Educational Research Methods


A site to support teaching and learning...

Exploring Understanding

One area of educational research is in exploring how people (such as students) understand particular topics.

Someone setting out on research in this area would need to consider issues of


What is the nature of the ‘understanding’ (and ‘ideas’, ‘thinking’, ‘personal knowledge’, ‘conceptions’...)


This raises questions about how we can know about another’s understanding:

To what extent can we know the ideas of another?

What would we count as reliable evidence?


How do we do this type of research?

A range of research approaches may be employed in this area of research

Link to types of interview

Observed group activities are similar in form to focus groups


This is a personal site of Keith S. Taber to support teaching of educational research methods.

(Dr Keith Taber is Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.)
