Can we be sure that fun in the sun alters water chemistry?

Minimalist sampling and experimental variables

Keith S. Taber

Dirty water

I was reading the latest edition of Education in Chemistry and came across an article entitled "Fun in the sun alters water chemistry. How swimming and tubing are linked to concerning rises in water contaminants" (Notman, 2023). This was not an article about teaching, but a report of some recent chemistry research summarised for teachers. [Teaching materials relating to this article can be downloaded from the RSC website.]

I have to admit to not having understood what 'tubing' was (I plead 'age') apart from its everyday sense of referring collectively to tubes, such as those that connect Bunsen burners to gas supplies, and was intrigued by what kinds of tubes were contaminating the water.

The research basically reported on the presence of higher levels of contaminants in the same body of water at Clear Creak, Colorado on a public holiday when many people used the water for recreational pursuits (perhaps even for 'tubing'?) than on a more typical day.

This seems logical enough: more people in the water; more opportunities for various substances to enter the water from them. I have my own special chemical sensor which supports this finding. I go swimming in the local hotel pool, and even though people are supposed to shower before entering the pool: not everyone does (or at least, not effectively). Sometimes one can 'taste' 1 the change when someone gets in the water without washing off perfume or scented soap residue. Indeed, occasionally the water 'tastes' 1 differently after people enter the pool area wearing strong perfume, even if they do not use the pool and come into direct contact with the water!

The scientists reported finding various substances they assumed were being excreted 2 by the people using the water – substances such as antihistamines and cocaine – as well as indicators of various sunscreens and cosmetics. (They also found higher levels of "microbes associated with humans", although this was not reported in Education in Chemistry.)

I'm not sure why I bother having a shower BEFORE I go for a swim in there… (Image by sandid from Pixabay)

It makes sense – but is there a convincing case?

Now this all seems very reasonable, as the results fit into a narrative that seems theoretically feasible: a large number of people entering the fresh water of Clear Creek are likely to pollute it sufficiently (if not to rename it Turbid Creek) for detection with the advanced analytical tools available to the modern chemist (including "an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer and a liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometer").

However, reading on, I was surprised to learn that the sampling in this study was decidedly dodgy.

"The scientists collected water samples during a busy US public holiday in September 2022 and on a quiet weekday afterwards."

I am not sure how this (natural) experiment would rate as a design for a school science investigation. I would certainly have been very critical if any educational research study I had been asked to evaluate relied on sampling like this. Even if large numbers of samples were taken from various places in the water over an extended period during these two days this procedure has a major flaw. This is because the level of control of other possibly relevant factors is minimal.

Read about control in experimental research

The independent variable is whether the samples were collected on a public holiday when there was much use of the water for leisure, or on a day with much less leisure use. The dependent variables measured were levels of substances in the water that would not be considered part of the pristine natural composition of river water. A reasonable hypothesis is that there would be more contamination when more people were using the water, and that was exactly what was found. But is this enough to draw any strong conclusions?

Considering the counterfactual

A useful test is to ask whether we would have been convinced that people do not contaminate the water had the analysis shown there was no significant difference in water samples on the two days? That is to examine a 'counterfactual' situation (one that is not the case, but might have been).

In this counterfactual scenario, would similar levels of detected contaminants be enough to convince us the hypotheses was misguided – or might we look to see if there was some other factor which might explain this unexpected (given how reasonable the hypothesis seems) result and rescue our hypothesis?

Had pollutant levels been equally high on both days, might we have sought ('ad hoc') to explain that through other factors:

  • Maybe it was sunnier on the second day with high U.V. levels which led to more breakdown of organic debris in the river?
  • Perhaps there was a spill of material up-river 3 which masked any effect of the swimmers (and, er, tubers?)
  • Perhaps rainfall between the two sampling dates had increased the flow of the river and raised its level, washing more material into the water?
  • Perhaps the wind direction was different and material was being blown in from nearby agricultural land on the second day.
  • Perhaps the water temperature was different?
  • Perhaps a local industry owner tends to illegally discharge waste into the river when the plant is operating on normal working days?
  • Perhaps spawning season had just started for some species, or some species was emerging from a larval state on the river bed and disturbing the debris on the bottom?
  • Perhaps passing migratory birds were taking the opportunity to land in the water for some respite, and washing off parasites as well as dust.
  • Perhaps a beaver's dam had burst up stream 3 ?
  • Perhaps (for any panspermia fans among readers) an asteroid covered with organic residues had landed in the river?
  • Or…

But: if we might consider some of those factors to potentially explain a lack of effect we were expecting, then we should equally consider them as possible alternative causes for an effect we predicted.

  • Maybe it was sunnier on the first day with high U.V. levels which led to more breakdown of organic debris in the river?
  • Perhaps a local industry owner tends to illegally discharge waste into the river on public holidays because the work force are off site and there will be no one to report this?
  • … etc.

Lack of control of confounding variables

Now, in environmental research, as in research into teaching, we cannot control conditions in the way we can in a laboratory. We cannot ensure the temperature and wind direction and biota activity in a river is the same. Indeed, one thing about any natural environment that we can be fairly sure of is that biological activity (and so the substances released by such activity) varies seasonally, and according to changing weather conditions, and in different ways for different species.

So, as in educational research, there are often potentially confounding variables which can undermine our experiments:

In quasi-experiments or natural experiments, a more complex design than simply comparing outcome measures is needed. …this means identifying and measuring any relevant variables. …Often…there are other variables which it is recognised could have an effect, other than the dependent variable: 'confounding' variables.

Taber, 2019, p.85 [Download this article]

independent variableclass of day (busy holiday versus quiet working day)
dependent variablesconcentrations of substances and organisms considered to indicate contamination
confounding variablesanything that might feasibly influence the level of concentrations of substances and organisms considered to indicate contamination – other than the class of day
In a controlled experiment any potential confounding variables are held at fixed levels, but in 'natural experiments' this is not possible

Read about confounding variables in research

Sufficient sampling?

The best we can do to mitigate for the lack of control is rigorous sampling. If water samples from a range of days when there was high level of leisure activity, and a range of days when there was low level of leisure activity were compared, this would be more convincing that just one day from each category. Especially so if these were randomly selected days. It is still possible that factors such as wind direction and water temperature could bias findings, but it becomes less likely – and with random sampling of days it is possible to estimate how likely such chance factors are to have an effect. Then we can at least apply models that suggest whether observed differences in outcomes exceed the level likely due to chance effects.

Read about sampling in research

I would like to think that any educational study that had this limitation would be questioned in peer review. The Education in Chemistry article cited the original research, although I could not immediately find this. The work does not seem to have been published in a research journal (at least, not yet) but was presented at a conference, and is discussed in a video published by the American Chemical Society on YouTube.

"With Labor Day approaching, many people are preparing to go tubing and swimming at local streams and rivers. These delightful summertime activities seem innocuous, but do they have an impact on these waterways? Today, scientists report preliminary [sic] results from the first holistic study of this question 4, which shows that recreation can alter the chemical and microbial fingerprint of streams, but the environmental and health ramifications are not yet known."

American Chemical Society Meeting Newsroom, 2023

In the video, Noor Hamdan, of John Hopkins University, reports that "we are thinking of collecting more samples and doing some more statistical analysis to really, really make sure that humans are significantly impacting a stream".

This seems very wise, as it is only too easy to be satisfied with very limited data when it seems to fit with your expectations. Indeed that is one of the everyday ways of thinking that science challenges by requiring more rigorous levels of argument and evidence. In the meantime, Noor Hamdan suggests people using the water should use mineral-based rather than organic-based sunscreens, and she "recommend[s] not peeing in rivers". No, I am fairly sure 'tubing' is not meant as a euphemism for that. 5

Work cited:


1 Perhaps more correctly, smell, though it is perceived as tasting – most of the flavour we taste in food is due to volatile substances evaporating in the mouth cavity and diffusing to be detected in the nose lining.

2 The largest organ of excretion for humans is the skin. The main mechanism for excreting the detected contaminating substances into the water (if perhaps not the only pertinent one, according to the researchers) was sweating. Physical exertion (such as swimming) tends to be associated with higher levels of sweating. We do not notice ourselves sweating when the sweat evaporates as fast as it is released – nor, of course, when we are immersed in water.

One of those irregular verbs?

I perspire.

You sweat.

She excretes through her skin

(Image by Sugar from Pixabay)

3 The video suggests that sampling took place both upriver and downriver of the Creek which would offer some level of control for the effect of completely independent influxes into the water – unless they occurred between the sampling points.

4 There seem to be plenty of studies of the effects of water quality on leisure use of waterways: but not on the effects of the recreational use of waterways on their quality.

5 Just in case any readers were also ignorant about this, it apparently refers to using tyre inner tubes (or similar) as floatation devices. This suggests a new line of research. People who float around in inner tubes will tend to sweat less than those actively swimming – but are potentially harmful substances leached from the inner tubes themselves?

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Creeping bronzes

Evidence of journalistic creep in 'surprising' Benin bronzes claim

Keith S. Taber

How certain can we be about the origin of metals used in historic artefacts? (Image by Monika from Pixabay)

Science offers reliable knowledge of the natural world – but not absolutely certain knowledge. Conclusions from scientific studies follow from the results, but no research can offer absolutely certain conclusions as there are always provisos.

Read about critical reading of research

Scientists tend to know this, something emphasised for example by Albert Einstein (1940), who described scientific theories (used to interpret research results) as "hypothetical, never completely final, always subject to question and doubt".

When scientists talk to one another within some research programme they may used a shared linguistic code where they can omit the various conditionals ('likely', 'it seems', 'according to our best estimates', 'assuming the underlying theory', 'within experimental error', and the rest) as these are understood, and so may be left unspoken, thus increasing economy of language.

When scientists explain their work to a wider public such conditionals may also be left out to keep the account simple, but really should be mentioned. A particular trope that annoyed me when I was younger was the high frequency of links in science documentaries that told me "this could only mean…" (Taber, 2007) when honest science is always framed more along the lines "this would seem to mean…", "this could possibly mean…", "this suggested the possibility"…

Read about scientific certainty in the media

Journalistic creep

By journalistic creep I mean the tendency for some journalists who act as intermediates between research scientists and the public to keep the story simple by omitting important provisos. Science teachers will appreciate this, as they often have to decide which details can be included in a presentation without loosing or confusing the audience. A useful mantra may be:

Simplification may be necessary – but oversimplification can be misleading

A slightly different type of journalist creep occurs within stories themselves, Sometimes the banner headline and the introduction to a piece report definitive, certain scientific results – but reading on (for those that do!) reveals nuances not acknowledged at the start. Teachers will again appreciate this tactic: offer the overview with the main point, before going back to fill in the more subtle aspects. But then, teachers have (somewhat) more control over whether the audience engages with the full account.

I am not intending to criticise journalists in general here, as scientists themselves have a tendency to do something similar when it comes to finding titles for papers that will attract attention by perhaps suggesting something more certain (or, sometimes, poetic or even controversial) than can be supported by the full report.

An example of a Benin Bronze (a brass artefact from what is now Nigeria) in the British [sic] Museum

(British Museum, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Where did the Benin bronzes metal come from?

The title of a recent article in the RSC's magazine for teachers, Education in Chemistry, proclaimed a "Surprise origin for Benin bronzes".1 The article started with the claim:

"Geochemists have confirmed that most of the Benin bronzes – sculptured heads, plaques and figurines made by the Edo people in West Africa between the 16th and 19th centuries – are made from brass that originated thousands of miles away in the German Rhineland."

So, this was something that scientists had apparently confirmed as being the case.

Reading on, one finds that

  • it has been "long suspected that metal used for the artworks was melted-down manillas that the Portuguese brought to West Africa"
  • scientists "analysed 67 manillas known to have been used in early Portuguese trade. The manillas were recovered from five shipwrecks in the Atlantic and three land sites in Europe and Africa"
  • they "found strong similarities between the manillas studied and the metal used in more than 700 Benin bronzes with previously published chemical compositions"
  • and "the chemical composition of the copper in the manillas matched copper ores mined in northern Europe"
  • and "suggests that modern-day Germany, specifically the German Rhineland, was the main source of the metal".

So, there is a chain of argument here which seems quite persuasive, but to move from this to it being "confirmed that most of the Benin bronzes…are made from brass that originated …in the German Rhineland" seems an example of journalistic creep.

The reference to "the chemical composition of the copper [sic] in the manillas" is unclear, as according to the original research paper the sample of manilla analysed were:

"chemically different from each other. Although most manillas analysed here …are brasses or leaded brasses, sometimes with small amounts of tin, a few specimens are leaded copper with little or no zinc."

Skowronek, et al., 2023

The key data presented in the paper concerned the ratios of different lead isotopes (205Pb:204Pb; 206Pb:204Pb; 207Pb:204Pb; 208Pb:204Pb {see the reproduced figure below}) in

  • ore from different European locations (according to published sources)
  • sampled Benin bronze (as reported from earlier research), and
  • sampled recovered manillas

and the ratios of different elements (Ni:AS; Sb:As; Bi:As) in previously sampled Benin bronzes and sampled manillas.

The tendency to consider a chain of argument where each link seems reasonably persuasive as supporting fairly certain conclusions is logically flawed (it is like concluding from knowledge that one's chance of dying on any particular day is very low, that one must be immortal) but seems reflected in something I have noticed with some research students: that often their overall confidence in the conclusions of a research paper they have scrutinised is higher than their confidence in some of the distinct component parts of that study.

An example of a student's evaluation of a research study

This is like being told by a mechanic that your cycle brakes have a 20% of failing in the next year; the tyres 30%; the chain 20%; and the frame 10%; and concluding from this that there is only about a 20% chance of having any kind of failure in that time!

A definite identification?

The peer reviewed research paper which reports the study discussed in the Education in Chemistry article informs readers that

"In the current study, documentary sources and geochemical analyses are used to demonstrate that the source of the early Portuguese "tacoais" manillas and, ultimately, the Benin Bronzes was the German Rhineland."

"…this study definitively identifies the Rhineland as the principal source of manillas at the opening of the Portuguese trade…"

Skowronek, et al.,2023

which sounds pretty definitive, but interestingly the study did not rely on chemical analysis alone, but also 'documentary' evidence. In effect, historical evidence provided another link in the argument, by suggesting the range of possible sources of the alloy that should be considered in any chemical comparisons. This assumes there were no mining and smelting operations providing metal for the trade with Africa which have not been well-documented by historians. That seems a reasonable assumption, but adds another proviso to the conclusions.

The researchers reported that

Pre-18th century manillas share strong isotopic similarities with Benin's famous artworks. Trace elements such as antimony, arsenic, nickel and bismuth are not as similar as the lead isotope data…. The greater data derivation suggests that manillas were added to older brass or bronze scrap pieces to produce the Benin works, an idea proposed earlier.

and acknowledges that

Millions of these artifacts were sent to West Africa where they likely provided the major, virtually the only, source of brass for West African casters between the 15th and the 18th centuries, including serving as the principal metal source of the Benin Bronzes. However, the difference in trace elemental patterns between manillas and Benin Bronzes does not allow postulating that they have been the only source.

The figure below is taken from the research report.

Part of Figure 2 from the open access paper (© 2023 Skowronek et al. – distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.)

The chart shows results from sampled examples of Benin bronzes (blue circles); compared with the values of the same isotope ratios from different copper ore site (squares) and manillas sampled from different archaeological sties (triangles).

The researchers feel that the pattern of clustering of results (in this, and other similar comparisons between lead isotope ratios) from the Benin bronzes, compared with those from the sampled manillas, and the ore sites, allows them to identify the source of metal re-purposed by the Edo craftspeople to make the bronzes.

It is certainly the case that the blue circles (which refer to the artworks) and the green squares (which refer to copper ore samples from Rhineland) do seem to generally cluster in a similar region of the graph – and that some of the samples taken from the manillas also seem to fit this pattern.

I can see why this might strongly suggest the Rhineland (certainly more so than Wales) as the source of the copper believed to be used in manillas which were traded in Africa and are thought to have been later melted down as part of the composition of alloy used to make the Benin bronzes.

Whether that makes for either

  • definitive identification of the Rhineland as the principal source of manillas (Skowronek paper), or
  • confirmation that most of the Benin bronze are made from brass that originated thousands of miles away in the German Rhineland (EiC)

seems somewhat less certain. Just as scientific claims should be.

A conclusion for science education

It is both human nature, and often good journalistic or pedagogic practice to begin with a clear, uncomplicated statement of what is to be communicated. But we also know that what is heard or read first may be better retained in memory than what follows. It also seems that people in general tend to apply the wrong kind of calculus when there are multiple source of doubt – being more likely to estimate overall doubt as being the mean or modal level of the several discrete sources of doubt, rather than something that accumulates step-on-step.

It seems there is a major issue here for science education in training young people in critically questioning claims, looking for the relevant provisos, and understanding how to integrate levels of doubt (or, similarly, risk) that are distributed over a sequence of phases in a process.

All research conclusions (in any empirical study in any discipline) rely on a network of assumptions and interpretations, any one of which could be a weak link in the chain of logic. This is my take on some of the most critical links and assumptions in the Benin bronzes study. One could easily further complicate this scheme (for example, I have ignored the assumptions about the validity of the techniques and calibration of the instrumentation used to find the isotopic composition of metal samples).

Work cited:


1 It is not clear to me what the surprise was – but perhaps this is meant to suggest the claim may be surprising to readers of the article. The study discussed was premised on the assumption that the Benin Bronzes were made from metal largely re-purposed from manillas traded from Europe, which had originally been cast in one of the known areas in Europe with metal working traditions. The researchers included the Rhineland as one of the potential regional sites they were considering. So, it was surely a surprise only in a similar sense to rolling a die and it landing on 4, rather than say 2 or 5, would be a surprise.

But then, would you be just as likely to read an article entitled "Benin bronzes found to have anticipated origin"?

Educational experiments – making the best of an unsuitable tool?

Can small-scale experimental investigations of teaching carried-out in a couple of arbitrary classrooms really tells us anything about how to teach well?

Keith S. Taber

Undertaking valid educational experiments involves (often, insurmountable) challenges, but perhaps this grid (shown larger below) might be useful for researchers who do want to do genuinely informative experimental studies into teaching?

Applying experimental method to educational questions is a bit like trying to use a precision jeweller's screwdriver to open a tin of paint: you may get the tin open eventually, but you will probably have deformed the tool in the process whilst making something of a mess of the job.

In recent years I seem to have developed something of a religious fervour about educational research studies of the kind that claim to be experimental evaluations of pedagogies, classroom practices, teaching resources, and the like. I think this all started when, having previously largely undertaken interpretive studies (for example, interviewing learners to find out what they knew and understood about science topics) I became part of a team looking to develop, and experimentally evaluate, classroom pedagogy (i.e., the epiSTEMe project).

As a former school science teacher, I had taught learners about the basis of experimental method (e.g., control of variables) and I had read quite a number of educational research studies based on 'experiments', so I was pretty familiar with the challenges of doing experiments in education. But being part of a project which looked to actually carry out such a study made a real impact on me in this regard. Well, that should not be surprising: there is a difference between watching the European Cup Final on the TV, and actually playing in the match, just as reading a review of a concert in the music press is not going to impact you as much as being on stage performing.

Let me be quite clear: the experimental method is of supreme value in the natural sciences; and, even if not all natural science proceeds that way, it deserves to be an important focus of the science curriculum. Even in science, the experimental strategy has its limitations. 1 But experiment is without doubt a precious and powerful tool in physics and chemistry that has helped us learn a great deal about the natural world. (In biology, too, but even here there are additional complications due to the variations within populations of individuals of a single 'kind'.)

But transferring experimental method from the laboratory to the classroom to test hypotheses about teaching is far from straightforward. Most of the published experimental studies drawing conclusions about matters such as effective pedagogy, need to be read with substantive and sometimes extensive provisos and caveats; and many of them are simply invalid – they are bad experiments (Taber, 2019). 2

The experiment is a tool that has been designed, and refined, to help us answer questions when:

  • we are dealing with non-sentient entities that are indifferent to outcomes;
  • we are investigating samples or specimens of natural kinds;
  • we can identify all the relevant variables;
  • we can measure the variables of interest;
  • we can control all other variables which could have an effect;

These points simply do not usually apply to classrooms and other learning contexts. 3 (This is clearly so, even if educational researchers often either do not appreciate these differences, or simply pretend they can ignore them.)

Applying experimental method to educational questions is a bit like trying to use a precision jeweller's screwdriver to open a tin of paint: you may get the tin open eventually, but you will probably have deformed the tool in the process whilst making something of a mess of the job.

The reason why experiments are to be preferred to interpretive ('qualitative') studies is that supposedly experiments can lead to definite conclusions (by testing hypotheses), whereas studies that rely on the interpretation of data (such as classroom observations, interviews, analysis of classroom talk, etc.) are at best suggestive. This would be a fair point when an experimental study genuinely met the control-of-variables requirements for being a true experiment – although often, even then, to draw generalisable conclusions that apply to a wide population one has to be confident one is working with a random or representatives sample, and use inferential statistics which can only offer a probabilistic conclusion.

My creed…researchers should prefer to undertake competent work

My proselytising about this issue, is based on having come to think that:

  • most educational experiments do not fully control relevant variables, so are invalid;
  • educational experiments are usually subject to expectancy effects that can influence outcomes;
  • many (perhaps most) educational experiments have too few independent units of analysis to allow the valid use of inferential statistics;
  • most large-scale educational experiments can not assure that samples are fully representative of populations, so strictly cannot be generalised;
  • many experiments are rhetorical studies that deliberately compare a condition (supposedly being tested but actually) assumed to be effective with a teaching condition known to fall short of good teaching practice;
  • an invalid experiment tells us nothing that we can rely upon;
  • a detailed case study of a learning context which offers rich description of teaching and learning potentially offers useful insights;
  • given a choice between undertaking a competent study of a kind that can offer useful insights, and undertaking a bad experiment which cannot provide valid conclusions, researchers should prefer to undertake competent work;
  • what makes work scientific is not the choice of methodology per se, but the adoption of a design that fits the research constraints and offers a genuine opportunity for useful learning.

However, experiments seem very popular in education, and often seem to be the methodology of choice for researchers into pedagogy in science education.

Read: Why do natural scientists tend to make poor social scientists?

This fondness of experiments will no doubt continue, so here are some thoughts on how to best draw useful implications from them.

A guide to using experiments to inform education

It seems there are two very important dimensions that can be used to characterise experimental research into teaching – relating to the scale and focus of the research.

Two dimensions used to characterise experimental studies of teaching

Scale of studies

A large-scale study has a large number 'units of analysis'. So, for example, if the research was testing out the value of using, say, augmented reality in teaching about predator-prey relationships, then in such a study there would need to be a large number of teaching-learning 'units' in the augmented learning condition and a similarly large number of teaching-learning 'units' in the comparison condition. What a unit actually is would vary from study to study. Here a unit might be a sequence of three lessons where a teacher teaches the topic to a class of 15-16 year-old learners (either with, or without, the use of augmented reality).

For units of analysis to be analysed statistically they need to be independent from each other – so different students learning together from the same teacher in the same classroom at the same time are clearly not learning independently of each other. (This seems obvious – but in many published studies this inconvenient fact is ignored as it is 'unhelpful' if researchers wish to use inferential statistics but are only working with a small number of classes. 4)

Read about units of analysis in research

So, a study which compared teaching and learning in two intact classes can usually only be considered to have one unit of analysis in each condition (making statistical tests completely irrelevant 5, thought this does not stop them often being applied anyway). There are a great many small scale studies in the literature where there are only one or a few units in each condition.

Focus of study

The other dimension shown in the figure concerns the focus of a study. By the focus, I mean whether the researchers are interested in teaching and learning in some specific local context, or want to find out about some general population.

Read about what is meant by population in research

Studies may be carried out in a very specific context (e.g., one school; one university programme) or across a wide range of contexts. That seems to simply relate to the scale of the study, just discussed. But by focus I mean whether the research question of interest concerns just a particular teaching and learning context (which may be quite appropriate when practitioner-researchers explore their own professional contexts, for exmample), or is meant to help us learn about a more general situation.

local focusgeneral focus
Why does school X get such outstanding science examination scores?Is there a relationship between teaching pedagogy employed and science examination results in English schools?
Will jig-saw learning be a productive way to teach my A level class about the properties of the transition elements?Is jig-saw learning an effective pedagogy for use in A level chemistry classes?
Some hypothetical research questions relating either to a specific teaching context, or a wider population. (n.b. The research literature includes a great many studies that claim to explore general research questions by collecting data in a single specific context.)

If that seems a subtle distinction between two quite similar dimensions then it is worth noting that the research literature contains a great many studies that take place in one context (small-scale studies) but which claim (implicitly or explicitly) to be of general relevance. So, many authors, peer reviewers, and editors clearly seem think one can generalise from such small scale studies.


Generalisation is the ability to draw general conclusions from specific instances. Natural science does this all the time. If this sample of table salt has the formula NaCl, then all samples of table salt do; if the resistance of this copper wire goes up when the wire is heated the same will be found with other specimens as well. This usually works well when dealing with things we think are 'natural kinds' – that is where all the examples (all samples of NaCl, all pure copper wires) have the same essence.

Read about generalisation in research

Education deals with teachers, classes, lessons, schools…social kinds that lack that kind of equivalence across examples. You can swap any two electrons in a structure and it will make absolutely no difference. Does any one think you can swap the teachers between two classes and safely assume it will not have an effect?

So, by focus I mean whether the point of the research is to find out about the research context in its own right (context-directed research) or to learn something that applies to a general category of phenomena (theory-directed research).

These two dimensions, then, lead to a model with four quadrants.

Large-scale research to learn about the general case

In the top-right quadrant is research which focuses on the general situation and is larger-scale. In principle 6 this type of research can address a question such as 'is this pedagogy (teaching resource, etc.) generally effective in this population', as long as

  • the samples are representative of the wider population of interest, and
  • those sampled are randomly assigned to conditions, and
  • the number of units supports statistical analysis.

The slight of hand employed in many studies is to select a convenience sample (two classes of thirteen years old students at my local school) yet to claim the research is about, and so offers conclusions about, a wider population (thirteen year learners).

Read about some examples of samples used to investigate populations

When an experiment tests a sample drawn at random from a wider population, then the findings of the experiment can be assumed to (probably) apply (on average) to the population. (Taber, 2019)

Even when a population is properly sampled, it is important not to assume that something which has been found to be generally effective in a population will be effective throughout the population. Schools, classes, courses, learners, topics, etc. vary. If it has been found that, say, teaching the reactivity series through enquiry generally works in the population of English classes of 13-14 year students, then a teacher of an English class of 13-14 year students might sensibly think this is an approach to adopt, but cannot assume it will be effective in her classroom, with a particular group of students.

To implement something that has been shown to generally work might be considered research-based teaching, as long as the approach is dropped or modified if indications are it is not proving effective in this particular context. That is, there is nothing (please note, UK Department for Education, and Ofsted) 'research-based' about continuing with a recommended approach in the face of direct empirical evidence that it is not working in your classroom.

Large-scale research to learn about the range of effectiveness

However, even large-scale studies where there are genuinely sufficient units of analysis for statistical analysis may not logically support the kinds of generalisation in the top-right quadrant. For that, researchers needs either a random sampling of the full population (seldom viable given people and institutions must have a choice to participate or not 7), or a sample which is known to be representative of the population in terms of the relevant characteristics – which means knowing a lot about

  • (i) the population,
  • (ii) the sample, and
  • (ii) which variables might be relevant!

Imagine you wanted to undertake a survey of physics teachers in some national context, and you knew you could not reach all that population so you needed to survey a sample. How could you possibly know that the teachers in your sample were representative of the wider population on whatever variables might potentially be pertinent to the survey (level of qualification?; years of experience?; degree subject?; type of school/college taught in?; gender?…)

But perhaps a large scale study that attracts a diverse enough sample may still be very useful if it collects sufficient data about the individual units of analysis, and so can begin to look at patterns in how specific local conditions relate to teaching effectiveness. That is, even if the sample cannot be considered representative enough for statistical generalisation to the population, such a study might be a be to offer some insights into whether an approach seems to work well in mixed-ability classes, or top sets, or girls' schools, or in areas of high social deprivation, or…

In practice, there are very few experimental research studies which are large-scale, in the sense of having enough different teachers/classes as units of analysis to sit in either of these quadrants of the chart. Educational research is rarely funded at a level that makes this possible. Most researchers are constrained by the available resources to only work with a small number of accessible classes or schools.

So, what use are such studies for producing generalisable results?

Small-scale research to incrementally extend the range of effectiveness

A single small-scale study can contribute to a research programme to explore the range of application of an innovation as if it was part of a large-scale study with a diverse sample. But this means such studies need to be explicitly conceptualised and planned as part of such a programme.

At the moment it is common for research papers to say something like

"…lots of research studies, from all over the place, report that asking students to

(i) first copy science texts omitting all the vowels, and then

(ii) re-constituting them in full by working from the reduced text, by writing it out adding vowels that produce viable words and sentences,

is an effective way of supporting the learning of science concepts; but no one has yet reported testing this pedagogic method when twelve year old students are studying the topic of acids in South Cambridgeshire in a teaching laboratory with moveable stools and West-facing windows.

In this ground-breaking study, we report an experiment to see if this constructivist, active-learning, teaching approach leads to greater science learning among twelve year old students studying the topic of acids in South Cambridgeshire in a teaching laboratory with moveable stools and West-facing windows…"

Over time, the research literature becomes populated with studies of enquiry-based science education, jig-saw learning, use of virtual reality, etc., etc., and these tend to refer to a range of national contexts, variously aged students, diverse science topics, etc., this all tends to be piecemeal. A coordinated programme of research could lead to researchers both (a) giving rich description of the context used, and (b) selecting contexts strategically to build up a picture across ranges of contexts,

"When there is a series of studies testing the same innovation, it is most useful if collectively they sample in a way that offers maximum information about the potential range of effectiveness of the innovation.There are clearly many factors that may be relevant. It may be useful for replication studies of effective innovations to take place with groups of different socio-economic status, or in different countries with different curriculum contexts, or indeed in countries with different cultural norms (and perhaps very different class sizes; different access to laboratory facilities) and languages of instruction …. It may be useful to test the range of effectiveness of some innovations in terms of the ages of students, or across a range of quite different science topics. Such decisions should be based on theoretical considerations.

Given the large number of potentially relevant variables, there will be a great many combinations of possible sets of replication conditions. A large number of replications giving similar results within a small region of this 'phase space' means each new study adds little to the field. If all existing studies report positive outcomes, then it is most useful to select new samples that are as different as possible from those already tested. …

When existing studies suggest the innovation is effective in some contexts but not others, then the characteristics of samples/context of published studies can be used to guide the selection of new samples/contexts (perhaps those judged as offering intermediate cases) that can help illuminate the boundaries of the range of effectiveness of the innovation."

Taber, 2019

Not that the research programme would be co-ordinated by a central agency or authority, but by each contributing researcher/research team (i) taking into account the 'state of play' at the start of their research; (ii) making strategic decisions accordingly when selecting contexts for their own work; (iii) reporting the context in enough detail to allow later researchers to see how that study fits into the ongoing programme.

This has to be a more scientific approach than simply picking a convenient context where researchers expect something to work well; undertake a small-scale local experiment (perhaps setting up a substandard control condition to be sure of a positive outcome); and then report along the lines "this widely demonstrated effective pedagogy works here too", or, if it does not, perhaps putting the study aside without publication. As the philosopher of science, Karl Popper, reminded us, science proceeds through the testing of bold conjectures: an 'experiment' where you already know the outcome is actually a demonstration. Demonstrations are useful in teaching, but do not contribute to research. What can contribute is an experiment in a context where there is reason to be unsure if an innovation will be an improvement or not, and where the comparison reflects good teaching practice to offer a meaningful test.

Small-scale research to inform local practice

Now, I would be the first to admit that I am not optimistic that such an approach will be developed by researchers; and even if it is, it will take time for useful patterns to arise that offer genuine insights into the range of convenience of different pedagogies.

Does this mean that small-scale studies in single context are really a waste of research resource and an unmerited inconvenient for those working in such contexts?

Well, I have time for studies in my final (bottom left) quadrant. Given that schools and classrooms and teachers and classes all vary considerably, and that what works well in a highly selective boys-only fee-paying school with a class size of 16 may not be as effective in a co-educational class of 32 mixed ability students in an under-resourced school in an area of social deprivation – and vice versa, of course!, there is often value in testing out ideas (even recommended 'research-based' ones) in specific contexts to inform practice in that context. These are likely to be genuine experiments, as the investigators are really motived to find out what can improve practice in that context.

Often such experiments will not get published,

  • perhaps because the researchers are teachers with higher priorities than writing for publication;
  • perhaps because it is assumed such local studies are not generalisable (but they could sometimes be moved into the previous category if suitably conceptualised and reported);
  • perhaps because the investigators have not sought permissions for publication (part of the ethics of research), usually not necessary for teachers seeking innovations to improve practice as part of their professional work;
  • perhaps because it has been decided inappropriate to set up control conditions which are not expected to be of benefit to those being asked to participate;
  • but also because when trying out something new in a classroom, one needs to be open to make ad hoc modifications to, or even abandon, an innovation if it seems to be having a deleterious effect.

Evaluation of effectiveness here usually comes down to professional judgement (rather than statistical testing – which assumes a large random sample of a population – being used to invalidly generalise small, non-random, local results to that population) which might, in part, rely on the researcher's close (and partially tacit) familiarity with the research context.

I am here describing 'action research', which is highly useful for informing local practice, but which is not ideally suited for formal reporting in academic journals.

Read about action research

So, I suspect there may be an irony here.

There may be a great many small-scale experiments undertaken in schools and colleges which inform good teaching practice in their contexts, without ever being widely reported; whilst there are a great many similar scale, often 'forced' experiments, carried out by visiting researchers with little personal stake in the research context, reporting the general effectiveness of teaching approaches, based on misuse of statistics. I wonder which approach best reflects the true spirit of science?

Source cited:


1 For example:

Even in the natural sciences, we can never be absolutely sure that we have controlled all relevant variables (after all, if we already knew for sure which variables were relevant, we would not need to do the research). But usually existing theory gives us a pretty good idea what we need to control.

Experiments are never a simple test of the specified hypothesis, as the experiment is likely to depends upon the theory of instrumentation and the quality of instruments. Consider an extreme case such as the discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN: the conclusions relied on complex theory that informed the design of the apparatus, and very challenging precision engineering, as well as complex mathematical models for interpreting data, and corresponding computer software specifically programmed to carry out that analysis.

The experimental results are a test of a hypothesis (e.g., that a certain particle would be found at events below some calculated energy level) subject to the provisos that

  • the theory of the the instrument and its design is correct; and
  • the materials of the apparatus (an apparatus as complex and extensive as a small city) have no serious flaws; and
  • the construction of the instrumentation precisely matches the specifications;
  • and the modelling of how the detectors will function (including their decay in performance over time) is accurate; and
  • the analytical techniques designed to interpret the signals are valid;
  • the programming of the computers carries out the analysis as intended.

It almost requires an act of faith to have confidence in all this (and I am confident there is no one scientist anywhere in the world who has a good enough understanding and familiarity will all these aspects of the experiment to be able to give assurances on all these areas!)

CREST {Critical Reading of Empirical Studies} evaluation form: when you read a research study, do you consider the cumulative effects of doubts you may have about different aspects of the work?

I would hope at least that as professional scientists and engineers they might be a little more aware of this complex chain of argumentation needed to support robust conclusions than many students – for students often seem to be overconfident in the overall value of research conclusions given any doubts they may have about aspects of the work reported.

Read about the Critical Reading of Empirical Studies Tool

Galileo Galilei was one of the first people to apply the telescope to study the night sky

Galileo Galilei was one of the first people to apply the telescope to study the night sky (image by Dorothe from Pixabay)

A historical example is Galileo's observations of astronomical phenomena such as Jovian moons (he spotted the four largest: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto) and the irregular surface of the moon. Some of his contemporaries rejected these findings on the basis that they were made using an apparatus, the newly fanged telescope, that they did not trust. Whilst this is now widely seen as being arrogant and/or ignorant, arguably if you did not understand how a telescope could magnify, and you did not trust the quality of the lenses not to produce distortions, then it was quite reasonable to be sceptical of findings which were counter to a theory of the 'heavens' that had been generally accepted for many centuries.

2 I have discussed a number of examples on this site. For example:

Falsifying research conclusions: You do not need to falsify your results if you are happy to draw conclusions contrary to the outcome of your data analysis.

Why ask teachers to 'transmit' knowledge…if you believe that "knowledge is constructed in the minds of students"?

Shock result: more study time leads to higher test scores (But 'all other things' are seldom equal)

Experimental pot calls the research kettle black: Do not enquire as I do, enquire as I tell you

Lack of control in educational research: Getting that sinking feeling on reading published studies

3 For a detailed discussion of these and other challenges of doing educational experiments, see Taber, 2019.

4 Consider these two situations.

A researcher wants to find out if a new textbook 'Science for the modern age' leads to more learning among the Grade 10 students she teaches than the traditional book 'Principles of the natural world'. Imagine there are fifty grade 10 students divided already into two classes. The teacher flips a coin and randomly assigns one of the classes to the innovative book, the other being assigned by default the traditional book. We will assume she has a suitable test to assess each students' learning at the end of the experiment.

The teacher teaches the two classes the same curriculum by the same scheme of work. She presents a mini-lecture to a class, then sets them some questions to discuss using the text book. At the end of the (three part!) lesson, she leads a class disucsison drawing on students' suggested answers.

Being a science teacher, who believes in replication, she decides to repeat the exercise the following year. Unfortunately there is a pandemic, and all the students are sent into lock-down at home. So, the teacher assigns the fifty students by lot into two groups, and emails one group the traditional book, and the other the innovative text. She teaches all the students on line as one cohort: each lesson giving them a mini-lecture, then setting them some reading from their (assigned) book, and a set of questions to work through using the text, asking them to upload their individual answers for her to see.

With regard to experimental method, in the first cohort she has only two independent units of analysis – so she may note that the average outcome scores are higher in one group, but cannot read too much into that. However, in the second year, the fifty students can be considered to be learning independently, and as they have been randomly assigned to conditions, she can treat the assessment scores as being from 25 units of analysis in each condition (and so may sensibly apply statistics to see if there is a statistically significant different in outcomes).

5 Inferential statistical tests are usually used to see if the difference in outcomes across conditions is 'significant'. Perhaps the average score in a class with an innovation is 5.6, compared with an average score in the control class of 5.1. The average score is higher in the experimental condition, but is the difference enough to matter?

Well, actually, if the question is whether the difference is big enough to likely to make a difference in practice then researchers should calculate the 'effect size' which will suggest whether the difference found should be considered small, moderate or large. This should ideally be calculated regardless of whether inferential statistics are being used or not.

Inferential statistical tests are often used to see if the result is generalisable to the wider population – but, as suggested above, this is strictly only valid if the population of interest have been randomly sampled – which virtually never happens in educational studies as it is usually not feasible.

Often researchers will still do the calculation, based on the sets of outcome scores in the two conditions, to see if they can claim a statistically significant difference – but the test will only suggest how likely or unlikely the difference between the outcomes is, if the units of analysis have been randomly assigned to the conditions. So, if there are 50 learners each randomly assigned to experimental or control condition this makes sense. That is sometimes the case, but nearly always the researchers work with existing classes and do not have the option of randomly mixing the students up. [See the example in the previous note 4.] In such a situation, the stats. are not informative. (That does not stop them often being reported in published accounts as if they are useful.)

6 That is, if it possible to address such complications as participant expectations, and equitable teacher-familiarity with the different conditions they are assigned to (Taber, 2019).

Read about expectancy effects

7 A usual ethical expectation is that participants voluntarily (without duress) offer informed consent to participate.

Read about voluntary informed consent

Is your heart in the research?

Someone else's research, that is

Keith S. Taber

Imagine you have a painful and debilitating illness. Your specialist tells you there is no conventional treatment known to help. However, there is a new – experimental – procedure: a surgery that may offer relief. But it has not yet been fully tested. If you are prepared to sign up for a study to evaluate this new procedure, then you can undergo surgery.

You are put under and wheeled into the operating theatre. Whilst you experience – rather, do not experience – the deep, sleepless rest of anaesthesia, the surgeon saws through your breastbone, prises open your ribcage with a retractor (hopefully avoiding breaking any ribs),
reaches in, and gently lifts up your heart.

The surgeon, pauses, perhaps counts to five, then carefully replaces your heart between the lungs. The ribcage is closed, and you are sown-up without any actual medical intervention. You had been randomly assigned to the control group.

How can we test whether surgical interventions are really effective without blind controls?

Is it right to carry out sham operations on sick people just for the sake of research?

Where is the balance of interests?

(Image from Pixabay)

Research ethics

A key aspect of planning, executing and reviewing research is ethical scrutiny. Planning, obviously, needs to take into account ethical considerations and guidelines. But even the best laid plans 'of mice and men' (or, of, say, people investigating mice) may not allow for all eventualities (after all, if we knew what was going to happen for sure in a study, it would not be research – and it would be unethical to spend precious public resources on the study), so the ethical imperative does not stop once we have got approval and permissions. And even then, we may find that we cannot fully mitigate for unexpected eventualities – which is something to be reported and discussed to help inform future research.

Read about research ethics

When preparing students setting out on research, instruction about research ethics is vital. It is possible to teach about rules, and policies, and guidelines and procedures – but real research contexts are often complex, and ethical thinking cannot be algorithmic or a matter of adopting slogans and following heuristics. In my teaching I would include discussion of past cases of research studies that raised ethical questions for students to discuss and consider.

One might think that as research ethics is so important, it would be difficult to find many published studies which were not exemplars of good practice – but attitudes to, and guidance on, ethics have developed over time, and there are many past studies which, if not clearly unethical in today's terms, at least present problematic cases. (That is without the 'doublethink' that allows some contemporary researchers to, in a single paper, both claim active learning methods should be studied because it is known that passive learning activities are not effective, yet then report how they required teachers to instruct classes through passive learning to act as control groups.)

Indeed, ethical decision-making may not always be straight-forward – as it often means balancing different considerations, and at a point where any hoped-for potential benefits of the research must remain uncertain.

Pretending to operate on ill patients

I recently came across an example of a medical study which I thought raised some serious questions, and which I might well have included in my teaching of research ethics as a case for discussion, had I known about before I retired.

The research apparently involved surgeons opening up a patient's ribcage (not a trivial procedure), and lifting out the person's heart in order to carry out a surgical intervention…or not,

"In the late 1950s and early 60s two different surgical teams, one in Kansas City and one in Seattle, did double-blind trials of a ligation procedure – the closing of a duct or tube using a clip – for very ill patients suffering from severe angina, a condition in which pain radiates from the chest to the outer extremities as a result of poor blood supply to the heart. The surgeons were not told until they arrived in the operating theatre which patients were to receive a real ligation and which were not. All the patients, whether or not they were getting the procedure, had their chest cracked open and their heart lifted out. But only half the patients actually had their arteries rerouted so that their blood could more efficiently bathe its pump …"

Slater, 2018

The quote is taken from a book by Lauren Slater which sets out a history of drug use in psychiatry. Slater is a psychotherapist who has written a number of books about aspects of mental health conditions and treatments.

Fair testing

In order to make a fair experiment, the double-blind procedure sought to treat the treatment and control group the same in all respects, apart from the actual procedure of ligation of selected blood vessels that comprised the mooted intervention. The patients did not know (at least, in one of the studies) they might not have the real operation. Their physicians were not told who was getting the treatment. Even the surgeons only found out who was in each group when the patient arrived in theatre.

It was necessary for those in the control group to think they were having an intervention, and to undergo the sham surgery, so that they formed a fair comparison with those who got the ligation.

Read about control of variables

It was necessary to have double-blind study (neither the patients themselves, nor the physicians looking after them, were told which patients were, and which were not, getting the treatment), because there is a great deal of research which shows that people's beliefs and expectations make substantial differences to outcomes. This is a real problem in educational research when researchers want to test classroom practices such as new teaching schemes or resources or innovative pedagogies (Taber, 2019). The teacher almost certainly knows whether she is teaching the experimental or control group, and usually the students have a pretty good idea. (If every previous lesson has been based on teacher presentations and note-taking, and suddenly they are doing group discussion work and making videos, they are likely to notice.)

Read about expectancy effects

It was important to undertake a study, because there was not clear objective evidence to show whether the new procedure actually improved patient outcomes (or possibly even made matters worst). Doctors reported seeing treated patients do better – but could only guess how they might have done without surgery. Without proper studies, many thousands or people might ultimately undergo an ineffective surgery, with all the associated risks and costs, without getting any benefit.

Simply comparing treated patients with matched untreated patients would not do the job, as there can be a strong placebo effect of believing one is getting a treatment. (It is likely that at least some alternative therapies largely work because a practitioner with good social skills spends time engaging with the patient and their concerns, and the client expects a positive outcome.)

If any positive effects of heart surgery were due to the placebo effect, then perhaps a highly coloured sugar pill prescribed with confidence by a physician could have the same effect without operating theatres, surgical teams, hospital stays… (For that matter, a faith healer who pretended to operate without actually breaking the skin, and revealed a piece of material {perhaps concealed in a pocket or sleeve} presented as an extracted mass of diseased tissue or a foreign body, would be just as effective if the patient believed in the procedure.)

So, I understood the logic here.

Do no harm

All the same – this seemed an extreme intervention. Even today, anaesthesia is not very well understood in detail: it involves giving a patient drugs that could kill them in carefully controlled sub-lethal doses – when how much would actually be lethal (and what would be insufficient to fully sedate) varies from person to person. There are always risks involved.

"All the patients, whether or not they were getting the procedure had their chest cracked open and their heart lifted out."

(Image by Starllyte from Pixabay)

Open heart surgery exposes someone to infection risks. Cracking open the chest is a big deal. It can take two months for the disrupted tissues to heal. Did the research really require opening up the chest and lifting the heart for the control group?

Could this really ever have been considered ethical?

I might have been much more cynical had I not known of other, hm, questionable medical studies. I recall hearing a BBC radio documentary in the 1990s about American physicians who deliberately gave patients radioactive materials without their knowledge, just to to explore the effects. Perhaps most infamously there was the Tuskegee Syphilis study where United States medical authorities followed the development of disease over decades without revealing the full nature of the study, or trying to treat any of those infected. Compared with these violations, the angina surgery research seemed tame.

But do not believe everything you read…

According to the notes at the back of Slater's book, her reference was another secondary source (Moerman, 2002) – that is someone writing about what the research reports said, not those actual 'primary' accounts in the research journals.

So, I looked on-line for the original accounts. I found a 1959 study, by a team from the University of Washington School of Medicine. They explained that:

"Considerable relief of symptoms has been reported for patient with angina pectoris subjected to bilateral ligation of the internal mammary arteries. The physiologic basis for the relief of angina afforded by this rather simple operation is not clear."

Cobb, Thomas, Dillard, Merendino & Bruce, 1959

It was not clear why clamping these blood vessels in the chest should make a substantial difference to blood flow to the heart muscles – despite various studies which had subjected a range of dogs (who were not complaining of the symptoms of angina, and did not need any surgery) to surgical interventions followed by invasive procedures in order to measure any modifications in blood flow (Blair, Roth & Zintel, 1960).

Would you like your aorta clamped, and the blood drained from the left side of your heart, for the sake of a research study?

That raises another ethical issue – the extent of pain and suffering and morbidity it is fair to inflect on non-human animals (which are never perfect models for human anatomy and physiology) to progress human medicine. Some studies explored the details of blood circulation in dogs. Would you like your aorta clamped, and the blood drained from the left side of your heart, for the sake of a research study? Moreover, in order to test the effectiveness of the ligation procedure, in some studies healthy dogs had to have the blood supply to the heart muscles disrupted to given them similar compromised heart function as the human angina sufferers. 1

But, hang on a moment. I think I passed over something rather important in that last quote: "this rather simple operation"?

"Considerable relief of symptoms has been reported for patient with angina pectoris subjected to bilateral ligation of the internal mammary arteries. The physiologic basis for the relief of angina afforded by this rather simple operation is not clear."

Cobb and colleagues' account of the procedure contradicted one of my assumptions,

 At the time of operation, which was performed under local anesthesia [anaesthesia], the surgeon was handed a randomly selected envelope, which contained a card instructing him whether or not to ligate the internal mammary arteries after they had been isolated.

Cobb et al, 1959

It seems my inference that the procedure was carried out under general anaesthetic was wrong. Never assume! Surgery under local anaesthetic is not a trivial enterprise, but carries much less risk than general anaesthetic.

Yet, surely, even back then, no surgeon was going to open up the chest and handle the heart under a local anaesthetic? Cobb and colleagues wrote:

"The surgical procedures commonly used in the therapy of coronary-artery disease have previously been "major" operations utilizing thoracotomy and accompanied by some morbidity and a definite mortality. … With the advent of internal-mammary-artery ligation and its alleged benefit, a unique opportunity for applying the principles of a double-blind evaluation to a surgical procedure has been afforded

Cobb, Thomas, Dillard, Merendino & Bruce, 1959

So, the researchers were arguing that, previously, surgical interventions for this condition were major operations that did involve opening up the chest (thorax) – thoracotomy – where sham surgery would not have been ethical; but the new procedure they were testing – "this rather simple operation" was different.

Effects of internal-mammary-artery ligation on 17 patients with angina pectoris were evaluated by a double-blind technic. Eight patients had their internal mammary arteries ligated; 9 had skin incisions only. 

Cobb et al, 1959

They describe "a 'placebo' procedure consisting of parasternal skin incisions"– that is some cuts were made into the skin next to the breast bone. Skin incisions are somewhat short of open heart surgery.

The description given by the Kansas team (from the Departments of Medicine and Surgery, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City) also differs from Slater's third-hand account in this important way:

"The patients were operated on under local anesthesia. The surgeon, by random sampling, selected those in whom bilateral internal mammary artery and vein ligation (second interspace) was to be carried out and those in whom a sham procedure was to be performed. The sham procedure consisted of a similar skin incision with exposure of the internal mammary vessels, but without ligation."

Dimond, Kittle & Crocket, 1960

This description of the surgery seemed quite different from that offered by Slater.

These teams seemed to be reporting a procedure that could be carried out without exposing the lungs or the heart and opening their protective covers ("in this technique…the pericardium and pleura are not entered or disturbed", Glover, et al, 1957), and which could be superficially forged by making a few cuts into the skin.

"The performance of bilateral division of the internal mammary arteries as compared to other surgical procedures for cardiac disease is safe, simple and innocuous in capable hands."

Glover, Kitchell, Kyle, Davila & Trout, 1958

The surgery involved making cuts into the skin of the chest to access, and close off, arteries taking blood to (more superficial) chest areas in the hope it would allow more to flow to the heart muscles; the sham surgery, the placebo, involved making similar incisions, but without proceeding to change the pattern of arterial blood flow.

The sham surgery did not require general anaesthesia and involved relatively superficial wounds – and offered a research technique that did not need to cause suffering to, and the sacrifice of, perfectly healthy dogs. So, that's all ethical then?

The first hand research reports at least give a different impression of the balance of costs and potential benefits to stakeholders than I had originally drawn from Lauren Slater's account.

Getting consent for sham surgery

A key requirement for ethical research with human participants is being offered voluntary informed consent. Unlike dogs, humans can assent to research procedures, and it is generally considered that research should not be undertaken without such consent.

Read about voluntary informed consent

Of course, there is nuance and complication. The kind of research where investigators drop large denomination notes to test the honesty of passers by – where the 'participants' are in a public place and will not be identified or identifiable – is not usually seen as needing such consent (which would clearly undermine any possibility of getting authentic results). But is it acceptable to observe people using public toilets without their knowledge and consent (as was described in one published study I used as a teaching example)?

The extent to which a lay person can fully understand the logic and procedures explained to them when seeking consent can vary. The extent to which most participants would need, or even want to, know full details of the study can vary. When children of various ages are are involved, the extent to which consent can be given on their behalf by a parent or teachers raises interesting questions.

"I'm looking for volunteers to have a procedure designed to make it look like you've had surgery"

Image by mohamed_hassan from Pixabay

There is much nuance and many complications – and this is an area researchers needs to give very careful consideration.

  • How many ill patients would volunteer for sham surgery to help someone else's research?
  • Would that answer change, if the procedure being tested would later be offered to them?
  • What about volunteering for a study where you have a 50-50 chance of getting the real surgery or the placebo treatment?

In Cobb's study, the participants had all volunteered – but we might wonder if the extent of the information they were given amounted to what was required for informed consent,

The subjects were informed of the fact that this procedure had not been proved to be of value, and yet many were aware of the enthusiastic report published in the Reader's Digest. The patients were told only that they were participating in an evaluation of this operation; they were not informed of the double-blind nature of the study.

Cobb et al, 1959

So, it seems the patients thought they were having an operation that had been mooted to help angina sufferers – and indeed some of them were, but others just got taken into surgery to get a few wounds that suggested something more substantive had been done.

Was that ethical? (I doubt it would be allowed anywhere today?)

The outcome of these studies was that although the patients getting the ligation surgery did appear to get relief from their angina – so did those just getting the skin incisions. The placebo seemed just as good as the re-plumbing.

In hindsight, does this make the studies more worthwhile and seem more ethical? This research has probably prevented a great many people having an operation to have some of their vascular system blocked when that does not seem to make any difference to angina. Does that advance in medical knowledge justify the deceit involved in leading people to think they would get an experimental surgical treatment when they might just get an experimental control treatment?

Ethical principles and guidelines can helps us judge the merits of study

Coda – what did the middle man have to say?

I wondered how a relatively minor sham procedure under local anaesthetic became characterised as "the patients, whether or not they were getting the procedure had their chest cracked open and their heart lifted out" – a description which gave a vivid impression of a major intervention.

The heart is pretty well integrated into the body – how easy is it to life an intact, fully connected, working heart out of position?

Image by HANSUAN FABREGAS from Pixabay

I wondered to what extent it would even be possible to lift the heart out from the chest whilst it remained connected with the major vessels passing the blood it was pumping, and the nerves supplying it, and the vessels supplying blood to its own muscles (the ones that were considered compromised enough to make the treatment being tested worth considering). Some sources I found on-line referred to the heart being 'lifted' during open-heart procedures to give the surgeon access to specific sites: but that did not mean taking the heart out of the body. Having the heart 'lifted out' seemed more akin to Aztec sacrificial rites than medical treatment.

Although all surgery involves some risk, the actual procedure being investigated seemed of relatively routine nature. I actually attended a 'minor' operation which involved cutting into the chest when my late wife was prepared for kidney dialysis. Usually a site for venal access is prepared in the arm well in advance, but it was decided my wife needed to be put on dialysis urgently. A temporary hole was cut into her neck to allow the surgeon to connect a tube (a central venous catheter) to a vein, and another hole into her chest so that the catheter would exit in her chest, where the tap could be kept sterile, bandaged to the chest. This was clearly not considered a high risk operation (which is not to say I think I could have coped with having this done to me!) as I was asked by the doctors to stay in the room with my wife during the procedure, and I did not need to 'scrub' or 'gown up'.

Bilateral internal mammary artery ligation seemed a procedure on that kind of level, accessing blood vessels through incisions made in the skin. However, if Lauren Slater had read up some of the earlier procedures that did require opening the chest, or if she had read the papers describing how the dogs were investigated to trace blood flow through connected vessels, measure changes in flow, and prepare them for induced heart conditions, I could appreciate the potential for confusion. Yet she did not cite the primary research, but rather Daniel Moerman, an Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at University of Michigan-Dearborn, who has written a book about placebo treatments in medicine.

Moerman does write about the bilateral internal mammary artery ligation, and the two sham surgery studies I found in my search. Moerman describes the operation:

"It was quite simple, and since the arteries were not deep in the body, could be performed under local anaesthetic."

Moerman, 2002

He also refers to the subjective reports on one of the patients assigned to the placebo condition in one of the studies, who claimed to feel much better immediately after the procedure:

"This patient's arteries were not ligated…But he did have two scars on his chest…"

Moerman, 2002

But nobody cracked open his chest, and no one handled his heart.

There are still ethical issues here, but understanding the true (almost superficial) nature of the sham surgery clearly changes the balance of concerns. If there is a moral to this article, it is perhaps the importance of being fully informed before reaching judgement about the ethics of a research study.

Work cited:
  • Blair, C. R., Roth, R. F., & Zintel, H. A. (1960). Measurement of coronary artery blood-flow following experimental ligation of the internal mammary artery. Annals of Surgery, 152(2), 325.
  • Cobb, L. A., Thomas, G. I., Dillard, D. H., Merendino, K. A., & Bruce, R. A. (1959). An evaluation of internal-mammary-artery ligation by a double-blind technic. New England Journal of Medicine, 260(22), 1115-1118.
  • Dimond, E. G., Kittle, C. F., & Crockett, J. E. (1960). Comparison of internal mammary artery ligation and sham operation for angina pectoris. The American Journal of Cardiology, 5(4), 483-486.
  • Glover, R. P., Davila, J. C., Kyle, R. H., Beard, J. C., Trout, R. G., & Kitchell, J. R. (1957). Ligation of the internal mammary arteries as a means of increasing blood supply to the myocardium. Journal of Thoracic Surgery, 34(5), 661-678.
  • Glover, R. P., Kitchell, J. R., Kyle, R. H., Davila, J. C., & Trout, R. G. (1958). Experiences with Myocardial Revascularization By Division of the Internal Mammary Arteries. Diseases of the Chest, 33(6), 637-657.
  • Moerman, D. E. (2002). Meaning, Medicine, and the "Placebo Effect". Cambridge University Press Cambridge.
  • Slater, Lauren (2018) The Drugs that Changed our Minds. The history of psychiatry in ten treatments. London. Simon & Schuster
  • Taber, K. S. (2019). Experimental research into teaching innovations: responding to methodological and ethical challengesStudies in Science Education, 55(1), 69-119. doi:10.1080/03057267.2019.1658058 [Download this paper.]


1 To find out if the ligation procedure protected a dog required stressing the blood supply to the heart itself,

"An attempt has been made to evaluate the degree of protection preliminary ligation of the internal mammary artery may afford the experimental animal when subjected to the production of sudden, acute myocardial infarction by ligation of the anterior descending coronary artery at its origin. …

It was hoped that survival in the control group would approximate 30 per cent so that infarct size could be compared with that of the "protected" group of animals. The "protected" group of dogs were treated in the same manner but in these the internal mammary arteries were ligated immediately before, at 24 hours, and at 48 hours before ligation of the anterior descending coronary.

In 14 control dogs, the anterior descending coronary artery with the aforementioned branch to the anterolateral aspect of the left ventricle was ligated. Nine of these animals went into ventricular fibrillation and died within 5 to 20 minutes. Attempts to resuscitate them by defibrillation and massage were to no avail. Four others died within 24 hours. One dog lived 2 weeks and died in pulmonary edema."

Glover, Davila, Kyle, Beard, Trout & Kitchell, 1957

Pulmonary oedema involves fluid build up in the lungs that restricts gaseous exchange and prevents effective breathing. The dog that survived longest (if it was kept conscious) will have experienced death as if by slow suffocation or drowning.

Shock result: more study time leads to higher test scores

(But 'all other things' are seldom equal)

Keith S. Taber

I came across an interesting journal article that reported a quasi-experimental study where different groups of students studied the same topic for different periods of time. One group was given 3 half-hour lessons, another group 5 half-hour lessons, and the third group 8 half-hour lessons. Then they were tested on the topic they had been studying. The researchers found that the average group performance was substantially different across the different conditions. This was tested statistically, but the results were clear enough to be quite impressive when presented visually (as I have below).

Results from a quasi-experiment: its seems more study time can lead to higher achievement

These results seem pretty clear cut. If this research could be replicated in diverse contexts then the findings could have great significance.

  • Is your manager trying to cut course hours to save budget?
  • Does your school want you to teach 'triple science' in a curriculum slot intended for 'double science'?
  • Does your child say they have done enough homework?

Research evidence suggests that, ceteris paribus, learners achieve more by spending more time studying.

Ceteris paribus?

That is ceteris paribus (no, it is not a newly discovered species of whale): all other things being equal. But of course, in the real world they seldom – if ever – are.

If you wondered about the motivation for a study designed to see whether more teaching led to more learning (hardly what Karl Popper would have classed as a suitable 'bold conjecture' on which to base productive research), then I should confess I am being disingenuous. The information I give above is based on the published research, but offers a rather different take on the study from that offered by the authors themselves.

An 'alternative interpretation' one might say.

How useful are DARTs as learning activities?

I came across this study when looking to see if there was any research on the effectiveness of DARTs in chemistry teaching. DARTs are directed activities related to text – that is text-based exercises designed to require learners to engage with content rather than just copy or read it. They have long been recommended, but I was not sure I had seen any published research on their use in science classrooms.

Read about using DARTs in teaching

Shamsulbahri and Zulkiply (2021) undertook a study that "examined the effect of Directed Activity Related to Texts (DARTs) and gender on student achievement in qualitative analysis in chemistry" (p.157). They considered their study to be a quasi-experiment.

An experiment…

Experiment is the favoured methodology in many areas of natural science, and, indeed, the double blind experiment is sometimes seen as the gold standard methodology in medicine – and when possible in the social sciences. This includes education, and certainly in science education the literature reports many, many educational experiments. However, doing experiments well in education is very tricky and many published studies have major methodological problems (Taber, 2019).

Read about experiments in education

…requires control of variables

As we teach in school science, fair testing requires careful control of variables.

So, if I suggest there are some issues that prevent a reader from being entirely confident in the conclusions that Shamsulbahri and Zulkiply reach in their paper, it should be borne in mind that I think it is almost impossible to do a rigorously 'fair' small-scale experiment in education. By small-scale, I mean the kind of study that involves a few classes of learners as opposed to studies that can enrol a large number of classes and randomly assign them to conditions. Even large scale randomised studies are usually compromised by factors that simply cannot be controlled in educational contexts (Taber, 2019) , and small scale studies are subject to additional, often (I would argue) insurmountable, 'challenges'.

The study is available on the web, open access, and the paper goes into a good deal of detail about the background to, and aspects of, the study. Here, I am focusing on a few points that relate to my wider concerns about the merits of experimental research into teaching, and there is much of potential interest in the paper that I am ignoring as not directly relevant to my specific argument here. In particular, the authors describe the different forms of DART they used in the study. As, inevitably (considering my stance on the intrinsic problems of small-scale experiments in education), the tone of this piece is critical, I would recommend readers to access the full paper and make up your own minds.

Not a predatory journal

I was not familiar with the journal in which this paper was published – the Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction. It describes itself as "a peer reviewed interdisciplinary journal with an international advisory board". It is an open access journal that charges authors for publication. However, the publication fees are modest (US$25 if authors are from countries that are members of The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and US$50 otherwise). This is an order of magnitude less than is typical for some of the open-access journals that I have criticised here as being predatory – those which do not engage in meaningful peer review, and will publish some very low quality material as long as a fee is paid. 25 dollars seems a reasonable charge for the costs involved in publishing work, unlike the hefty fees charged by many of the less scrupulous journals.

Shamsulbahri and Zulkiply seem, then, to have published in a well-motivated journal and their paper has passed peer review. But this peer thinks that, like most small scale experiments into teaching, it is very hard to draw any solid conclusions from this work.

What do the authors conclude?

Shamsulbahri and Zulkiply argue that their study shows the value of DARTs activities in learning. I approach this work with a bias, as I also think DARTs can be very useful. I used different kinds of DARTs extensively in my teaching with 14-16 years olds when I worked in schools.

The authors claim their study,

"provides experimental evidence in support of the claim that the DARTs method has been beneficial as a pedagogical approach as it helps to enhance qualitative analysis learning in chemistry…

The present study however, has shown that the DARTs method facilitated better learning of the qualitative analysis component of chemistry when it was combined with the experimental method. Using the DARTs method only results in better learning of qualitative analysis component in chemistry, as compared with using the Experimental method only."

Shamsulbahri & Zulkiply, 2021

Yet, despite my bias, which leads me to suspect they are right, I do not think we can infer this much from their quasi-experiment.

I am going to separate out three claims in the quote above:

  1. the DARTs method has been beneficial as a pedagogical approach as it helps to enhance qualitative analysis learning in chemistry
  2. the DARTs method facilitated better learning of the qualitative analysis component of chemistry when it was combined with the [laboratory1] method
  3. the DARTs method [by itself] results in better learning of qualitative analysis component in chemistry, as compared with using the [laboratory] method only.

I am going to suggest that there are two weak claims here and one strong claim. The weak claims are reasonably well supported (but only as long as they are read strictly as presented and not assumed to extend beyond the study) but the strong claim is not.

Limitations of the experiment

I suggest there are several major limiations of this research design.

What population is represented in the study?

In a true experiment researchers would nominate the population of interest (say, for example, 14-16 year old school learners in Malaysia), and then randomly select participants from this population who would be randomly assigned to the different conditions being compared. Random selection and assignment cannot ensure that the groupings of participants are equivalent, nor that the samples genuinely represent the population; as by chance it could happen that, say, the most studious students are assigned to one condition and all the lazy students to an other – but that is very unlikely. Random selection and assignment means that there is strong statistical case to think the outcomes of the experiment probably represent (more or less) what would have happened on a larger scale had it been possible to include the whole population in the experiment.

Read about sampling in research

Obviously, researchers in small-scale experiments are very unlikely to be able to access full populations to sample. Shamsulbahri and Zulkiply did not – and it would be unreasonable to criticise them for this. But this does raise the question of whether what happens in their samples will reflect what would happen with other groups of students. Shamsulbahri and Zulkiply acknowledge their sample cannot be considered typical,

"One limitation of the present study would be the sample used; the participants were all from two local fully residential schools, which were schools for students with high academic performance."

Shamsulbahri & Zulkiply, 2021

So, we have to be careful about generalising from what happened in this specific experiment to what we might expect with different groups of learners. In that regard, two of the claims from the paper that I have highlighted (i.e., the weaker claims) do not directly imply these results can be generalised:

  1. the DARTs method has been beneficial as a pedagogical approach…
  2. the DARTs method facilitated better learning of the qualitative analysis component of chemistry when it was combined with the [laboratory] method

These are claims about what was found in the study – not inferences about what would happen in other circumstances.

Read about randomisation in studies

Equivalence at pretest?

When it is not possible to randomly assign participants to the different conditions then there is always the possibility that whatever process has been used to assign conditions to groups produces a bias. (An extreme case would be in a school that used setting, that is assigning students to teaching groups according to achievement, if one set was assigned to one condition, and another set to a different condition.)

In quasi-experiments on teaching it is usual to pre-test students and to present analysis to show that at the start of the experiment the groups 'are equivalent'. Of course, it is very unlikely two different classes would prove to be entriely equivalent on a pre-test, so often there is a judgement made of the test results being sufficiently similar across the conditions. In practice, in many published studies, authors settle for the very weak (and inadequate) test of not finding differences so great that would be very unlikely to occur by chance (Taber, 2019)!

Read about testing for equivalence

Shamsulbahri and Zulkiply did pretest all participants as a screening process to exclude any students who already had good subject knowledge in the topic (qualitative chemical analysis),

"Before the experimental manipulation began, all participants were given a pre-screening test (i.e., the Cation assessment test) with the intention of selecting only the most qualified participants, that is, those who had a low-level of knowledge on the topic….The participants who scored ten or below (out of a total mark of 30) were selected for the actual experimental manipulation. As it turned out, all 120 participants scored 10 and below (i.e., with an average of 3.66 out of 30 marks), which was the requirement that had been set, and thus they were selected for the actual experimental manipulation."

Shamsulbahri & Zulkiply, 2021

But the researchers do not report the mean results for the groups in the three conditions (laboratory1; DARTs; {laboratory+DARTs}) or give any indication of how similar (or not) these were. Nor do these scores seem to have been included as a variable in the analysis of results. The authors seem to be assuming that as no students scored more than one-third marks in the pre-test, then any differences beteen groups at pre-test can be ignored. (This seems to suggest that scoring 30% or 0% can be considered the same level of prior knowledge in terms of the potential influence on further learning and subsequent post-test scores.) That does not seem a sound assumption.

"It is important to note that there was no issue of pre-test treatment interaction in the context of the present study. This has improved the external validity of the study, since all of the participants were given a pre-screening test before they got involved in the actual experimental manipulation, i.e., in one of the three instructional methods. Therefore, any differences observed in the participants' performance in the post-test later were due to the effect of the instructional method used in the experimental manipulation."

Shamsulbahri & Zulkiply, 2021 (emphasis added)

There seems to be a flaw in the logic here, as the authors seem to be equating demonstrating an absence of high scorers at pre-test with there being no differences between groups which might have influenced learning. 2

Units of analysis

In any research study, researchers need to be clear regarding what their 'unit of analysis' should be. In this case the extreme options seem to be:

  • 120 units of analysis: 40 students in each of three conditions
  • 3 units of analysis: one teaching group in each condition

The key question is whether individual learners can be considered as being subject to the treatment conditions independently of others assiged to the same condition.

"During the study phase, student participants from the three groups were instructed by their respective chemistry teachers to learn in pairs…"

Shamsulbahri & Zulkiply, 2021

There is a strong argument that when a group of students attend class together, and are taught together, and interact with each other during class, they strictly should not be considered as learning independently of each other. Anyone who has taught parallel classes that are supposedly equivalent will know that classes take on their own personalities as groups, and the behaviour and learning of individual students is influenced by the particular class ethos.

Read about units of analysis

So, rigorous research into class teaching pedagogy should not treat the individual learners as units of analysis – yet it often does. The reason is obvious – it is only possible to do statistical testing when the sample size is large enough, and in small scale educational experiments the sample size is never going to be large enough unless one…hm…pretends/imagines/considers/judges/assumes/hopes?, that each learner is independently subject to the assigned treatment without being substantially influenced by others in that condition.

So, Shamsulbahri and Zulkiply treated their participants as independent units of analysis and based on this find a statistically significant effect of treatment:

⎟laboratory⎢ vs. ⎟DARTs⎢ vs. ⎟laboratory+DARTs⎢.

That is questionable – but what if, for argument's sake, we accept this assumption that within a class of 40 students the learners can be considered not to influence each other (even their learning partner?) or the classroom more generally sufficiently to make a difference to others in the class?

A confounding variable?

Perhaps a more serious problem with the research design is that there is insufficient control of potentially relevant variables. In order to make a comparison of ⎟laboratory⎢ vs. ⎟DARTs⎢ vs. ⎟laboratory+DARTs⎢ then the only relevant difference between the three treatment conditions should be whether the students learn by laboratory activity, DARTs, or both. There should not be any other differences between the groups in the different treatments that might reasonably be expected to influence the outcomes.

Read about confounding variables

But the description of how groups were set up suggests this was not the case:

"….the researchers conducted a briefing session on the aims and experimental details of the study for the school's [schools'?] chemistry teachers…the researchers demonstrated and then guided the school's chemistry teachers in terms of the appropriate procedures to implement the DARTs instructional method (i.e., using the DARTs handout sheets)…The researcher also explained to the school's chemistry teachers the way to implement the combined method …

Participants were then classified into three groups: control group (experimental method), first treatment group (DARTs method) and second treatment group (Combination of experiment and DARTs method). There was an equal number of participants for each group (i.e., 40 participants) as well as gender distribution (i.e., 20 females and 20 males in each group). The control group consisted of the participants from School A, while both treatment groups consisted of participants from School B"

Shamsulbahri & Zulkiply, 2021

Several different teachers seems to have been involved in teaching the classes, and even if it is not entirely clear how the teaching was divided up, it is clear that the group that only undertook the laboratory activities were from a different school than those in the other two conditions.

If we think one teacher can be replaced by another without changing learning outcomes, and that schools are interchangeable such that we would expect exactly the same outcomes if we swapped a class of students from one school for a class from another school, then these variables are unimportant. If, however, we think the teacher doing the teaching and the school from which learners are sampled could reasonably make a difference to the learning achieved, then these are confounding variables which have not been properly controlled.

In my own experience, I do not think different teachers become equivalent even when their are briefed to teach in the same way, and I do not think we can assume schools are equivalent when providing students to participate in learning. These differences, then, undermine our ability to assign any differences in outcomes as due to the differences in pedagogy (that "any differences observed…were due to the effect of the instructional method used").

Another confounding variable

And then I come back to my starting point. Learners did not just experience different forms of pedagogy but also different amounts of teaching. The difference between 3 lessons and 5 lessons might in itself be a factor (that is, even if the pedagogy employed in those lessons had been the same), as might the difference between 5 lessons and 8 lessons. So, time spent studying must be seen as a likely confounding variable. Indeed, it is not just the amount of time, but also the number of lessons, as the brain processes learning between classes and what is learnt in one lesson can be reinforced when reviewed in the next. (So we could not just assume, for example, that students automatically learn the same amount from, say, two 60 min. classes and four 30 min. classes covering the same material.)

What can we conclude?

As with many experiments in science teaching, we can accept the results of Shamsulbahri and Zulkiply's study, in terms of what they found in the specific study context, but still not be able to draw strong conclusions of wider significance.

Is the DARTs method beneficial as a pedagogical approach?

I expect the answer to this question is yes, but we need to be careful in drawing this conclusion from the experiment. Certainly the two groups which undertook the DARTs activities outperformed the group which did not. Yet that group was drawn from a different school and taught by a different teacher or teachers. That could have explained why there was less learning. (I am not claiming this is so – the point is we have no way of knowing as different variables are conflated.) In any case, the two groups that did undertake the DARTs activity were both given more lessons and spent substantially longer studying the topic they were tested on, than the class that did not. We simply cannot make a fair comparison here with any confidence.

Did the DARTs method facilitate better learning when it was combined with laboratory work?

There is a stronger comparison here. We still do not know if the two groups were taught by the same teacher/teachers (which could make a difference) or indeed whether the two groups started from a very similar level of prior knowledge. But, at least the two groups were from the same school, and both experienced the same DARTs based instruction. Greater learning was achieved when students undertook laboratory work as well as undertaking DARTs activities compared with students who only undertook the DARTs activity.

The 'combined' group still had more teaching than the DARTs group, but that does not matter here in drawing a logical conclusion because the question being explored is of the form 'does additional teaching input provide additional value?' (Taber, 2019). The question here is not whether one type of pedagogy is better than the other, but simply whether also undertaking practical works adds something over just doing the paper based learning activities.

Read about levels of control in experimental design

As the sample of learners was not representative of any specfiic wider population, we cannot assume this result would generalise beyond the participants in the study, although we might reasonably expect this result would be found elsewhere. But that is because we might already assume that learning about a practical activity (qualitative chemical analysis) will be enhanced by adding some laboratory based study!

Does DARTs pedagogy produce more learning about qualitative analysis than laboratory activities?

Shamsulbahri and Zulkiply's third claim was bolder because it was framed as a generalisation: instruction through DARTs produces more learning about qualitative analysis than laboratory-based instruction. That seems quite a stretch from what the study clearly shows us.

What the research does show us with confidence is that a group of 40 students in one school taught by a particular teacher/teaching team with 5 lessons of a specific set of DARTs activities, performed better on a specific assessment instrument than a different group of 40 students in another school taught by a different teacher/teaching team through three lessons of laboratory work following a specific scheme of practical activities.

a group of 40 students
performed better on a specific assessment instrumentthan a different group of 40 students
in one schoolin another school
taught by a particular teacher/teaching team
taught by a different teacher/teaching team
with 5 lessonsthrough 3 lessons
of a specific set of DARTs activities, of laboratory work following a specific scheme of practical activities
Confounded variables

Test instrument bias?

Even if we thought the post-test used by Shamsulbahri and Zulkiply was perfectly valid as an assessment of topic knowledge, we might be concerned by knowing that learning is situated in a context – we better recall in a similar context to that in which we learned.

How can we best assess students' learning about qualitative analysis?


  • should we be concerned that the form of assessment, a paper-based instrument, is closer in nature to the DARTs learning experience than the laboratory learning experience?

and, if so,

  • might this suggest a bias in the measurement instrument towards one treatment (i.e., DARTs)

and, if so,

  • might a laboratory-based assessment have favoured the group that did the laboratory based learning over the DARTs group, and led to different outcomes?

and, if so,

  • which approach to assessment has more ecological validity in this case: which type of assessment activity is a more authentic way of testing learning about a laboratory-based activity like qualitative chemical analysis?

A representation of my understanding of the experimental design

Can we generalise?

As always with small scale experiments into teaching, we have to judge the extent to which the specifics of the study might prevent us from generalising the findings – to be able to assume they would generally apply elsewhere.3 Here, we are left to ask to what extent we can

  • ignore any undisclosed difference between the groups in levels of prior learning;
  • ignore any difference between the schools and their populations;
  • ignore any differences in teacher(s) (competence, confidence, teaching style, rapport with classes, etc.);
  • ignore any idiosyncrasies in the DARTs scheme of instruction;
  • ignore any idiosyncrasies in the scheme of laboratory instruction;
  • ignore any idiosyncrasies (and potential biases) in the assessment instrument and its marking scheme and their application;

And, if we decide we can put aside any concerns about any of those matters, we can safely assume that (in learning this topic at this level)

  • 5 sessions of learning by DARTs is more effective than 3 sessions of laboratory learning.

Then we only have to decide if that is because

  • (i) DARTs activities teach more about this topic at this level than laboratory activities, or
  • (ii) whether some or all of the difference in learning outcomes is simply because 150 minutes of study (broken into five blocks) has more effect than 90 minutes of study (broken into three blocks).

What do you think?

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Work cited:


1 The authors refer to the conditions as

  • Experimental control group
  • DARTs
  • combination of Experiment + DARTs

I am referring to the first group as 'laboratory' both because it not clear the students were doing any experiments (that is, testing hypotheses) as the practical activity was learning to undertake standard analytical tests, and, secondly, to avoid confusion (between the educational experiment and the laboratory practicals).

2 I think the reference to "no issue of pre-test treatment interaction" is probably meant to suggest that as all students took the same pre-test it will have had the same effect on all participants. But this not only ignores the potential effect of any differences in prior knowledge reflected in the pre-test scores that might influence subsequent learning, but also the effect of taking the pre-test cannot be assumed to be neutral if for some learners it merely told them they knew nothing about the topic, whilst for others it activated and so reinforced some prior knowledge in the subject. In principle, the interaction between prior knowledge and taking the pretest could have influenced learning at both cognitive and affective levels: that is, both in terms of consolidation of prior learning and cuing for the new learning; and in terms of a learner's confidence in, and attitude towards, learning the topic.

3 Even when we do have a representative sample of a population to test, we can only infer that the outcomes of an experiment reflect what will be most likely for members (schools, learners, classes, teachers…) of the wider population. Individual differences are such that we can never say that what most probably is the case will always be the case.

When an experiment tests a sample drawn at random from a wider population, then the findings of the experiment can be assumed to apply (on average) to the population. (Source: after Taber, 2019).

Reflecting the population

Sampling an "exceedingly large number of students"

Keith S. Taber

the key to sampling a population is identifying a representative sample

Obtaining a representative sample of a population can be challenging
(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

Many studies in education are 'about' an identified population (students taking A level Physics examinations; chemistry teachers in German secondary schools; children transferring from primary to secondary school in Scotland; undergraduates majoring in STEM subjects in Australia…).

Read about populations of interest in research

But, in practice, most studies only collect data from a sample of the population of interest.

Sampling the population

One of the key challenges in social research is sampling. Obtaining a sample is usually not that difficult. However, often the logic of research is something along the lines:

  • 1. Aim – to find out about a population.
  • 2. As it is impractical to collect data from the whole population, collect data from a sample.
  • 3. Analyse data collected from the sample.
  • 4. Draw inferences about the population from the analysis of data collected form the sample.

For example, if one wished to do research into the views of school teachers in England and there are, say, 600 000 of them, it is, unlikely anyone could undertake research that collected and analysed data from all of them and produce results in a short enough period for the findings to still be valid (unless they were prepared to employ a research team of thousands!) But perhaps one could collect data from a sample that would be informative about the population.

This can be a reasonable approach (and, indeed, is a very common approach in research in areas like education) but relies on the assumption that what is true of the sample, can be generalised to the population.

That clearly depends on the sample being representatives of the larger population (at least in those ways which are pertinent to the the research).

When a study (as here in the figure an experiment) collects data from a sample drawn at random from a wider population, then the findings of the experiment can be assumed to apply (on average) to the population. (Figure from Taber, 2019.) In practice, unless a population of interest is quite modest in size (e.g., teachers in one school; post-graduate students in one university department; registered members of a society) it is usually simply not feasible to obtain a random sample.

For example, if we were interested in secondary school students in England, and we had a sample of secondary students from England that (a) reflected the age profile of the population; (b) reflected the gender profile of the population; but (c) were all drawn from one secondary school, this is unlikely to be a representative sample.

  • If we do have a representative sample, then the likely error in generalising from sample to population can be calculated (and can be reduced by having a larger sample);
  • If we do not have a representative sample, then there is no way of knowing how well the findings from the sample reflect the wider population and increasing sample size does not really help; and, for that matter,
  • If we do not know whether we have a representative sample, then, again, there is no way of knowing how well the findings from the sample reflect the wider population and increasing sample size does not really help.

So, the key to sampling a population is identifying a representative sample.

Read about sampling a population

If we know that only a small number of factors are relevant to the research then we may (if we are able to characterise members of the population on these criteria) be able to design a sample which is representative based on those features which are important.

If the relevant factors for a study were teaching subject; years of teaching experience; teacher gender, then we would want to build a sample that fitted the population profile accordingly, so, maybe, 3% female maths teachers with 10+ years of teaching experience, et cetera. We would need suitable demographic information about the population to inform the building of the sample.

We can then randomly select from those members of the the population with the right characteristics within the different 'cells'.

However, if we do not know exactly what specific features might be relevant to characterise a population in a particular research project, the best we might be able to do is to to employ a randomly chosen sample which at least allows the measurement error to be estimated.

Labs for exceedingly large numbers of students

Leopold and Smith (2020) were interested in the use of collaborative group work in a "general chemistry, problem-based lab course" at a United States university, where students worked in fixed groups of three or four throughout the course. As well as using group work for more principled reasons, "group work is also utilized as a way to manage exceedingly large numbers of students and efficiently allocate limited time, space, and equipment" (p.1). They tell readers that

"the case we examine here is a general chemistry, problem-based lab course that enrols approximately 3500 students each academic year"

Leopold & Smith, 2020, p.5

Although they recognised a wide range of potential benefits of collaborative work, these depend upon students being able to work effectively in groups, which requires skills that cannot be take for granted. Leopold and Smith report how structured support was put in place that help students diagnose impediments to the effective work of their groups – and they investigated this in their study.

The data collected was of two types. There was a course evaluation at the end of the year taken by all the students in the cohort, "795 students enrolled [in] the general chemistry I lab course during the spring 2019 semester" (p.7). However, they also collected data from a sample of student groups during the course, in terms of responses to group tasks designed to help them think about and develop their group work.

Population and sample

As the focus of their research was a specific course, the population of interest was the cohort of undergraduates taking the course. Given the large number of students involved, they collected qualitative data from a sample of the groups.

Units of analysis

The course evaluation questions sought individual learners' views so for that data the unit of analysis was the individual student. However, the groups were tasked with working as a group to improve their effectiveness in collaborative learning. So, in Leopold and Smith's sample of groups, the unit of analysis was the group. Some data was received from individual groups members, and other data were submitted as group responses: but the analysis was on the basis of responses from within the specific groups in the sample.

A stratified sample

Leopold and Smith explained that

"We applied a stratified random sampling scheme in order to account for variations across lab sections such as implementation fidelity and instructor approach so as to gain as representative a sample as possible. We stratified by individual instructors teaching the course which included undergraduate teaching assistants (TAs), graduate TAs, and teaching specialists. One student group from each instructor's lab sections was randomly selected. During spring 2019, we had 19 unique instructors teaching the course therefore we selected 19 groups, for a total of 76 students."

Leopold & Smith, 2020, p.7

The paper does not report how the random assignment was made – how it was decided which group would be selected for each instructor. As any competent scientist ought to be able to make a random selection quite easily in this situation, this is perhaps not a serious omission. I mention this because sadly not all authors who report having used randomisation can support this when asked how (Taber, 2013).

Was the sample representative?

Leopold and Smith found that, based on their sample, student groups could diagnose impediments to effective group working, and could often put in place effective strategies to increase their effectiveness.

We might wonder if the sample was representative of the wider population. If the groups were randomly selected in the way claimed then one would expect this would probably be the case – only 'probably', as that is the best randomisation and statistics can do – we can never know for certain that a random sample is representative, only that it is unlikely to be especially unrepresentative!

The only way to know for sure that a sample is genuinely representative of the population of interest in relation to the specific focus of a study, would be to collect data from the whole population and check the sample data matches the population data.* But, of course, if it was feasible to collect data from everyone in the population, there would be no need to sample in the first place.

However, because the end of course evaluation was taken by all students in the cohort (the study population) Leopold and Smith were able to see if those students in the sample responded in ways that were generally in line with the population as a whole. The two figures reproduced here seem to suggest they did!

Figure 1 from Leopold & Smith, 2020, p.10, which is published with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license allowing reproduction.

Figure 2 from Leopold & Smith, 2020, p.10, which is published with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license allowing reproduction.

There is clearly a pretty good match here. However, it is important to not over-interpret this data. The questions in the evaluation related to the overall experience of group working, whereas the qualitative data analysed from the sample related to the more specific issues of diagnosing and addressing issues in the working of groups. These are related matters but not identical, and we cannot assume that the very strong similarity between sample and population outcomes in the survey demonstrates (or proves!) that the analysis of data from the sample is also so closely representative of what would have been obtained if all the groups had been included in the data collection.

Experiences of learning through group-workLearning to work more effectively in groups
Samplepatterns in data closely reflected population responsesdata only collected from a sample of groups
Populationall invited to provide feedback[it seems reasonable to assume results from sample are likely to apply to the cohort as a whole]
The similarly of the feedback viewing by students in the sample of groups to the overall cohort responses suggests that the sample was broadly representative of the overall population in terms of developing group-work skills and practices

It might well have been, but we cannot know for sure. (* The only way to know for sure that a sample is genuinely representative of the population of interest in relation to the specific focus of a study, would be …)

However, the way the sample so strongly reflected the population in relation to the evaluation data, shows that in that (related if not identical) respect at least the sample is strongly representative, and that is very likely to give readers confidence in the sampling procedure used. If this had been my study I would have been pretty pleased with this, at least strongly suggestive, circumstantial evidence of the representativeness of the sampling of the student groups.

Work cited:

Delusions of educational impact

A 'peer-reviewed' study claims to improve academic performance by purifying the souls of students suffering from hallucinations

Keith S. Taber

The research design is completely inadequate…the whole paper is confused…the methodology seems incongruous…there is an inconsistency…nowhere is the population of interest actually identified…No explanation of the discrepancy is provided…results of this analysis are not reported…the 'interview' technique used in the study is highly inadequate…There is a conceptual problem here…neither the validity nor reliability can be judged…the statistic could not apply…the result is not reported…approach is completely inappropriate…these tables are not consistent…the evidence is inconclusive…no evidence to demonstrate the assumed mechanism…totally unsupported claims…confusion of recommendations with findings…unwarranted generalisation…the analysis that is provided is useless…the research design is simply inadequate…no control condition…such a conclusion is irresponsible

Some issues missed in peer review for a paper in the European Journal of Education and Pedagogy

An invitation to publish without regard to quality?

I received an email from an open-access journal called the European Journal of Education and Pedagogy, with the subject heading 'Publish Fast and Pay Less' which immediately triggered the thought "another predatory journal?" Predatory journals publish submissions for a fee, but do not offer the editorial and production standards expected of serious research journals. In particular, they publish material which clearly falls short of rigorous research despite usually claiming to engage in peer review.

A peer reviewed journal?

Checking out the website I found the usual assurances that the journal used rigorous peer review as:

"The process of reviewing is considered critical to establishing a reliable body of research and knowledge. The review process aims to make authors meet the standards of their discipline, and of science in general.

We use a double-blind system for peer-reviewing; both reviewers and authors' identities remain anonymous to each other. The paper will be peer-reviewed by two or three experts; one is an editorial staff and the other two are external reviewers."

Peer review is critical to the scientific process. Work is only published in (serious) research journals when it has been scrutinised by experts in the relevant field, and any issues raised responded to in terms of revisions sufficient to satisfy the editor.

I could not find who the editor(-in-chief) was, but the 'editorial team' of European Journal of Education and Pedagogy were listed as

  • Bea Tomsic Amon, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Chunfang Zhou, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
  • Gabriel Julien, University of Sheffield, UK
  • Intakhab Khan, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
  • Mustafa Kayıhan Erbaş, Aksaray University, Turkey
  • Panagiotis J. Stamatis, University of the Aegean, Greece

I decided to look up the editor based in England where I am also based but could not find a web presence for him at the University of Sheffield. Using the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) provided on the journal website I found his ORCID biography places him at the University of the West Indies and makes no mention of Sheffield.

If the European Journal of Education and Pedagogy is organised like a serious research journal, then each submission is handled by one of this editorial team. However the reference to "editorial staff" might well imply that, like some other predatory journals I have been approached by (e.g., Are you still with us, Doctor Wu?), the editorial work is actually carried out by office staff, not qualified experts in the field.

That would certainly help explain the publication, in this 'peer-reviewed research journal', of the first paper that piqued my interest enough to motivate me to access and read the text.

The Effects of Using the Tazkiyatun Nafs Module on the Academic Achievement of Students with Hallucinations

The abstract of the paper published in what claims to be a peer-reviewed research journal

The paper initially attracted my attention because it seemed to about treatment of a medical condition, so I wondered was doing in an education journal. Yet, the paper seemed to also be about an intervention to improve academic performance. As I read the paper, I found a number of flaws and issues (some very obvious, some quite serious) that should have been spotted by any qualified reviewer or editor, and which should have indicated that possible publication should have been be deferred until these matters were satisfactorily addressed.

This is especially worrying as this paper makes claims relating to the effective treatment of a symptom of potentially serious, even critical, medical conditions through religious education ("a  spiritual  approach", p.50): claims that might encourage sufferers to defer seeking medical diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, these are claims that are not supported by any evidence presented in this paper that the editor of the European Journal of Education and Pedagogy decided was suitable for publication.

An overview of what is demonstrated, and what is claimed, in the study.

Limitations of peer review

Peer review is not a perfect process: it relies on busy human beings spending time on additional (unpaid) work, and it is only effective if suitable experts can be found that fit with, and are prepared to review, a submission. It is also generally more challenging in the social sciences than in the natural sciences. 1

That said, one sometimes finds papers published in predatory journals where one would expect any intelligent person with a basic education to notice problems without needing any specialist knowledge at all. The study I discuss here is a case in point.

Purpose of the study

Under the heading 'research objectives', the reader is told,

"In general, this journal [article?] attempts to review the construction and testing of Tazkiyatun Nafs [a Soul Purification intervention] to overcome the problem of hallucinatory disorders in student learning in secondary schools. The general objective of this study is to identify the symptoms of hallucinations caused by subtle beings such as jinn and devils among students who are the cause of disruption in learning as well as find solutions to these problems.

Meanwhile, the specific objective of this study is to determine the effect of the use of Tazkiyatun Nafs module on the academic achievement of students with hallucinations.

To achieve the aims and objectives of the study, the researcher will get answers to the following research questions [sic]:

Is it possible to determine the effect of the use of the Tazkiyatun Nafs module on the academic achievement of students with hallucinations?"

Awang, 2022, p.42

I think I can save readers a lot of time regarding the research question by suggesting that, in this study, at least, the answer is no – if only because the research design is completely inadequate to answer the research question. (I should point that the author comes to the opposite conclusion: e.g., "the approach taken in this study using the Tazkiyatun Nafs module is very suitable for overcoming the problem of this hallucinatory disorder", p.49.)

Indeed, the whole paper is confused in terms of what it is setting out to do, what it actually reports, and what might be concluded. As one example, the general objective of identifying "the symptoms of hallucinations caused by subtle beings such as jinn and devils" (but surely, the hallucinations are the symptoms here?) seems to have been forgotten, or, at least, does not seem to be addressed in the paper. 2

The study assumes that hallucinations are caused by subtle beings such as jinn and devils possessing the students.
(Image by Tünde from Pixabay)


So, this seems to be an intervention study.

  • Some students suffer from hallucinations.
  • This is detrimental to their education.
  • It is hypothesised that the hallucinations are caused by supernatural spirits ("subtle beings that lead to hallucinations"), so, a soul purification module might counter this detriment;
  • if so, sufferers engaging with the soul purification module should improve their academic performance;
  • and so the effect of the module is being tested in the study.

Thus we have a kind of experimental study?

No, not according to the author. Indeed, the study only reports data from a small number of unrepresentative individuals with no controls,

"The study design is a case study design that is a qualitative study in nature. This study uses a case study design that is a study that will apply treatment to the study subject to determine the effectiveness of the use of the planned modules and study variables measured many times to obtain accurate and original study results. This study was conducted on hallucination disorders [students suffering from hallucination disorders?] to determine the effectiveness of the Tazkiyatun Nafs module in terms of aspects of student academic achievement."

Awang, 2022, p.42

Case study?

So, the author sees this as a case study. Research methodologies are better understood as clusters of similar approaches rather than unitary categories – but case study is generally seen as naturalistic, rather than involving an intervention by an external researcher. So, case study seems incongruous here. Case study involves the detailed exploration of an instance (of something of interest – a lesson, a school, a course of tudy, a textbook, …) reported with 'thick description'.

Read about the characteristics of case study research

The case is usually a complex phenomena which is embedded within a context from which is cannot readily be untangled (for example, a lesson always takes place within a wider context of a teacher working over time with a class on a course of study, within a curricular, and institutional, and wider cultural, context, all of which influence the nature of the specific lesson). So, due to the complex and embedded nature of cases, they are all unique.

"a case study is a study that is full of thoroughness and complex to know and understand an issue or case studied…this case study is used to gain a deep understanding of an issue or situation in depth and to understand the situation of the people who experience it"

Awang, 2022, p.42

A case is usually selected either because that case is of special importance to the researcher (an intrinsic case study – e.g., I studied this school because it is the one I was working in) or because we hope this (unique) case can tell us something about similar (but certainly not identical) other (also unique) cases. In the latter case [sic], an instrumental case study, we are always limited by the extent we might expect to be able to generalise beyond the case.

This limited generalisation might suggest we should not work with a single case, but rather look for a suitably representative sample of all cases: but we sometimes choose case study because the complexity of the phenomena suggests we need to use extensive, detailed data collection and analyses to understand the complexity and subtlety of any case. That is (i.e., the compromise we choose is), we decide we will look at one case in depth because that will at least give us insight into the case, whereas a survey of many cases will inevitably be too superficial to offer any useful insights.

So how does Awang select the case for this case study?

"This study is a case study of hallucinatory disorders. Therefore, the technique of purposive sampling (purposive sampling [sic]) is chosen so that the selection of the sample can really give a true picture of the information to be explored ….

Among the important steps in a research study is the identification of populations and samples. The large group in which the sample is selected is termed the population. A sample is a small number of the population identified and made the respondents of the study. A case or sample of n = 1 was once used to define a patient with a disease, an object or concept, a jury decision, a community, or a country, a case study involves the collection of data from only one research participant…

Awang, 2022, p.42

Of course, a case study of "a community, or a country" – or of a school, or a lesson, or a professional development programme, or a school leadership team, or a homework policy, or an enrichnment activity, or … – would almost certainly be inadequate if it was limited to "the collection of data from only one research participant"!

I do not think this study actually is "a case study of hallucinatory disorders [sic]". Leading aside the shift from singular ("a case study") to plural ("disorders"), the research does not investigate a/some hallucinatory disorders, but the effect of a soul purification module on academic performance. (Actually, spoiler alert  😉, it does not actually investigate the effect of a soul purification module on academic performance either, but the author seems to think it does.)

If this is a case study, there should be the selection of a case, not a sample. Sometimes we do sample within a case in case study, but only from those identified as part of the case. (For example, if the case was a year group in a school, we may not have resources to interact in depth with several hundred different students). Perhaps this is pedantry as the reader likely knows what Awang meant by 'sample' in the paper – but semantics is important in research writing: a sample is chosen to represent a population, whereas the choice of case study is an acknowledgement that generalisation back to a population is not being claimed).

However, if "among the important steps in a research study is the identification of populations" then it is odd that nowhere in the paper is the population of interest actually specified!

Things slip our minds. Perhaps Awang intended to define the population, forgot, and then missed this when checking the text – buy, hey, that is just the kind of thing the reviewers and editor are meant to notice! Otherwise this looks very like including material from standard research texts to play lip-service to the idea that research-design needs to be principled, but without really appreciating what the phrases used actually mean. This impression is also given by the descriptions of how data (for example, from interviews) were analysed – but which are not reflected at all in the results section of the paper. (I am not accusing Awang of this, but because of the poor standard of peer review not raising the question, the author is left vulnerable to such an evaluation.)

The only one research participant?

So, what do we know about the "case or sample of n = 1 ", the "only one research participant" in this study?

The actual respondents in this case study related to hallucinatory disorders were five high school students. The supportive respondents in the case study related to hallucination disorders were five counseling teachers and five parents or guardians of students who were the actual respondents."

Awang, 2022, p.42

It is certainly not impossible that a case could comprise a group of five people – as long as those five make up a naturally bounded group – that is a group that a reasonable person would recognise as existing as a coherent entiy as they clearly had something in common (they were in the same school class, for example; they were attending the same group therapy session, perhaps; they were a friendship group; they were members of the same extended family diagnosed with hallucinatory disorders…something!) There is no indication here of how these five make up a case.

The identification of the participants as a case might have made sense had the participants collectively undertaken the module as a group, but the reader is told: "This study is in the form of a case study. Each practice and activity in the module are done individually" (p.50). Another justification could have been if the module had been offered in one school, and these five participants were the students enrolled in the programme at that time but as "analysis of  the  respondents'  academic  performance  was conducted  after  the  academic  data  of  all  respondents  were obtained  from  the  respective  respondent's  school" (p.45) it seems they did not attend a single school.

The results tables and reports in the text refer to "respondent 1" to "respondent 4". In case study, an approach which recognises the individuality and inherent value of the particular case, we would usually assign assumed names to research participants, not numbers. But if we are going to use numbers, should there not be a respondent 5?

The other one research participant?

It seems that these is something odd here.

Both the passage above, and the abstract refer to five respondents. The results report on four. So what is going on? No explanation of the discrepancy is provided. Perhaps:

  • There only ever were four participants, and the author made a mistake in counting.
  • There only ever were four participants, and the author made a typographical mistake (well, strictly, six typographical mistakes) in drafting the paper, and then missed this in checking the manuscript.
  • There were five respondents and the author forgot to include data on respondent 5 purely by accident.
  • There were five respondents, but the author decided not to report on the fifth deliberately for a reason that is not revealed (perhaps the results did not fit with the desired outcome?)

The significant point is not that there is an inconsistency but that this error was missed by peer reviewers and the editor – if there ever was any genuine peer review. This is the kind of mistake that a school child could spot – so, how is it possible that 'expert reviewers' and 'editorial staff' either did not notice it, or did not think it important enough to query?

Research instruments

Another section of the paper reports the instrumentation used in the paper.

"The research instruments for this study were Takziyatun Nafs modules, interview questions, and academic document analysis. All these instruments were prepared by the researcher and tested for validity and reliability before being administered to the selected study sample [sic, case?]."

Awang, 2022, p.42

Of course, it is important to test instruments for validity and reliability (or perhaps authenticity and trustworthiness when collecting qualitative data). But it is also important

  • to tell the reader how you did this
  • to report the outcomes

which seems to be missing (apart from in regard to part of the implemented module – see below). That is, the reader of a research study wants evidence not simply promises. Simply telling readers you did this is a bit like meeting a stranger who tells you that you can trust them because they (i.e., say that they) are honest.

Later the reader is told that

"Semi- structured interview questions will be [sic, not 'were'?] developed and validated for the purpose of identifying the causes and effects of hallucinations among these secondary school students…

…this interview process will be [sic, not 'was'] conducted continuously [sic!] with respondents to get a clear and specific picture of the problem of hallucinations and to find the best solution to overcome this disorder using Islamic medical approaches that have been planned in this study

Awang, 2022, pp.43-44

At the very least, this seems to confuse the plan for the research with a report of what was done. (But again, apparently, the reviewers and editorial staff did not think this needed addressing.) This is also confusing as it is not clear how this aspect of the study relates to the intervention. Were the interviews carried out before the intervention to help inform the design of the modules (presumably not as they had already been "tested for validity and reliability before being administered to the selected study sample"). Perhaps there are clear and simple answers to such questions – but the reader will not know because the reviewers and editor did not seem to feel they needed to be posed.

If "Interviews are the main research instrument in this study" (p.43), then one would expect to see examples of the interview schedules – but these are not presented. The paper reports a complex process for analysing interview data, but this is not reflected in the findings reported. The readers is told that the six stage process leads to the identifications and refinement of main and sub-categories. Yet, these categories are not reported in the paper. (But, again, peer reviewers and the editor did not apparently raise this as something to be corrected.) More generally "data  analysis  used  thematic  analysis  methods" (p.44), so why is there no analysis presented in terms of themes? The results of this analysis are simply not reported.

The reader is told that

"This  interview  method…aims to determine the respondents' perspectives, as well as look  at  the  respondents'  thoughts  on  their  views  on  the issues studied in this study."

Awang, 2022, p.44

But there is no discussion of participants perspectives and views in the findings of the study. 2 Did the peer reviewers and editor not think this needed addressing before publication?

Even more significantly, in a qualitative study where interviews are supposedly the main research instrument, one would expect to see extracts from the interviews presented as part of the findings to support and exemplify claims being made: yet, there are none. (Did this not strike the peer reviewers and editor as odd: presumably they are familiar with the norms of qualitative research?)

The only quotation from the qualitative data (in this 'qualitative' study) I can find appears in the implications section of the paper:

"Are you aware of the importance of education to you? Realize. Is that lesson really important? Important. The success of the student depends on the lessons in school right or not? That's right"

Respondent 3: Awang, 2022, p.49

This seems a little bizarre, if we accept this is, as reported, an utterance from one of the students, Respondent 3. It becomes more sensible if this is actually condensed dialogue:

"Are you aware of the importance of education to you?"


"Is that lesson really important?"


"The success of the student depends on the lessons in school right or not?"

"That's right"

It seems the peer review process did not lead to suggesting that the material should be formatted according to the norms for presenting dialogue in scholarly texts by indicating turns. In any case, if that is typical of the 'interview' technique used in the study then it is highly inadequate, as clearly the interviewer is leading the respondent, and this is more an example of indoctrination than open-ended enquiry.

Random sampling of data

Completely incongruous with the description of the purposeful selection of the participants for a case study is the account of how the assessment data was selected for analysis:

"The  process  of  analysis  of  student  achievement documents is carried out randomly by taking the results of current  examinations  that  have  passed  such  as the  initial examination of the current year or the year before which is closest  to  the  time  of  the  study."

Awang, 2022, p.44

Did the peer reviewers or editor not question the use of the term random here? It is unclear what is meant to by 'random' here, but clearly if the analysis was based on randomly selected data that would undermine the results.

Validating the soul purification module

There is also a conceptual problem here. The Takziyatun Nafs modules are the intervention materials (part of what is being studied) – so they cannot also be research instruments (used to study them). Surely, if the Takziyatun Nafs modules had been shown to be valid and reliable before carrying out the reported study, as suggested here, then the study would not be needed to evaluate their effectiveness. But, presumably, expert peer reviewers (if there really were any) did not see an issue here.

The reliability of the intervention module

The Takziyatun Nafs modules had three components, and the author reports the second of the three was subjected to tests of validity and reliability. It seems that Awang thinks that this demonstrates the validity and reliability of the complete intervention,

"The second part of this module will go through [sic] the process of obtaining the validity and reliability of the module. Proses [sic] to obtain this validity, a questionnaire was constructed to test the validity of this module. The appointed specialists are psychologists, modern physicians (psychiatrists), religious specialists, and alternative medicine specialists. The validity of the module is identified from the aspects of content, sessions, and activities of the Tazkiyatun Nafs module. While to obtain the value of the reliability coefficient, Cronbach's alpha coefficient method was used. To obtain this Cronbach's alpha coefficient, a pilot test was conducted on 50 students who were randomly selected to test the reliability of this module to be conducted."

Awang, 2022, pp.43-44

Now to unpack this, it may be helpful to briefly outline what the intervention involved (as as the paper is open access anyone can access and read the full details in the report).

From the MGM film 'A Night at the Opera' (1935): "The introduction of the module will elaborate on the introduction, rationale, and objectives of this module introduced"

The description does not start off very helpfully ("The introduction of the module will elaborate on the introduction, rationale, and objectives of this module introduced" (p.43) put me in mind of the Marx brothers: "The party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part"), but some key points are,

"the Tazkiyatun Nafs module was constructed to purify the heart of each respondent leading to the healing of hallucinatory disorders. This liver purification process is done in stages…

"the process of cleansing the patient's soul will be done …all the subtle beings in the patient will be expelled and cleaned and the remnants of the subtle beings in the patient will be removed and washed…

The second process is the process of strengthening and the process of purification of the soul or heart of the patient …All the mazmumah (evil qualities) that are in the heart must be discarded…

The third process is the process of enrichment and the process of distillation of the heart and the practices performed. In this process, there will be an evaluation of the practices performed by the patient as well as the process to ensure that the patient is always clean from all the disturbances and disturbances [sic] of subtle beings to ensure that students will always be healthy and clean from such disturbances…

Awang, 2022, p.45, p.43

Quite how this process of exorcising and distilling and cleansing will occur is not entirely clear (and if the soul is equated with the heart, how is the liver involved?), but it seems to involve reflection and prayer and contemplation of scripture – certainly a very personal and therapeutic process.

And yet its validity and reliability was tested by giving a questionnaire to 50 students randomly selected (from the unspecified population, presumably)? No information is given on how a random section was made (Taber, 2013) – which allows a reader to be very sceptical that this actually was a random sample from the (un?)identified population, and not just an arbitrary sample of 50 students. (So, that is twice the word 'random' is used in the paper when it seems inappropriate.)

It hardly matters here, as clearly neither the validity nor the reliability of a spiritual therapy can be judged from a questionnaire (especially when administered to people who have never undertaken the therapy). In any case, the "reliability coefficient" obtained from an administration of a questionnaire ONLY applies to that sample on that occasion. So, the statistic could not apply to the four participants in the study. And, in any case, the result is not reported, so the reader has no idea what the value of Cronbach's alpha was (but then, this was described as a qualitative study!)

Moreover, Cronbach's alpha only indicates the internal coherence of the items on a scale (Taber, 2019): so, it only indicates whether the set of questions included in the questionnaire seem to be accessing the same underlying construct in motivating the responses of those surveyed across the set of items. It gives no information about the reliability of the instrument (i.e., whether it would give the same results on another occasion).

This approach to testing validity and reliability is then completely inappropriate and unhelpful. So, even if the outcomes of the testing had been reported (and they are not) they would not offer any relevant evidence. Yet it seems that peer reviewers and editor did not think to question why this section was included in the paper.

Ethical issues

A study of this kind raises ethical issues. It may well be that the research was carried out in an entirely proper and ethical manner, but it is usual in studies with human participants ('human subjects') to make this clear in the published report (Taber, 2014b). A standard issue is whether the participants gave voluntary, informed, consent. This would mean that they were given sufficient information about the study at the outset to be able to decide if they wished to participate, and were under no undue pressure to do so. The 'respondents' were school students: if they were considered minors in the research context (and oddly for a 'case study' such basic details as age and gender are not reported) then parental permission would also be needed, again subject to sufficient briefing and no duress.

However, in this specific research there are also further issues due to the nature of the study. The participants were subject to medical disorders, so how did the researcher obtain information about, and access to, the students without medical confidentiality being broken? Who were the 'gatekeepers' who provided access to the children and their personal data? The researcher also obtained assessment data "from  the  class  teacher  or  from  the  Student Affairs section of the student's school" (p.44), so it is important to know that students (and parents/guardians) consented to this. Again, peer review does not seem to have identified this as an issue to address before publication.

There is also the major underlying question about the ethics of a study when recognising that these students were (or could be, as details are not provided) suffering from serious medical conditions, but employing religious education as a treatment ("This method of treatment is to help respondents who suffer from hallucinations caused by demons or subtle beings", p.44). Part of the theoretical framework underpinning the study is the assumption that what is being addressed is"the problem of hallucinations caused by the presence of ethereal beings…" (p.43) yet it is also acknowledged that,

"Hallucinatory disorders in learning that will be emphasized in this study are due to several problems that have been identified in several schools in Malaysia. Such disorders are psychological, environmental, cultural, and sociological disorders. Psychological disorders such as hallucinatory disorders can lead to a more critical effect of bringing a person prone to Schizophrenia. Psychological disorders such as emotional disorders and psychiatric disorders. …Among the causes of emotional disorders among students are the school environment, events in the family, family influence, peer influence, teacher actions, and others."

Awang, 2022, p.41

There seem to be three ways of understanding this apparent discrepancy, which I might gloss:

  1. there are many causes of conditions that involve hallucinations, including, but not only, possession by evil or mischievousness spirits;
  2. the conditions that lead to young people having hallucinations may be understood at two complementary levels, at a spiritual level in terms of a need for inner cleansing and exorcising of subtle beings, and in terms of organic disease or conditions triggered by, for example, social and psychological factors;
  3. in the introduction the author has relied on various academic sources to discuss the nature of the phenomenon of students having hallucinations, but he actually has a working assumption that is completely different: hallucinations are due to the presence of jinn or other spirits.

I do not think it is clear which of these positions is being taken by the study's author.

  1. In the first case it would be necessary to identify which causes are present in potential respondents and only recruit those suffering possession for this study (which does not seem to have been done);
  2. In the second case, spiritual treatment would need to complement medical intervention (which would completely undermine the validity of the study as medical treatments for the underlying causes of hallucinations are likely to be the cause of hallucinations ceasing, not the tested intervention);
  3. The third position is clearly problematic in terms of academic scholarship as it is either completely incompetent or deliberately disregards academic norms that require the design of a study to reflect the conceptual framework set out to motivate it.

So, was this tested intervention implemented instead of or alongside formal medical intervention?

  • If it was alongside medical treatment, then that raises a major confound for the study.
  • Yet it would clearly be unacceptable to deny sufferers indicated medical treatment in order to test an educational intervention that is in effect a form of exorcism.

Again, it may be there are simple and adequate responses to these questions (although here I really cannot see what they might be), but unfortunately it seems the journal referees and editor did not think to ask for them.  


Results tables presented in Awang, 2022 (p.45) [Published with a creative commons licence allowing reproduction]: "Based on the findings stated in Table I show that serial respondents experienced a decline in academic achievement while they face the problem of hallucinations. In contrast to Table II which shows an improvement in students' academic achievement  after  hallucinatory  disorders  can  be  resolved." If we assume that columns in the second table have been mislabelled, then it seems the school performance of these four students suffered while they were suffering hallucinations, but improved once they recovered. From this, we can infer…?

The key findings presented concern academic performance at school. Core results are presented in tables I and II. Unfortunately these tables are not consistent as they report contradictory results for the academic performance of students before and during periods when they had hallucinations.

They can be made consistent if the reader assumes that two of the columns in table II are mislabelled. If the reader assumes that the column labelled 'before disruption' actually reports the performance 'during disruption' and that the column actually labelled 'during disruption' is something else, then they become consistent. For the results to tell a coherent story and agree with the author's interpretation this 'something else' presumably should be 'after disruption'.

This is a very unfortunate error – and moreover one that is obvious to any careful reader. (So, why was it not obvious to the referees and editor?)

As well as looking at these overall scores, other assessment data is presented separately for each of respondent 1 – respondent 4. Theses sections comprise presentations of information about grades and class positions, mixed with claims about the effects of the intervention. These claims are not based on any evidence and in many cases are conclusions about 'respondents' in general although they are placed in sections considering the academic assessment data of individual respondents. So,there are a number of problems with these claims:

  • they are of the nature of conclusions, but appear in the section presenting the findings;
  • they are about the specific effects of the intervention that the author assumes has influenced academic performance, not the data analysed in these sections;
  • they are completely unsubstantiated as no data or analysis is offered to support them;
  • often they make claims about 'respondents' in general, although as part of the consideration of data from individual learners.

Despite this, the paper passed peer-review and editorial scrutiny.

Rhetorical research?

This paper seems to be an example of a kind of 'rhetorical research' where a researcher is so convinced about their pre-existant theoretical commitments that they simply assume they have demonstrated them. Here the assumption seem to be:

  1. Recovering from suffering hallucinations will increase student performance
  2. Hallucinations are caused by jinn and devils
  3. A spiritual intervention will expel jinn and devils
  4. So, a spiritual intervention will cure hallucinations
  5. So, a spiritual intervention will increase student performance

The researcher provided a spiritual intervention, and the student performance increased, so it is assumed that the scheme is demonstrated. The data presented is certainly consistent with the assumption, but does not in itself support this scheme without evidence. Awang provides evidence that student performance improved in four individuals after they had received the intervention – but there is no evidence offered to demonstrate the assumed mechanism.

A gardener might think that complimenting seedlings will cause them to grow. Perhaps she praises her seedlings every day, and they do indeed grow. Are we persuaded about the efficacy of her method, or might we suspect another cause at work? Would the peer-reveiewers and editor of the European Journal of Education and Pedagogy be persuaded this demonstrated that compliments cause plant growth? On the evidence of this paper, perhaps they would.

This is what Awang tells readers about the analysis undertaken:

Each student  respondent  involved  in  this  study  [sic, presumably not, rather the researcher] will  use  the analysis  of  the  respondent's  performance  to  determine the effect of hallucination disorders on student achievement in secondary school is accurate.

The elements compared in this analysis are as follows: a) difference in mean percentage of achievement by subject, b) difference in grade achievement by subject and c) difference in the grade of overall student achievement. All academic results of the respondents will be analyzed as well as get the mean of the difference between the  performance  before, during, and after the  respondents experience  hallucinations. 

These  results  will  be  used  as research material to determine the accuracy of the use of the Tazkiyatun  Nafs  Module  in  solving  the  problem  of hallucinations   in   school   and   can   improve   student achievement in academic school."

Awang, 2022, p.45

There is clearly a large jump between the analysis outlined in the second paragraph here, and testing the study hypotheses as set out in the final paragraph. But the author does not seem to notice this (and more worryingly, nor do the journal's reviewers and editor).

So interleaved into the account of findings discussing "mean percentage of achievement by subject…difference in grade achievement by subject…difference in the grade of overall student achievement" are totally unsupported claims. Here is an example for Respondent 1:

"Based on the findings of the respondent's achievement in the  grade  for  Respondent  1  while  facing  the  problem  of hallucinations  shows  that  there  is  not  much  decrease  or deterioration  of  the  respondent's  grade.  There  were  only  4 subjects who experienced a decline in grade between before and  during  hallucination  disorder.  The  subjects  that experienced  decline  were  English,  Geography,  CBC, and Civics.  Yet  there  is  one  subject  that  shows  a  very  critical grade change the Civics subject. The decline occurred from grade A to grade E. This shows that Civics education needs to be given serious attention in overcoming this problem of decline. Subjects experiencing this grade drop were subjects involving  emotion,  language,  as  well  as  psychomotor fitness.  In  the  context  of  psychology,  unstable  emotional development  leads  to  a  decline  in the psychomotor  and emotional development of respondents.

After  the  use  of  the  Tazkiyatun  Nafs  module  in overcoming  this  problem,  hallucinatory  disorders  can  be overcome.  This  situation  indicates  the  development  of  the respondents  during  and  after  experiencing  hallucinations after  practicing  the  Tazkiyatun  Nafs  module.  The  process that takes place in the Tzkiyatun Nafs module can help the respondent  to  stabilize  his  emotions  and  psyche  for  the better. From the above findings there were 5 subjects who experienced excellent improvement in grades. The increase occurred in English, Malay, Geography, and Civics subjects. The best improvement is in the subject of Civic education from grade E to grade B. The improvement in this language subject  shows  that  the  respondents'  emotions  have stabilized.  This  situation  is  very  positive  and  needs  to  be continued for other subjects so that respondents continue to excel in academic achievement in school.""

Awang, 2022, p.45 (emphasis added)

The material which I show here as underlined is interjected completely gratuitously. It does not logically fit in the sequence. It is not part of the analysis of school performance. It is not based on any evidence presented in this section. Indeed, nor is it based on any evidence presented anywhere else in the paper!

This pattern is repeated in discussing other aspects of respondents' school performance. Although there is mention of other factors which seem especially pertinent to the dip in school grades ("this was due to the absence of the  respondents  to  school  during  the  day  the  test  was conducted", p.46; "it was an increase from before with no marks due to non-attendance at school", p.46) the discussion of grades is interspersed with (repetitive) claims about the effects of the intervention for which no evidence is offered.

Respondent 1Respondent 2Respondent 3Respondent 4
§: Differences in Respondents' Grade Achievement by Subject"After the use of the Tazkiyatun Nafs module in overcoming this problem, hallucinatory disorders can be overcome. This situation indicates the development of the respondents during and after experiencing hallucinations after practicing the Tazkiyatun Nafs module. The process that takes place in the Tzkiyatun Nafs module can help the respondent to stabilize his emotions and psyche for the better." (p.45)"After the use of the Tazkiyatun Nafs module as a soul purification module, showing the development of the respondents during and after experiencing hallucination disorders is very good. The process that takes place in the Tzkiyatun Nafs module can help the respondent to stabilize his emotions and psyche for the better." (p.46)"The process that takes place in the Tazkiyatun Nafs module can help the respondent to stabilize his emotions and psyche for the better" (p.46)"The process that takes place in the Tazkiyatun Nafs module can help the respondent to stabilize his emotions and psyche for the better." (p.46)
§:Differences in Respondent Grades according to Overall Academic Achievement"Based on the findings of the study after the hallucination
disorder was overcome showed that the development of the respondents was very positive after going through the treatment process using the Tazkiyatun Nafs module…In general, the use of Tazkiyatun Nafs module successfully changed the learning lifestyle and achievement of the respondents from poor condition to good and excellent achievement.
" (pp.46-7)
"Based on the findings of the study after the hallucination disorder was overcome showed that the development of the respondents was very positive after going through the treatment process using the Tazkiyatun Nafs module. … This excellence also shows that the respondents have recovered from hallucinations after practicing the methods found in the Tazkiayatun Nafs module that has been introduced.
In general, the use of the Tazkiyatun Nafs module successfully changed the learning lifestyle and achievement of the respondents from poor condition to good and excellent achievement
." (p.47)
"Based on the findings of the study after the hallucination disorder was overcome showed that the development of the respondents was very positive after going through the treatment process using the Tazkiyatun Nafs module…In general, the use of the Tazkiyatun Nafs module successfully changed the learning lifestyle and achievement of the respondents from poor condition to good and excellent achievement." (p.47)"Based on the findings of the study after the hallucination disorder was overcome showed that the development of the respondents was very positive after going through the treatment process using the Tazkiyatun Nafs module…In general, the use of the Tazkiyatun Nafs module has successfully changed the learning lifestyle and achievement of the respondents from poor condition to good and excellent achievement." (p.47)
Unsupported claims made within findings sections reporting analyses of individual student academic grades: note (a) how these statements included in the analysis of individual school performance data from four separate participants (in a case study – a methodology that recognises and values diversity and individuality) are very similar across the participants; (b) claims about 'respondents' (plural) are included in the reports of findings from individual students.

Awang summarises what he claims the analysis of 'differences in respondents' grade achievement by subject' shows:

"The use of the Tazkiyatun Nafs module in this study helped the students improve their respective achievement grades. Therefore, this soul purification module should be practiced by every student to help them in stabilizing their soul and emotions and stay away from all the disturbances of the subtle beings that lead to hallucinations"

Awang, 2022, p.46

And, on the next page, Awang summarises what he claims the analysis of 'differences in respondent grades according to overall academic achievement' shows:

"The use of the Tazkiyatun Nafs module in this study helped the students improve their respective overall academic achievement. Therefore, this soul purification module should be practiced by every student to help them in stabilizing the soul and emotions as well as to stay away from all the disturbances of the subtle beings that lead to hallucination disorder."

Awang, 2022, p.47

So, the analysis of grades is said to demonstrate the value of the intervention, and indeed Awang considers this is reason to extend the intervention beyond the four participants, not just to others suffering hallucinations, but to "every student". The peer review process seems not to have raised queries about

  • the unsupported claims,
  • the confusion of recommendations with findings (it is normal to keep to results in a findings section), nor
  • the unwarranted generalisation from four hallucination suffers to all students whether healthy or not.

Interpreting the results

There seem to be two stories that can be told about the results:

When the four students suffered hallucinations, this led to a deterioration in their school performance. Later, once they had recovered from the episodes of hallucinations, their school performance improved.  

Narrative 1

Now narrative 1 relies on a very substantial implied assumption – which is that the numbers presented as school performance are comparable over time. So, a control would be useful: such as what happened to the performance scores of other students in the same classes over the same time period. It seems likely they would not have shown the same dip – unless the dip was related to something other than hallucinations – such as the well-recognised dip after long school holidays, or some cultural distraction (a major sports tournament; fasting during Ramadan; political unrest; a pandemic…). Without such a control the evidence is suggestive (after all, being ill, and missing school as a result, is likely to lead to a dip in school performance, so the findings are not surprising), but inconclusive.

Intriguingly, the author tells readers that "student  achievement  statistics  from  the  beginning  of  the year to the middle of the current [sic, published in 2022] year in secondary schools in Northern Peninsular Malaysia that have been surveyed by researchers show a decline (Sabri, 2015 [sic])" (p.42), but this is not considered in relation to the findings of the study.

When the four students suffered hallucinations, this led to a deterioration in their school performance. Later, as a result of undergoing the soul purification module, their school performance improved.  

Narrative 2

Clearly narrative 2 suffers from the same limitation as narrative 1. However, it also demands an extra step in making an inference. I could re-write this narrative:

When the four students suffered hallucinations, this led to a deterioration in their school performance. Later, once they had recovered from the episodes of hallucinations, their school performance improved. 
the recovery was due to engagement with the soul purification module.

Narrative 2'.

That is, even if we accept narrative 1 as likely, to accept narrative 2 we would also need to be convinced that:

  • a) sufferers from medical conditions leading to hallucinations do not suffer periodic attacks with periods of remission in between; or
  • b) episodes of hallucinations cannot be due to one-off events (emotional trauma, T.I.A. {transient ischaemic attack or mini-strokes},…) that resolve naturally in time; or
  • c) sufferers from medical conditions leading to hallucinations do not find they resolve due to maturation; or
  • d) the four participants in this study did not undertaken any change in life-style (getting more sleep, ceasing eating strange fungi found in the woods) unrelated to the intervention that might have influenced the onset of hallucinations; or
  • e) the four participants in this study did not receive any medical treatment independent of the intervention (e.g., prescribed medication to treat migraine episodes) that might have influenced the onset of hallucinations

Despite this study being supposedly a case study (where the expectation is there should be 'thick description' of the case and its context), there is no information to help us exclude such options. We do not know the medical diagnoses of the conditions causing the participants' hallucinations, or anything about their lives or any medical treatment that may have been administered. Without such information, the analysis that is provided is useless for answering the research question.

In effect, regardless of all the other issues raised, the key problem is that the research design is simply inadequate to test the research question. But it seems the referees and editor did not notice this shortcoming.

Alleged implications of the research

After presenting his results Awang draws various implications, and makes a number of claims about what had been found in the study:

  • "After the students went through the treatment session by using the Tazkiayatun Nafsmodule to treat hallucinations, it showed a positive effect on the student respondents. All this was certified by the expert, the student's parents as well as the  counselor's  teacher." (p.48)
  • "Based on these findings, shows that hallucinations are very disturbing to humans and the appropriate method for now to solve this problem is to use the Tazkiyatun Nafs Module." (p.48)
  • "…the use of the Tazkiyatun Nafs module while the  respondent  is  suffering  from  hallucination  disorder  is very  appropriate…is very helpful to the respondents in restoring their minds and psyche to be calmer and healthier. These changes allow  students  to  focus  on  their  studies  as  well  as  allow them to improve their academic performance better." (p.48)
  • "The use of the Tazkiyatun Nafs Module in this study has led to very positive changes there are attitudes and traits of students  who  face  hallucinations  before.  All  the  negative traits  like  irritability, loneliness,  depression,etc.  can  be overcome  completely." (p.49)
  • "The personality development of students is getting better and perfect with the implementation of the Tazkiaytun Nafs module in their lives." (p.49)
  • "Results  indicate that  students  who  suffer  from  this hallucination  disorder are in  a  state  of  high  depression, inactivity, fatigue, weakness and pain,and insufficient sleep." (p.49)
  • "According  to  the  findings  of  this study,  the  history  of  this  hallucination  disorder  started in primary  school  and  when  a  person  is  in  adolescence,  then this  disorder  becomes  stronger  and  can  cause  various diseases  and  have  various  effects  on  a  person who  is disturbed." (p.50)

Given the range of interview data that Awang claims to have collected and analysed, at least some of the claims here are possibly supported by the data. However, none of this data and analysis is available to the reader. 2 These claims are not supported by any evidence presented in the paper. Yet peer reviewers and the editor who read the manuscript seem to feel it is entirely acceptable to publish such claims in a research paper, and not present any evidence whatsoever.

Summing up

In summary: as far as these four students were concerned (but not perhaps the fifth participant?), there did seem to be a relationship between periods of experiencing hallucinations and lower school performance (perhaps explained by such factors as "absenteeism to school during the day the test was conducted" p.46) ,

"the performance shown by students who face chronic hallucinations is also declining and  declining.  This  is  all  due  to  the  actions  of  students leaving the teacher's learning and teaching sessions as well as  not  attending  school  when  this  hallucinatory  disorder strikes.  This  illness or  disorder  comes  to  the  student suddenly  and  periodically.  Each  time  this  hallucination  disease strikes the student causes the student to have to take school  holidays  for  a  few  days  due  to  pain  or  depression"

Awang, 2022, p.42


  • these four students do not represent any wider population;
  • there is no information about the specific nature, frequency, intensity, etcetera, of the hallucinations or diagnoses in these individuals;
  • there was no statistical test of significance of changes; and
  • there was no control condition to see if performance dips were experienced by others not experiencing hallucinations at the same time.

Once they had recovered from the hallucinations (and it is not clear on what basis that judgement was made) their scores improved.

The author would like us to believe that the relief from the hallucinations was due to the intervention, but this seems to be (quite literally) an act of faith 3 as no actual research evidence is offered to show that the soul purification module actually had any effect. It is of course possible the module did have an effect (whether for the conjectured or other reasons – such as simply offering troubled children some extra study time in a calm and safe environment and special attention – or because of an expectancy effect if the students were told by trusted authority figures that the intervention would lead to the purification of their hearts and the healing of their hallucinatory disorder) but the study, as reported, offers no strong grounds to assume it did have such an effect.

An irresponsible journal

As hallucinations are often symptoms of organic disease affecting blood supply to the brain, there is a major question of whether treating the condition by religious instruction is ethically sound. For example, hallucinations may indicate a tumour growing in the brain. Yet, if the module was only a complement to proper medical attention, a reader may prefer to suspect that any improvement in the condition (and consequent increased engagement in academic work) may have been entirely unrelated to the module being evaluated.

Indeed, a published research study that claims that soul purification is a suitable treatment for medical conditions presenting with hallucinations is potentially dangerous as it could lead to serious organic disease going untreated. If Awang's recommendations were widely taken up in Malaysia such that students with serious organic conditions were only treated for their hallucinations by soul purification rather than with medication or by surgery it would likely lead to preventable deaths. For a research journal to publish a paper with such a conclusion, where any qualified reviewer or editor could easily see the conclusion is not warranted, is irresponsible.

As the journal website points out,

"The process of reviewing is considered critical to establishing a reliable body of research and knowledge. The review process aims to make authors meet the standards of their discipline, and of science in general."

So, why did the European Journal of Education and Pedagogy not subject this submission to meaningful review to help the author of this study meet the standards of the discipline, and of science in general?

Work cited:


1 In mature fields in the natural sciences there are recognised traditions ('paradigms', 'disciplinary matrices') in any active field at any time. In general (and of course, there will be exceptions):

  • at any historical time, there is a common theoretical perspective underpinning work in a research programme, aligned with specific ontological and epistemological commitments;
  • at any historical time, there is a strong alignment between the active theories in a research programme and the acceptable instrumentation, methodology and analytical conventions.

Put more succinctly, in a mature research field, there is generally broad agreement on how a phenomenon is to be understood; and how to go about investigating it, and how to interpret data as research evidence.

This is generally not the case in educational research – which is in part at least due to the complexity and, so, multi-layered nature, of the phenomena studied (Taber, 2014a): phenomena such as classroom teaching. So, in reviewing educational papers, it is sometimes necessary to find different experts to look at the theoretical and the methodological aspects of the same submission.

2 The paper is very strange in that the introductory sections and the conclusions and implications sections have a very broad scope, but the actual research results are restricted to a very limited focus: analysis of school test scores and grades.

It is as if as (and could well be that) a dissertation with a number of evidential strands has been reduced to a paper drawing upon only one aspect of the research evidence, but with material from other sections of the dissertation being unchanged from the original broader study.

3 Readers are told that

"All  these  acts depend on the sincerity of the medical researcher or fortune-teller seeking the help of Allah S.W.T to ensure that these methods and means are successful. All success is obtained by the permission of Allah alone"

Awang, 2022, p.43

Lack of control in educational research

Getting that sinking feeling on reading published studies

Keith S. Taber

this is like finding that, after a period of watering plant A, it is taller than plant B – when you did not think to check how tall the two plants were before you started watering plant A

Research on prelabs

I was looking for studies which explored the effectiveness of 'prelabs', activities which students are given before entering the laboratory to make sure they are prepared for practical work, and can therefore use their time effectively in the lab. There is much research suggesting that students often learn little from science practical work, in part because of cognitive overload – that is, learners can be so occupied with dealing with the apparatus and materials they have little capacity left to think about the purpose and significance of the work. 1

Okay, so is THIS the pipette?
(Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay)

Approaching a practical work session having already spent time engaging with its purpose and associated theories/models, and already having become familiar with the processes to be followed, should mean students enter the laboratory much better prepared to use their time efficiently, and much better informed to reflect on the wider theoretical context of the work.

I found a Swedish paper (Winberg & Berg, 2007) reporting a pair of studies that tested this idea by using a simulation as a prelab activity for undergraduates about to engage with an acid-base titration. The researchers tested this innovation by comparisons between students who completed the prelab before the titration, and those who did not.

The work used two basic measures:

  • types (sophistication) of questions asked by students during the lab. session
  • elicitation of knowledge in interviews after the laboratory activity

The authors found some differences (between those who had completed the prelab and those that had not) in the sophistication of the questions students asked, and in the quality of the knowledge elicited. They used inferential statistics to suggest at least some of the differences found were statistically significant. From my reading of the paper, these claims were not justified.

A peer reviewed journal (no, really, this time)

This is a paper in a well respected journal (not one of the predatory journals I have often discussed on this site). The Journal of Research in Science Teaching is published by Wiley (a major respected publisher of academic material) and is the official journal of NARST (which used to stand for the National Association for Research in Science Teaching – where 'national' referred to the USA 2). This is a journal that does take peer review very seriously.

The paper is well-written and well-structured. Winberg and Berg set out a conceptual framework for the research that includes a discussion of previous relevant studies. They adopt a theoretical framework based on the Perry's model of intellectual development (Taber, 2020). There is considerable detail of how data was collected and analysed. This account is well-argued. (But, you, dear reader, can surely sense a 'but' coming.)

Experimental research into experimental work?

The authors do not seem to explicitly describe their research as an experiment as such (as opposed to adopting some other kind of research strategy such as survey or case study), but the word 'experiment' and variations of it appear in the paper.

For one thing, the authors refer to students' practical work as being experiments,

"Laboratory exercises, especially in higher education contexts, often involve training in several different manipulative skills as well as a high information flow, such as from manuals, instructors, output from the experimental equipment, and so forth. If students do not have prior experiences that help them to sort out significant information or reduce the cognitive effort required to understand what is happening in the experiment, they tend to rely on working strategies that help them simply to cope with the situation; for example, focusing only on issues that are of immediate importance to obtain data for later analysis and reflective thought…"

Winberg & Berg, 2007

Now, some student practical work is experimental, where a student is actively looking to see what happens when they manipulate some variable to test a hypothesis. This type of practical work is sometimes labelled enquiry (or inquiry in US spelling). But a lot of school and university laboratory work, however, is undertaken to learn techniques, or (probably more often) to support the learning of taught theory – where it is usually important the learners know what is meant to happen before they begin the laboratory activity.

Winberg and Berg refer to the 'laboratory exercise' as 'the experiment' as though any laboratory work counts as an experiment. In Winberg and Berg's research, students were asked about their "own [titration] experiment", despite the prelab material involving a simulation of the titration process, in advance of which "the theoretical concepts, ideas, and procedures addressed in the simulation exercise had been treated mainly quantitatively during the preceding 1-week instructional sequence". So, the laboratory titration exercise does not seem to be an experiment in the scientific sense of the term.

School children commonly describe all practical work in the lab as 'doing experiments'. It cannot help students learn what an experiment really is when the word 'experiment' has two quite distinct meanings in the science classroom:

  • experiment(technical) = an empirical test of a hypothesis involving the careful control of variables and observation of the effect on a specified (hypothetised as) dependent variable of changing the variable specified as the independent variable
  • experiment(casual) = absolutely any practical activity carried out with laboratory equipment

We might describe this second meaning as an alternative conception of 'experiment', a way of understanding that is inconsistent with the scientific meaning. (Just as there are common alternative conceptions of other 'nature of science' concepts such as 'theory').

I would imagine Winberg and Berg were well aware of what an experiment is, although their casual use of language might suggest a lack of rigour in thinking with the term. They refer to having "both control and experiment groups" in their studies, and refer to "the experimental chronology" of their research design. So, they certainly seem to think of their work as a kind of experiment.

Experimental design

In a true experiment, a sample is randomly drawn from a population of interest (say, first year undergraduate chemistry students; or, perhaps, first year undergraduate chemistry students attending Swedish Universities, or… 3) and assigned randomly to the conditions being compared. Providing a genuine form of random assignment is used, then inferential statistical tests can guide on whether any differences found between groups at the end of an experiment should be considered statistically significant. 4

"Statistics can only indicate how likely a measured result would occur by chance (as randomisation of units of analysis to different treatments can only make uneven group composition unlikely, not impossible)…Randomisation cannot ensure equivalence between groups (even if it makes any imbalance just as likely to advantage either condition)"

Taber, 2019, p.73

Inferential statistics can be used to test for statistical significance in experiments – as long as the 'units of analysis' (e.g., students) are randomly assigned to the experimental and control conditions.
(Figure from Taber, 2019)

That is, if the are difference that the stats. tests suggests are very unlikely to happen by chance, then they are very unlikely to be due to an initial difference between the groups in the two conditions as long as the groups were the result of random assignment. But that is a very important proviso.

There are two aspects to this need for randomisation:

  • to be able to suggest any differences found reflect the effects of the intervention, then there should be random assignment to the two (or more) conditions
  • to be able to suggest the results reflect what would probably would be found in a wider population, the sample should be randomly selected from the population of interest 3

Studies in education seldom meet the requirements for being true experiments
(Figure from Taber, 2019)

In education, it is not always possible to use random assignment, so true experiments are then not possible. However, so-called 'quasi-experiments' may be possible where differences between the outcomes in different conditions may be understood as informative, as long as there is good reason to believe that even without random assignment, the groups assigned to the different conditions are equivalent.

In this specific research, that would mean having good reason to believe that without the intervention (the prelab):

  • students in both groups would have asked overall equivalent (in terms of the analysis undertaken in this study) questions in the lab.;
  • students in both groups would have been judged as displaying overall equivalent subject knowledge.

Often in research where a true experiment is not possible some kind of pre-testing is used to make a case for equivalence between groups.

Two control groups that were out of control

In Winberg and Berg's research there were two studies where comparisons were made between 'experimental' and 'control' conditions

Study 1n=78: first-year students, following completion of their first chemistry course in 2001n=97: students who had been interviewed by the researchers during the same course in the previous year
Study 2n=21 (of 58 in cohort)n=37 (of 58 in same cohort)

In the first study, a comparison was made between the cohort where the innovation was introduced and a cohort from the previous year. All other things being equal, it seems likely these two cohorts were fairly similar. But in education all thing are seldom equal, so there is no assurance they were similar enough to be considered equivalent.

In the second study

"Students were divided into treatment (n = 21) and control (n = 37) groups. Distribution of students between the treatment and control groups was not controlled by the researchers".

Winberg & Berg, 2007

So, some factor(s) external to the researchers divided the cohort into two groups – and the reader is told nothing about the basis for this, nor even if the two groups were assigned to the treatments randomly.5 The authors report that the cohort "comprised prospective molecular biologists (31%), biologists (51%), geologists (7%), and students who did not follow any specific program (11%)", and so it is possible the division into two uneven sized groups was based on timetabling constraints with students attending chemistry labs sessions according to their availability based on specialism. But that is just a guess. (It is usually better when the reader of a research report is not left to speculate about procedures and constraints.)

What is important for a reader to note is that in these studies:

  • the researchers were not able to assign learners to conditions randomly;
  • nor were the researchers able to offer any evidence of equivalence between groups (such as near identical pre-test scores);
  • so, the requirements for inferring significance from statistical tests were not met;
  • so, claims in the paper about finding statistically significant differences between conditions cannot therefore be justified given the research design;
  • and therefore the conclusions presented in the paper are strictly not valid.

If students are not randomly assigned to conditions, then any statistically unlikely difference found at the end of an experiment cannot be assumed to be likely to be due to intervention, rather than some systematic initial difference between the groups.
(Figure adapted from Taber, 2019)

This is a shame, because this is in many ways an interesting paper, and much thought and care seems to have been taken about the collection and analysis of meaningful data. Yet, drawing conclusions from statistical tests comparing groups that might never have been similar in the first case is like finding that careful use of a vernier scale shows that after a period of watering plant A, plant A is taller than plant B – having been very careful to make sure plant A was watered regularly with carefully controlled volumes, while plant B was not watered at all – when you did not think to check how tall the two plants were before you started watering plant A.

In such a scenario we might be tempted to assume plant A has actually become taller because it had been watered; but that is just applying what we had conjectured should be the case, and we would be mistaking our expectations for experimental evidence.

Work cited:


1 The part of the brain where we can consciously mentipulate ideas is called the working memory (WM). Research suggests that WM has a very limited capacity in the sense that people can only hold in mind a very small number of different things at once. (These 'things' however are somewhat subjective – a complex idea that is treated as a single 'thing' in the WM of an expert can overload a novice.) This limit to ~WM is considered to be one of the most substantial constraints on effective classroom learning. This is also, then, one of the key research findings informing the design of effective teaching.

Read about working memory

Read about key ideas for teaching in accordance with learning theory

How fat is your memory? – read about a chemical analogy for working memory

2 The organisation has seemingly spotted that the USA is only one part of the world, and now describes itself as a global organisation for improving science education through research.

3 There is no reason why an experiment cannot be carried out on a very specific population, such as first year undergraduate chemistry students attending a specific Swedish University such a, say, Umea ̊ University. However, if researchers intend their study to have results generalisable beyond their specific research contexts (say, to first year undergraduate chemistry students attending any Swedish University) then it is important to have a representative sample of that population.

Read about populations of interest in research

Read about generalisation from research studies

4 It might be assumed that scientists, and researchers know what is meant by random, and how to undertake random assignment. Sadly, the literature suggests that in practice the term 'randomly' is sometimes used in research reports to mean something like 'arbitrarily' (Taber, 2013), which fills short of being random.

Read about randomisation in research

5 Arguably, even if the two groups were assigned randomly, there is only one 'unit of analysis' in each condition, as they were assigned as groups. That is, for statistical purposes, the two groups have size n=1 and n=1, which would not allow statistical significance to be found: e.g, see 'Quasi-experiment or crazy experiment?'

POEsing assessment questions…

…but not fattening the cow

Keith S. Taber

A well-known Palestinian proverb reminds us that we do not fatten the cow simply by repeatedly weighing it. But, sadly, teachers and others working in education commonly get so fixated on assessment that it seems to become an end in itself.

Images by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from PixabayOpenClipart-Vectors and Deedster from Pixabay

A research study using P-O-E

I was reading a report of a study that adopted the predict-observe-explain, P-O-E, technique as a means to elicit "high school students' conceptions about acids and bases" (Kala, Yaman & Ayas, 2013, p.555). As the name suggests, P-O-E asks learners to make a prediction before observing some phenomenon, and then to explain their observations (something that can be specially valuable when the predictions are based on strongly held intuitions which are contrary to what actually happens).

Read about Predict-Observe-Explain

The article on the publisher website

Kala and colleagues begin the introduction to their paper by stating that

"In any teaching or learning approach enlightened by constructivism, it is important to infer the students' ideas of what is already known"

Kala, Yaman & Ayas, 2013, p.555

Constructivism is a perspective on learning that is informed by research into how people learn and a great many studies into student thinking and learning in science. A key point is how a learner's current knowledge and understanding influences how they make sense of teaching and what they go on to learn. Research shows it is very common for students to have 'alternative conceptions' of science topics, and often these conceptions either survive teaching or distort how it is understood.

The key point is that teachers who teach the science without regard to student thinking will often find that students retain their alternative ways of thinking, so constructivist teaching is teaching that takes into account and responds to the ideas about science topics that students bring to class.

Read about constructivism

Read about constructivist pedagogy

Assessment: summative, formative and diagnostic

If teachers are to take into account, engage with, and try to reshape, learners ideas about science topics, then they need to know what those ideas are. Now there is a vast literature reporting alternative conceptions in a wide range of science topics, spread across thousands or research reports – but no teacher could possibly find time to study them all. There are books which discuss many examples and highlight some of the most common alternative conceptions (including one of my own, Taber, 2014)

However, in any class studying some particular topic there will nearly always be a spread of different alternative conceptions across the students – including some so idiosyncratic that they have never been reported in any literature. So, although reading about common misconceptions is certainly useful to prime teachers for what to look out for, teachers need to undertake diagnostic assessment to find out about the thinking of their own particular students.

There are many resources available to support teachers in diagnostic assessment, and some activities (such as using concept cartoons) that are especially useful at revealing student thinking.

Read about diagnostic assessment

Diagnostic assessment, assessment to inform teaching, is carried out at the start of a topic, before the teaching, to allow teachers to judge the learners' starting points and any alternative conceptions ('misconceptions') they may have. It can therefore be considered aligned to formative assessment ('assessment for learning') which is carried out as part of the learning process, rather than summative assessment (assessment of leaning) which is used after studying to check, score, grade and certify learning.

P-O-E as a learning activity…

P-O-E can best support learning in topics where it is known learners tend to have strongly held, but unhelpful, intuitions. The predict stage elicits students' expectations – which, when contrary to the scientific account, can be confounded by the observe step. The 'cognitive conflict' generated by seeing something unexpected (made more salient by having been asked to make a formal prediction) is thought to help students concentrate on that actual phenomena, and to provide 'epistemic relevance' (Taber, 2015).

Epistemic relevance refers to the idea that students are learning about things they are actually curious about, whereas for many students following a conventional science course must be experienced as being presented with the answers to a seemingly never-ending series questions that had never occurred to them in the first place.

Read about the Predict-Observe-Explain technique

Students are asked to provide an explanation for what they have observed which requires deeper engagement than just recording an observation. Developing explanations is a core scientific practice (and one which is needed before another core scientific practice – testing explanations – is possible).

Read about teaching about scientific explanations

To be most effective, P-O-E is carried out in small groups, as this encourages the sharing, challenging and justifying of ideas: the kind of dialogic activity thought to be powerful in supporting learners in developing their thinking, as well as practicing their skills in scientific argumentation. As part of dialogic teaching such an open-forum for learners' ideas is not an end in itself, but a preparatory stage for the teacher to marshal the different contributions and develop a convincing argument for how the best account of the phenomenon is the scientific account reflected in the curriculum.

Constructivist teaching is informed by learners' ideas, and therefore relies on their elicitation, but that elicitation is never the end in itself but is a precursor to a customised presentation of the canonical account.

Read about dialogic teaching and learning

…and as a diagnostic activity

Group work also has another function – if the activity is intended to support diagnostic assessment, then the teacher can move around the room listening in to the various discussions and so collecting valuable information on what students think and understand. When assessment is intended to inform teaching it does not need to be about students completing tests and teachers marking them – a key principle of formative assessment is that it occurs as a natural part of the teaching process. It can be based on productive learning activities, and does not need marks or grades – indeed as the point is to help students move on in their thinking, any kind of formal grading whilst learning is in progress would be inappropriate as well as a misuse of teacher time.

Probing students' understandings about acid-base chemistry

The constructivist model of learning applies to us all: students, teachers, professors, researchers. Given what I have written above about P-O-E, about diagnostic assessment, and dialogic approaches to learning, I approached Kala and colleagues' paper with expectations about how they would have carried out their project.

These authors do report that they were able to diagnose aspects of student thinking about acids and bases, and found some learning difficulties and alternative conceptions,

"it was observed that eight of the 27 students had the idea that the "pH of strong acids is the lowest every time," while two of the 27 students had the idea that "strong acids have a high pH." Furthermore, four of the 27 students wrote the idea that the "substance is strong to the extent to which it is burning," while one of the 27 students mentioned the idea that "different acids which have equal concentration have equal pH."

Kala, Yaman & Ayas, 2013, pp.562-3

The key feature seems to be that, as reported in previous research, students conflate acid concentration and acid strength (when it is possible to have a high concentration solution of a weak acid or a very dilute solution of a strong acid).

Yet some aspects of this study seemed out of alignment with the use of P-O-E.

The best research style?

One feature was the adoption of a positivistic approach to the analysis,

Although there has been no reported analyzing procedure for the POE, in this study, a different [sic] analyzing approach was offered taking into account students' level of understanding… Data gathered from the written responses to the POE tasks were analyzed and divided into six groups. In this context, while students' prediction were divided into two categories as being correct or wrong, reasons for predictions were divided into three categories as being correct, partially correct, or wrong.

Kala, Yaman & Ayas, 2013, pp.560

correctpartially correct
wrongpartially correct
"the written responses to the POE tasks were analyzed and divided into six groups"

There is nothing inherently wrong with doing this, but it aligns the research with an approach that seems at odds with the thinking behind constructivist studies that are intended to interpret a learner's thinking in its own terms, rather than simply compare it with some standard. (I have explored this issue in some detail in a comparison of two research studies into students' conceptions of forces – see Taber, 2013, pp.58-66.)

In terms of research methodology we might say it seem to be conceptualised within the 'wrong' paradigm for this kind of work. It seems positivist (assuming data can be unambiguously fitted into clear categories), nomothetic (tied to 'norms' and canonical answers) and confirmatory (testing thinking as matching model responses or not), rather than interpretivist (seeking to understand student thinking in its own terms rather than just classifying it as right or wrong), idiographic (acknowledging that every learner's thinking is to some extent unique to them) and discovery (exploring nuances and sophistication, rather than simply deciding if something is acceptable or not).

Read about paradigms in educational research

The approach used seemed more suitable for investigating something in the science laboratory, than the complex, interactive, contextualised, and ongoing life of classroom teaching. Kala and colleagues describe their methodology as case study,

"The present study used a case study because it enables the giving of permission to make a searching investigation of an event, a fact, a situation, and an individual or a group…"

Kala, Yaman & Ayas, 2013, pp.558
A case study?

Case study is a naturalistc methodology (rather than involving an intervention, such as an experiment), and is idiographic, reflecting the value of studying the individual case. The case is one from among many instances of its kind (one lesson, one school, one examination paper, etc.), and is considered as a somewhat self contained entity yet one that is embedded in a context in which it is to some extent entangled (for example, what happens in a particular lesson is inevitably somewhat influenced by

  • the earlier sequence of lessons that teacher taught that class {the history of that teacher with that class},
  • the lessons the teacher and student came from immediately before this focal lesson,
  • the school in which it takes place,
  • the curriculum set out to be followed…)

Although a lesson can be understood as a bounded case (taking place in a particular room over a particular period of time involving a specified group of people) it cannot be isolated from the embedding context.

Read about case study methodology

Case study – study of one instance from among many

As case study is idiographic, and does not attempt to offer direct generalisation to other situations beyond that case, a case study should be reported with 'thick description' so a reader has a good mental image of the case (and can think about what makes it special – and so what makes it similar to, or different from, other instances the reader may be interested in). But that is lacking in Kala and colleagues' study, as they only tell readers,

"The sample in the present study consisted of 27 high school students who were enrolled in the science and mathematics track in an Anatolian high school in Trabzon, Turkey. The selected sample first studied the acid and base subject in the middle school (grades 6 – 8) in the eighth year. Later, the acid and base topic was studied in high school. The present study was implemented, based on the sample that completed the normal instruction on the acid and base topic."

Kala, Yaman & Ayas, 2013, pp.558-559

The reference to a sample can be understood as something of a 'reveal' of their natural sympathies – 'sample' is the language of positivist studies that assume a suitably chosen sample reflects a wider population of interest. In case study, a single case is selected and described rather than a population sampled. A reader is left to rather guess what population being sampled here, and indeed precisely what the 'case' is.

Clearly, Kala and colleagues elicited some useful information that could inform teaching, but I sensed that their approach would not have made optimal use of a learning activity (P-O-E) that can give insight into the richness, and, sometimes, subtlety of different students' ideas.

Individual work

Even more surprising was the researchers' choice to ask students to work individually without group discussion.

"The treatment was carried out individually with the sample by using worksheets."

Kala, Yaman & Ayas, 2013, p.559

This is a choice which would surely have compromised the potential of the teaching approach to allow learners to explore, and reveal, their thinking?

I wondered why the researchers had made this choice. As they were undertaking research, perhaps they thought it was a better way to collect data that they could readily analyse – but that seems to be choosing limited data that can be easily characterised over the richer data that engagement in dialogue would surely reveal?

Assessment habits

All became clear near the end of the study when, in the final paragraph, the reader is told,

"In the present study, the data collection instruments were used as an assessment method because the study was done at the end of the instruction/ [sic] on the acid and base topics."

Kala, Yaman & Ayas, 2013, p.571

So, it appears that the P-O-E activity, which is an effective way of generating the kind of rich but complex data that helps a teacher hone their teaching for a particular group, was being adopted, instead, as means of a summative assessment. This is presumably why the analysis focused on the degree of match to the canonical science, rather than engaging in interpreting the different ways of thinking in the class. Again presumably, this is why the highly valuable group aspect of the approach was dropped in favour of individual working – summative assessment needs to not only grade against norms, but do this on the basis of each individual's unaided work.

An activity which offers great potential for formative assessment (as it is a learning activity as well as a way of exploring student thinking); and that offers an authentic reflection of scientific practice (where ideas are presented, challenged, justified, and developed in response to criticism); and that is generally enjoyed by students because it is interactive and the predictions are 'low stakes' making for a fun learning session, was here re-purposed to be a means of assessing individual students once their study of a topic was completed.

Kala and colleagues certainly did identify some learning difficulties and alternative conceptions this way, and this allowed them to evaluate student learning. But I cannot help thinking an opportunity was lost here to explore how P-O-E can be used in a formative assessment mode to inform teaching:

  • diagnostic assessment as formative assessment can inform more effective teaching
  • diagnostic assessment as summative assessment only shows where teaching has failed

Yes, I agree that "in any teaching or learning approach enlightened by constructivism, it is important to infer the students' ideas of what is already known", but the point of that is to inform the teaching and so support student learning. What were Kala and colleagues going to do with their inferences about students ideas when they used the technique as "an assessment method … at the end of the instruction".

As the Palestinian adage goes, you do not fatten up the cow by weighing it, just as you do not facilitate learning simply by testing students. To mix my farmyard allusions, this seems to be a study of closing the barn door after the horse has already bolted.

Work cited

Study reports that non-representative sample of students has average knowledge of earthquakes

When is a cross-sectional study not a cross-sectional study?

Keith S. Taber

A biomedical paper?

I only came to this paper because I was criticising the Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research's claimed Impact Factor which seems to be a fabrication. I saw this particular paper being featured in a recent tweet from the journal and wondered how it fitted in a biomedical journal. The paper is on an important topic – what young people know about how to respond to an earthquake, but I was not sure why it fitted in this particular journal.

Respectable journals normally have a clear scope (i.e., the range of topics within which they consider submissions for publication) – whereas predatory journals are often primarily interested in publishing as many papers as possible (and so attracting publication fees from as many authors as possible) and so may have no qualms about publishing material that would seem to be out of scope.

This paper reports a questionnaire about secondary age students' knowledge of earthquakes. It would seem to be an education study, possibly even a science education study, rather than a 'biomedical' study. (The journal invites papers from a wide range of fields 1, some of which – geology, chemical engineering – are not obviously 'biomedical' in nature; but not education.)

The paper reports research (so I assume is classed as 'research' in terms of the scale of charges) and comes from Bangladesh (which I assume the journal publishers consider a low income country) and so it would seem that the author's would have been charged $799 to be published in this journal. Part of what authors are supposed to get for that fee is for editors to arrange peer review to provide evaluation of, feedback on, and recommendations for improving, their work.

Peer review

Respectable journals employ rigorous peer review to ensure that only work of quality is published.

Read about peer review

According to the Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research website:

Peer review process is the system used to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published online. Independent professionals/experts/researchers in the relevant research area are subjected to assess the submitted manuscripts for originality, validity and significance to help editors determine whether a manuscript should be published in their journal. 

This Peer review process helps in validating the research works, establish a method by which it can be evaluated and increase networking possibilities within research communities. Despite criticisms, peer review is still the only widely accepted method for research validation

Only the articles that meet good scientific standards, explanations, records and proofs of their work presented with Bibliographic reasoning (e.g., acknowledge and build upon other work in the field, rely on logical reasoning and well-designed studies, back up claims with evidence etc.) are accepted for publication in the Journal.

Which seems reassuring. It seems 'Preventive Practice on Earthquake Preparedness Among Higher Level Students of Dhaka City' should then only have been published after evaluation in rigorous peer review. Presumably any weaknesses in the submission would have been highlighted in the review process helping the authors to improve their work before publication. Presumably, the (unamed) editor did not approve publication until peer reviewers were satisfied the paper made a valid new contribution to knowledge and, accordingly, recommended publication. 2

The paper was, apparently, submitted; screened by editors; sent to selected expert peer reviewers; evaluated by reviewers, so reports could be returned to the editor who collated them, and passed them to the authors with her/his decision; revised as indicated; checked by editors and reviewers, leading to a decision to publish; copy edited, allowing proofs to be sent to authors for checking; and published, all in less than three weeks.

Although supposedly published in July 2021, the paper seems to be assigned to an issue published a year before it was submitted

Although one might wonder if a journal which seems to advertise with an inflated Impact Factor can be trusted to follow the procedures it claims. So, I had a quick look at the paper.

The abstract begins:

The present study was descriptive Cross-sectional study conducted in Higher Secondary Level Students of Dhaka, Bangladesh, during 2017. The knowledge of respondent seems to be average regarding earthquake. There is a found to have a gap between knowledge and practice of the respondents.

Gurung & Khanum, 2021, p.29274

Sampling a population (or not)

So, this seems to be a survey, and the population sampled was Higher Secondary Level Students of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dhaka has a population of about 22.5 million people. I could not readily find out how many of these might be considered 'Higher Secondary Level', but clearly it will be many, many thousands – I would imagine about half a million as a 'ball-park' figure.

Dhaka has a large population of 'higher secondary level students'
(Image by Mohammad Rahmatullah from Pixabay)

For a survey of a population to be valid it needs to be based on a sample which is large enough to minimise errors in extrapolating to the full population, and (even more importantly) the sample needs to be representative of the population.

Read about sampling


"Due to time constrain the sample of 115."

Gurung & Khanum, 2021, p.29276

So, the sample size was limited to 115 because of time constraints. This would likely lead to large errors in inferring population statistics from the sample, but could at least give some indication of the population as long as the 115 were known to be reasonable representative of the wider population being surveyed.

The reader is told

"the study sample was from Mirpur Cantonment Public School and College , (11 and 12 class)."

Gurung & Khanum, 2021, p.29275

It seems very unlikely that a sample taken from any one school among hundreds could be considered representative of the age cohort across such a large City.

Is the school 'typical' of Dhaka?

The school website has the following evaluation by the school's 'sponsor':

"…one the finest academic institutions of Bangladesh in terms of aesthetic beauty, uncompromised quality of education and, most importantly, the sheer appeal among its learners to enrich themselves in humanity and realism."

Major General Md Zahirul Islam

The school Principal notes:

"Our visionary and inspiring teachers are committed to provide learners with all-rounded educational experiences by means of modern teaching techniques and incorporation of diverse state-of-the-art technological aids so that our students can prepare themselves to face the future challenges."

Lieutenant Colonel G M Asaduzzaman

While both of these officers would be expected to be advocates for the school, this does not give a strong impression that the researchers have sought a school that is typical of Dhakar schools.

It also seems unlikely that this sample of 115 reflects all of the students in these grades. According to the school website, there are 7 classes in each of these two grades so the 115 students were drawn from 14 classes. Interestingly, in each year 5 of the 7 classes are following a science programme 3 – alongside with one business studies and one humanities class. The paper does not report which programme(s) were being followed by the students in the sample. Indeed no information is given regarding how the 115 were selected. (Did the researchers just administer the research instrument to the first students they came across in the school? Were all the students in these grades asked to contribute, and only 115 returned responses?)

Yet, if the paper was seen and evaluated by "independent professionals/experts/researchers in the relevant research area" they seem to have not questioned whether such a small and unrepresentative sample invalidated the study as being a survey of the population specified.

Cross-sectional studies

A cross-sectional study examines and compares different slices of a population – so here, different grades. Yet only two grades were sampled, and these were adjacent grades – 11 and 12 – which is not usually ideal to make comparisons across ages.

There could be a good reason to select two grades that are adjacent in this way. However, the authors do not present separate data for year 11 and year 12, but rather pool it. So they make no comparisons between these two year groups. This "Cross-sectional study" was then NOT actually a cross-sectional study.

If the paper did get sent to "independent professionals/experts/researchers in the relevant research area" for review, it seems these experts missed that error.

Theory and practice?

The abstract of the paper claims

"There is a found to have a gap between knowledge and practice of the respondents. The association of the knowledge and the practice of the students were done in which after the cross-tabulation P value was 0.810 i.e., there is not any [statistically significant?] association between knowledge and the practice in this study."

Gurung & Khanum, 2021, p.29274

This seems to suggest that student knowledge (what they knew about earthquakes) was compared in some way with practice (how they acted during an earthquake or earthquake warning). But the authors seem to have only collected data with (what they label) a questionnaire. They do not have any data on practice. The distinction they seem to really be making is between

  • knowledge about earthquakes, and
  • knowledge about what to do in the event of an earthquake.

That might be a useful thing to examine, but any "independent professionals/experts/researchers in the relevant research area"asked to look at the submission do not seem to have noted that the authors do not investigate practice and so needed to change the descriptions they use an claims they make.

Average levels of knowledge

Another point that any expert reviewer 'worth their salt' would have queried is the use of descriptors like 'average' in evaluating students responses. The study concluded that

"The knowledge of earthquake and its preparedness among Higher Secondary Student were average."

Gurung & Khanum, 2021, p.29280

But how do the authors know what counts as 'average'?

This might mean that there is some agreed standard here described in extant literature – but, if so, this is not revealed. It might mean that the same instrument had previously been used to survey nationally or internationally to offer a baseline – but this is not reported. Some studies on similar themes carried out elsewhere are referred to, but it is not clear they used the same instrumentation or analytical scheme. Indeed, the reader is explicitly told very little about the instrument used:

"Semi-structured both open ended and close ended questionnaire was used for this study."

Gurung & Khanum, 2021, p.29276

The authors seem to have forgotten to discuss the development, validation and contents of the questionnaire – and any experts asked to evaluate the submission seem to have forgotten to look for this. I would actually suggest that the authors did not really use a questionnaire, but rather an assessment instrument.

Read about questionnaires

A questionnaire is used to survey opinions, views and so forth – and there are no right or wrong answers. (What type of music do you like? Oh jazz, sorry that's not the right answer.) As the authors evaluated and scored the student responses this was really an assessment.

The authors suggest:

"In this study the poor knowledge score was 15 (13%), average 80 (69.6%) and good knowledge score 20 (17.4%) among the 115 respondents. Out of the 115 respondents most of the respondent has average knowledge and very few 20 (17.4%) has good knowledge about earthquake and the preparedness of it."

Gurung & Khanum, 2021, p.29280

Perhaps this means that the authors had used some principled (but not revealed) technique to decide what counted as poor, average and good.

15poor knowledge
80average knowledge
20good knowledge
Descriptors applied to student scores on the 'questionnaire'

Alternatively, perhaps "poor knowledge score was 15 (13%), average 80 (69.6%) and good knowledge score 20 (17.4%)" is reporting what was found in terms of the distribution in this sample – that is, they empirically found these outcomes in this distribution.

Well, not actually these outcomes, of course, as that would suggest that a score of 20 is better than a score of 80, but presumably that is just a typographic error that was somehow missed by the authors when they made their submission, then missed by the editor who screened the paper for suitability (if there is actually an editor involved in the 'editorial' process for this journal), then missed by expert reviewers asked to scrutinise the manuscript (if there really were any), then missed by production staff when preparing proofs (i.e., one would expect this to have been raised as an 'author query' on proofs 4), and then missed again by authors when checking the proofs for publication.

If so, the authors found that most respondents got fairly typical scores, and fewer scored at the tails of the distribution – as one would expect. On any particular assessment, the average performance is (as the authors report here)…average.

Work cited:
  • Gurung, N. and Khanum, H. (2021) Preventive Practice on Earthquake Preparedness Among Higher Level Students of Dhaka City. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, July, 2020, Volume 37, 2, pp 29274-29281


1 The Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research defines its scope as including:

  • Agri and Aquaculture 
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioinformatics & Systems Biology 
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Clinical Sciences
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science 
  • Economics & Accounting 
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Food & Nutrition
  • General Science
  • Genetics & Molecular Biology
  • Geology & Earth Science
  • Immunology & Microbiology
  • Informatics
  • Materials Science
  • Orthopaedics
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Sciences
  • Nanotechnology
  • Neuroscience & Psychology
  • Nursing & Health Care
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Physics
  • Plant Sciences
  • Social & Political Sciences 
  • Veterinary Sciences 
  • Clinical & Medical 
  • Anesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Clinical Research 
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Diabetes & Endocrinology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Genetics
  • Haematology
  • Healthcare
  • Immunology
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Medicine
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Nursing
  • Nutrition
  • Oncology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Pathology
  • Pediatrics
  • Physicaltherapy & Rehabilitation 
  • Psychiatry
  • Pulmonology
  • Radiology
  • Reproductive Medicine
  • Surgery
  • Toxicology

Such broad scope is a common characteristic of predatory journals.

2 The editor(s) of a research journal is normally a highly regarded academic in the field of the journal. I could not find the name of the editor of this journal although it has seven associate editors and dozens of people named as being on an 'editorial committee'. Whether any of these people actually carry out the functions of an academic editor or whether this work is delegated to non-academic office staff is a moot point.

3 The classes are given names. So, nursery classes include Lotus and Tulip and so forth. In the senior grades, the science classes are called:

  • Flora
  • Neon
  • Meson
  • Sigma
  • Platinam [sic]
  • Argon
  • Electron
  • Neutron
  • Proton
  • Redon [sic]

4 Production staff are not expected to be experts in the topic of the paper, but they do note any obvious omissions (such as missing references) or likely errors and list these as 'author queries' for authors to respond to when checking 'proofs', i.e., the article set in the journal format as it will be published.

Assessing Chemistry Laboratory Equipment Availability and Practice

Comparative education on a local scale?

Keith S. Taber

Image by Mostafa Elturkey from Pixabay 

I have just read a paper in a research journal which compares the level of chemistry laboratory equipment and 'practice' in two schools in the "west Gojjam Administrative zone" (which according to a quick web-search is in the Amhara Region in Ethiopia). According to Yesgat and Yibeltal (2021),

"From the analysis of Chemistry laboratory equipment availability and laboratory practice in both … secondary school and … secondary school were found in very low level and much far less than the average availability of chemistry laboratory equipment and status of laboratory practice. From the data analysis average chemistry laboratory equipment availability and status of laboratory practice of … secondary school is better than that of Jiga secondary school."

Yesgat and Yibeltal, 2021: abstract [I was tempted to omit the school names in this posting as I was not convinced the schools had been treated reasonably, but the schools are named in the very title of the article]

Now that would seem to be something that could clearly be of interest to teachers, pupils, parents and education administrators in those two particular schools, but it raises the question that can be posed in relation to any research: 'so what?' The findings might be a useful outcome of enquiry in its own context, but what generalisable knowledge does this offer that justifies its place in the research literature? Why should anyone outside of West Gojjam care?

The authors tell us,

"There are two secondary schools (Damot and Jiga) with having different approach of teaching chemistry in practical approach"

Yesgat and Yibeltal, 2021: 96

So, this suggests a possible motivation.

  • If these two approaches reflect approaches that are common in schools more widely, and
  • if these two schools can be considered representative of schools that adopt these two approaches, and
  • if 'Chemistry Laboratory Equipment Availability and Practice' can be considered to be related to (a factor influencing? an effect of?) these different approaches, and
  • if the study validly and reliably measures 'Chemistry Laboratory Equipment Availability and Practice', and
  • if substantive differences are found between the schools

then the findings might well be of wider interest. As always in research, the importance we give to findings depends upon a whole logical chain of connections that collectively make an argument.

Spoiler alert!

At the end of the paper, I was none the wiser what these 'different approaches' actually were.

A predatory journal

I have been reading some papers in a journal that I believed, on the basis of its misleading title and website details, was an example of a poor-quality 'predatory journal'. That is, a journal which encourages submissions simply to be able to charge a publication fee (currently $1519, according to the website), without doing the proper job of editorial scrutiny. I wanted to test this initial evaluation by looking at the quality of some of the work published.

Although the journal is called the Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice (not to be confused, even if the publishers would like it to be, with the well-established journal Chemistry Education Research and Practice) only a few of the papers published are actually education studies. One of the articles that IS on an educational topic is called 'Assessment of Chemistry Laboratory Equipment Availability and Practice: A Comparative Study Between Damot and Jiga Secondary Schools' (Yesgat & Yibeltal, 2021).

Comparative education?

Yesgat and Yibeltal imply that their study falls in the field of comparative education. 1 They inform readers that 2,

"One purpose of comparative education is to stimulate critical reflection about our educational system, its success and failures, strengths and weaknesses. This critical reflection facilitates self-evaluation of our work and is the basis for determining appropriate courses of action. Another purpose of comparative education is to expose us to educational innovations and systems that have positive outcomes. Most compartivest states [sic] that comparative education has four main purposes. These are:

To describe educational systems, processes or outcomes

To assist in development of educational institutions and practices

To highlight the relationship between education and society

To establish generalized statements about education that are valid in more than one country

Yesgat & Yibeltal, 2021: 95-96
Comparative education studies look to characterise (national) education systems in relation to their social/cultural contexts (Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

Of course, like any social construct, 'comparative education' is open to interpretation and debate: for example, "that comparative education brings together data about two or more national systems of education, and comparing and contrasting those data" has been characterised as an "a naive and obvious answer to the question of what constitutes comparative education" (Turner, 2019, p.100).

There is then some room for discussion over whether particular research outputs should count as 'comparative education' studies or not. Many comparative education studies do not actually compare two educational systems, but rather report in detail from a single system (making possible subsequent comparisons based across several such studies). These educational systems are usually understood as national systems, although there may be a good case to explore regional differences within a nation if regions have autonomous education systems and these can be understood in terms of broader regional differences.

Yet, studying one aspect of education within one curriculum subject at two schools in one educational educational administrative area of one region of one country cannot be understood as comparative education without doing excessive violence to the notion. This work does not characterise an educational system at national, regional or even local level.

My best assumption is that as the study is comparing something (in this case an aspect of chemistry education in two different schools) the authors feel that makes it 'comparative education', by which account of course any educational experiment (comparing some innovation with some kind of comparison condition) would automatically be a comparative education study. We all make errors sometimes, assuming terms have broader or different meanings than their actual conventional usage – and may indeed continue to misuse a term till someone points this out to us.

This article was published in what claims to be a peer reviewed research journal, so the paper was supposedly evaluated by expert reviewers who would have provided the editor with a report on strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript, and highlighted areas that would need to be addressed before possible publication. Such a reviewer would surely have reported that 'this work is not comparative education, so the paragraph on comparative education should either be removed, or authors should contextualise it to explain why it is relevant to their study'.

The weak links in the chain

A research report makes certain claims that derive from a chain of argument. To be convinced about the conclusions you have to be convinced about all the links in the chain, such as:

  • sampling (were the right people asked?)
  • methodology (is the right type of research design used to answer the research question?)
  • instrumentation (is the data collection instrument valid and reliable?)
  • analysis (have appropriate analytical techniques been carried out?)

These considerations cannot be averaged: if, for example, a data collection instrument does not measure what it is said to measure, then it does not matter how good the sample, or how careful the analysis, the study is undermined and no convincing logical claims can be built. No matter how skilled I am in using a tape measure, I will not be able to obtain accurate weights with it.


The authors report the make up of their sample – all the chemistry teachers in each school (13 in one, 11 in the other), plus ten students from each of grades 9, 10 and 11 in each school. They report that "… 30 natural science students from Damot secondary school have been selected randomly. With the same technique … 30 natural sciences students from Jiga secondary school were selected".

Random selection is useful to know there is no bias in a sample, but it is helpful if the technique for randomisation is briefly reported to assure readers that 'random' is not being used as a synonym for 'arbitrary' and that the technique applied was adequate (Taber, 2013b).

A random selection across a pooled sample is unlikely to lead to equal representation in each subgroup (From Taber, 2013a)

Actually, if 30 students had been chosen at random from the population of students taking natural sciences in one of the schools, it would be extremely unlikely they would be evenly spread, 10 from each year group. Presumably, the authors made random selections within these grade levels (which would be eminently sensible, but is not quite what they report).

Read about the criterion for randomness in research

Data collection

To collect data the authors constructed a questionnaire with Likert-type items.

"…questionnaire was used as data collecting instruments. Closed ended questionnaires with 23 items from which 8 items for availability of laboratory equipment and 15 items for laboratory practice were set in the form of "Likert" rating scale with four options (4=strongly agree, 3=agree, 2=disagree and 1=strongly disagree)"

Yesgat & Yibeltal, 2021: 96

These categories were further broken down (Yesgat & Yibeltal, 2021: 96): "8 items of availability of equipment were again sub grouped in to

  • physical facility (4 items),
  • chemical availability (2 items), and
  • laboratory apparatus (2 items)

whereas 15 items of laboratory practice were further categorized as

  • before actual laboratory (4 items),
  • during actual laboratory practice (6 items) and
  • after actual laboratory (5 items)

Internal coherence

So, there were two basic constructs, each broken down into three sub-constructs. This instrument was piloted,

"And to assure the reliability of the questionnaire a pilot study on a [sic] non-sampled teachers and students were conducted and Cronbach's Alpha was applied to measure the coefficient of internal consistency. A reliability coefficient of 0.71 was obtained and considered high enough for the instruments to be used for this research"

Yesgat & Yibeltal, 2021: 96

Running a pilot study can be very useful as it can highlight issues about items. However, although simply asking people to complete a questionnaire might highlight items people could not make any sense of, it may not be as useful as interviewing them about how they understood items to check that respondents understand items in the same way as researchers.

The authors cite the value of Cronbach's alpha to demonstrate their instrument has internal consistency. However, they seem to be quoting the value obtained in the pilot study, where the statistic strictly applies to a particular administration of an instrument (so the value from the main study is more relevant to the results reported).

More problematic, the authors appear to cite a value of alpha from across all 23 items (n.b., the value of alpha tends to increase as the number of items increases, so what is considered an acceptable value needs to allow for the number of items included) when these are actually two distinct scales: 'availability of laboratory equipment' and 'laboratory practice'. Alpha should be quoted separately for each scale – values across distinct scales are not useful (Taber, 2018). 3

Do the items have face validity?

The items in the questionnaire are reported in appendices (pp.102-103), so I have tabulated them here, so readers can consider

  • (a) whether they feel these items reflect the constructs of 'availability of equipment' and 'laboratory practice';
  • (b) whether the items are phrased in a clear way for both teachers and students (the authors report "conceptually the same questionnaires with different forms were prepared" (p.101) but if this means different wording fro teachers than students this is not elaborated – teachers were also asked demographic questions about their educational level)); and
  • (c) whether they are all reasonable things to expect both teachers and students to be able to rate.
'Availability of equipment' items'Laboratory practice' items
Structured and well- equipped laboratory roomYou test the experiments before your work with students
Availability of electric system in laboratory roomYou give laboratory manuals to student before practical work
Availability of water system in laboratory roomYou group and arrange students before they are coming to laboratory room
Availability of laboratory chemicals are available [sic]You set up apparatus and arrange chemicals for activities
No interruption due to lack of lab equipmentYou follow and supervise students when they perform activities
Isolated bench to each student during laboratory activitiesYou work with the lab technician during performing activity
Chemicals are arranged in a logical order.You are interested to perform activities?
Laboratory apparatus are arranged in a logical orderYou check appropriate accomplishment of your students' work
Check your students' interpretation, conclusion and recommendations
Give feedbacks to all your students work
Check whether the lab report is individual work or group
There is a time table to teachers to conduct laboratory activities.
Wear safety goggles, eye goggles, and other safety equipment in doing so
Work again if your experiment is failed
Active participant during laboratory activity
Items teachers and students were asked to rate on a four point scale (agree / strongly agree / disagree / strongly disagree)


One obvious limitation of this study is that it relies on reported perceptions.

One way to find out about the availability of laboratory equipment might be to visit teaching laboratories and survey them with an observation schedule – and perhaps even make a photographic record. The questionnaire assumes that teacher and student perceptions are accurate and that honest reports would be given (might teachers have had an interest in offering a particular impression of their work?)

Sometimes researchers are actually interested in impressions (e.g., for some purposes whether a students considers themselves a good chemistry student may be more relevant than an objective assessment), and sometimes researchers have no direct access to a focus of interest and must rely on other people's reports. Here it might be suggested that a survey by questionnaire is not really the best way to, for example, "evaluate laboratory equipment facilities for carrying out practical activities" (p.96).


The authors describe their main findings as,

"Chemistry laboratory equipment availability in both Damot secondary school and Jiga secondary school were found in very low level and much far less than the average availability of chemistry laboratory equipment. This finding supported by the analysis of one sample t-values and as it indicated the average availability of laboratory equipment are very much less than the test value and the p-value which is less than 0.05 indicating the presence of significant difference between the actual availability of equipment to the expected test value (2.5).

Chemistry laboratory practice in both Damot secondary school and Jiga secondary school were found in very low level and much far less than the average chemistry laboratory practice. This finding supported by the analysis of one sample t-values and as it indicated the average chemistry laboratory practice are very much less than the test value and the p-value which is less than 0.05 indicating the presence of significant difference between the actual chemistry laboratory practice to the expected test value."

Yesgat & Yibeltal, 2021: 101 (emphasis added)

This is the basis for the claim in the abstract that "From the analysis of Chemistry laboratory equipment availability and laboratory practice in both Damot secondary school and Jiga secondary school were found in very low level and much far less than the average availability of chemistry laboratory equipment and status of laboratory practice."

'The average …': what is the standard?

But this raises a key question – how do the authors know what the "the average availability of chemistry laboratory equipment and status of laboratory practice" is, if they have only used their questionnaire in two schools (which are both found to be below average)?

Yesgat & Yibeltal have run a comparison between the average ratings they get from the two schools on their two scales and the 'average test value' rating of 2.5. As far as I can see, this is not an empirical value at all. It seems the authors have just assumed that if people are asked to use a four point scale – 1, 2, 3, 4 – then the average rating will be…2.5. Of course, that is a completely arbitrary assumption. (Consider the question – 'how much would you like to be beaten and robbed today?': would the average response be likely to be nominal mid-point of a ratings scale?) Perhaps if a much wider survey had been undertaken the actual average rating would have been 1.9 0r 2.7 or …

That is even assuming that 'average' is a meaningful concept here. A four point Likert scale is an ordinal scale ('agree' is always less agreement than 'strongly agree' and more than 'disagree') but not a ratio scale (that is, it cannot be assumed that the perceived 'agreement' gap (i) from 'strongly disagree' to 'disagree' is the same for each respondent and the same as that (ii) from 'disagree' to 'agree' and (iii) from 'agree' to 'strongly agree'). Strictly, Likert scale ratings cannot be averaged (better being presented as bar charts showing frequencies of response) – so although the authors carry out a great deal of analysis, much of this is, strictly, invalid.

So what has been found out from this study?

I would very much like to know what peer reviewers made of this study. Expert reviewers would surely have identified some very serious weaknesses in the study and would have been expected to have recommended some quite major revisions even if they thought it might eventually be publishable in a research journal.

An editor is expected to take on board referee evaluations and ask authors to make such revisions as are needed to persuade the editor the submission is ready for publication. It is the job of the editor of a research journal, supported by the peer reviewers, to

a) ensure work of insufficient quality is not published

b) help authors strengthen their paper to correct errors and address weaknesses

Sometimes this process takes some time, with a number of cycles of revision and review. Here, however, the editor was able to move to a decision to publish in 5 days.

The study reflects a substantive amount of work by the authors. Yet, it is hard to see how this study, at least as reported in this journal, makes a substantive contribution to public knowledge. The study finds that one school has somewhat higher survey ratings on an instrument that has not been fully validated than another school, and is based on a pooling of student and teacher perceptions, and which guesses that both rate lower than a hypothetical 'average' school. The two schools were supposed to represent a "different approach[es] of teaching chemistry in practical approach" – but even if that is the case, the authors have not shared with their readers what these different approaches are meant to be. So, there would be no possibility of generalising from the schools to 'approach[es] of teaching chemistry', even if that was logically justifiable. And comparative education it is not.

This study, at least as published, does not seem to offer useful new knowledge to the chemistry education community that could support teaching practice or further research. Even in the very specific context of the two specific schools it is not clear what can be done with the findings which simply reflect back to the informants what they have told the researchers, without exploring the reasons behind the ratings (how do different teachers and students understand what counts as 'Chemicals are arranged in a logical order') or the values the participants are bringing to the study (is 'Check whether the lab report is individual work or group' meant to imply that it is seen as important to ensure that students work cooperatively or to ensure they work independently or …?)

If there is a problem highlighted here by the "very low levels" (based on a completely arbitrary interpretation of the scales) there is no indication of whether this is due to resourcing of the schools, teacher preparation, levels of technician support, teacher attitudes or pedagogic commitments, timetabling problems, …

This seems to be a study which has highlighted two schools, invited teachers and students to complete a dubious questionnaire, and simply used this to arbitrarily characterise the practical chemistry education in the schools as very poor, without contextualising any challenges or offering any advice on how to address the issues.

Work cited:

1 'Imply' as Yesgat and Yibeltal do not actually state that they have carried out comparative education. However, if they do not think so, then the paragraph on comparative education in their introduction has no clear relationship with the rest of the study and is not more than a gratuitous reference, like suddenly mentioning Nottingham Forest's European Cup triumphs or noting a preferred flavour of tea.

2 This seemed an intriguing segment of the text as it was largely written in a more sophisticated form of English than the rest of the paper, apart from the odd reference to "Most compartivest [comparative education specialists?] states…" which seemed to stand out from the rest of the segment. Yesgat and Yibeltal do not present this as a quote, but cite a source informing their text (their reference [4] :Joubish, 2009). However, their text is very similar to that in another publication:

Quote from Mbozi, 2017, p.21Quote from Yesgat and Yibeltal, 2021, pp.95-96
"One purpose of comparative education is to stimulate critical reflection about our educational system, its success and failures, strengths and weaknesses."One purpose of comparative education is to stimulate critical reflection about our educational system, its success and failures, strengths and weaknesses.
This critical reflection facilitates self-evaluation of our work and is the basis for determining appropriate courses of action.This critical reflection facilitates self-evaluation of our work and is the basis for determining appropriate courses of action.
Another purpose of comparative education is to expose us to educational innovations and systems that have positive outcomes. Another purpose of comparative education is to expose us to educational innovations and systems that have positive outcomes.
The exposure facilitates our adoption of best practices.
Some purposes of comparative education were not covered in your exercise above.
Purposes of comparative education suggested by two authors Noah (1985) and Kidd (1975) are presented below to broaden your understanding of the purposes of comparative education.
Noah, (1985) states that comparative education has four main purposes [4] and these are:Most compartivest states that comparative education has four main purposes. These are:
1. To describe educational systems, processes or outcomes• To describe educational systems, processes or outcomes
2. To assist in development of educational institutions and practices• To assist in development of educational institutions and practices
3. To highlight the relationship between education and society• To highlight the relationship between education and society
4. To establish generalized statements about education, that are valid in more than one country."• To establish generalized statements about education that are valid in more than one country"
Comparing text (broken into sentences to aid comparison) from two sources

3 There are more sophisticated techniques which can be used to check whether items do 'cluster' as expected for a particular sample of respondents.

4 As suggested above, researchers can pilot instruments with interviews or 'think aloud' protocols to check if items are understood as intended. Asking assumed experts to read through and check 'face validity' is of itself quite a limited process, but can be a useful initial screen to identify items of dubious relevance.

Not motivating a research hypothesis

A 100% survey return that represents 73% (or 70%, or perhaps 48%) of the population

Keith S. Taber

…the study seems to have looked for a lack of significant difference regarding a variable which was not thought to have any relevance…

This is like hypothesising…that the amount of alkali needed to neutralise a certain amount of acid will not depend on the eye colour of the researcher; experimentally confirming this is the case; and then seeking to publish the results as a new contribution to knowledge.

…as if a newspaper headline was 'Earthquake latest' and then the related news story was simply that, as usual, no earthquakes had been reported.

Structuring a research report

A research report tends to have a particular kind of structure. The first section sets out background to the study to be described. Authors offer an account of the current state of the relevant field – what can be called a conceptual framework.

In the natural sciences it may be that in some specialised fields there is a common, accepted way of understanding that field (e.g., the nature of important entities, the relevant variables to focus on). This has been described as working within an established scientific 'paradigm'. 1 However, social phenomena (such as classroom teaching) may be of such complexity that a full account requires exploration at multiple levels, with a range of analytical foci (Taber, 2008). 2 Therefore the report may indicate which particular theoretical perspective (e.g., personal constructivism, activity theory, Gestalt psychology, etc.) has informed the study.

This usually leads to one or more research questions, or even specific hypotheses, that are seen to be motivated by the state of the field as reflected in the authors' conceptual framework.

Next, the research design is explained: the choice of methodology (overall research strategy), the population being studied and how it was sampled, the methods of data collection and development of instruments, and choice of analytical techniques.

All of this is usually expected before any discussion (leaving aside a short statement as part of the abstract) of the data collected, results of analysis, conclusions and implications of the study for further research or practice.

There is a logic to designing research. (Image after Taber, 2014).

A predatory journal

I have been reading some papers in a journal that I believed, on the basis of its misleading title and website details, was an example of a poor-quality 'predatory journal'. That is, a journal which encourages submissions simply to be able to charge a publication fee (currently $1519, according to the website), without doing the proper job of editorial scrutiny. I wanted to test this initial evaluation by looking at the quality of some of the work published.

Although the journal is called the Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice (not to be confused, even if the publishers would like it to be, with the well-established journal Chemistry Education Research and Practice) only a few of the papers published are actually education studies. One of the articles that IS on an educational topic is called 'Students' Perception of Chemistry Teachers' Characteristics of Interest, Attitude and Subject Mastery in the Teaching of Chemistry in Senior Secondary Schools' (Igwe, 2017).

A research article

The work of a genuine academic journal

A key problem with predatory journals is that because their focus is on generating income they do not provide the service to the community expected of genuine research journals (which inevitably involves rejecting submissions, and delaying publication till work is up to standard). In particular, the research journal acts as a gatekeeper to ensure nonsense or seriously flawed work is not published as science. It does this in two ways.

Discriminating between high quality and poor quality studies

Work that is clearly not up to standard (as judged by experts in the field) is rejected. One might think that in an ideal world no one is going to send work that has no merit to a research journal. In reality we cannot expect authors to always be able to take a balanced and critical view of their own work, even if we would like to think that research training should help them develop this capacity.

This assumes researchers are trained, of course. Many people carrying out educational research in science teaching contexts are only trained as natural scientists – and those trained as researchers in natural science often approach the social sciences with significant biases and blind-spots when carrying out research with people. (Watch or read 'Why do natural scientists tend to make poor social scientists?')

Also, anyone can submit work to a research journal – be they genius, expert, amateur, or 'crank'. Work is meant to be judged on its merits, not by the reputation or qualifications of the author.

De-bugging research reports – helping authors improve their work

The other important function of journal review is to identify weaknesses and errors and gaps in reports of work that may have merit, but where these limitations make the report unsuitable for publication as submitted. Expert reviewers will highlight these issues, and editors will ensure authors respond to the issues raised before possible publication. This process relies on fallible humans, and in the case of reviewers usually unpaid volunteers, but is seen as important for quality control – even if it not a perfect system. 3

This improvement process is a 'win' all round:

  • the quality of what is published is assured so that (at least most) published studies make a meaningful contribution to knowledge;
  • the journal is seen in a good light because of the quality of the research it publishes; and
  • the authors can be genuinely proud of their publications which can bring them prestige and potentially have impact.

If a predatory journal which claims (i) to have academic editors making decisions and (ii) to use peer review does not rigorously follow proper processes, and so publishes (a) nonsense as scholarship, and (b) work with major problems, then it lets down the community and the authors – if not those making money from the deceit.

The editor took just over a fortnight to arrange any peer review, and come to a decision that the research report was ready for publication

Students' perceptions of chemistry teachers' characteristics

There is much of merit in this particular research study. Dr Iheanyi O. Igwe explains why there might be a concern about the quality of chemistry teaching in the research context, and draws upon a range of prior literature. Information about the population (the public secondary schools II chemistry students in Abakaliki Education Zone of Ebonyi State) and the sample is provided – including how the sample, of 300 students at 10 schools, was selected.

There is however an unfortunate error in characterising the population:

"the chemistry students' population in the zone was four hundred and ten (431)"

Igwe, 2017, p.8

This seems to be a simple typographic error, but the reader cannot be sure if this should read

  • "…four hundred and ten (410)" or
  • "…four hundred and thirty one (431)".

Or perhaps neither, as the abstract tells readers

"From a total population of six hundred and thirty (630) senior secondary II students, a sample of three hundred (300) students was used for the study selected by stratified random sampling technique."

Igwe, 2017, abstract

Whether the sample is 300/410 or 300/431 or even 300/630 does not fundamentally change the study, but one does wonder how these inconsistencies were not spotted by the editor, or a peer reviewer, or someone in the production department. (At least, one might wonder about this if one had not seen much more serious failures to spot errors in this journal.) A reader could wonder whether the presence of such obvious errors may indicate a lack of care that might suggest the possibility of other errors that a reader is not in a position to spot. (For example, if questionnaire responses had not been tallied correctly in compiling results, then this would not be apparent to anyone who did not have access to the raw data to repeat the analysis.) The author seems to have been let down here.

A multi-scale instrument

The final questionnaire contained 5 items on each of three scales

  • students' perception of teachers' interest in the teaching of chemistry;
  • students' perception of teachers' attitude towards the teaching of chemistry;
  • students' perception of teachers' mastery of the subject in the teaching of chemistry

Igwe informs readers that,

"the final instrument was tested for reliability for internal consistency through the Cronbach Alpha statistic. The reliability index for the questionnaire was obtained as 0.88 which showed that the instrument was of high internal consistency and therefore reliable and could be used for the study"

Igwe, 2017, p.4

This statistic is actually not very useful information as one would want to know about the internal consistency within the scales – an overall value across scales is not informative (conceptually, it is not clear how it should be interpreted – perhaps that the three scales are largely eliciting much the same underlying factor? ) (Taber, 2018). 4

There are times when aggregate information is not very informative (Image by Syaibatul Hamdi from Pixabay )

Again, one might have hoped that expert reviewers would have asked the author to quote the separate alpha values for the three scales as it is these which are actually informative.

The paper also offers a detailed account of the analysis of the data, and an in-depth discussion of the findings and potential implications. This is a serious study that clearly reflects a lot of work by the researcher. (We might hope that could be taken for granted when discussing work published in a 'research journal', but sadly that is not so in some predatory journals.) There are limitations of course. All research has to stop somewhere, and resources and, in particular, access opportunities are often very limited. One of these limitations is the wider relevance of the population sampled.

But do the results apply in Belo Horizonte?

This is the generalisation issue. The study concerns the situation in one administrative zone within a relatively small state in South East Nigeria. How do we know it has anything useful to tell us about elsewhere in Nigeria, let alone about the situation in Mexico or Vietnam or Estonia? Even within Ebonyi State, the Abakaliki Education Zone (that is, the area of the state capital) may well be atypical – perhaps the best qualified and most enthusiastic teachers tend to work in the capital? Perhaps there would have been different findings in a more rural area?

Yet this is a limitation that applies to a good deal of educational research. This goes back to the complexity of educational phenomena. What you find out about an electron or an oxidising agent studied in Abakaliki should apply in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire or equally in Cambridge, Massachusetts. That cannot be claimed about what you may find out about a teacher in Abakaliki, or a student, a class, a school, a University

Misleading study titles?

Educational research studies often have strictly misleading titles – or at least promise a lot more than they deliver. This may in part be authors making unwarranted assumptions, or it may be journal editors wanting to avoid unwieldy titles.

"This situation has inadvertently led to production of half backed graduate Chemistry educators."

Igwe, 2017, p.2

The title of this study does suggest that the study concerns perceptions of Chemistry Teachers' Characteristics …in Senior Secondary Schools, when we cannot assume that chemistry teachers in the Abakaliki Education Zone of Ebonyi State can stand for chemistry teachers more widely. Indeed some of the issues raised as motivating the need for the study are clearly not issues that would apply in all other educational contexts – that is the 'situation', which is said to be responsible for the "production of half backed [half-baked?] graduate Chemistry educators" in Nigeria, will not apply everywhere. Whilst the title could be read as promising more general findings than were possible in the study, Igwe's abstract is quite explicit about the specific population sampled.

A limited focus?

Another obvious limitation is that whilst pupils' perceptions of their teachers are very important, it does not offer a full picture. Pupils may feel the need to give positive reviews, or may have idealistic conceptions. Indeed, assuming that voluntary, informed consent was given (which would mean that students knew they could decline to take part in the research without fear of sanctions) it is of note that every one of the 30 students targeted in each of the ten schools agreed to complete the survey,

"The 300 copies of the instrument were distributed to the respondents who completed them for retrieval on the spot to avoid loss and may be some element of bias from the respondents. The administration and collection were done by the researcher and five trained research assistants. Maximum return was made of the instrument."

Igwe, 2017, p.4

To get a 100% return on a survey is pretty rare, and if normal ethical procedures were followed (with the voluntary nature of the activity made clear) then this suggests these students were highly motivated to appease adults working in the education system.

But we might ask how student perceptions of teacher characteristics actually relate to teacher characteristics?

For example, observations of the chemistry classes taught by these teachers could possibly give a very different impression of those teachers than that offered by the student ratings in the survey. (Another chemistry teacher may well be able to distinguish teacher confidence or bravado from subject mastery when a learner is not well placed to do so.) Teacher self-reports could also offer a different account of their 'Interest, Attitude and Subject Mastery', as could evaluations by their school managers. Arguably, a study that collected data from multiple sources would offer the possibility of 'triangulating' between sources.

However, Igwe, is explicit about the limited focus of the study, and other complementary strands of research could be carried out to follow-up on the study. So, although the specific choice of focus is a limitation, this does not negate the potential value of the study.

Research questions

Although I recognise a serious and well-motivated study, there is one aspect of Igwe's study which seemed rather bizarre. The study has three research questions (which are well-reflected in the title of the study) and a hypothesis which I suspect will likely surprise some readers.

That is not a good thing. At least, I always taught research students that unlike in a thriller or 'who done it?' story, where a surprise may engage and amuse a reader, a research report or thesis is best written to avoid such surprises. The research report is an argument that needs to flow though the account – if a reader is surprised at something the researcher reports doing then the author has probably forgotten to properly introduce or explain something earlier in the report.

Here are the research questions and hypotheses:

"Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study, thus:

How do students perceive teachers' interest in the teaching of chemistry?

How do students perceive teachers' attitude towards the teaching of chemistry?

How do students perceive teachers' mastery of the subjects in the teaching of chemistry?

The following null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 alpha levels, thus:
HO1 There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of male and female students on their perception of chemistry teachers' characteristics in the teaching of chemistry."

Igwe, 2017, p.3

A surprising hypothesis?

A hypothesis – now where did that come from?

Now, I am certainly not criticising a researcher for looking for gender differences in research. (That would be hypocritical as I looked for such differences in my own M.Sc. thesis, and published on gender differences in teacher-student interactions in physics classes, gender differences in students' interests in different science topics on stating secondary school, and links between pupil perceptions of (i) science-relatedness and (ii) gender-appropriateness of careers.)

There might often be good reasons in studies to look for gender differences. But these reasons should be stated up-front. As part of the conceptual framework motivating the study, researchers should explain that based on their informal observations, or on anecdotal evidence, or (better) drawing upon explicit theoretical considerations, or that informed by the findings of other related studies – or whatever reason there might – there are good reasons to check for gender differences.

The flow of research (Underlying image from Taber, 2013) The arrows can be read as 'inform(s)'.

Perhaps Igwe had such reasons, but there seems to be no mention of 'gender' as a relevant variable prior to the presentation of the hypothesis: not even a concerning dream, or signs in the patterns of tea leaves. 5 To some extent, this is reinforced by the choice of the null hypothesis – that no such difference will be found. Even if it makes no substantive difference to a study whether a hypothesis is framed in terms of there being a difference or not, psychologically the study seems to have looked for a lack of significant difference regarding a variable which was not thought to have any relevance.

Misuse of statistics

It is important for researchers not to test for effects that are not motivated in their studies. Statistical significance tells a researcher something is unlikely to happen just by chance – but it still might. Just as someone buying a lottery ticket is unlikely to win the lottery – but they might. Logically a small proportion of all the positive statistical results in the literature are 'false positives' because unlikely things do happen by chance – just not that often. 6 The researcher should not (metaphorically!) go round buying up lots of lottery tickets, and then seeing an occasional win as something more than chance.

No alarms and no surprises

And what was found?

"From the result of analysis … the null hypothesis is accepted which means that there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of male and female students in their perception of chemistry teachers' characteristics (interest, attitude and subject mastery) in the teaching of chemistry."

Igwe, 2017, p.6

This is like hypothesising, without any motivation, that the amount of alkali needed to neutralise a certain amount of acid will not depend on the eye colour of the researcher; experimentally confirming this is the case; and then seeking to publish the results as a new contribution to knowledge.

Why did Igwe look for gender difference (or more strictly, look for no gender difference)?

  • A genuine relevant motivation missing from the paper?
  • An imperative to test for something (anything)?
  • Advice that journals are more likely to publish studies using statistical testing?
  • Noticing that a lot of studies do test for gender differences (whether there seems a good reason to do so or not)?

This seems to be an obvious point for peer reviewers and the editor to raise: asking the author to either (a) explain why it makes sense to test for gender differences in this study – or (b) to drop the hypothesis from the paper. It seems they did not notice this, and readers are simply left to wonder – just as you would if a newspaper headline was 'Earthquake latest' and then the related news story was simply that, as usual, no earthquakes had been reported.

Work cited:


1 The term paradigm became widely used in this sense after Kuhn's (1970) work although he later acknowledged criticisms of the ambiguous way he used the term, in particular as learning about a field through working through standard examples, paradigms, and the wider set of shared norms and values that develop in an established field which he later termed 'disciplinary matrix'. In psychology research 'paradigm' may be used in the more specific sense of an established research design/protocol.

2 There are at least three ways of explaining why a lot of research in the social science seems more chaotic and less structured to outsiders than most research in the natural sciences.

  • a) Ontology. Perhaps the things studied in the natural sciences really exist, and some of those in the social sciences are epiphenomena and do not reflect fundamental, 'real', things. There may be some of that sometimes, but if so I think it is a matter of degree (that is, scientists have not been beyond studying the ether or phlogiston), because of the third option (c).
  • b) The social sciences are not as mature as many areas of the natural sciences and so are sill 'pre-paradigmatic'. I am sure there is sometimes an element of this: any new field will take time to focus in on reliable and productive ways of making sense of its domain.
  • c) The complexity of the phenomena. Social phenomena are inherently more complex, often involving feedback loops between participants' behaviours and feelings and beliefs (including about the research, the researcher, etc.)

Whilst (a) and (b) may sometimes be pertinent, I think (c) is often especially relevant to this question.

3 An alternative approach that has gained some credence is to allow authors to publish, but then invite reader reviews which will also be published – and so allowing a public conversation to develop so readers can see the original work, criticism, responses to those criticisms, and so forth, and make their own judgements. To date this has only become common practice in a few fields.

Another approach for empirical work is for authors to submit research designs to journals for peer review – once a design has been accepted by the journal, the journal agrees to publish the resulting study as long as the agreed protocol has been followed. (This is seen as helping to avoid the distorting bias in the literature towards 'positive' results as studies with 'negative' results may seem less interesting and so less likely to be accepted in prestige journals.) Again, this is not the norm (yet) in most fields.

4 The statistic has a maximum value of 1, which would indicate that the items were all equivalent, so 0.88 seems a high value, till we note that a high value of alpha is a common artefact of including a large number of items.

However, playing Devil's advocate, I might suggest that the high overall value of alpha could suggest that the three scales

  • students' perception of teachers' interest in the teaching of chemistry;
  • students' perception of teachers' attitude towards the teaching of chemistry;
  • students' perception of teachers' mastery of the subject in the teaching of chemistry

are all tapping into a single underlying factor that might be something like

  • my view of whether my chemistry teacher is a good teacher

or even

  • how much I like my chemistry teacher

5 Actually the discrimination made is between male and female students – it is not clear what question students were asked to determine 'gender', and whether other response options were available, or whether students could decline to respond to this item.

6 Our intuition might be that only a small proportion of reported positive results are false positives, because, of course, positive results reflect things unlikely to happen by chance. However if, as is widely believed in many fields, there is a bias to reporting positive results, this can distort the picture.

Imagine someone looking for factors that influence classroom learning. Consider that 50 variables are identified to test, such as teacher eye colour, classroom wall colour, type of classroom window frames, what the teacher has for breakfast, the day of the week that the teacher was born, the number of letters in the teacher's forename, the gender of the student who sits nearest the fire extinguisher, and various other variables which are not theoretically motivated to be considered likely to have an effect. With a confidence level of p[robability] ≤ 0.05 it is likely that there will be a very small number of positive findings JUST BY CHANCE. That is, if you look across enough unlikely events, it is likely some of them will happen. There is unlikely to be a thunderstorm on any particular day. Yet there will likely be a thunderstorm some day in the next year. If a report is written and published which ONLY discusses a positive finding then the true statistical context is missing, and a likely situation is presented as unlikely to be due to chance.