Educational Research Methods


A site to support teaching and learning...

Educational research terms

On this website you can find information about:

Analytical pluralism - Action Research - Anonymity - Authorship - Axiology - Belief - Case study - Clinical interviews - Coding - Collaborative research - Concept - Concept mappingConceptual framework - Confirmatory research - Constant comparison - Construct repertory test - Constructive alternativism (perspective) - Constructivist teaching - Constructionism - Constructivism - Context of justification - Context-directed research - Copyright - Core category - Covert observation - Critical action research - Criticisms of Educational Research - Discovery research - Emancipatory action research - Epistemology - Ethics - Ethnography - Experiments - Exploring understanding - Focus groups - Grounded theory - Hierarchical focusing - Idiographic research - Induction - Interpretivism - Interventional research - Interviews - Knowledge - Knowledge claims - Literature review - Melded concepts - Memos - Methodology - Mixed methods - Multiple techniques - Naturalistic research - Nomothetic research - Observation - Observer effect - Observer roles - Ontology - Paradigms - Participant observation - Participatory action research - Peer review - Personal construct theory - Personal constructivism - Phenomenology - Plagiarism - Practitioner research - Post-inductive resonance - Positivism - Postpositivism (Post-positivism) - Pseudonyms - Public knowledgePure observation - Purposive sampling - Q methodology - Qualitative data - Qualitative data analysis - Questionnaires - Question types - Randomisation - Rapport - Repertory grid - Replication - Research design - Research ethics - Research questions - Rhetorical research - Sampling - Social constructivism - Surveys - Talk aloud - Techniques - Thematic analysis - Theoretical perspectives - Theoretical sampling - Theoretical saturation - Theoretical sensitivity - Theory - Theory-directed research - Think aloud - Transcription conventions - Triangulation - Types of questions - Unobtrusive observation  - Validity - Vignettes

This is a personal site of Keith S. Taber to support teaching of educational research methods.

(Dr Keith Taber is Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.)
