Educational Research Methods


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Pacing the interview

"In our experience, nearly all interviewers…proceed through the interview too quickly;

        they ask questions at a rapid rate,

        permit no pause between response and the next question,

        and jump into the interaction with fast feedback.

The atmosphere created is hasty and casual.

The interviewer's major goal seems to be to finish the interview."  (Cannell, Miller & Oksenberg, 1981: 414-415)

Cannell, C. F., Miller, P. V., & Oksenberg, L. (1981). Research on Interviewing Techniques. Sociological Methodology, 12, 389-437.

This is especially important in interpretive research where getting insightful high quality responses is more important than asking all your questions.

This is a personal site of Keith S. Taber to support teaching of educational research methods.

(Dr Keith Taber is Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.)