Can academic misconduct be justified for the greater good?

Is Rahul Hajare the Alan Sokal for the Open Access era?: Part 2

Keith S. Taber

the Journal of Dermatology Sciences Research Reviews & Reports managed to not spot that an article supposedly about safety precautions taken by sex workers in India during the COVID pandemic, but actually about anger management in the workplace, was illustrated by a news bureau's photographs from Bolivia, and made wholesale use of text from a U.S. business association website

In the first part of this article, I discussed some of the publications of Dr Rahul Hajare who has made a habit out of publishing dubious articles in predatory journals that only superficially mimic genuine research journals. I would suspect that most people who publish their research in such predatory journals do so either

  • in good faith, not realising they are submitting to a journal that only pretends to apply rigorous editorial and peer-review procedures, or
  • realising that they are in effect simply paying for publication, but enter into an unspoken (and unwritten) conspiracy with the journals by sending manuscripts that at least have a prima facie appearance of being serious work

Dr Hajare does not seem to fall into either category. I do not think he can believe the work he is submitting reflects high quality scholarship, and yet nor does he make an effort to give a superficial impression of proper research writing.

Quite the opposite.


  • He often provides long convoluted titles that seem to juxtapose unrelated items, or short titles that are provocative;
  • He sometimes compiles papers from segments that seem to be about totally different topics and studies;
  • He ignores normal paper structures – as when proceeding directly from an introduction § to a conclusion § omitting everything that usually goes between, or writing an abstract which is much longer than the main text of the paper;
  • He includes nonsense sentences (sometimes very early in the text);
  • He interjects sentences on unrelated topics;
  • He makes fantastic or counterfactual claims;
  • He drops leitmotifs into his work – incongruous references to colours, sunlight, pharmacy institutions …

It would, surely, actually be easier to write articles which were, superficially at least, canonical – and which were coherent and non-contentious. Hajare seems to be deliberately bringing attention to problems in his work as if he is telling his readers – "you cannot take this seriously – do you get the joke'?"

My best assumption is that Hajare is seeking to call out predatory journals for what they are – making it very clear that either:

  • no editor or expert reviewer has ever read his submissions carefully before publication; or
  • if his works have been evaluated, they passed an extremely low bar (publication criteria along the lines 'it has (a) a title and (b) some text, and so we can charge a publication fee')

Nobody reading across Hajare's canon could possibly think his work (or at least a large part of it over the last few years) is serious scholarship, or that any results he reports in his hoax papers can be considered reliable. But what he has shown very clearly is that the journals publishing his submissions are not even trying to be serious research journals.

That is very useful, as it could always be claimed that

predatory journals may have inexperienced editors, or struggle to persuade suitable experts to carry out reviews, which is why some poor quality work gets published, yet they are doing their best and will look to improve their standards.

The Hajare hoax makes it clear that that explanation will not do. Any well educated person reading his work will see that there are obvious problems with his manuscripts (obvious, I suspect, because Hajare has made sure they are obvious) and these papers clearly should not stand as part of the research literature.

That's the argument that informed the first part of this article, where it was supported by a range of examples from a selection of Hajare's articles in outlets self-describing as research journals .

However, as I dug into Hajare's outputs, and after a very minimal due diligence (a few quick web searches), I soon found that Hajare's hoax seemed to rely on another feature as well: plagiarism. That is, presenting other people's work as your own.

Can you have a well-meaning plagiarist?

I am sure I must have have plagiarised other people's work.

Certainly not intentionally. But if we are meant to acknowledge sources which we have drawn upon in the thinking that we represent in texts, this is surely inevitable. I recognised this as part of the acknowledgements for one of my books:

I am aware that I inevitably own an enormous debt to the authors of many things I have read over the years that are not cited here as well as to colleagues and students for things I have heard in presentations and in conversations in both formal and informal contexts. I have sought to acknowledge those key sources I am aware have informed my thinking, and I would here like to acknowledge that I am aware that I am surely drawing on many other sources that I either no longer specifically recall or have simply not recognised as influences in writing this book.

I suspect there may even be some good ideas in here that I present as if original, but which have worked their way into my consciousness so slowly that I was unaware that their original inspiration was something I had long ago read or heard. I take some comfort in knowing that if this is indeed so, my failure is probably not so unusual, as is indicated by occasional high-profile examples such as when George Harrison was sued for a great deal of money for not acknowledging a highly popular song was very similar to an earlier hit written by someone else. At least working in the academic world, rather than 'the material world', such unconscious plagiarism is unlikely to lead to claims for vast amounts of unpaid royalties.

Taber, 2013, xi-xii

Deliberate plagiarists, at least if they do not want to be caught, will make sure they change enough so that it is not obvious (especially in terms of being identified by software tools used by publishers) that they are copying.

Students are trained not to work with many long quotes of other people's work (as cutting and pasting is not a high level cognitive skill!) but should paraphrase in their own words as much as possible (so processing the information, thinking about its meaning, relating it to their own prior knowledge to make it meangful – and so having some chance of understanding and remembering it) – and just use a few select quotes that are seen as seminal, punchy, or worth repeating for some other reason. But, the important thing, is: even when paraphrasing, you cite the original sources.1

Someone who draws upon an other's ideas without citing them may have forgotten the original source or may consider their own ideas are sufficiently different, or believe the background ideas are so much part of what is taken for granted that no citation is needed. (In some fields people still regularly cite Plato and Aristotle, whereas in the natural sciences it would be rare for anyone to cite scientists who introduced foundational ideas that are still underpinning research today when the original publications were decades, and certainly centuries, old.)

It is different with text (or figures). Presenting someone else's text as your own is either due to poor scholarship habits (moving quotations around in a document or between files without the citation so that later it looks like original text) or just deliberate stealing.

Journal norms on reuse of text

There are two issues relating to copying someone else's text or images. Plagiarism and copyright. Plagiarism is a moral issue – a matter of scholarly standards and academic norms. These are socially constructed of course. 2

Today, however, the rules are very clear. An author's text should be her own, except where other work is quoted, in which case there are typographic conventions (quotation marks or block quotes indented from the main text) and the source must be cited. To simply present some else's text as your own is plagiarism: cheating, stealing intellectual property, dishonesty: indeed academic malpractice.

It may also be illegal. An author has copyright in their text. This gives them the right to have it published – or indeed not to allow it to be published. They also have the right to be acknowledged as the author of the text (unless they choose to be anonymous) when their work is published, and they have the right to have the integrity of their text respected: so an editor cannot make substantial changes to work appearing under the author's name without their permission. (Even if some publishers, such as Oxford University Press, will sometimes try to persuade authors to sign away the legal right to protect the integrity to their work.)

Traditionally, publishers have been very fussy to make sure authors assure them that they own the copyright in their submitted works, and that they have not already licensed the rights to another publisher. This is why journals usually insist that authors submitting manuscripts can only send in work that is unpublished and not being considered by another publisher. Traditionally, on publication, the rights in an academic work either transfer to the publisher or the publisher is granted an exclusive license to publish (according to the publication agreement {'contract'} between the parties).

A journal publishing already published work was likely to be infringing another publisher's copyright – and potentially subject to legal redress.

Copyright and open access

Increasingly, research reports are published open access, which normally means that there is a license granted by the author which acknowledges the author's copyright, but allows reuse of the material. Anyone else can copy, and republish, the text in whole or part as long as they do not distort it, and they acknowledge the original source and the license.

So, there is usually no legal barrier to someone republishing an open access article.

However, serous journals do not want to republish material already in the public domain (except sometimes where it is considered a classic paper worth republishing with commentaries, or something was originally published in an obscure source that is not easily accessed). So, a serious research journal is still likely to insist that it will normally only consider publishing previously unpublished material that is not currently under consideration elsewhere.

Hajare's multiple publications

As I demonstrated in the first part of this article, Hajare will sometmes publish the same material, or substantially the same material, in several journals.

As these are open access journals, this does not breach copyright. It does however go against academic norms. Even predatory journals will usually claim they only accept original material, although one might suspect that is mainly part of the pretense of being serious research journals. Serious journals usually have systems that can check submissions against published work and spot obvious cases of reuse of text, but, presumably, predatory journals would rather have the publication fee than notice this issue.

Hajare's multiple publication habit does not really offer evidence on this, however, as he seems to send copies of manuscripts to different journals almost simultaneously before there is a copy in the public domain to be included in the corpora compiled for plagiarism-detection systems.

Another example would be the article "In Vitro, Widowed and Curse Words form [sic, from?] Principal during Unplanned Meeting of the College in Private Pharmaceutical Instituions [sic] in Pune University India: An Attractive Study", which was such 'an attractive study' that it attracted publication in two journals (Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine; Current Opinions in Neurological Science) almost simultaneously (on the 1st and 3rd July, 2018).

Perhaps the 'In vitro' reference in the article(s) title was a deliberare nod to the study being a hoax. Neither journal seems to have queried why research with human participants might be carried out in vitro rather than, as is customary in the social sciences, in vivo.

"In Vitro, Widowed and Curse Words form Principal during Unplanned Meeting of the College in Private Pharmaceutical Instituions [sic] in Pune University India: An Attractive Study" was submitted to two journal eight days apart. [Use the 'slider' the see the full images.]

This article(s?) is somewhat longer than most of Hajare's recent output and included a table of results, and even a pie chart supposedly reporting the outcome of 'multivariable analysis':

The results of multivariable analysis – a pie chart from "In Vitro, Widowed and Curse Word…"

This study seems (to the best of my understanding) to be about how widows are subject to domestic violence, and in particular being sworn at (which is certainly not acceptable, but perhaps diminishes the seriousness of actual domestic violence if being conflated with it?), by (I think) Pharmacy college principals. Like many of Hajare's articles much of the text is (deliberately?) obscure. And as with many of his studies he seems to leave a large clue that we should not be trying too hard to make sense of the work:

For in the Methods § the reader is told that,

"Using two-stage time location eight clusters sampling, we recruited limited sample size 100 of FAWPPIs [female adults widowed in private pharmaceutical Institutions], ages 21-49 years, who had purchased respect from FAWPPIs in the past month."

p.542 [Current Opinions in Neurological Science version]

Yet in the Executive Summary the reader is instead told,

"This study of 40 homosexual adults aged 24 to 49 years comprised widowed, and cohabiting participants from three occupational groups, and concerned curse risk within this sample."

p.544 [Current Opinions in Neurological Science version]

So, as in other exmples of Hajare's work, there is an inconsistent account of the study being reported.

The versions of the paper in the two journals are not entirely the same, as the version in Current Opinions in Neurological Science places the Executive Summary at the very end of the paper, following the Conclusions. However, the version in Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine has an extra section. Here the Executive Summary follows the section Conclusions, but precedes a section called Conclusion which repeats the text of the Executive Summary.

The 'Conclusion' § is different from the 'Conclusions' § – but the same as the 'Executive Summary'

Stealing work from other scholars

In any case, re-using one's own work is a rather different matter than genuine plagiarism, where someone else's work is passed off as your own. Sadly, during my preparation of this article it became clear that there was strong evidence suggesting that Hajare is using the work of others and claiming it as his own.

Given that prestige is so important to academics, and this depends to a large degree (although of course not entirely) on respect for published works, to deliberately present someone else's research or scholarship as your own is a serious breach of academic standards, and is a form of misconduct that opens an academic officer to disciplinary action.

Face recognition, IQ scores and the missing Trojans

In part 1, I described one of Hajare's papers ("Facial Recognition Technology and Detection of Over Sexuality in Private Organizations Combined with Shelter House. Baseline Integrated Behavioural and Biological Assessment among Most at-Risk Low Standards Hope Less Institutions in Pune, India") in Advanced Research in Gastroenterology & Hepatology which included some very bizarre material, but where the main text offered quite a serious and cogent argument about the dangers of widespread use of facial recognition software.

I also described a very similar paper, also by Hajare, with a very different title ("Detection of Progression over Sexuality in Indian Students and Teachers Combined") in the Journal of Gastrointestinal Disorders and Liver function.

I displayed selected text from the two papers to show they made precisely the same argument with almost the same wording – except where one paper was an argument about the potential threat of facial recognition software, the other made the same argument, in the same terms, but now the threat to society and freedom had become IQ scores.

The same argument – but highlighting a different perceived menace

There are certainly reasons to be suspicious of some uses of IQ, but any editor or reviewer should have questioned the specific claims made in the the Journal of Gastrointestinal Disorders and Liver function (as well as its relevance to that specialist journal of course!)

"such a grave threat to privacy and civil liberties, measured regulation should be abandoned in favour of an outright ban…IQ score is the most uniquely dangerous surveillance mechanism ever invented…IQ score is a menace disguised as a gift…Because IQ score poses an extraordinary danger…IQ score will continue to be marketed as a component of the latest and greatest apps and devices. Apple is already pitching IQ, ID as the best new feature of its new iPhone…the Georgetown Law Center on Privacy and Technology's report proposes significant restrictions on government access to IQ-print data-bases as well as meaningful limitations on use of real-time IQ score. Tragically, most of these existing and proposed requirements are procedural, and in our opinion they won't ultimately stop surveillance creep and the spread of IQ-scanning infrastructure…Because IQ score holds out the promise of translating who we are and everywhere we go into track able information that can be nearly instantly stored, shared, and analyzed, its future development threatens to leave us constantly compromised. The future of human flourishing depends upon IQ score being banned before the systems become too entrenched in our lives"

Part of the rationale for banning IQ scores that was considered publishable scholarship in the Journal of Gastrointestinal Disorders and Liver function

Actually, I do not now think Hajare did construct this argument, as it seems to have been taken from a blog posting on the site 'Medium' written by a professor of law and computer science with a professor of philosophy. Hajare seems to have taken much of the original text, removed (some, but not all of the) references to the U.S. context and made the occasional tweak to the text. That posting starts

"With such a grave threat to privacy and civil liberties, measured regulation should be abandoned in favor of an outright ban

The Trojans would have loved facial recognition technology.

It's easy to accept an outwardly compelling but ultimately illusory view about what the future will look like once the full potential of facial recognition technology is unlocked. From this perspective, you'll never have to meet a stranger, fuss with passwords, or worry about forgetting your wallet. …"

Hartzog & Selinger, 2018

Here, Hajare seems to have changed the word 'Trojans' in the original text to 'species' for some reason – perhaps a deliberate nod to the hoax . So, when 'his' text reaches the "And that is how the trap gets sprung and the unfortunate truth becomes revealed: IQ score/facial recognition is a menace disguised as a gift…." the original resonance with 'Greeks bearing gifts' is missing.

Hartzog & Selinger, 2018Published: 2nd August 2018
Journal of Gastrointestinal Disorders and Liver function paper apparently based on Hartzog & Selinger textSubmitted September 9th 2018
Advanced Research in Gastroenterology & Hepatology paper apparently based on Hartzog & Selinger textSubmitted
September 24th 2018
Chronology for the three publications

Clearly the editors of 'Journal of Gastrointestinal Disorders and Liver function' had no reservations about publishing a paper supposedly about 'over sexuality' which was actually an extended argument about the terrible threat to our freedoms of…IQ scores, and which seems to have been plagiarised from a source already in the public domain when Hajare submitted his version (as it did not take me long to spot with a simple web search). That this make no sense at all, is just as obvious as that it has absolutely nothing to do with gastrointestinal disorders and liver function!

Sadly, this was not the only example of Hajare seemingly plagiarising other sources that I came across.

An empirical study, lablelled as a review article,in the jouran COJ Nursing & Healthcare

A paper in COJ Nursing & Healthcare had the unwieldy title "Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Variation of High Risky Behaviour in Private Pharmacy Institutional Principal and Assistant Professor Combined Attending from Long Distance Driver Role in Pune University, India: An Attractive Findings", and the abstract claimed

"The study employed a concurrent triangulation research methodology where both descriptive cross sectional survey and naturalistic phenomenology designs have used. Probability and non-probability sampling methods have used to sample 120 adults from 4 degree course B. Pharmacy Colleges within Pune University. Data has collected using questionnaires to gather information from the teachers (sample size). …"


So, the sample seems to have been 120 teachers in Pharmacy Colleges in the University cited in the title of many Hajare papers. This seems to be confirmed later: "Probability and non-probability sampling methods were used to sample 120 teaching staffs from 28 colleges within Pune University India" (p.417). Despite references to "quantitative data obtained from the sample and the qualitative data generated from interview respondents who were the guidance and counseling" the paper does not offer any detail of interviews, and only seems to report statistical data and analysis.

The article itself begins "The world health organization recognizes emotional suicide as one of the world's leading causes of death" (p.1/6, emphasis added). The paper goes on to give more detail of the statistics around 'emotional [sic] suicide'. Unlike much of Hajare's recent output, this paper offers a full account of an empirical study over 6 pages, including tables of statistical results.

The Introduction to the paper includes a paragraph

"It has investigated the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and resilience with suicidal ideation [1,2]. Moreover, the study hypothesized that emotional intelligence and resilience would be correlated with each other and that they have moderating variables between stressful life events due to long distance driver role and suicidal ideation. A total of 277 male and female attending inconsistently on biometric without current psychiatric diseases have recruited per online questionnaire asking for lifetime and 4-weeks suicidal ideation and demographic data and containing the Resilience Scale of Wagnild and Young, the Connor Davidson Resilience Scale and, for the measurement of trait emotional intelligence, the Self-Report Emotional Ability Scale. Additionally, researcher applied the Social Readjustment Rating Scale to assess stressful life events."


This seems to be reporting a study by Sojer and colleagues (2017). Yet Hajare cites two of his own papers (entitled [1] "Detection of high addictive habits circulating office in charge of private pharmacy institutions in Pune university India (Evidence Based Study of Late Report Office In Charge to College)" and [2] "Men Residing in Slums Correlate Pharmaceutical Institution in South West Pune") as the sources for this study.

Hajare then refers to

"A study by WHO aimed to investigate the relation between emotional intelligence and instable personality in substance abusers. The present [sic] correlational study selected 80 male addicts through available sampling [3,4]. The subjects referred to the community center. Their emotional intelligence and personality have evaluated by Baron [sic, Bar-On: after Reuven Bar-On] Questionnaire and Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQ) for adults male, respectively. Pearson's correlation coefficient has used to assess the correlations between different factors."


This seems to refer to a study by Hosseini and Anari (2011) – who claim no affiliation in their study to WHO – but again Hajare cites two of his own articles as the source (entitled [3] "Understanding academic and educational problems fit for purpose in the contributing to attentional and learning difficulties in our children?" and [4] "Live and let live: acceptance of learning disability of people living with co-educational pharmaceutical institute selffinanced and privately managed remote areas in India where stigma and discrimination persist").

In both cases the Hajare works cited as sources seem to be on themes unrelated to the studies discussed.

Relocating photographs

A 'research article' entitled "Evaluation of Disposable Bed Sheets and Safety Guidelines for Black Dog Sex Workers Resumes in the New Normal Living with Burnside Pharmacy Institute in Pune University" published in the Journal of Dermatology Sciences Research Reviews & Reports includes two photographs that are labelled:

  • Sex workers wearing protective face masks and face shields wait for customers.
  • Sex worker wearing a protective face mask and a face shield disinfects bedfellow employees at room.

I found the same photographs, which Hajare's article implies were of sex workers based at a Pharmacy Institute in India (did that not seem odd to the journal editor?) on a website of the news organisation Reuters, which reported they were not taken in India at all, but rather in Bolivia:

  • Sex workers wearing protective face masks and face shields wait for customers at a club, amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in El Alto outskirts of La Paz, Bolivia, July 15, 2020.
  • A sex worker wearing a protective face mask and a face shield disinfects a room at a club, amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in El Alto outskirts of La Paz, Bolivia, July 15, 2020.

Hajare's text also included major elements with a very close match to a previously published work: a website report discussing a published study (Motro et al, 2018):

From Hajare's textFrom The Connecticut Business & Industry Association website
Angry employees has more likely to engage in unethical behaviour at work, a new study has revealed….
even if the source of their anger has not job-related.
Angry employees are more likely to engage in unethical behavior at work, even if the source of their anger is not job-related, according to new research, published in the Journal of Business Ethics.
At the same time, when employees have feeling guilty, they have far less likely to engage in unethical behaviour than those in a more neutral emotional state, researchers found.At the same time, when employees are feeling guilty, they are far less likely to engage in unethical behavior than those in a more neutral emotional state, researchers found.
Unethical workplace behaviour, ranging from tardiness to theft, costs businesses billions of dollars a year, so it has important for managers to recognise how emotions may drive on the job behaviour.Unethical workplace behavior, ranging from tardiness to theft, costs businesses billions of dollars a year, so it's important for managers to recognize how emotions may drive on-the-job behavior, says lead study author Daphna Motro, a doctoral student in management and organizations in the University of Arizona's Eller College of Management.
At every level of an organisation, every employee has experiencing emotion, so it has universal, and emotions have really powerful they can overtake and make do things never thought were capable of doing," [sic, no open inverted commas] a doctoral student in pune university and organisations in the pune university"At every level of an organization, every employee is experiencing emotion, so it's universal, and emotions are really powerful–they can overtake you and make you do things you never thought you were capable of doing," Motro says.
While research often looks at "negative emotions" as a whole, work that not all negative emotions work in the same way.

While anger and guilt has both negative feelings, they have very different effects on behaviour.
While research often looks at "negative emotions" as a whole, Motro illustrates in her work that not all negative emotions work in the same way. While anger and guilt are both negative feelings, they have very different effects on behavior.
The reason for the difference It has how the two emotions impact processing [1]. [1 is a citation to another (unrelated) Hajare paper entitled "Scientology applied to the workday of women feels just as good as sex: Non clinical examination of less sunlight habit"]
"We found that anger was associated with more impulsive processing, which led to deviant behaviour, since deviant behaviour has often impulsive and not very carefully planned out. Guilt, on the other hand, has associated with more careful, deliberate processing, trying to think about what they have done wrong, how to fix it and so it leads to less deviance."We found that anger was associated with more impulsive processing, which led to deviant behavior, since deviant behavior is often impulsive and not very carefully planned out," Motro says.

"Guilt, on the other hand, is associated with more careful, deliberate processing–trying to think about what you've done wrong, how to fix it–and so it leads to less deviance."
Researcher findings come from two studies, in which she [sic, not Hajare] and her collaborators used writing prompts to induce the desired emotion. Study participants have asked to write about either a time when they felt very angry or a time when they felt very guilty.The First Study
Motro's findings come from two studies, in which she and her collaborators used writing prompts to induce the desired emotion. Study participants were asked to write about either a time when they felt very angry or a time when they felt very guilty.
Hajare's August 2020 publication seems to match text from a 2016 website posting with only minor modifications.

So, the Journal of Dermatology Sciences Research Reviews & Reports managed to not spot that an article supposedly about safety precautions taken by sex workers in India during the COVID pandemic, but actually about anger management in the workplace, was illustrated by a news bureau's photographs from Bolivia, and made wholesale use of text from a U.S. business association website.

Text on The Connecticut Business & Industry Association websiteReuter's website article with photographsHajare's text
Published: 16th November, 2016Published: July 14th, 2020Submitted for publication: August 13, 2020
Chronology of article component

I soon found other examples of copying work from other source in Hajare's publications.

Diabetes becomes dullness

As reported in Part 1 of this article, in "Guessing Game And Poor Quality Teaching Staffs Study Of Less Sunlight Private Pharmacy Institution In Pune University" published in Advances in Bioengineering & Biomedical Science Research, Hajare describes 'dullness' as a serious medical condition,

"The study suggests that mentally draining work such as teaching may increase the risk of dullness in women. According to the research, employers and women should be more aware of the potential health risks associated with mentally tiring work.

Dullness is an increasingly prevalent disease that places a huge burden on patients and society and can lead to significant health problems including heart attacks, strokes, blindness, and hair fall, mouth odour, under eye blackness, pelvis dislocation, one sided vagina, and kidney failure.Numerous factors can increase the risk of developing dullness including obesity, diet, exercise, smoking or a long term family history of the disease."


I recognised that although the list of 'problems' seemed bizarre, it included a number of complications of diabetes. So that gave me a hint for doing a web search. With this clue I soon found a website that reported on a genuine research study,

"The study findings suggest that mentally draining work, such as teaching, may increase the risk of diabetes in women. This suggests that employers and women should be more aware of the potential health risks associated with mentally tiring work.

Type 2 diabetes is an increasingly prevalent disease that places a huge burden on patients and society, and can lead to significant health problems including heart attacks, strokes, blindness and kidney failure. Numerous factors can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes including, obesity, diet, exercise, smoking or a family history of the disease.

Again, Hajare's text appears to be a slightly adulterated version of previously published material:

What Hajare claimed as his own studyScimex website report of a study in European Journal of Endocrinology
In the study, Dr Rahul Hajare from the Indian Council of Medical Research Batch 2013 In a French study, Dr Guy Fagherazzi and colleagues from the Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health at Inserm,
examined the effect of mentally tiring work on dullnessincidence [sic] in over 20 women, during a 22- 32 year period.
examined the effect of mentally tiring work on diabetes incidence in over 70,000 women, during a 22-year period.
Approximately 75 per cent of the women were in the teaching profession and 24 per cent reported finding their work very mentally tiring at the beginning of the study due to lack of complete knowledge,
Approximately 75% of the women were in the teaching profession and 24% reported finding their work very mentally tiring at the beginning of the study. 
The study has found that women were 21 per cent more likely to develop no happiness if they found their jobs mentally tiring at the start of the study.The study found that women were 21% more likely to develop type-2 diabetes if they found their jobs mentally tiring at the start of the study. 
Hajare's account of 'his' research into the medical condition he calls 'dullness' seems to be a modified copy of an acount of someone else's research into a more widely recognised medical condition, type-2 diabetes

To claim someone else's research as your own is serious academic malpractice, although here Dr Hajare could reasonably claim that he had made the study seem so ridiculous that no one could seriously think it was genuine (except perhaps the editor at Advances in Bioengineering & Biomedical Science Research?)

In any case, the main text of this journal paper had nothing to do with diabetes (or 'dullness') but the association between how a person makes pancakes and how much sexual activity they engage in. This reads like a good spoof, but sadly, seems again to be stolen goods. The story is reported on a number of websites, including that of the popular UK tabloid newspaper 'the Sun' which ran the story (illustrated by a photograph of an apparently naked couple in an intimate embrace) under the heading "Tossers get more sex", and rather than cite Hajare as the source claimed that the 'research' was a "poll of 2,000 Brits by Clarks Maple Syrup" – so a marketing ploy to sell more pancake syrup.

The 'Concussion' [sic] to the same paper seems to have nothing to do with pancakes or diabetes, but seems to 'borrow' two snippets of text from a web article "How a DNA test can help you deal with depression" by Matthew Hutson.

'Concussion' § of Hajare's paperHutson text (dated November 8, 2018)
Finding the right person is a guessing game. A researcher prescribes one, and after giving it six weeks to take effect, the patient might find it is not doing anything. So the patient tries another one and waits six weeks. And might need to do it again, and again, in a process that can take months. For me, the fourth drug hit the mark, but some people give up before making it that far.Finnding the right antidepressant is a guessing game. A doctor prescribes one, and after giving it six weeks to take effect, the patient might find it's not doing anything. So the patient tries another one and waits six weeks. And might need to do it again, and again, in a process that can take months. For me, the fourth drug hit the mark, but some people give up before making it that far.
For example, Color Genomics added a PGX-for-reduce depression element to its popular gene-testing kit.… For example, Color Genomics added a PGx-for-depression element to its popular $249 gene-testing kit in September.
Hajare also includes text very similar to that from a third source.

So, "Guessing Game And Poor Quality Teaching Staffs Study Of Less Sunlight Private Pharmacy Institution In Pune University" was an article which made no reference to poor quality teaching, or to sunlight, but seems to be compiled from other people's texts about diabetes, making pancakes, and anti-depressant drugs, mixed together with a few absurdist changes and flourishes. Yet it still passed peer review at Advances in Bioengineering & Biomedical Science Research.

A 'short communication' with the same title, "Guessing game and poor quality teaching staffs study of less sunlight private pharmacy institution in Pune University" was also published by Hajare in the Journal of Forensic Pathology.

The entire article is labelled as Abstract, and is broken down into two paragraphs. I have copied the entire text below (the article is again open access allowing unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction), but have broken the text in a different place (as Hajare breaks paragraph in the middle of a sentence).

Text of "Guessing game and poor quality teaching staffs study of less sunlight private pharmacy institution in Pune University"
(Journal of Forensic Pathology version)
Abstract from (Magno & Golomb, 2020)
[Title" "Measuring the Benefits of Mass Vaccination Programs in the United States"]
Measuring the Benefits of Mass Vaccination Programs in the United States: Since the late 1940s, mass vaccination programs in the USA have contributed to the significantly reduced morbidity and mortality of infectious diseases. To assist the evaluation of the benefits of mass vaccination programs, the number of individuals who would have suffered death or permanent disability in the USA in 2014, had mass vaccination never been implemented, was estimated for measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), hepatitis B, varicella, and human papillomavirus (HPV). The estimates accounted for mortality and morbidity trends observed for these infections prior to mass vaccination and the impact of advances in standard of living and health care. The estimates also considered populations with and without known factors leading to an elevated risk of permanent injury from infection. Mass vaccination prevented an estimated 20 million infections and 12,000 deaths and permanent disabilities [there is a paragraph break here in Hajare's article] in 2014, including 10,800 deaths and permanent disabilities in persons at elevated risk. Though 9000 of the estimated prevented deaths were from liver cirrhosis and cancer, mass vaccination programs have not, at this point, shown empirical impacts on the prevalence of those conditions. Future studies can refine these estimates, assess the impact of adjusting estimation assumptions, and consider additional risk factors that lead to heightened risk of permanent harm from infection.

Since the late 1940s, mass vaccination programs in the USA have contributed to the significantly reduced morbidity and mortality of infectious diseases. To assist the evaluation of the benefits of mass vaccination programs, the number of individuals who would have suffered death or permanent disability in the USA in 2014, had mass vaccination never been implemented, was estimated for measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), hepatitis B, varicella, and human papillomavirus (HPV). The estimates accounted for mortality and morbidity trends observed for these infections prior to mass vaccination and the impact of advances in standard of living and health care. The estimates also considered populations with and without known factors leading to an elevated risk of permanent injury from infection. Mass vaccination prevented an estimated 20 million infections and 12,000 deaths and permanent disabilities in 2014, including 10,800 deaths and permanent disabilities in persons at elevated risk. Though 9000 of the estimated prevented deaths were from liver cirrhosis and cancer, mass vaccination programs have not, at this point, shown empirical impacts on the prevalence of those conditions. Future studies can refine these estimates, assess the impact of adjusting estimation assumptions, and consider additional risk factors that lead to heightened risk of permanent harm from infection.
The researchers concluded that the finger have important implications for policy and prevention and should inform the creation of more effective sexual health education programs and interventions. Sex can accepted as non-negotiation strategies to sex. Hot have many perceptions. Black and whitish both can be hot. A HOT thinking is higher-order thinking, known as higher order thinking skills (HOTS). Old fat clothes women who find their mentally tiring are at increased risk of developing dull, a new study has found. The study suggests that mentally draining work such as teaching may increase the risk of dullness in women. According to the research, employers and women should be more aware of the potential health risks associated with mentally tiring work. Dullness is an increasingly prevalent disease that places a huge burden on patients and society and can lead to significant health problems including heart attacks, strokes, blindness, hair fall, mouth odour, under eye blackness, pelvis dislocation, one sided vagina, and kidney failure. Numerous factors can increase the risk of developing dullness including obesity, diet, exercise, smoking or a long term family history of the disease. In the study, Dr Rahul Hajare from the Indian Council of Medical Research Batch 2013 examined the effect of mentally tiring work on dullness incidence in over 20 women, during a 22- 32 year period. Approximately 75 per cent of the women were in the teaching profession and 24 per cent reported finding their work very mentally tiring at the beginning of the study due to lack of complete knowledge, The study has found that women were 21 per cent more likely to develop no happiness if they found their jobs mentally tiring at the start of the study. Skin turns out as baggy as their old "fat clothes. Under normal circumstances, seen no sexual desire or waiting for call. 
Submitted for publication: 5th March 2021 Published: 29 September 2020
Two contrasting styles of writing in Hajarre's short piece in the Journal of Forensic Pathology.

The second part of Hajare's text is the same nonsense mixed with a fabricated new medical condition that comprised the 'Summary' of the Advances in Bioengineering & Biomedical Science Research article with the same name. However, the rest of that article (the 'pancake' material for example) is not reproduced in the version published in the Journal of Forensic Pathology.

Instead, that piece starts with writing in a very different style: a coherent segment of text about the value of mass vaccination. A segment of text which bears a remarkable similarity (or at least it would be a remarkable similarity if this were a coincidence) to the abstract of a genuine academic study published in a serious research journal, Vaccines (Magno & Golomb, 2020).

Dangerous fabrication of science

It is unlikely that even the casual reader will be persuaded of the dangers of a severe medical condition called 'dullness' by reading Hajare's strange patchwork quilts of different texts on different themes. However, what about a suggestion that there is a link between domestic violence and epilepsy. Might that seem plausible?

Certainly that is what is suggested by Hajare in "Co- Relation of Domestic Violence and Epileptic Seizure ("Fit") Experience among Recently Married Women Residing Inslums [sic] Communities' Pharmaceutical Institutions in Pune District, India" – an article in the journal Research & Investigations in Sports Medicine.

In this article Hajare suggests that women who are subjected to violence by their partners are at higher risk of having epileptic fits, that their children will also suffer more epilepsy symptoms, and that "women who reside in India's slums pharmaceutical institutions are among those at greatest risk" (p.226).

Now, if these were claims that had just been copied from elsewhere, (as his claims about about pancake preparation techniques seem to be) then it would not add to the level of low quality information in circulation. However, here Hajare seems to be fabricating a connection between two serious topics based on no evidence whatsoever.

This becomes clear when doing a quick web search for extracts from his text. The table below show the text from the start of Hajare's article (first column), juxtaposed with text from two other sources. One of these is a serious academic study that reports empirical research with a "sample of 100 recently-married women residing in slums in Pune, India" (Kalokhe et al 2018). (This perhaps explains the reference to 'Recently Married Women' in Hajare's title, which does not relate to anything in his short text.)

Hajare's text relating domestic violence and epilepsyDetcare (Doctors for ethical care) website page providing information on epilepsy
Kalokhe et al 2018 text from a study about domestic violence experience among recently-married women residing in slums in Pune, India
In many cases, the exact cause is not known. Some people have inherited genetic factors that make epilepsy more likely to occur. In many cases, the exact cause is not known. Some people have inherited genetic factors that make epilepsy more likely to occur.
Other factors that may increase the risk include:
head trauma, for instance, during a car crash,

infectious diseases, for instance,
AIDS and viral encephalitis,

developmental disorders, for instance, autism or neurofibromatosis.
Other factors that may increase the risk include:
• head trauma, for instance, during a car crash
brain conditions, including stroke or tumors
• infectious diseases, for instance, AIDS and viral encephalitis
prenatal injury, or brain damage that occurs before birth
• developmental disorders, for instance, autism or neurofibromatosis
It is most likely to appear in children under 2 years of age very rare, middle age and adults over 65 years. It is most likely to appear in children under 2 years of age, and adults over 65 years.
What a patient with epilepsy experiences during a seizure will depend on which part of the brain is affected, and how widely and quickly it spreads from that area.What a patient with epilepsy experiences during a seizure will depend on which part of the brain is affected, and how widely and quickly it spreads from that area.
The incomplete note of medical sciences that the condition "is not well understood." Often, no specific cause can be identified.The CDC note that the condition "is not well understood." Often, no specific cause can be identified.
Intimate partner violence (IPV), defined as the physical, sexual, psychological abuse, and control perpetrated against an intimate partner, is highly prevalent and cannot ignore for epilepsy epidemic.Intimate partner violence (IPV), defined as the physical, sexual, psychological abuse, and control perpetrated against an intimate partner, is highly prevalent globally.
Approximately one in ten of women reporting physical and abuse by their partner during their lifetime, violation of human rights that often results in physical injury can lead neurological disturbances (trauma).Approximately one- third (30%) of women reporting physical and/or sexual abuse by their partner during their life- time. Not only is IPV a violation of human rights that often results in physical injury;
Women who experience IPV have higher odds of depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders, sexually transmitted infections including HIV chronic pain disorders and gynaecologic morbidity among other chronic disease states lead the epileptic seizure ("fit").women who experience IPV have higher odds of depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders, sexually transmitted infections including HIV, chronic pain disorders, and gynecologic morbidity among other chronic disease states.
Additionally, their children suffer from greater symptom of epilepsy morbidity and mortality. Additionally, their children suffer from greater morbidity and mortality.
In India, although national estimates suggest decreasing frequency, one in three women still report having been abused by their spouses during their lifetime. Further, this figure is likely an underestimate of the abuse women suffer post-epileptic seizer [sic] or other members of the husband's family, hereafter termed domestic violence (DV).In India, although national estimates suggest decreasing frequency, one in three women still report having been abused by their spouses during their lifetime. Further, this figure is likely an underestimate of the abuse women suffer post-marriage, as it did not survey violence perpetration by the mother- in-law or other members of the husband's family, hereafter termed domestic violence (DV).
Women who reside in India's slums pharmaceutical institutions are among those at greatest risk of high fever with epilepsy-like symptoms.Women who reside in India's slums are among those at greatest risk of DV, with lifetime estimates of 21-99%.
Submitted for publication, 4th June 2018Website © 2016-2021Published 2nd April 2018
Hajare's text (opening segment shown here) draws on different sources, and makes factual changes to source information

Hajare seems to have taken text about epilepsy, made small changes (such as removing the reference to the U.S. based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC), then shifted to a text about domestic abuse, but gratuitously made claims about links to epileptic fits not found in the original study.

Whatever Hajare's true motives here, there can be no excuse for deliberately putting false medical information into the public domain.

I expect with some more digging I could find more examples of how portions of Hajare's published work draw upon other work already in the public domain, without acknowledgement.

However, I think the point has been made, and I will end with one especially intriguing example.

Is the Nobel Prize going to the dogs?

Hajare has contributed an editorial article with the curious title "Sensitivity and Specificity of the Nobel Prize Testing to the Dogs" in the journal Advances in Biotechnology & Microbiology.

A little over a month before Hajare submitted his manuscript to Advances in Biotechnology & Microbiology, another journal, the Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences, published an opinion piece by Seun Ayoade.

Ayode's peice is hardly the stuff of serious research journals, being very journalistic even for an opinion piece,

"the Nobel Prize has been hijacked by an evil left- wing cabal… The final nail however was the award to a musician-Bob Dylan of the literature prize. I nearly threw up when I heard the announcement…Does the word 'Kardashian' ring a bell? The moral depravity of the Nobel Committee has reached such scandalous levels that no literature prize was awarded in 2018 because of licentious assault accusations"

Ayode, 2018: 151

However, it was a coherent piece.

Hajare's editorial seems to comprise of the same text as Ayode's, with some additions – it seems that as well as changing the title to something more obscure, Hajare has added:

1. An incoherent 'executive summary'

"Has the Nobel Prize gone to the dogs? Nobel Prize has been accepted as an uncountable value, however difficult to eliminate. The hope for possible selection without power politics has stemmed from the reports of the populations at high risk of malign the credibility of noble remaining free of selection. A number of host factors associated with lower selection to higher selection and better control on conflict multiplication have been reported. However, the correlates of protection from encroachment have eluded the scientific community. This has been a significant barrier in developing effective award to protect against infection. On the contrary, a spectacular success has been achieved in the field of noble award treatment."

2. An odd list of keywords
  • Power politics;
  • Protection;
  • Encroachment;
  • Infection;
  • Realizable assets;
  • Physiological;
  • Stockholm;
  • Instrumentation
3. An incoherent 'Summary and Conclusion'

"The findings revealed high awareness of noble [sic] is high, its causes, impacts, methods of financing; and prevention. It has seen most award has abusing. The attitude towards it is mixed."

4. A splattering of self-citations

Hajare omits the three references in Ayode's article, and replaces them with a raft of references to his own articles on a wide range of topics.

Part of Hajare's reference list for the article about the Nobel prize.

So, it looks as if Hajare has just taken the published text of Ayode's article, which – even if not exactly written in academic language – offered a coherent argument and (deliberately?) spoilt it by topping and tailing it with some nonsense text. If the editors of Advances in Biotechnology & Microbiology did not do plagiarism checks to look for previously published work, then Hajare had (as usual, see Part 1) offered plenty of clues that something was off here. Yet, even the addition of gibberish did not present re-publication.

Perhaps Hajare thinks that as he has done his best to prevent anyone taking his work seriously, it does not matter that he is using other people's work as the basis for some of his hoax articles. Yet, he is still using work without acknowledgement, and passing it off as his own writing. That is usually considered a serious academic offence.


It looks like Hajare lifted Ayode's complete article for his editorial.

But, of course, that is assuming that Rahul Hajare from India and Seun Ayoade from Nigeria are real people, and also that they are not actually the same person.

That may seem an odd point to make. But as I was writing this article, I thought that the name Seun Ayoad looked somewhat familiar.

In Part 1 of this article, I pointed out that I become intrigued about (if not for a while obsessed with) Hajare's output after having reason to check out the journal Petroleum and Chemical Industry International. I had quickly found in looking at this journal two articles which seemed to have nothing to do with the supposed scope of the journal.

One of these was Hajare's "An attempt to Characterize Street Pharmaceutical Teachers Abusing Drugs and Aspect of Allergy Among Adult Men Attending Long Distance Institutions in Pune, India".

The other was "Was glass the classical currency of the yoruba?". That was written by one…Seun Ayoade. Is it a coincidence that I've found these two names associated again?

Perhaps it is just that.

Ayoade's (and so therefore Hajare's) diatribe against the Nobel prize choices included a slightly odd aside:

"By the way the "scientists" of the Nobel prize committee are among the many "scientists" that continue to deny the existence of the microzymas. No surprise there."


Actually, virtually all current mainstream biologists and medical scientists today "deny the existence of the microzymas" as other entities are considered to better explain the phenomena that microzymas were introduced to explain. 3

Just as Hajare has his own themes that recur in his work (see Part 1 for examples), Ayoade has written a number of pieces on microzymas – promoting microzymas as the future of medicine, and as possible candidates for the universe's 'missing' mass.

So, I do not think Hajare and Ayoade are the same person. Just as well for the predatory journals, as even with Hajare's flow of incoherent and obscure pieces rehashing his preferred themes, his output is never going to be sufficient to support all those predatory journals prepared to publish anything submitted to them regardless of the level of scholarly merit.

Work cited:

1 Cutting and pasting has its place. When studying a new topic it may be very useful to cut and paste sections from key sources as a first stage in compiling ideas on the topic. However, this is an initial stage in a process of moving from the sources to a personal take on a topic (perhaps a conceptual framework to inform a research study). One moves from a large number of discrete segments of other people's scholarship to a coherent personal account presented in a single voice. This is somewhat akin to the analytical process in grounded theory work which moves from the discrete data through increasing stages of generalisation and abstraction towards a 'grounded theory'.

2 In the Medieval period it was quite normal for people to copy out the texts of others – before printing the only way books were copied was by hand. Monks famously made copies of texts – but intellectuals also sometimes copied texts that they wanted to have their own copy of. Downloading the pdf simply was not an option. Copying a book is a big job – so often people would compile their own books by just copying selected material of particular interest from other texts, rather than complete books. Sadly for historians, even though a lot of this material is still extant, there was no widely accepted scholarly standard about acknowledging authors: so, manuscripts do not always report the source being copied and who the original author was. For that matter, manuscripts do not always report who actually did the copying. Where there are names these sometimes report ownership which may not reflect the original author or the scribe.

3 Microzymas were hypothetical, non-destructible units that were conjectured to make up living things and other matter. The theory fell into disuse when cell theory was found to offer a better basis for understanding the structure of complex organisms, and germ theory was found to better explain infectious diseases.

Not a leading international journal…

…of chemistry education…or even a journal of chemistry education

Keith S. Taber

One of these images shows a leading international research journal of chemistry education with academic quality standards and high production values. And the other…is not (any of these things).

I had received one of those unsolicited invitations to publish in the journal: "Write for Us". An editorial assistant wrote to tell me that

"I would appreciate receiving your submission on or before 10th November 2021"

email 'Write for Us – Journal of Chemistry: Education, Research and Practice' recieved on 22nd October

Publish in haste – retract at leisure?

Such requests to submit something, and quickly, but which are not associated with any special or themed issue, tempt me to write back and ask "why [would you so appreciate receiving my submission on or before 10th November 2021]?" Anyone who is a serious scholar or researcher will know both that producing an academic study takes a good deal of time and that decent journals have a rolling programme of submissions, peer review, and publication. So, it should not make any difference to the outcomes of a submission, or the approximate time from submission to publication, if one submitted on 10th November, or the 11th, or any other date when one had a manuscript ready. 1

So, these deadlines are really about marketing. Sometimes, some of these new journals which are struggling to establish themselves (and it is very easy for a publisher to start a journal these days, but very difficult to attract quality work – or well-qualified reviewers – given the extensive number of existing outlets), will offer reduced, or even set aside, publication fees for submissions received by a certain date to attract work, in order to help them start to build up a body of published studies which can convince other authors they have a viable and sustainable journal.

Here, however, if there was any particular motivation for me to respond by the implied deadline of 10th November, this was not shared.

Another journal of chemistry education research and practice?

I recall contacting the so-called Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice before it even started publishing, when I was editor of a well-established and well-regarded journal with a very similar name: 'Chemistry Education Research and Practice' (CERP, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry).

A genuinely leading international journal – and a journal pretending to be one

I suggested that the proposed name risked the two journals being confused. I discussed this in an editorial:

"In October a colleague and former Board member of this journal was invited by the founding editor of the Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice to join that new journal's editorial board. The journal name seemed very close to Chemistry Education Research and Practice, and I wrote to suggest they should avoid confusion by changing the name before they actually started publishing.

The editor replied to acknowledge that "we can understand your doubts" – and asked me to let them know if I wanted to be on the Board.

I wrote back to suggest again that they should modify the name to "allow the academic community to see your new journal as a genuine attempt to add to the range of scholarly publications in the field, rather than simply employing a cheap trick to mislead authors".

Taber, 2018, p.11

In view of the lack of concern about the similarity of name at the soon to be launched journal, I now suspect this similarity was likely deliberate – to conflate a top journal that did not charge publication fees with an unproven outlet that asks for a hefty fee.

A false claim (i.e., lie)

In any case, the journal website made it clear the journal was not actually specifically about chemistry education research and practice but was a general chemistry journal. The journal describes itself as:

"Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice is a leading International Journal for the publication of high quality articles…It welcomes publication of scientific research papers in the fields of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry, Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry, Organic and Biological Chemistry, Applied and Materials Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Chemical physics, Biological, Medicinal, Environmental chemistry, Biochemistry, Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Materials science, Nuclear chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry, Stereochemistry and Clinical chemistry"

Website of OPAST Group LLC, publisher of the dodgy journal

It is certainly not a 'leading International Journal' even if it genuinely aspires to be one. So, that is simply a false claim. Perhaps a reader might wonder if this is just my opinion – but the journal was making such a claim before it had begun publishing when there could be absolutely no basis for the lie.

"I wrote back pointing out that the statement on their website that the 'Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice is a leading International Journal for the publication of high quality articles' had to be seen as a deliberately misleading claim given that the journal had not yet published a single article."

Taber, 2018, p.11

Who would want their scientific work published in an outlet which has such limited respect for truth? Is this meant to persuade researchers in the field – "it must be a leading journal, even though my colleagues in the field have never heard of it, because it says so there on the website". Or, are potential authors being invited to join in the conceit, perhaps, once having published in the journal, noting in their applications for scholarships, posts, promotions and so forth, that their work was published in one of the leading international journals?

A broad scope

The scope of the journal is clearly not just 'Chemistry: Education Research and Practice' if that is read to mean that it covers educational research and practice in chemistry. Perhaps they meant something more like – chemistry: education; research; and practice?

Indeed, chemistry education does not appear in the list above, although it does feature as one of a good many 'subject categories':

Analytical chemistry – Applied Chemistry – Biochemistry – Biological Chemistry – Chemical Biology – Chemical Sciences – Chemistry Education – Cryochemistry – Electrochemistry – Environmental Chemistry – Geochemistry – Green Chemistry – Histochemistry – Immunohistochemistry – Industrial Chemistry – Inorganic Chemistry – Material Chemistry – Medicinal Chemistry – Multi-disciplinary Chemistry – Nanochemistry – Nuclear Chemistry – Organic Chemistry – Petro Chemicals – Pharmaceutical chemistry – Photochemistry – Physical Chemistry – Phytochemicals – Polymer Chemistry – Supramolecular Chemistry – Theoretical Chemistry

So that's pretty much 'chemistry' – with education research as very much one theme among many.

Parasitic, predatory, journals

To my eye, then, the so-called 'Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice' looks like one of those many new journals that has been set up by people who do not really know about the relevant field, and who seek to charge authors for publishing their work without any substantive concern for scientific quality or scholarly values.

That is, the business model is about attracting enough submissions to make a profit. (Which is not in itself wicked, of course, as long as profit is made by offering an honest and competent service.) That requires publishing a lot of papers. That could be seen as motivation to have a very light touch editorial and peer review policy – after all, if submitted work is rejected or authors are asked to make major revisions this will reduce, and slow, the flow of funds into the publisher.

Respected academic journals, even when published by commercial publishing houses, have high quality criteria (rejecting much work, requiring substantial revisions before publication for most that are accepted), and know their reputations depend upon the field evaluating the work that is published as being (at least generally) of high quality.

Leading journals publish significant, original articles: other respectable journals may have to settle for well-motivated, well-designed, carefully executed and thoroughly reported work that adds incrementally to a field (even if not in a seminal way).

Some of the new journals being launched to publish for a fee are not only not yet 'leading' in their fields, but are not even worthy of respect. They provide a means of publication regardless of academic quality. They accept work which authors should (and perhaps later will) be embarrassed about and they do not offer the rigorous review process that helps authors appreciate weaknesses in their work and improve it.2 They are not contributing to a field, but parasitic on it.

That is a pattern I see quite a lot these days.

A prejudiced view?

However, it is unfair to prejudge the journal without looking to see if what it is publishing is actually quality work.

I looked at the most recent issue of Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice, and saw it contained five papers – only one of which seemed to have anything to do with education – Chemistry Laboratory Safety Signs Awareness Among Undergraduate Students in Rivers State.

I decided to take look at the paper to see if I thought this article might indeed be of 'publishable quality' by one of the journals taken seriously in the field. Of course, all editors have bad days, and it would be wrong to scrutinse one education paper among many, and use that to characterise the general standard of work in a journal. So, I also looked back at previous issues, but found only a handful of other articles that seemed to be located in the field of education:

I also noticed a couple of articles on general chemical themes which looked like they might be of wider interest (and accessible to a non-specialist like myself).

So, I decided to take a quick look at these seven articles. I was aware I approached these studies with an existing bias based on the rather 'un-scholarly' and dishonest way in which this journal went about the business of attracting submissions. But I was also aware that even if a journal does not have careful procedures and proper editorial processes, this does not mean that it might not sometimes attract excellent work. I am only going to make brief comments here on most of these articles, but I have included links to more detailed discussions of them.

An invalid research instrument

The most noteworthy thing about the study 'Chemistry Laboratory Safety Signs Awareness Among Undergraduate Students in Rivers State' was that it used a data collection instrument which was invalid. The authors seemed to want to know if students would reognise the hazards signified by different laboratory signs, but provided a test instrument which told respondents the answer to this question as each sign was labelled with its meaning. The authors tested instead – inadvertently it seemed – whether students knew the hazards associated with a range of laboratory reagents.

(Read about 'Laboratory safety – not on the face of it')

A surprising research hypothesis

The article 'Students' Perception of Chemistry Teachers' Characteristics of Interest, Attitude and Subject Mastery in the Teaching of Chemistry in Senior Secondary Schools' reports a study using a questionnaire to study student perceptions of their chemistry teachers. The population of students sampled was reported to be "four hundred and ten (431)" but also "six hundred and thirty" students.

The study tested a hypothesis that there would not be a gender difference in student perceptions, and, indeed, found no statistically significant difference. (I suspected that I would not be visited by a fire inspector as I read his paper, and this also proved to be correct.) But then, no rationale have been given for thinking there was any reason to consider gender might be a factor – leaving a reader wondering what had motivated the test.

(Read about 'Not motivating a research hypothesis')

Out of scope and incomplete

The study 'An overview of the first year Undergraduate Medical Students Feedback on the Point of Care Ultrasound Curriculum' was very short, and did not fit in the scope of journal as it was not about chemistry/chemistry education but medical education. The paper was incomplete in several senses – it did not have a full methodology section, and indeed did not seem to actually have any meaningful data analysis. It was also incomplete as it referred readers to figures which were not there: something that the author, the editor, and any peer reviewers who might have been invited to evaluate the work, seem to have all missed.

Indeed the article, which the journal bizarrely considered a review article (it was not), seemed to be the text of a conference poster which had been presented under a somewhat different authorship at different conferences. To see something so thin and insubstantial published in a supposed research journal is quite surprising.

(Read about 'The mystery of the disappearing authors')

A speculative proposal

The study 'Raman Spectroscopy: A Proposal for Didactic Innovation (IKD Model) In the Experimental Science Subject of the 3rd Year of the Primary Education Degree' does not report any empirical work, but just a proposal for a teaching sequence for including in undergraduate primary teacher education. It is suggested that these future primary teachers should prepare crystals from supersaturated solutions, and examine the different crystal shapes from different salts, and then run Raman spectra of them.

This activity is claimed to have a wide range of benefits at the levels of the undergraduates, their future teaching, and society more widely, but no evidence is presented for any of the claims. It seems to be suggested that these students will later want to use Raman spectroscopy in their primary school teaching. This is rather ambitious, and serious research journals would be unlikely to publish such a speculative proposal without any evaluation of the idea being put into practice.

(Read about 'Spectroscopy for primary school teachers?')

Comparing two (allegedly) below average schools

The article 'Assessment of Chemistry Laboratory Equipment Availability and Practice: A Comparative Study Between Damot and Jiga Secondary Schools' uses a rather dubious questionnaire to survey chemistry teachers and students in two schools (supposedly chosen as they have different approaches to chemistry lab. work, although nothing more is offered about what these approaches are) about their perceptions of aspects of chemistry practical work. The authors conclude that both schools have very low levels of both lab equipment and laboratory practice – although this seems to be based on an entirely arbitrary guess about what should be considered an average level.

The authors seem to want their study to be considered as comparative education, seemingly on the basis that they compare chemistry practical work in two neighbouring schools. There are problems with both the data collection and analysis aspects of the study.

(Read about 'Assessing Chemistry Laboratory Equipment Availability and Practice')

A fundamental challenge to chemistry

The article 'Nature of Chemical Elements' makes claims that are potentially of great interest to chemists and chemistry teachers everywhere: that there are errors in the periodic table as chemists have got the atomic numbers wrong for many of the chemical elements; a new model of nuclear structure explains the proton:neutron ratio in different atoms; and there are new elements to be discovered to fit the gaps that had not been noticed in the periodic table.

These are pretty major claims (were they to be substantiated, probably several Nobel prizes' worth!), and any respectable research journal would engage in very careful peer review before publishing such claims. However, the journal managed to complete editorial and peer review processes in four days, apparently not spotting or being concerned about a range of conceptual issues that I felt needed correction or clarification. Like most of the articles examined, the published study contains various sloppy errors which should have been questioned or corrected by the journal's production department.

(Read 'Move over Mendeleev, here comes the new Mendel')

An author embarrasses himself

I found 'The Chemistry of Indigenous Peoples' most disappointing as it was very brief and yet incoherent in places. It made the illogical claim that the survival of the way of life of indigenous people that live in the rainforest depends upon deforestation! There seemed to be odd errors and discontinuities (that seemingly had not been spotted by the editor or any peer reviewers asked to evaluate the work). After a while, I found the cause of this: a combination of poor translations and plagiarism.

Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work as your own. This paper in 'Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice' that is supposed to be by one author, is actually a patchwork of paragraphs copied from three other published works by others.

This was the most disappointing read of the sample. I felt most of the studies at least represented honest attempts to contribute to the research literature even if all seemed to suffer from limited significance (although the article which wanted to overturn a good deal of canonical physics and chemistry was at least potentially significant), most raised unexplored issues of generalisation, and most included conceptual, logical and/or methodological weaknesses as well as language/typographical errors. However, stealing other people's scholarship, and presenting it as your own work is not just poor scholarship but academic malpractice.

(Read 'Can deforestation stop indigenous groups starving?')

This incoherent montage of other people's scholarship was also submitted to another journal two days before it was submitted to the 'Journal of Chemistry: Education, Research and Practice': it is also published in an outlet called 'Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences'.

(Read about 'A failure of peer review')

Poor quality work

In summary, from the papers I looked at, that is those in the journal that I felt most qualified to evaluate, the work in Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice is not of 'publishable quality'. Some of the articles might be useful starting points for a publication, and may have been suitable for improvement and development through the peer review process. However, if there was any meaningful peer review of some of these papers, it was clearly not by anyone who was both qualified to, and prepared to, carefully evaluate the manuscripts.

This lets down the community as poor quality work appears in the literature. This journal also lets down the authors as they should expect their work to be challenged and so improved, through rigorous peer review – which clearly has not operated here. The exception is the author who simply translated and pasted segments of other people's work into an incoherent composite. That is not a matter of needing editorial support, but simply of learning that it is wrong to steal. That author let themselves down.

Work cited:

Taber, K. S. (2018). The end of academic standards? A lament on the erosion of scholarly values in the post-truth worldChemistry Education Research and Practice, 19(1), 9-14. doi:10.1039/C7RP90012K


1 Of course, there is the matter of claiming priority by publishing first. In the mythology of science this is very important – though in practice this is seldom as critical as the myth suggests. In science education someone would have to be incredibly unlucky to miss winning a major award or getting that dream job because they published a week or two after a colleague made substantially the same claim – I doubt this has ever occurred.

2 Peer review (psychologically, at least) can seem to be a bit like an irregular verb, in that my work does not really need peer review, but yours will benefit from it; the requests I get to change my submitted manuscripts are misguided, unhelpful or petty, but the recommendations I make about improving other people's work are appropriate, necessary and insightful.

A failure of peer review

A copy of a copy – or plagiarism taken to the extreme

The journal 'Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences' is a research journal which describes itself as

"a scientific, multidisciplinary journal with 1.020 Impact factor, that strongly desires to disseminate knowledge in the field of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology"

The journal has been publishing since 2017 – one of a great number of new scientific journals competing for researchers' work. As well as the quite decent impact factor for such a new journal it also claims two other metrics – a 32% acceptance rate and period from acceptance to publication of 20-30 days.

Impact factor

The usual (that is, accepted, canonical) way of measuring impact factors is in terms of the average number of times articles in a journal are cited in other articles. Usually it is calculated over a set period (say within 5 years of publication) and based only on citations in articles in a database of journals that are considered to meet quality criteria. Some journal articles may never get cited, whilst others are cited a great deal, and the impact factor reflects an average for a journal.

However, I am wary of claims of impact factors unless I see how they are derived, as I have seen journals claiming 'impact factors' that are based on a completely different set of criteria – a bit like claiming the room temperature is 300K because the display of a chemical balance indicated '300'. (See 'Publish at speed, recant at leisure'.)

The timescale of review and publication

In the past some journals took months, even years to publish a submitted manuscript. Clearly for an author the quicker the time from submission to publication the better – at least all things being equal. They are not always equal however.

It is usually considered better to publish in a recognised high status journal where work is likely to get more attention from others working in a field, and where the publication brings more prestige to the authors and their institutions. So, an author may well feel that slow publication in a 'good' journal is preferable to quicker publication in a nondescript one.

However, time from acceptance to publication is perhaps not the most useful metric to guide authors. By the time I stepped down from editing the Royal Society of Chemistry's education journal, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, it was often publishing an advanced version of an accepted article on the day I accepted it (and the final version of record within about a week or so). Yet that ignores the time a submission spends in review.

That is the time it takes for an editor to

  • screen the submission (make sure it is within the scope of the journal and includes sufficient detail for a careful evaluation),
  • identify and invite expert reviewers,
  • receive back their reports,
  • consider these and reach a decision
  • ask authors to make any revisions seen necessary
  • receive back a corrected/revised submission
  • decide whether this seems to meet the changes needed
  • and whether the revised revisions also needs to go back to reviewers

Sometimes this process can be quick – sometimes it may be drawn out with a number of cycles of revision before authors satisfy reviewers/editors and a manuscript is accepted. Expert reviewers who are highly respected in their fields are often very busy and get many request to review.

So, average time from submission to acceptance would seem to be a key metric both because it may help authors avoid journals where editors and reviewers are very slow to turn around work, and because if this period is very short then it may bring into question whether there is rigorous review.

Acceptance rate

In this regard, the journal's claimed acceptance rate, 32% looks healthy. Two thirds of material submitted to the journal is (by deduction) rejected as not suitable for publication. Assuming this figure is accurate, this does suggests that peer review is taken seriously. (One likes to trust in the honesty of others, but sadly there are many predatory journals not above being dishonest, as I have discussed in a range of postings.)

Peer review

The publisher's site certainly suggests that the publisher recognises the importance of careful peer review undertaken by "eminent reviewers", with guidance for reviewers.

"Acta Scientifica believes that, thorough peer review process is a critical factor to yield immense quality literature to be published in the journal."

Among the points made here, potential reviewers are guided that

"The study should possess novelty and should present the results of original research. It is required that the reported results are not published elsewhere."

The benefits of peer review are said to be

  •  "The author receives detailed and constructive feedback from experts in the field.
  •  The process can alert authors to errors or gaps in literature they may have overlooked.
  •  It can assist with making the paper more applicable to the journal readership.
  •  It may enable a discussion (between the author, reviewers, and editor) around a research field or topic.
  •  Readers can be assured that the research they are reading has been verified by subject experts." (

The peer review process is said to assure

  • "Submitted article is original work which has not been previously published nor is under consideration by another journal, in part or whole;
  • The article meets all applicable standards of ethics;
  • The paper is relevant to the journal's aims, scope, and readership;
  • A submitted article presents original research findings;
  • A submitted article offers a comprehensive critical review and evaluation of key literature sources for a given topic; and
  • The article is methodologically and technically sound"(

The publisher offers a flow chart showing the stages of the editorial and review process. The publisher also explains the advantages of the double blind peer review process (the reviewers are not told who wrote the submission, and the author is not told who reviewed their work) they operate in order to ensure "evaluation of work in the manuscripts by peers who have an expertise in the relevant field."

Checking for plagiarism

The flow chart shows that before submission are sent for review there is a screening to ensure that at least 80% of the manuscript is 'unique content' – that is, that material has not just been copied from the author's previous publications – or even someone else's

All of this seems encouraging. The impression is that Acta Scientific are genuine in their aspiration to publish quality work, and to use a rigorous peer review process to ensure this quality. This is despite the reason why I came TO be looking into their processes.

Which came first…

I recently posted in this blog about a short article in the Journal of Chemistry: Education and Research (not to be confused with the journal Chemistry Education Research and Practice) that I found to be incoherent and filled with mistakes.

When I was evaluating that article I came across another article with the same title, by the same author, in Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences. It soon became clear that these were (this was?) the same short article, published in both journals. Both articles have the same muddled language and the same errors (running words together and the like – for more details see 'Can deforestation stop indigenous groups starving?')

The chronology seems to be:

  • 14th May 2019 – da Silva submits to Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • 16th May 2019 – da Silva sends the same manuscript to Journal of Chemistry: Education and Research
    20th May 2019 – Journal of Chemistry: Education and Research accepts the article for publication (4 days after submission!)
    28th May 2019 – Journal of Chemistry: Education and Research publishes the article
    7th June 2019 – Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences publishes paper
    Was da Silva frustrated with not getting his article accepted within two days of first submission? (An acceptance date for Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences is not given)

    So, the article was submitted first to Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences, but had already been published in Journal of Chemistry: Education and Research by the time it was published in Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences. Given that authors are not supposed to publish the same material in several journals, this might raise the interesting question of which journal should require the work to be retracted, and which should allow it to stand.

    A copy of a copy

    However this would be a rather pointless question, as neither of the articles can claim to be original. As I discuss in 'Can deforestation stop indigenous groups starving?', virtually the entire text is simply lifted from three prior, unacknowledged publications written by other authors – odd paragraphs have been taken from parts of more detailed papers on the topic and simply collated (in a somewhat incoherent manner) into da Silva's manuscript. Any reputable journal that spotted this would require retraction because the work is not original but is plagiarised – it is the intellectual property of other scholars.

    Why was this not spotted?

    Although the opening of the article is simply copied word for word from the abstract of a published work (which is likely to be spotted by the tool used to screen to check for 'unique content') the rest of the material (that is, more than the critical 80%) is translated from texts which are in Portuguese.

    When an expert translator produces a new version of a work in a different language, and this is done with permission, the translator is entitled to credit and the translation is considered to be a work (albeit a derivative work) in its own right. Good translations are more than mechanical substitutions, and skillful translators are much appreciated.

    However, here we have works translated, without expertise (the English is full of mistakes), presumably without permission and certainly without attribution to the original authors. The software will not have recognised the translated text as not being 'unique content'.

    However, the process of peer review is supposed to evaluate the quality of the work, and identify areas for improvement. It is difficult to believe anyone who read this very short article carefully (for either journal) could have thought it was making a coherent argument, or that it did not at least need restructuring, clarifications and corrections.

    "We ensure that all the articles published in Acta Scientific undergo integrated peer review by peers and consequent revision by authors when required."

    So, despite Acta Scientific's efforts to claim careful peer review processes, and what seems a genuine aspiration to ensure article originality and quality through peer review by those with expertise in the field, somehow the journal published the copy-and-paste job that is 'The Chemistry of Indigenous Peoples'.

    Of course, for peer review to work, those asked to review have to take the role seriously.

    "Acta Scientific trusts the genuine peer review process that the reviewers carry out so that it helps us to publish the content with good essence."

    I would like to believe that Acta Scientific's fine claims about peer review ARE sincere, and perhaps in this case it was just that their trust was betrayed by sloppy reviewers.

    Work cited:
    • da Silva, M. A. l. G. (2019). The Chemistry of Indigenous Peoples. Acta Scientific Phamaceutical Sciences, 3 (7), 20-21.
    • da Silva, M. A. G. (2019) The Chemistry of Indigenous Peoples. Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice, 3 (1), 1-2

    Can deforestation stop indigenous groups starving?

    One should be careful with translation when plagiarising published texts

    Keith S. Taber

    The mastering of the art of deforestation is what enables the inhabitants of the Amazon not to die of hunger.

    Marcos Aurélio Gomes da Silva, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil

    I have been reading some papers in a journal that I believed, on the basis of its misleading title and website details, was an example of a poor-quality 'predatory' journal. That is, a journal which encourages submissions simply to be able to charge a publication fee, without doing the proper job of editorial scrutiny. I wanted to test this initial evaluation by looking at the quality of some of the work published.

    One of the papers I decided to read, partly because the topic looked of particular interest, was 'The Chemistry of Indigenous Peoples'.

    Image by 139904 from Pixabay 

    It is important to learn and teach about the science of indigenous populations

    Indigenous science is a very important topic for science education. In part this is because of the bias in many textbook accounts of science. There are examples of European scientists being seen as discovers of organisms, processes and so on, that had been long known by indigenous peoples. It is not even that the European's re-discovered them as much as that they were informed by people who were not seen to count as serious epistemic agents. Species were often named after the person who could afford to employ collectors (often paid a pittance) to go and find specimens. This is like a more serious case of the PhD supervisor claiming the student's work as the student worked for them!

    Indigenous cultures often encompass knowledge and technologies that have worked effectively, and sustainable, for millennia but which do not count as proper science because they are not framed in terms of the accepted processes of science (being passed on orally and by example, rather than being reported in Nature or Science). Of course the situation is more nuanced that that – often indigenous cultures do not (need to) make the discriminations between science, technology, myth, ritual, art, and so forth that have allowed 'modern' science to be established as a distinct tradition and set of practices.

    But science education that ignores indigenous contributions to formal science and seems to dismiss cultural traditions and ecological knowledge offers both a distorted account of science's history, and an inherent message about differential cultural worth to children.

    That is a rather brief introduction to a massive topic, but perhaps indicates why I was keen to look at the paper in the so-called 'Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice' on 'The Chemistry of Indigenous Peoples' (da Silva, 2019)

    Sloppy production values

    "The Chemistry of Indigenous Peoples" had moved from submission to acceptance in 4 days, and had been published just over a week later.

    Not a lot of time for a careful peer review process

    This 'opinion article' was barely more than one page (I wondered if perhaps the journal charges authors by the word – but it seems to charge authors $999 per article), and was a mess. For example, consider the two paragraphs reproduced below: the first starts in lower case, and ends with the unexplained 'sentence', "art of dewatering: cassava"; and the second is announced as being about development (well, 'devel- opment' actually) which seems to be considered the opposite of fermentation, but then moves straight to 'deworming' which is said to be needed due to the toxic nature of some plants, and ends up explaining that deforestation is essential for the survival of indigenous people (rather contrary to the widespread view that deforestation is destroying their traditional home and culture).

    The closing three paragraphs of the article left me very confused:

    "In this sense, we  [sic – this is a single authored paper] will examine the example of the cassava root in more detail so that we can then briefly refer to other products and processes. The last section will address some of the political implications of our perspective.

    In Brazil, manioc (Manihot esculenta) is known under different names in several regions. In the south of the country, it is also called "aipim", in central Brazil, "maniva", "manaíba", "uaipi", and in the north, "macaxeira" or "carim".

    In this essay, we intend to show that, to a certain extent, companies,
    a process of invention of the Indian Indians of South America, and
    still are considerable, as businesses, until today, millions of people and institutions benefit in the Western world. We seek to provide information from a few examples regarding chemical practices and biochemical procedures for the transformation of substances that
    are unknown in Europe."

    da Silva, 2019, p.2

    My first reading of that last paragraph made me wonder if this was just the introduction to a much longer essay that had been truncated. But then I suspected it seemed to be meant as a kind of conclusion. If so, the promised brief references to 'other products and processes' seem to have been omitted after the listing of alternative names in the paragraph about manioc (cassava), whilst the 'political implications' seemed to refer to the garbled final paragraph ("…to a certain extent, companies, a process of invention of the Indian Indians of South America, and still are considerable, as businesses…").

    I suspected that the author, based in Brazil, probably did not have English as a first language, perhaps explaining the odd phrasing and incoherent prose. But this paper is published in a (supposed) research journal which should mean that the submission was read by an editor, and then evaluated by peer reviewers, and only published once the editor was convinced it met quality standards. Instead it is a short, garbled, and in places incoherent, essay.


    But there is worse.

    da Silva's article, with the identifed sources (none of which are acknowledged) highlighted. (The paper is published with a licence that allows reproduction.)

    I found a paper in the Portuguese language journal Química Nova called 'A química dos povos indígenas da América do Sul (The chemistry of indigenous people of Southamerica)' (Soentgen &  Hilbert, 2016).  This seems to be on a very similar topic to the short article I had been trying to make sense of – but it is a much more extensive paper. The abstract is in English, and seems to be the same as the opening of da Silva's 2019 paper (see the Table below).

    That is plagiarism – intellectual theft. Da Silva does not even cite the 2016 paper as a source.

    I do not read Portuguese, and I know that Google Translate is unlikely to capture the nuances of a scholarly paper. But it is a pretty good tool for getting a basic idea of what a text is about. The start of the 2016 paper seemed quite similar to the close of da Silva's 2019 article, except for the final sentence – which seems very similar to a sentence found elsewhere in the 'New Chemistry' article.

    This same paper seemed to be the source of the odd claims about "deworming" and the desirability of deforestation in da Silva's 2019 piece. The reference to the "opposite process" (there, poisoning) makes sense in the context of the 2016 paper, as there it follows from a discussion of the use of curare in modern medicine – something borrowed from the indigenous peoples of the Amazon.

    In da Silva's article the 'opposite process' becomes 'development', and this now follows a discussion of fermentation- which makes little sense. The substitution of 'deworming' and 'deforestation' as alternatives for 'poisoning' ('desenvenenamento') convert the original text into something quite surreal.

    So, in the same short passage:

    • desenvenenamento (poisoning) becomes development (desenvolvimento)
    • desenvenenamento (poisoning) becomes deworming (vermifugação – or deparasitamento)
    • desenvenenamento (poisoning) becomes deforestation (desmatamento)

    I also spotted other 'similarities' between passages in da Silva's 2019 article and the earlier publication (see the figure above and table below). However, it did not seem that da Silva had copied all of his article from Soentgena and Hilbert.

    Rather I found another publication by Pinto (possibly from 2008) which seemed to be the source of other parts of da Silva's 2019 paper. This article is published on the web, but does not seem to be a formal publication (in an academic journal or similar outlet), but rather material prepared to support a taught course. However, I found the same text incorporated in a later extensive journal review article co-written by Pinto (Almeida, Martinez & Pinto, 2017).

    This still left a section of da Silva's 2019 paper which did not seem to orignate in these two sources. I found a third Portuguese language source (Cardoso, Lobo-santos, Coelho, Ayres & Martins, 2017) which seemed to have been plagiarised as the basis of this remaining section of the article.

    As this point I had found three published sources, predating da Silva's 2019 work, which – when allowing for some variation in translation into English – seemed to be the basis of effectively the whole of da Silva's article (see the table and figure).

    Actually, I also found another publication which was even closer to, indeed virtually identical to, da Silva's article in the Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice. It seems that not content with submitting the plagiarised material as an 'opinion article' there, da Silva had also sent the same text as a 'short communication' to a completely different journal.

    (Read 'A failure of peer review: A copy of a copy – or plagiarism taken to the extreme')

    Incredible coincidence? Sloppy cheating? Or a failed attempt to scam the scammers?

    Although da Silva cited six references in his paper, these did not include Cardoso et al. (2017), Pinto (2008)/Almeida et al. (2017) or Soentgena & Hilbert (2016). Of course there is a theoretical possibility that the similarities I found were coincidences, and the odd errors were not translation issues but just mistakes by da Silva. (Mistakes that no one at the journal seems to have spotted.) It would be a very unlikely possibility. So unlikely that such an explanation seems 'beyond belief'.

    It seems that little, if anything, of da Silva's text was his own, and that his attempt to publish an article based on cutting sections from other people's work and compiling them (without any apparent logical ordering) into a new peice might have fared better if he too had taken advantage of Google Translate (which had done a pretty good job of helping me identify the Portuguese sources which da Silva seemed to have been 'borrowed' for his English language article). In cutting and pasting odd paragraphs from different sources da Silva had lost the coherence of the original works leading to odd juxtapositions and strangely incomplete sections of text. None of this seems to have been noticed by the journal editor or peer reviewers.

    Or, perhaps, I am doing da Silva an injustice.

    Perhaps he too was suspicious of the quality standards at this journal, and did a quick 'cut and paste' article, introducing some obvious sloppy errors (surely translating the same word,'desenvenenamento', incorrectly in three different ways in the same paragraph was meant as some kind of clue), just to see how rigorous the editing, peer review and production standards are?

    Given that the article was accepted and published in less than a fortnight, perhaps the plan backfired and poor da Silva found he had a rather unfortunate publication to his name before he had a chance to withdraw the paper. Unfortunate? If only because this level of plagiarism would surely be a sacking offence in most academic institutions.

    Previously published materialEnglish translation (Google Translate)The Chemistry of Indigenous Peoples (2019)
    Marcos Aurélio Gomes da Silva
    The contribution of non-European cultures to science and technology, primarily to chemistry, has gained very little attentions until now.[Original was in English]The contribution of non-European cultures to science and technology, primarily to chemistry, has gained very little attentions until now.
    Especially the high technological intelligence and inventiveness of South American native populations shall be put into a different light by our contribution.Especially, the high technological intelligence and inventiveness of South American native populations shall be put into a different light by our contribution.
    The purpose of this essay is to show that mainly in the area of chemical practices the indigenous competence was considerable and has led to inventions profitable nowadays to millions of people in the western world and especially to the pharmacy corporations.The purpose of this study was to show that mainly in the area of chemical practices; the indigenous competence was considerable and has led to inventions profitable nowadays to millions of people in the western world and especially to the pharmacy corporations.
    We would like to illustrate this assumption by giving some examples of chemical practices of transformation of substances, mainly those unknown in the Old World.We would like to illustrate this assumption by giving some examples of chemical practices of transformation of substances, mainly those unknown in the old world.
    The indigenous capacity to gain and to transform substances shall be shown here by the manufacture of poisons, such as curare or the extraction of toxic substances of plants, like during the fabrication of manioc flower.The indigenous capacity to gain and to transform substances shall be shown here by the manufacture of poisons, such as curare or the extraction of toxic substances of plants, like during the fabrication of manioc flower.
    We shall mention as well other processes of multi-stage transformations and the discovery and the use of highly effective natural substances by Amazonian native populations, such as, for example, rubber, ichthyotoxic substances or psychoactive drugs.
    We shall mention as well other processes of multi-stage transformations and the discovery and the use of highly effective natural substances by Amazonian native populations, such as, for example, rubber, ichthyotoxic substances or psychoactive drugs.
    Soentgena & Hilbert, 2016: 1141
    A partir disso, os povos indígenas da América do Sul não parecem ter contribuído para a química e a tecnologia moderna.From this, the indigenous peoples of South America do not seem to have contributed to modern chemistry and technology.The indigenous peoples of South America do not seem to have contributed to modern chemistry and technology.
    Em contraponto, existem algumas referências e observações feitas por cronistas e viajantes do período colonial a respeito da transformação, manipulação e uso de substâncias que exigem certo conhecimento químico como,6 por exemplo: as bebidas fermentadas, os corantes (pau-brasil, urucum), e os venenos (curare e timbó).In contrast, there are some references and observations made by chroniclers and travelers from the colonial period about the transformation, manipulation and use of substances that require certain chemical knowledge,6 for example: fermented beverages, dyes (pau-brasil, annatto), and poisons (curare and timbó).
    In contrast, there are some references and observations made by chroniclers and travelers from the colonial period regarding the transformation, manipulation and use of substances that require certain chemical knowledge, such as fermented beverages, dyes (pigeon peas, Urucum), and the poisons (Curare and Timbó).
    Mesmo assim, estas populações acabam sendo identificadas como "selvagens primitivos" que ainda necessitam de amparo da civilização moderna para que possam desenvolver-se.Even so, these populations end up being identified as "primitive savages" who still need the support of modern civilization so that they can develop.Even so, these populations end up being identified as "primitive savages" who still need the support of modern civilization in order for them to develop.
    (Soentgena & Hilbert, 2016: 1141)
    A pintura corporal dos índios brasileiros foi uma das primeiras coisas que chamou a atenção do colonizador português.The body painting of Brazilian Indians was one of the first things that caught the attention of the Portuguese colonizer.  Body painting of the Brazilian Indians was one of the first things that caught the attention of the Portuguese colonizer.  
    Pero Vaz de Caminha, em sua famosa carta ao rei D.
    Manoel I, já falava de uns "pequenos ouriços que os índios traziam nas mãos e da nudeza colorida das índias.
    Pero Vaz de Caminha, in his famous letter to King D. Manoel I, already spoke of "small hedgehogs that the Indians carried in their hands and the colorful nudity of the Indians.Pero Vaz de Caminha, in his famous letter to King D. Manoel I, already talked about little hedgehogs that the Indians carried in their hands.
    Traziam alguns deles ouriços verdes, de árvores, que na cor, quase queriam parecer de castanheiros; apenas que eram mais e mais pequenos.They brought some of them green hedgehogs, from trees, which in color, almost they wanted to look like chestnut trees; only that they were smaller and smaller.They brought some of them green hedgehogs, trees, who in color almost wanted to appear of chestnut trees; just that they were more and more small.
    E os mesmos eram cheios de grãos vermelhos, pequenos, que, esmagados entre os dedos, faziam tintura muito vermelha, da que eles andavam tintos; e quando se mais molhavam mais vermelhos ficavam"And they were full of small, red grains, which, crushed between the fingers, made a very red tincture, from which they were red; and when they got more wet the redder they turned"And the same were filled with red, small [sic], which, crushed between the fingers, made very red dye from the [sic] that they walked red [sic]; and when the more they wet the more red they stayed.
    (Pinto, 2008: pp1.1-2; also Almeida, Martinez & Pinto, 2017)
    Os índios do Alto Xingú pintam a pele do corpo com desenhos de animais, pássaros e peixes.The Indians of Alto Xingu paint the skin of their bodies with drawings of animals, birds and fish.The Indians of Alto Xingú paint thebody [sic] skin with animal drawings, birds and fish.
     Estes desenhos, além de servirem para identificar o grupo social ao qual pertencem, são uma
    maneira de uní-los aos espíritos, aos quais creditam sua felicidade.
    These drawings, in addition to serving to identify the social group to which they belong, are a way to unite them with the spirits, to whom they credit their happiness.These drawings besides serving to identify the social group at thewhich [sic] they belong, are a way of unite them with the spirits, to whom they credit their happiness.
    A tinta usada por esses índios é preparada com sementes de urucu, que se colhe nos meses de maio e junho.The ink used by these Indians is prepared with annatto seeds, which are harvested in May and June.The ink used by these Indians is prepared with urucu seeds , which is collected in the monthsof [sic] May and June.
    As sementes são raladas em peneiras finas e fervidas em água para formar uma pasta.The seeds are grated into fine sieves and boiled in water to form a paste.The seeds are grated in fine [sic] and boiledwater [sic] to form a paste.
    Com esta pasta são feitas bolas que são envolvidas em folhas, e guardadas durante todo o ano para as
    cerimônias de tatuagem.
    This paste is used to make balls that are wrapped in sheets, and kept throughout the year for the
    tattoo ceremonies.
    With this paste balls are made which, involved in sheets, are stored throughout the year for the tattoo ceremonies.
    A tinta extraída do urucu também é usada para tingir os cabelos e na confecção de máscaras faciais.The dye extracted from the annatto is also used to dye hair and make facial masks.The ink extracted from Urucu is also used dyeing hair and making tion [sic] of facial masks.
    (Pinto, 2008: p.4; also Almeida, Martinez & Pinto, 2017)
    O urucu é usado modernamente para colorir manteiga, margarina, queijos, doces e pescado defumado, e o seu corante principal – a bixina – em filtros solares.  
    Annatto is used in modern times to color butter, margarine, cheeses, sweets and smoked fish, and its main coloring – bixin – in sunscreens.Urucu is used coloring page [sic] butter, margarine, cheeses, sweets andsmoked [sic] fish, and its colorant main – bixina – in solar filters.
    (Pinto, 2008: p.4; also Almeida, Martinez & Pinto, 2017)
    Assim, foram identificados possíveis conteúdos de Química que poderiam estar relacionados com a preparação do Tarubá, como misturas, separação de misturas e processos de fermentação.  Thus, possible contents of Chemistry were identified that could be related to the preparation of Tarubá, such as mixtures, separation of mixtures and fermentation processes.  it was possible to identify possible contents of Chemistry that could be related to the preparation of Tarubá, such as mixtures, separation of mixtures and fermentation processes.
    O processo de preparação da bebida feita da mandioca ralada, envolve a separação da mistura entre o sólido da massa da mandioca e o líquido do tucupi, feito através do processo de filtração com o tipiti, instrumento tradicional indígena.The process of preparing a drink made from grated cassava involves separating the mixture between the solid of the cassava mass and the liquid from the tucupi, made through the filtration process with tipiti, a traditional indigenous instrument.The process of preparation of the beverage made from grated cassava involves the separation of the mixture between the solid of the cassava mass and the liquid of the tucupi, made through the filtration process with the tipiti, a traditional Indian instrument.
    A massa é peneirada, assada e colocada em repouso por três dias, quando ocorre o processo de fermentação, em que o açúcar, contido na mandioca, é processado pelos microrganismos e transformado em outras substâncias, como álcool e gases.The dough is sifted, baked and put to rest for three days, when the fermentation process takes place, in which the sugar, contained in the cassava, is processed by microorganisms and transformed into other substances, such as alcohol and gases.The dough is sieved, roasted and put to rest for three days, when the fermentation process occurs, in which the sugar contained in cassava is processed by microorganisms and transformed into other substances such as alcohol and gas.
    Após esse período, se adicionam água e açúcar à massa coada, estando a bebida pronta para ser consumida.After this period, water and sugar are added to the strained mass, and the drink is ready to be consumed.After this period, water and sugar are added to the batter, and the beverage is ready to be consumed.
    (Cardoso, Lobo-santos, Coelho, Ayres, Martins, 2017).
    art of dewatering: cassava
    Agora gostaríamos de voltar a atenção para o processo oposto, o desenvenenamento.  Now we would like to turn our attention to the opposite process, the poisoning.  Now we would like to turn our attention to the opposite process, the devel- opment [sic].  
    Ainda que não exija técnicas tão sofisticadas quanto a produção de substâncias, o desenvenenamento é um proce- dimento fundamental para as pessoas que vivem e queiram sobreviver na floresta tropical amazônica, tendo em vista que muitas plantas de lá produzem veneno em virtude de seu metabolismo secundário.Although it does not require such sophisticated techniques as the production of substances, poisoning is a fundamental procedure for people who live and want to survive in the Amazon rainforest, considering that many plants there produce poison due to their secondary metabolism.Although it does not require techniques as sophisticated as the production of substances, the deworming is a fundamental procedure for the people who live and want to survive in the rainforest Amazon, since many plants of there produce poison by virtue of its secondary metabolism.
    Afinal, a forma que muitas espécies de plantas possuem para evitar a mordida de insetos é a produção de recursos químicos defensivos.After all, the way that many plant species have to avoid insect bites is the production of defensive chemical resources.After all, the way that many plant species have to avoid insect bite is the production of defensive chemical resources.
    Quem quer sobreviver na floresta tropical precisa saber como neu- tralizar ou afastar essas substâncias tóxicas produzidas pelas próprias plantas.Anyone who wants to survive in the rainforest needs to know how to neutralize or remove these toxic substances produced by the plants themselves.Whoever wants to survive in the rainforest needs to know how to neutralize or ward off these toxic substances produced by the plants themselves.
    O domínio da arte do desenvenenamento é o que possibilita os habitantes da Amazônia a não morrerem de fome. Mastering the art of poisoning is what makes it possible for the inhabitants of the Amazon not to starve.The mastering of the art of deforestation is what enables the inhabitants of the Amazon not to die of hunger.
    (Soentgena & Hilbert, 2016: 1145)
    Nesse sentido, examinaremos o exemplo da raiz de mandioca de maneira mais detalhada para então, na sequência, fazermos referência sumária a outros produtos e processos.  In this sense, we will examine the cassava root example in more detail and then, in the sequence, make a brief reference to other products and processes.In this sense, we will examine the example of the cassava root in more detail so that we can then briefly refer to other products and processes.  
    A última seção tratará de algumas implicações políticas de nossa perspectiva.
    The last section will deal with some policy implications from our perspective.The last section will address some of the political implications of our perspective.
    No Brasil, a mandioca (Manihot esculenta) é conhecida sob diversos nomes em diversas regiões.In Brazil, cassava (Manihot esculenta) is known under several names in different regions.In Brazil, manioc (Manihot esculenta) is known under different names in several regions.
    No sul do país, ela também se chama "aipim", no Brasil central, "maniva", "manaíba", "uaipi", e no norte, "macaxeira" ou "carim".In the south of the country, it is also called "casino" [sic], in central Brazil, "maniva", "manaíba", "uaipi", and in the north, "macaxeira" or "carim".In the south of the country, it is also called "aipim", in central Brazil, "maniva", "manaíba", "uaipi", and in the north, "macaxeira" or "carim".
    (Soentgena & Hilbert, 2016: 1145)
    Neste ensaio, pretendemos mostrar que, no que concerne ao conhecimento relativo às práticas químicas, a criatividade e a inteli- gência técnica dos povos indígenas da América do Sul, são compe- tências consideráveis até os dias de hoje.  
    Os povos ameríndios, em especial os da bacia amazônica, desenvolveram práticas que levaram a invenções das quais, até hoje, milhões de pessoas se beneficiam.
    In this essay, we intend to show that, with regard to knowledge related to chemical practices, creativity and technical intelligence of the indigenous peoples of South America are considerable competences to this day.  
    The Amerindian peoples, especially those from the Amazon basin, developed practices that led to inventions from which, to this day, millions of people benefit.
    In this essay, we intend to show that, to a certain extent, companies,
    a process of invention of the Indian Indians of South America, and
    still are considerable, as businesses, until today, millions of people and institutions benefit in the Western world.
    (Soentgena & Hilbert, 2016: 1141)
    Gostaríamos de documentar essas afirmações com alguns exemplos, limitando-nos a apresentar apenas produtos feitos a partir de substâncias que eram inteiramente desconhecidos na Europa.We would like to document these claims with a few examples, limiting ourselves to presenting only products made from substances that were entirely unknown in Europe.We seek to provide information from a few examples regarding chemical practices and biochemical procedures for the transformation of substances that
    are [sic!] unknown in Europe.
    (Soentgena & Hilbert, 2016: 1142)
    Text of da Silva's 2019 article (in its published sequence) is juxtaposed against material that seems to have been used as unacknowledged sources (paragraphs have been broken up to aid comparisons).

    Works cited:
    • Almeida, M. R., Martinez, S. T &  Pinto, A. C.(2017) Química de Produtos Naturais: Plantas que Testemunham Histórias. Revista Virtual de Química, 9 (3), 1117-1153.
    • Cardoso, A.M.C., Lobo-santos, V., Coelho, A.C.S., Ayres, J.L., Martins, M.M.M.(2017) O Processo de preparação da bebida indígena tarubá como tema gerado para o ensino de química. 57th Congresso Brasileiro de Química.
    • da Silva, M. A. G. (2019) The Chemistry of Indigenous Peoples. Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice, 3 (1), pp.1-2
    • Pinto, A. C. (2008) Corantes naturais e culturas indígenas:
    • Soentgena, J. & Hilbert, K. (2016) A química dos povos indígenas da América do Sul. Química Nova, 39 (9), pp.1141-1150

    An unpublished Theory of Everything

    Keith S. Taber

    A TOE? (Image by congerdesign from Pixabay)

    Dear Dr. Prof. Tambara Federico

    Thank you for sending me your manuscript reporting your "revolutionary" paper

    offering your

    "own comprehensive, mass-related physical-mathematical Research Study, proposing new scientific data and formulas [sic] with a view to making it possible to unify the four universal interaction fields…, which as a matter of fact cover all possible physical as well as scientific-mathematical aspects and domains of reality itself…"


    You ask that I (and the others among the "500 SCIENTIFIC ADDRESSEES" to whom you sent the paper) "will kindly agree to publish" your "Research Study in Your worldwide famous scientific Reviews and / or Journals as soon as possible". I assume you have contacted me, inter alia, seeking publication in Chemistry Education Research and Practice?

    I must decline your request, on several grounds.

    Your paper does not seen to be within the scope of the journal. That may seem odd when you propose a TOE (Theory of Everything). I am certainly open to the argument that in principle all academic fields could be reduced to fundamental physics, but not that this is always sensible. So for example in chemistry we have concepts such as acidity, resonance, hyperconjugation, oxidation, and so forth. These are probably, in principle, capable of being redescribed in terms of fundamental physics – but any such description is likely to be too cumbersome to be of practical value in chemistry. We have these specifically chemical concepts because the complexity of the phenomena leads to emergent properties that are most usefully considered at the level of chemistry, not physics.

    How much more so the concepts related to teaching and learning chemistry! Perhaps pedagogy could (again, in principle) be reduced to physics – but that would be little more than an impressive technical achievement of no practical value. Sadly, a theory of everything tells us very little of value about most things.

    Secondly, the journal has peer review processes that need to be followed, and editorial fiat is not used to publish a paper without following these processes. You may well have made major breakthroughs in this fundamental area of science, but science is communal, and your work has no status in the field until other experts have critiqued and evaluated it.

    So, thirdly, any submission needs to be made through the journal's on-line review system, allowing proper editorial screening and then – should it be considered suitable (which it would not in this case, see above) allowing it to be sent to review.

    However, submitting a manuscript for formal review requires you to make a number of declarations. One of these is that the manuscript you wish to be considered is not published, under review or consideration, or has been submitted to, any other journal. As you have adopted a 'scatter gun' approach to submitting your work, you would need to wait until you have received formal notification that the other 499 scholarly outlets approached are declining your manuscript before you could make a formal submission.

    As you are concerned that unless your work is published it may be plagiarised, I suggest you deposit your paper in one of the many repositories now available for posting unpublished documents. This will make your work available and will demonstrate your priority in anything that may later be judged (in peer review) by experts in the field as novelty in your work.

    First published 12th March 2017 at

    'Correcting' for plagiarism

    Keith S. Taber

    Dear Stephen

    Thank you for your email message from 'Competent Proofreaders' about the services provided by SPRINGEREDIT ( /

    I would be interested in learning a little more about exactly what your service entails. I am pretty clear what is involved in 'Proofreading' and 'translating'. But I see you also offer 'correcting for plagiarism'. I wonder if you could tell me a little more about what your service involves here – what I would get for my 40 USD/1000 words?

    My understanding is that plagiarism is when an author uses the ideas of another scholar as if their own – without acknowledging the original source. This can be considered not only poor scholarship, but academic malpractice, so I certainly understand why I should be careful to avoid plagiarism in any work I submit for publication. I can therefore see why a service that could correct for plagiarism might be worth investing in, as this could protect scholarly reputation (or in extreme cases, academic employment!)

    But I cannot immediately see how you could help me with this. If I asked you to proofread a draft paper, then I know what to expect and I can see that it is very likely that a thorough proofread could technically improve my text. What would you actually do, however, if I submitted a draft paper for 'correcting for plagiarism' – how would you identify any plagiarism (that I might myself not be aware of) and correct it? What exactly would I be paying for?

    Best wishes


    (Read more about plagiarism)