – ‘what are the questions you would most like to know the answers to’?

It was thought that this might be a useful short activity to find out what kind of question motivates the curiosity of able 14 year-olds. (N.b. Y9 pupils are 13-14 year olds, but by July the majority will have reached 14.)

The students were each given a sheet headed ‘Explanations wanted (The questions I’d most like to know the answers to)’, and asked to suggest their own questions.

Theme question
Human biology Why do we go red when we are embarrassed? / Why are you only spotty during puberty? / Why is urine not always the same colour? / Why does sweat attract men? / Why are breasts the shape they are? / Why do men have nipples? / Why do cuts itch when they have scabbed? / Why do we have eyebrows? / Why does your hair go grey when your older? / Why do people die? / Why do people have pimples – how do you get them? What for? / Why is poo smelly? /Why are we allergic to certain things? / Why is the human brain so complex? / Why do women have to carry babies during pregnancy? / Why does the blood clot? / Why is the life span of humans extending? / Why do we have an appendix apart from to get appendicitis? / Why do we only have two eyes? / Why do we have 10 fingers and 10 toes? / Why does our nose stick out? / Why do informaties {infirmaties/deformaties?} occur when a person infected with Radiation give birth? / Why do Brain cells not build up again? / Why does sweat smell? / Why does your hair grow quicker when you cut it? Or does it? / Why does hair stop growing after a certain length? / Why do we get bruises? / Why do we have the sense smell?
Human psychology Why can’t your brain remember everything you have done in your life? / Why do humans have emotions? / Why does it take so long to learn something? / Why do humans refuse to learn? / Why can you not remember being born if it was such a big thing? / Why do some animals all seem to look the same? / Why are some things instinctive and others you have to learn?
Personal differences Why do some people have perfect pitch? / Why do people’s level of intelligence vary? / Why do ginger people burn in the sun and have freckles? / Why do some people need glasses at a very young age? / Why are man and woman so different? / Why are our voices different? And what makes them change and why? / Why are some people double-jointed? / Why can Miranda do that weird thing with her tongue? / Why are some people mentally defective even if no one in their family is?
Humans and other animals Why do animals appear to be less intelligent? / Why are humans so clever compared to every other species? / Why do we have 2 legs and most mammals has 4 legs? / Why have humans evolved more and developed technology much more than other living organisms on the world? / Why do humans take so long to grow up to adults compared to other animals?
Living world Why do bigger creatures have less legs? / Why do dogs wag their tails when they are happy? / Why are there different animals that are able to do different things? / Why do somethings swim somethings walk and somthings fly? Why don’t we all do all 3? / Why do viruses exist? / Why were the dinosaurs then and not now? / Why do different animals have different pray (sic) when they could eat other things? / Why is celery green and watery and solid?
Evolution Why did life develop on earth? / Why aren’t we adapted to every one earths climates structures heat and lack of food?
More philosophical / fundamental questions Why is the world the way it is? / Why do humans exist? / Why can’t scientist have explanations for everything? / Why does no one know the meaning of life? / Why do we exist? (how we were formed from substance and energy) / Why is there time? / Why was and is there evolution? / Why do our whole lives evolve around time? / Why is life necessary? / Why do we want to stay alive? / Why can’t all humans peacefully coexist? / Why do we exist? / Why do we care about other people? / Why do people want to find things out? / Why are we afraid? / Why is the universe there? / Why do we not know what is outside the universe? / Who made the first straight line and how? / Do scientists believe in fate/destiny? If not, why not? Is science not a bit like predicting or explaining fate? / Why is time measured like it is? Is it correct, how do you know and when was it invented & by who? / Why can we not travel at the speed of light?
The physical world Why does the sea flow in and out? / Why do cornflakes go soggy? / Why are all planets round? / Why did the big bang happen? / Why are there 3 states: solid, liquid and gases? / Why will the sun eventually die out? / Why does it rain? / Why is glass transparent? / Why were there ice ages? / Why is distance measured in light years in space? / Why is the sun hot? / Why does cornflour mixed with water act as a solid and a liquid e.g. when you lightly step on it it’s a solid
Extra terrestrial life Why haven’t we encountered any other sentient beings yet? / Why is there no life on Mars? / Why have we found no other life in space?

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Exploring Conceptual Learning, Integration and Progression in Science Education

Dr Keith S Taber kst24@cam.ac.uk

University of Cambridge Faculty of Education

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