Gifted learners in science education

An interest in gifted science education arose from a concern that within the English National Curriculum (with its heavy content load, and assessment focus), it was difficult for teachers to really engage, challenge and inspire the most able students in science classes.

This led to APECS: the Able Pupils Experiencing Challenging Science Project in collaboration with Prof. John Gilbert (Reading) and Prof. Mike Watts (then Roehampton, now Brunel), and the Cambridge seminar series on Meeting the Needs of the Most Able in Science. A book developed form the seminar series was published by Routledge: Science Education for Gifted Learners

Work supported by SEP (Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme) has looked at the nature of science as a suitable theme for challenging gifted learners: • Teaching Ideas and Evidence at KS3 project - this project led to information on the government's KS3 Strategy website, and an SEP CDROM with materirals develpoed at Cambridge and four other Universities • ASCEND: Able Scientists Collectively Experiencing New Demands - this project led to Enriching School Science for the Gifted Learner (Book with CDROM Published by SEP)

A 'Challenging Science Conference' was held for Y9 pupils (14 years olds) in seven local schools in June 2007.

Relevant publications:


Enriching School Science for the Gifted Learner

A pdf of the text of Enriching School Science for the Gifted Learner may be downloaded here: Enriching School Science for the Gifted Learner.

Please note that the booklet is copyright Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, and is made available here with permission.

The full set of materials, including a hard copy of Enriching School Science for the Gifted Learner, and the teaching resources, is available for purchase from


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Exploring Conceptual Learning, Integration and Progression in Science Education

Dr Keith S Taber

University of Cambridge Faculty of Education

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© Keith S Taber, 2013