bacteria use a molecular scalpel

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Examples of metaphor in popular science writing:

""[Francisco] Mojica made a bold and untested hypothesis – that this planidrome-space system is a bacterial weapon against viruses."

"…this system evolved in an arms race with viruses. Viruses attack bacteria as well as humans, We fend most of them off with our immune system. This bacterial mechanism …uses a molecular guide and scalpel: the palindromes help form the guides that bring a molecular scalpel to cut the viral DNA to render it harmless."

Neil Shubin

Shubin, N. (2020). Some Assembly Required. Decoding four billion years of life, from ancient fossils to DNA. Oneworld Publications.

[Please be aware that a word may have different nuances, or even a different meaning, according to context.]« Back to Index

Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.