
Morag was a participant in the Understanding Science Project.

She was interviewed on 16 occasions: 5 times in Year 7; 4 times in Y8; and 7 times in Y9

Morag's understanding of science

A chemical change is where two things just go together

Because the sugar's so small it would evaporate with the water

I know that particles make up every solid, liquid or gas, ‘cause everything is made out of particles

In a sponge, the particles are spread out more, so it can absorb more water

So if someone was stood here, we’d be a solid

The flame reacts to the gunpowder

The glue between particles dried, and it broke up

There are about a thousand particles in one grain of salt, if not more

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Exploring Conceptual Learning, Integration and Progression in Science Education

Dr Keith S Taber

University of Cambridge Faculty of Education

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