Educational Research Methods


A site to support teaching and learning...

Planning research interviewing

Part of good research practice is being well prepared by planning carefully. Here are some things to consider in relation to research interviewing.


    Have you piloted you interview schedule,

    your intended analytical techniques, and

    the use of any manipulatives

in advance, and modified anything that needed changing?

Access & permissions

        Have you organised Informed consent? Do you need to issue/collect forms?

        Have you prepared a brief (& debrief) for participants?

        Do you need to take permissions from authorities or identification with you?



        Have you organised/negotiated a suitable place to interview? Have you considered:



            Child protection concerns

Technical issues

            Have you prepared and checked any equipment? (Do you have spares?)

                    Would it be sensible to use two voice recorders?

            Do you have sufficient unused memory / tape etc.

            Do you have power/lead for your equipment (will you have access to mains and/or batteries?)

Interview schedule

            Have your prepared and packed your interview schedule or guide?

            Have you checked and packed any focal materials you wish to use in the interview?

            Do you have spares?

            Do you need stationary?

This is a personal site of Keith S. Taber to support teaching of educational research methods.

(Dr Keith Taber is Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.)