Understanding Science Participants

Informants in the Understanding Science project were secondary age students in an English Comprehensive (i.e. State, non-selective, co-educational) School.

These included:

Bill (Y7)

Derek (Y7)

Jim (Y7-8)

Lomash (Y7)

Morag (Y7-9)

Sandra (Y7-9)

Sophia (Y7-8)

Amy (Y10-13)

Bert (Y10-11)

Mandy (Y10-13)

Mohammed (Y10-11)

Ralph (Y10-11)

Adrian (Y12-13)

Tim (Y12-13)

Y7-Y11 are the secondary phase of compulsory schooling in the English school system.

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Exploring Conceptual Learning, Integration and Progression in Science Education

Dr Keith S Taber kst24@cam.ac.uk

University of Cambridge Faculty of Education

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© Keith S Taber, 2012-2013