Educational Research Methods


A site to support teaching and learning...

Analysing Research Design

Research design needs to:

  1. -address research questions

  2. -adopt an overall strategy (methodology) informed by the conceptual framework, and consistent with any theoretical perspective being adopted

  3. -incorporate data collection and analysis techniques consistent with the methodological approach selected.

A research design mapping tool:

The following chart might be useful for analysing research studies:

The tool can be downloaded here: Design mapping tool KST.pdf

For examples of using the mapping tool:

Setting by ability - or is it? A quantitative study of determinants of set placement in English secondary schools

Self-regulated pupils in teaching: teachers' experiences.

Impact of teacher competencies on student emotions:  A multi-method approach.


This is a personal site of Keith S. Taber to support teaching of educational research methods.

(Dr Keith Taber is Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.)