Educational Research Methods


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Question types

Different kinds of questions are appropriate in different kinds of research, depending upon the paradigmatic assumptions underpinning the particular research design.

Closed questions invite one of a limited range of responses:

The phrasing of the question “Did you enjoy the lesson” suggests a suitable response is on an evaluative dimension (very much or quite or not really etc.)

Open questions invite a much wide range of possible responses:

A question like “what were you thoughts about the lesson?” admit a wide range of responses that would seem appropriate:

  1. I very much enjoyed it

  2. I found it difficult to understand

  3. It went on too long

  4. There was too much noise to concentrate

  5. It would have been better earlier in the day

  6. I thought it was a bit repetitive

  7. it was too cold in that room

  8. I was distracted by the teacher’s cough

  9. I like it when they show videos

  10. I do not think we did enough writing

  11. I enjoyed the discussion activity

  12. I think there could have been more engaging examples

  13. etc...

It is usually better to use neutral questions:

“Is working in groups better than working on you own?” might be considered more leading than:

“Do you prefer to work in groups or do you prefer to work on you own?”

Leading questions, that might be seen to suggest particular responses may be preferred, should be avoided. The following questions might be considered to be loaded towards particular responses:

“Is this the best illustrated book you have ever seen?”

“Do you think it is unfair to punish the whole class when just a few pupils are naughty?”

“When preparing your lessons, do you make use of the curriculum guidance materials provided by the government?” (this is based on an actual PhD project interview schedule).

(You might want to consider how you could rework questions such as these so that they are less likely to lead a respondent to a particular answer.)

The following question was included in a survey (given the title “Cambourne to Cambridge Better bus journeys”, City Deal Team (2015), Cambridge: Greater Cambridge City Deal)  sent to residents of Cambourne (one of the satellite villages around Cambridge):

“10. Do you agree or disagree in principle to better bus journeys between Cambourne and Cambridge?

Agree  ☐  Disagree   ☐  Not sure  ☐ “

I wonder how many people thought better bus journeys were undesirable?

This is a personal site of Keith S. Taber to support teaching of educational research methods.

(Dr Keith Taber is Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.)