The publisher who cried 'wolf!'

Can one blog post bring about "substantial financial detriment" to a global publishing corporation?

Keith S. Taber

"…our marketing strategies, particularly the use of alternate identities by our editors and reviewers to engage potential authors
our editors' and reviewers' marketing strategies …Thus, the use of virtual identities for initial outreach efforts"

email from

Immediate Cease and Desist Demand – Defamatory and Harmful Content

One regular theme of these posts is the questionable behaviour of some publishers of academic journals, especially when I consider they have been behaving in dishonest ways in order to mislead scholars.

Last month I received an email with the subject heading "Immediate Cease and Desist Demand – Defamatory and Harmful Content". The email came from the address <> and was signed by someone claiming to be the Chief Legal Officer of "Global Journals Incorporated, a conglomerate with operational bases in the United States, United Kingdom, and India".

A solicitor peruses a document

"Ah, a 'Cease and Desist' notice…do you want us to fight it?" (Actor John Stride as solicitor David Maine in Yorkshire Television's 'The Maine Chance')

The email complained about a post on this website, "specifically at the URL:". According to the email from <>, this page:

  • "contains unfounded, derogatory statements that malign our business and overall reputation"

The email explained

  • what they objected to in my post
  • why they considered it mattered to them
  • what they wanted me to do about it
  • and what the consequences would be for me if I did not do as they asked

The complaint

Global Journals complained that

"Your publication unjustly criticizes our marketing strategies, particularly the use of alternate identities by our editors and reviewers to engage potential authors…Specifically, your blog post criticizing our editors' and reviewers' marketing strategies casts malicious aspersions on their integrity and wrongly implies unethical conduct." 

email from, 13th February, 2024

My post "Earning a higher doctorate without doing any research?" asked the question: Is it possible that a publisher might be using fictitious academics to attract submissions to its journals?

It then discussed some emails I had received from the address <> claiming to be written by a Dr Nicoleta Auffahrt, Managing Editor of the 'Department of Humanities and Social Science' 'at Global Journals'. 'Dr Auffahrt' wrote to me, so the email claimed, because she had been impressed by my work, and had discussed it with colleagues who were also impressed, and she wanted to network with me. The email claimed that 'Dr Auffahrt' had a D.Litt in Teaching Education (and the publisher's website suggested she also held a Ph.D. from University of Pennsylvania and a Master of Arts from Ottawa University, USA [sic]).

However, when I did some checking-up (details are given in the original post), as far as I could tell, there was no such person as Dr Nicoleta Auffahrt.

Now, in the email from <>, Global Journals Incorporated were not denying that they were sending out letters from non-existent academics, they readily acknowledged that, but they still seemed to think it was bad form of me to highlight this as if it was in some sense questionable. According to Global Journals,

"…the use of alternate identities by our editors and reviewers to engage potential authors. This practice is not only commonplace for privacy preservation on the internet but is also legally sanctioned in jurisdictions such as Delaware and [sic] the United States, where our corporation is duly registered. The allegations you posit, suggesting unethical conduct on the part of our representatives, are devoid of factual basis and amount to a direct assault on our distinguished reputation, painstakingly cultivated over two decades.

Specifically, your blog post criticizing our editors' and reviewers' marketing strategies casts malicious aspersions on their integrity and wrongly implies unethical conduct.  Thus, the use of virtual identities for initial outreach efforts is lawful in Delaware, United States, where our company is incorporated and is commonly employed worldwide for privacy and safety."

email from, 13th February, 2024

The 'dispute', then, was not over whether Global Journals sent emails signed by non-existent editors – they freely agreed they did so (and suggested they also sent marketing emails from non-existent reviewers!) – but whether, or not, it was unfair of me to suggest that such deception amounted to something dishonest, inappropriate or unethical.

The damage done

Now anyone who writes a blog (or anything else for public consumption) is likely to hope some people will read it and that it might in some small way influence them. I was aware of people commenting on my post to the extent that they had already been sceptical about approaches from 'Dr Auffahrt' and other imaginary Global Journals editors, and had found it useful that I had looked into the (non)existence of Auffahrt.

So, I can readily believe that perhaps Global Journals have lost a few 'customers' who might share my view that it is not desirable to do business with a publisher that seeks to deceive potential authors by pretending imaginary editors have a particular interest in their work. Even if Global Journals thinks that sending such invitation emails is "commonplace", "legally sanctioned" and "lawful"(and even if editors who work for Global Journals for some reason feel a need to hide their identities 'for privacy and safety' when academic editors of most academic journals do their best to advertise their appointments to such positions), I can well believe there are other scholars out there who might share my view that misrepresenting yourself to someone is not a promising way to initiate a meaningful, productive relationship.

However, according to Global Journals,

"Your allegations are baseless and directly harm our company's reputation, resulting in substantial financial losses.

The implications of your actions have been far-reaching, causing substantial financial detriment to our corporation, quantified in significant revenue losses."

email from, 13th February, 2024

So, supposedly, enough people

  • (i) seeking outlets for their manuscripts and
  • (ii) receiving the emails from fictitious editors had
  • (iii) read my blog, and
  • (iv) accordingly decided to give Global Journals' publications a miss,

for them to claim that I had caused:

  • substantial financial losses
  • substantial financial detriment
  • significant revenue losses

And this was supposedly due to one post on a retired teacher's personal blog?

Somehow, I felt it was, let me suggest, unlikely that this claim was correct, and I felt that it was even more unlikely that Global Journals would be able to produce any convincing evidence to substantiate it (for example in a Court of Law – see below).


The email claimed I had defamed Global Journals by calling-out their (in my view, dubious) practices:

"Given your role as the editor of several journals that are in direct competition with our publications, your statements could be construed as defamatory, motivated by competitive bias, and, thus, carry severe legal consequences….

This behavior not only contravenes professional ethics but also breaches UK defamation law.

email from, 13th February, 2024

Their letter specified a number of journals they considered me to be an editor of. I have not been a journal editor for some years. It seems that, despite representing an international publisher of academic journals, the author of the email did not appreciate the difference between formally contracted editors (who could be therefore considered to have a financial interest in a journal they edit) and those who serve unpaid on journal boards in a purely advisory capacity.

A section of the email headed 'Demands' told me:

  • Cease & Desist: You must immediately stop publishing defamatory content about Global Journals, our editors, and our practices
  • Content Removal: The offending blog post must be entirely deleted from your website within 48 hours.
  • Formal Retraction: We strongly recommend issuing a retraction on your website to mitigate damages.

Of course, if Global Journal's email had persuaded me that my post had been unfair to them (and certainly if it had persuaded me that it was defamatory) I would have been very keen to quickly take action to put matters right.

But, to my mind, the most relevant part of their email was the confirmation that the reason that I had not been able to find any evidence of an academic record for 'Dr Nicoleta Auffahrt' was that she had never existed. She was a fiction, or as Global Journals prefer to phrase the matter, one of the 'alternate identities' they employ to disguise (in order to 'protect') the actual identifies of their editors (and reviewers).

The threat

This would all have been mildly amusing, had it not been for the threat of legal action. The email from <legals@globaljournals> warned me that

"Failure to comply will immediately initiate legal action in the United Kingdom. We will seek substantial damages for losses incurred and decisively pursue all legal costs.

This letter constitutes a formal legal notice, and non-compliance will necessitate legal action in the UK, USA, and India, with all associated costs, including but not limited to legal fees, being recovered from you.

We strongly advise you to take this notice with the utmost seriousness and to seek legal counsel to fully comprehend the ramifications of your published content and the potential legal proceedings that may ensue.

We anticipate your prompt action to rectify this situation, and we expect your full compliance."

email from, 13th February, 2024

Now I will happily admit that was quite scary. I am lucky that, even though I had to retire early on health grounds, I had built up sufficient pension to be able to live comfortably enough. But here was a global corporation claiming that I had caused it significant and substantial financial losses which it intended to recover by suing me. I imagine that substantial financial losses of a global publisher are some orders of magnitude greater than any funds I may have left in savings for a rainy day.

The sensible, pragmatic part of me thought that it would be very easy to take down one web-page, apologise, and hopefully all would be forgotten. Surely that is the obvious thing to do, even if one thinks that any such legal action has a small chance of succeeding? What is, say, a 1% chance of being financially ruined against deleting one post from a blog?

Global Journals' email suggested that I take legal advice – which might imply that they were confident in having a case against me (why send me to a lawyer who would tell me otherwise?) but of course legal advice costs money, and 'unpublishing' a blog post does not. I suspected that was a bluff.

Moreover, there is another part of me which is the self-righteous, campaigning, principled me that really hates such ploys as lying and bullying and is naive enough to beleive the world would be a better place without 'those two impostors'. As 'alternate' identities are in play; if taken to court, I might want the fictitious lawyer David Maine from Castelton & Maine handling my case: someone who could be just as arrogantly pompous and self-righteous as myself!

A defence?

I have already suggested that I did not think it was at all likely that any damages I had caused to Global Journals could really be large enough to substantially damage their business (certainly, unless it was really very, very flaky to start with, such that a proverbial final straw might be enough the break the poor camel's back); and that it seemed incredible that they might be able to produce evidence to persuade a Court that enough people reading my blog had been sufficiently influenced to bring about any such significant losses.

However, the critical factor in my thinking was what is meant by defamation. Global Journals helpfully informed me that:

"Under the Defamation Act 2013, a statement is considered defamatory if it:

  • Causes or is likely to cause serious harm to an individual or company's reputation.
  • Refers to even an unidentifiable [*] person connecting with an entity.
  • Is published (communicated) to a third party."
email from, 13th February, 2024

(* And of course a person would be 'unidentifiable' if they disguised their identify behind a fake name and qualifications.)

My post certainly referred to a person pretending to be one highly qualified Dr Nicoleta Auffahrt who claimed an association with Global Journals, and it was a form of publication. So, would a court consider my post "causes or is likely to cause serious harm to an individual or company's reputation"?

It might be reasonable to suggest it led to some very small harm (loss of a few submissions, perhaps), certainly. But serious harm? To an established global corporation?

The best defence to a defamation claim

Of course, Global Journals failed to mention one key criterion for any published statement to be considered defamatory: it has to be untrue. No matter how bad the things you accuse someone of, that is not defamation unless you are wrong. You cannot defame Adolf Hitler by claiming he was the leader of an evil regime which carried out genocide, and arranged the murder of a great many men, women and children simply because of a hateful and unscientific belief in human 'races' and racial 'purity'.

Global Journals could only successfully sue me, and potentially ruin me, if they could show I had made claims about their corporation that were both damaging and untrue. Yet, Global Journals confirmed my exposé was correct: editors who sign (at least some of) their emails do not exist.

It is a defence to an action for defamation for the defendant to show that the imputation conveyed by the statement complained of is substantially true.

Defamation Act 2013

Any case Global Jounrals brought would therefore presumably rest, not on that agreed fact, but on what I suggested about this being unethical, improper, and misleading. These were my interpretations and I think anyone reading the blog could either agree with them or not. The factual basis of the post was that Global Journals were sending out emails from a Dr Nicoleta Auffahr who claimed to have a personal interest in my works, and to have discussed them with her colleagues, when such a person did not seem to exist; and Global Journals were not disputing that fact – rather they were confirming in writing that this was indeed how they proceeded. This was part of Global Journals' "marketing strategies…our editors' and reviewers' [sic] marketing strategies".

Surely, anyone reading the blog who, like Global Journals Incorporated, thought it was fine to send out such fictional invitation emails would have no reason to change their attitude to Global Journals, and only those, who agreed with me, that this was inappropriate for an academic publisher would be likely to behave accordingly and avoid sending them submissions.

A revised approach

So, I decided not to take down my post (at least, not yet) but to spend time writing a robust response to the Global Journals' legal officer – that is, to 'call their bluff' as it were. (I've reproduced my message below, in 'Annexe 1'.) This took up time and energy, but if Global Journals' legal team thought an 'Immediate Cease and Desist Demand' was well-motivated, then it deserved a considered response.

My reply led to a response within hours, which had a rather different tone. So, the next morning I faced a new communication from <>, again signed by the Chief Legal Officer of Global Journals Incorporated. This reiterated a key point from the original 'cease and desist' notice,

"The practice of using alternate identities, as mentioned in our initial letter, is a measure taken strictly for privacy and security reasons on the internet. We ensure that all communications, including those from alternate identities, are truthful and transparent about the nature and purpose of the outreach. Contrary to the allegation, we do not endorse or engage in the dissemination of false or misleading information."

email from, 14th February, 2024

Now I could see myself getting into an involved argument here. The original approach sent from <> and supposedly from a Dr. Nicoleta Auffahrt, did invite me to submit work to a journal, but this was presented almost as a "oh, and by the way…" clause:

"I am writing this email with regard to your research paper, 'Secondary Studentso [sic] Values and Perceptions of Science-Related Careers Responses to Vignette-Based Scenarios' I read it and felt that your work is worthy of admiration. I have shared the finding of the paper with my colleagues. Other scholars of our research community have also commended them. It shows your potential to influence and inspire fellow researchers and scholars.

Your quest to explore dimensions in your field that matches our journal's scope compels me to know more about your current research work. I can also connect you with our network of eminent researchers of your stream, along with recognizing your university.

Additionally, as I am also Managing Editor at Global Journals, I cordially invite you to send your future research articles/papers for publication in Global Journal of Human-Social Science, CrossRef DOI: 10.34257/GJHSS."

email from, 20th January 2023

Now I accept that I was not fooled by this (which is why I investigated the supposed author), and in any case I suspect that my university (i.e., the University of Cambridge) probably does not need recognition from Global Journals.

Perhaps, this was never intended to mislead the recipient. Perhaps, now that we all live in a post-truth world, any recipient should have simply smiled at the conceit, realising that even if Auffret existed, we were not meant to take the claims about her reading and admiring the recipient's work seriously.

How spamming works

But I suspect that the whole point of seemingly personalised approaches like this (apart from disguising an email mail shot which is in breach of UK regulations on mass marketing) is that if one in ten, or one in twenty, or even one in a hundred, of the recipients are fooled (in the sense of thinking someone really has read their work, and really does think is it of sufficient merit to seek out that scholar, and really wants to network with them), then this hooks enough potential customers to justify the effort commercially. The minimal cost of sending thousands of such invitations is easily justified if one recipient submits some work to the publisher and pays the cost of US$ 1126 * for publication. That is how spam emails work – most people know they are not to be taken at face value, but it only needs a few people to be taken-in to generate profit.

At least Global Journals were no longer explicitly threatening court action (perhaps, bluff called?), but,

"Our concern remains that the content published on your blog, which criticizes our marketing strategies and operational practices, could be interpreted as defamatory under this legal standard. While we acknowledge your right to express personal opinions and critiques, we must also protect our corporate reputation against statements that we believe to be unfounded and potentially damaging."

email from, 14th February, 2024

They were still looking towards a "resolution". But now they wanted to invite me to a meeting to disucss the 'issues' and referred to "Collaborative Efforts" whereby "we can work together to promote ethical practices in academic publishing and contribute positively to the scholarly community".

This was a clever strategy: I was relieved that immediate court proceedings were not being explicitly threatened now, and, as an academic who claims to value dialogue, I was being invited to talk – and it was even being hinted that perhaps the corporation could benefit from my advice on how to ensure their procedures were ethical.

Having replied immediately to the first email from <>, I decided that now I needed some 'time out' to think. I wrote back to acknowledge receipt of their message, and to tell them I would be replying, but not immediately.

If a publisher acknowledges that it sends out emails from fictitious editors, why accept the authenticity of an email claiming to be from its 'legal department'? (original images by Peggy_Marco and Gordon Johnson, from Pixabay)

The publisher who cried wolf

The story of the boy who cried wolf tells of a young shepherd looking after the sheep who called-out the villagers to defend against the wolf without good cause. Eventually, when the wolf actually came along to feed on the sheep, the boy again cried "wolf!" – but no one came to help, because he had lied before and was no longer considered trustworthy. []

Over the next few days I was composing possible responses in my head. An initial feeling that "at least they are looking to be reasonable, I suppose I should give them the benefit" soon hardened.

  • Would a global corporation "cultivated over two decades" really need, or want, to engage in authentic dialogue to learn from me why it might not be best to promote their journals with fictitious editors?
  • Were they looking for a genuine meeting of minds, or did they want to talk only to try to bamboozle me with lawyerese – looking to get concessions out of me by putting me under pressure?

This brought to mind a short period when I had acted as the National Union of Teachers representative at the Comprehensive School where I taught. On a Friday afternoon, I had a message from the head teacher that he would like to see me before I went home. I went to his office (pretty tired at the end of the working week) to find him there flanked by two deputies. He made some points about why the school management wanted such-and-such. I politely explained why the teaching staff had decided they did not agree to whatever-it-was. He then explained why we were wrong (from his perspective) and repeated his initial points. I politely pointed out that I understood his perspective, but that what he wanted did not look desirable from the teachers' perspective. He then told me, again, why we were wrong and, again, why his position was the one to be adopted.

We went through this cycle several times: my respectfully accepting that what he wanted made sense to management but not to the teaching staff; and his then explaining how I must be wrong because I did not accept his obviously correct opinion. It seemed clear to me that there was no intention to have a meaningful discussion, just an attempt to wear me down by outnumbering me at a point in the week when I was especially vulnerable. So, I made my excuses and went home. Since then I have been wary of mooted meetings with people who do not seem to have any flexibility in the outcome they seek.

Homer Simpson has a moment of insight

A moment of insight

(source: 20th Century Fox)

A 'doh' moment

I decided to leave my reply to the weekend, although I still found myself mentally drafting possible points to include. But then I (rather belatedly!) had a moment of insight:

  • My first contact with Global Journals was a marketing email that came from the email address: <>
  • That email was signed by a Dr Nicoleta Auffahrt who claimed to be a highly qualified managing editor – but who did not exist
  • I was now receiving emails from an address <>…
  • …signed by someone who claimed to be the corporation's Chief Legal Officer

But, ('doh!') if Global Journals use misleading email addresses and fictional employee identities, then

  • how did I know the recent emails were really from a legal department and not just the marketing people again?
  • how did I know the email was written by someone who had the name and title used in the signature?

I thought it was worth doing an email search to see if I could confirm the name of Global Journal's Chief Legal Officer – perhaps someone with such a senior position would be reported somewhere on the web? I was not over-hopeful, as India (where the Chief Legal Officer was supposed to be based) is the most populous country in the world, and I suspected I would find numerous lawyers there with that name.

What I actually found was no record at all of anyone with the name of the supposed Chief Legal Officer. That did not prove my supposed correspondent was not a real person, but it was highly suggestive. Lawyers may not tend to be as obvious on the web as academics, but there cannot be many senior professionals (such as a chief legal officer of an international company) that do not leave some digital trace that can be found in a web-search?

This hardened my resolve. If I suspected that the emails from <> were also not open about who I was really corresponding with, then I would write back to close the correspondence pending any good evidence that I really was being contacted by the legal department (see 'Annexe 2'!)

I was rather disappointed at myself. I had been contacted by a corporation that was happy to use fictional identifies, and even readily admitted it, but I then took communication at face value for being what it claimed.

I was brought up to be honest and truthful, and believe lying and deceit is only justifiable in extremis. Society can only work harmoniously – indeed, at all – if our default assumption is people we interact with are who they say they are and that they at least believe the claims they make. If, we strictly follow the advice of another fictional character, the investigative agent Fox Mulder, and 'trust no one', we soon come to a complete state of inaction and paranoia.

On the other hand, as the proverb suggests,

  • fool me once, shame on you
  • fool me twice, shame on me

* as according to the web-page, accessed on 2nd March 29024

Annexe 1

Threat of legal action by Global Journals Incorporated

Dear Mr ********

Thank you for your email of 13th instant, entitled "Immediate Cease and Desist Demand – Defamatory and Harmful Content". I note the contents, and that you consider this a "formal legal notice".

Factual inaccuracies

Firstly, may I point that, contrary to your letter, I am not currently an editor of any academic journals [and to avoid any possibility of misunderstanding, this includes International Journal of Science Education (Routledge/Taylor & Francis); Foundations of Chemistry (Springer); Teacher Development (Routledge/Taylor & Francis); Centre for Education Policy Studies Journal (Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana); Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (Springer)] and my only active editorial position is as a book series editor-in-chief. You seem to be confusing journal editors (who have a formal contractual role, for which they normally receive consideration), with other senior academics who in roles such as editorial board members offer free advice to journal editors and publishers. I currently have no financial arrangements with any of the journals that you list.

I do indeed have a bias, though I would not consider this a prejudice. My bias is towards those journals which follow honest and open processes led by named academics with well-established reputations; and against journals which use dubious practices, such as those that send untruthful approaches to potential contributors, and hide their actual editors behind imaginary personas with faked academic qualifications. I would hope most other serious scholars would share this bias.  

Breach of professional ethics

If you truly believe, as you suggest, that my behaviour "contravenes professional ethics" then, as I am a Fellow of two Learned Scientific Societies that also operate as Professional Bodies (namely, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institute of Physics) you should refer the matter to these two institutions so they can investigate whether I have indeed broken the professional codes of ethics that I am expected to uphold. I would expect to offer a strong defence of my actions. I actually believe that as a senior academic who has worked as a journal editor and has taught novice researchers about publication ethics on post-graduate courses there is an ethical imperative for me to call-out examples of scholarly malpractice, such as those you acknowledge being part of Global Journals Incorporated's businesses practices, where I come across them.

Damage caused by my publicising Global Journals Incorporated's dishonest communications

I note you suggest I may be subject to court action under the Defamation Act 2013 because my blog posting has been "resulting in substantial financial losses…far-reaching, causing substantial financial detriment to our corporation, quantified in significant revenue losses". I find it very unlikely that a retired academic's personal blog can have caused such a substantive effect (and even more unlikely this could be demonstrated to the satisfaction of a court).

To the extent that my personal blog may have influenced some authors to avoid engaging with your company, this is not due to my claims about your company's dishonest practice in isolation, but is a due to a combination of factors: that is,

a) your company choosing to use dishonest and untrue communications (as you acknowledge in your email); AND
b) my pointing this out in my blog; AND
c) readers agreeing that they consider such practices as unethical and inappropriate in scholarly publishing.

Anyone reading my blog who feels 'that's okay, companies are allowed to use fictitious editors with made-up qualifications who pretend to have liked and recommended my work' is not going to change their submission intentions. Global Journals Incorporated's use of marketing emails containing false claims may indeed, as you suggest, be strictly legal in some jurisdictions such as "Delaware and [sic] the United States", but it is dishonest, and to my mind (if not yours) that makes it unethical. The academic literature will be worth nothing if scholars do not adhere to principles of openness and honesty – as who can trust anything in journals that do not hold truthfulness to be an important value? In any case, I suspect your marketing emails are in breach of UK regulations governing electronic mail marketing which both (i) do not allow you to send such email to "prospective customers or new contacts" unless they have opted in, and (ii) specify that even then "you must not disguise or conceal your identity".

Defamation Act 2013

I am struggling to understand the basis of your complaint as you seem to object to my criticising "the use of alternate [sic., i.e., fictitious] identities by our editors and reviewers to engage potential authors", yet you confirm that Global Journals Incorporated is doing that just that. I am not a lawyer (but I would assume that you, as a company's Chief Legal Officer, are legally qualified), and I do not understand how you expect to make a claim under the law of defamation if you accept that Global Journals Incorporated is indeed sending out invitations to academics from fictitious editors with imaginary doctorates who supposedly have read and been impressed by the work of those they are contacting. These emails contain lies, as you seem to acknowledge. There would seem to no basis there for an action of defamation!

Perhaps I have misunderstood, and you feel that there is/are one or more other statement(s) in my blog post which is/are both:

a) factually inaccurate; and
b) potentially damaging.

If this is so, I WOULD CERTAINLY BE PREPARED TO ADDRESS THIS, AND TO DO SO AS A PRIORITY. But you would need to specify where I have made a false claim, and convince me it is false. So far, you have only objected to (i) statements about Global Journals Incorporated's practices that you seem to acknowledge are true, and to (ii) my opinion (which I am fairly sure I am entitled to) on the ethical status of those practices.

Otherwise, I do not see any validity underpinning your 'Immediate Cease and Desist Demand' request. I would assume that you, as a Chief Legal Officer, would appreciate that true statements are not considered defamatory in English Law (as "It is a defence to an action for defamation for the defendant to show that the imputation conveyed by the statement complained of is substantially true"), in which case your communication (confirming, as I imagine any court would recognise, the truth of 'the statement complained of') would seem to be an attempt to tempt me into acting out of fear of malicious and spurious court action ("Failure to comply will immediately initiate legal action in the United Kingdom. We will seek substantial damages for losses incurred and decisively pursue all legal costs"…"We will seek substantial damages for losses incurred and decisively pursue all legal costs"), rather than in accord with the facts of the case at hand.

I strongly suspect that even if you could find an officer of the English courts who would take on a case on the basis you have outlined, the case would, on request to the court, be summarily struck out under rule 3.4 of the procedure rules for civil courts. I therefore think that your threat by a corporation to come after an individual retired teacher for "substantial damages" and "legal costs" for speaking truth about unethical practices paints Global Journals Incorporated in a very poor light, suggesting that its legal team either does not understand English law, or is prepared to make misleading representations of it to try to cover-up the company's dubious publishing practices.

I look forward to your clarification of any public statements of mine regarding Global Journals Incorporated that you feel are factually incorrect, and that I should look to address. I can assure you that I will make all reasonable efforts to ensure apparent factual claims on my website are indeed in accord with the facts. Perhaps Global Journals Incorporated might consider adopting a similar policy in regard with its communications with potential authors?

Best wishes


Annexe 2

Dear Mr. ********

Thank you again for your follow-up email of 14th instant.

I have now taken time to carefully re-read the blog post that you refer to, i.e., at I am confident that any factual statements made there are accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am not infallible of course, and repeat that I am open to considering evidence that might persuade me that a correction is needed due to an error of fact. I have also checked on the reasonableness of those statements that are clearly intended to be understood as my own opinions and interpretations rather than objective statements of fact.

However, the crux of my blog post is suggesting that communications I received from Global Journals were signed by a fictitious academic. You have in your recent emails (13th, 14th inst.) confirmed that Global Journals Incorporated uses 'alternate identities' in its communications. You suggest that such a policy is both legal and justified ("a measure taken strictly for privacy and security reasons"). In reviewing my published post, I find no suggestion that I was claiming this practice was illegal or unlawful. (As I suggested in my previous reply, I do suspect that Global Journals Incorporated is breaking UK regulations in sending unsolicited email marketing, as I had not signed up for your marketing emails and had no previous business with your organisation. I suspect that is relevant, as this may be why Global Journals Incorporated chooses to seek to disguise these emails as not being the widely broadcast marketing they are {i.e., what most recipients might consider spam} but a personal contact by a fellow academic {from an organisation with the domain ""} who is impressed by a specific scholar's work and wishes to engage with that individual at a personal level {something I believe may also be breach of UK regulations on email marketing which do not allow you to "disguise or conceal your identity"}.) However, to reiterate and avoid any possible doubt, I do not claim that falsifying the identify of an email author is, in itself, unlawful: I am not qualified to comment on that, and I offer no opinion on the legal status of this dubious practice.


I took some time to reflect on your offer to enter into further dialogue. As you will have suspected, this appeals in principle to a scholar. However, I considered (a) that I wrote twice in response to the initial email from (on 20th January and 24th January 2023, that is before composing the blog post) without receiving clarification from Global Journals that I was corresponding with an 'alternate identity'; (b) your own initial contact earlier this was week was not focused on dialogue, but comprised a threat of legal action (albeit one that any lawyer would surely have realised was hollow). Entering into a meaningful dialogue would require trust on behalf of both parties, and Global Journals Incorporated's behaviour to date – misrepresentation and threat – does not encourage me to assume Global Journals Incorporated's good faith.

Collaborative efforts

I retired from my teaching role in 2020 on health grounds and although I still do some pro bono work for journals that I hold in high regard and have an association with, I am not seeking further consultancy opportunities. However, I would recommend that if Global Journals Incorporated is serious about adopting ethical publishing practices, then it should consider the work of COPE, the Committee on Publication Ethics (, which is an organisation of publishers and others involved in academic publishing. This organisation offers a forum for sharing practices and seeking guidance on best practice.


In your follow-up letter (14th instant.), you once again suggest that my blog post "could be interpreted as defamatory", again ignoring the fundamental legal principle that true statements cannot defame (which is why I am confident that it could NOT be REASONABLY interpreted as defamatory). To reiterate, I believe that factual statements in my public post are accurate, and that opinions and interpretations are reasonable and are not presented as if facts.

Truthful communications

You claim that "all communications [from Global Journals], including those from alternate identities, are truthful and transparent about the nature and purpose of the outreach". To be persuaded of that, you would need to demonstrate to me that the email that I was sent on 20th January 2023, although not written by the person who signed it:

a) was written by a person holding that status (managing editor) in the organisation;
b) was written by someone who held the same (or substantially the same) academic qualifications (M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt in Teaching Education) as claimed for the fictitious 'alternate identify';
c) was written by someone who had actually read the work cited;
d) was written by someone who had actually discussed the merits of the work with her(/his) colleagues, including others who had specifically commended the work;
e) was written by someone who genuinely held the work, and through the work its author, in the esteem suggested.

Unless that is so, then clearly these were misrepresentations that were not truthful and were designed to misdirect the recipient into believing they had been contacted by someone with a strong personal interest in their work, when any personal interest was actually phoney. (That is a very common practice which is indicative of predatory journals.) You will appreciate that the comments from colleagues around the world, who took time to respond to my post to the effect that they have received substantially identical emails, only reinforces my suspicions about the truthfulness of these statements. However, if I was provided with a suitable, properly notarised, affidavit from the true author, affirming all of these points (a-e) I would he prepared to add a statement to acknowledge this clarification at the end of the post. 


One of the key quality indicators of a good journal is that its editors are highly qualified and recognised as leading academics in a relevant field. I cannot consider any email from an academic publisher that claims editor qualifications which have never been awarded (clearly no university has awarded anyone called Nicoleta Auffahrt the degrees Global Journals claimed she had earned) to be 'transparent'.


You justify the use of false identities for "editors and reviewers" as offering "privacy and protection" to your colleagues. Academic reputations and careers are based on certifiable scholarly contributions such as publications (sic, which by definition are in the public record and open to public interrogation) and publicly verifiable roles in academic journals. There is no logic to a genuine academic not wishing to be publicly associated with a journal where they have an editorial role (unless they believe association with that specific journal would actively harm their academic reputation because they know it is what is commonly called a predatory journal). Academic journal editorship is a PUBLIC role. Global Journals is a PUBLIsher PUBLIshing academic PUBLICations, where disguising the identify of editors should be considered anathema. Privacy, in that regard, would not be desirable for the scholar. Similarly, reviewers get kudos for their work for academic journals, and offer their specific referee reports through a procedure that can be (and usually is) anonymised to anyone outside the editorial office, so there would be no rationale for hiding the identity of those acting as referees unless they were ill-qualified for the role.

Moving forward

Finally, I am aware that when communicating with an organisation that believes it is acceptable to use 'alternate identities' in its communications, I have no assurance of the identity of my correspondent. I have no more reason to trust your emails were written by a 'Mr ******* *******' than that Global Journal's earlier email was written by a 'Dr Nicoleta Auffahrt'; nor do I have any better reason to believe that that your emails were written by someone who is actually the company's Chief Legal Officer, than I had to believe the earlier email was written by someone who really was Managing Editor. Evidence of a real lawyer called Mr ******* ******* seems to be as lacking on the internet as evidence of the fictitious scholar Dr Nicoleta Auffahrt.

Of course, the usual convention is to believe that people who contact us will be honest and open, until we have reason to doubt that. I have good reason to doubt whether communications from Global Journals can be trusted as honest in this sense. After all, if an email from the address "" was actually written and sent by someone in Global Journal's marketing department, what reason do I have to trust that an email from "" does indeed originate from the legal department, rather than being another attempt at misdirection? If you really are Mr *******, and you really are Chief Legal Officer of Global Journals, then please excuse my suspicions – but I believe they must be judged reasonable in the circumstances.

Closing the correspondence

To reiterate, I have not, and do not, claim that Global Journals use of fictitious correspondents is in itself necessary illegal (I offer no view on that) but I maintain that it is a dishonest practice; one that cannot be justified in academic publishing where a concern for openness and the truth is paramount; and one which deliberately seeks to misrepresent a mass marketing email as a personal approach based on a close professional engagement with a scholar's work. In that, it reflects a very common practice of predatory journals. You have offered me no reasons to revise my opinions of this practice. 

I am now considering this correspondence closed, at least unless and until I am offered compelling reasons to trust the identity and role of my correspondent, along with good grounds to consider any remedial action is needed on my part.

I have notified the Legal Services Division of my University ( of the 'Immediate Cease and Desist Demand' sent earlier this week, and will inform them of any further approaches supposedly from Global Journals' legal team.

Best wishes


The sugger strikes back!

An update on the 'first annual International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes'

Keith S. Taber (masquerading as a learned academic)

if he wanted me to admit I had been wrong, Hussain could direct me to the released survey results and assure me that the data collected for the survey was not being used for other purposes. That is, he should given me grounds to think the survey was a genuine piece of research and not 'sugging'

Some months ago I published an article in this blog about a message I received from an organisation called Acaudio, that has a website where academics can post audio recordings promoting their research, that invited me to participate in "the first annual International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes". I was suspicious of this invitation for a number of reason as I discuss at 'The first annual International Survey of Gullible Research Centres and Institutes')

Several things suggested to me that this was not a genuine piece of academic research, including the commitment that "We will release the results over the next month" which seemed so unrealistic as to have been written either by someone with no experience of collecting and analysing large scale survey data – or someone with no intention of actually following through on the claim.


Having taken a look at the survey questions, I felt pretty sure thus was an example of what has been labelled as 'sugging'. Sugging is a widely recognised, and indeed widely adopted, unethical practice of collecting marketing information by framing it as a survey. The Market Research Society explains that,

Sugging is a market research industry term, meaning 'selling under the guise of research'. Sugging occurs when individuals or companies pretend to be market researchers conducting a research, when in reality they are trying to build databases, generate sales leads or directly sell product or services….

The practices of sugging and frugging [fundraising under the guise of market research] bring discredit on the profession of research… and mislead members of the public when they are being asked for their co-operation…

Failing to clearly specify the purpose for which the data is being collected is also a breach of…the first principle of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Although I thought the chances of the results of the first annual International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes actually being released within the month, or even within a few months to allow for a modest level of over-promising, were pretty minuscule, I did think I should wait a few months and then do a search to see if such a report had appeared. I did not think I was likely to find such a report released into the public domain, but any scientist has to be open-minded enough to consider they might be wrong – and certainly in my own case I've collected enough empirical evidence over the years to know I am not just, in principle, fallible.

Acaudio doth protest too much, methink

But (being fallible) I'd rather forgotten about this and had not got round to doing a web search. Until, that is, I was prompted to do so by receiving an email from the company founder, Hussain Ayed, who had had his attention drawn to my blog, and was – understandably perhaps – not happy about my criticisms:

Hussain's letter did not address my specific points from the blog (as he did not want to "get into the nitty gritty of it all"), but assured me his company was genuinely trying to do useful work, and there was no scamming.

Of course, I had not suggested Acaudio, the organisation, was itself a 'scam': in my earlier article I had pointed that Acaudio was offering a free, open-access, service which was likely to be useful to academics – and even briefly pointed out some positive features of their website.

But Acaudio's 'survey' was a different matter. It did not meet the basic requirements for a serious academic study, and it asked questions that seemed to be clearly designed as linked to potential selling points for a company that was offering services to increase research impact (so, perhaps, Acaudio).

And it promised a fantastic time-scale. Perhaps a very large organisation, with staff fully dedicated to analysis and reporting could have released international survey results within a month of collecting data – perhaps? But Acaudio was a company with one company officer that reported employing one person.

Given the scale of the organisation, what Acaudio have achieved with their website in a relatively short time is highly impressive. But…

…where is that survey report?

I replied to Hussain, as below.

Dear Hussain Ayed

Thank you for your message.

I have not written "a comprehensive attack on [your] company" and do not have a sufficient knowledge-base to have done so. I have indeed, however, published a blog article criticising your marketing techniques based on the direct evidence in messages you have sent me. In particular, I claimed that,

(i) (despite being registered as a UK based company) you did not adhere to the UK regulations concerning direct marketing. (I assume you are not seeking to challenge this given the evidence of your own emails)

(ii) that you were also 'sugging': undertaking marketing under the guise of carrying out a survey.

If I understand your complaint, you are suggesting in regard to point (ii) that you really were carrying out a survey for the public good (rather than to collect information for your own commercial purposes) and that any apparent failure of rigour in this regard actually resulted from a lack of relevant expertise within the company. If so, perhaps you will send me, or tell me where I can access, the published outcome of the survey (due to be available by the middle of June 2023 according to your earlier message). I have looked on line for this, but a Google search (using the term "International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes") failed to locate the report.

Can you offer me an assurance that information collected for the survey was ONLY used for the analysis that led to the published survey report (assuming there is one you can point me to), and that this information was not retained by your organisation as a basis for contacting individuals with regard to your company's services? If you can offer appropriate assurances then I will be happy to add an inserted edit into the blog to include a statement along the lines that the company assures me that all information collected was only used for the purposes of producing a survey report, and was not retained or used in any other way by the company.

So, to summarise regarding point (ii), if this survey was not a scam, please (a) point me to the outcomes, and (b) give me these assurances about not collecting information under false premises.

You also have the right to reply directly. If you really think anything in my article amounted to "misleading bits of 'evidence' " then please do correct this. You are free to submit a response in the comments section at the bottom of the page. If you wish to do that, I will be happy to publish your reply (subject to my usual restrictions which I am sure should not be any impediment to you – so, I will not publish anything I think might be libellous of a third party, nor anything with obscenity/profanity etc. Sadly, I do sometimes have to reject comments of these kinds.)

I recognise that comments have less prominence than the blog article they follow, and that indeed some readers may not get that far in their engagement with an article. Therefore, if you do submit a reply I am happy to also add a statement at the HEAD of my article to point out out to readers that there is a reply on behalf of the company beneath the article, so my readers see that notice BEFORE proceeding to read my own account. I am not looking for people/organisations to criticise for the sake of it, but have become concerned about the extent of unethical practice in the name of academic work (such as the marketing of predatory journals and conferences) and do point out some of the examples that come my way. I believe such bad practice is very damaging, and especially so for students who are new to the academic world, and for those working working in under-resourced contexts who may be under extreme pressure to achieve 'tenure'. People spend their limited funds on getting published in journals that have no serious peer review (and so are not taken seriously by most academics), or presenting at conferences which 'invite' contributions from anyone prepared to pay the fees. I do not spend time looking for such bad practice: it arrives in my inbox on a fairly frequent basis.

Perhaps your intentions are indeed honourable, and perhaps you are doing good work. Perhaps you are indeed "working to tackle inequality in higher education and academia", which obviously would be valuable, although I am not sure how this is achieved by working with groups at Cambridge such as the Bioelectronic Systems Tech Group – unless you perhaps charge fees to those in wealthy institutions to allow you to offer a free service for those elsewhere? If you do: good on you. Even so, I would strongly suggest you 'clean up your act' as far as your marketing is concerned, and make sure your email campaigns are within the law. By failing to follow the regulations you present your organisation as either being unprofessional (giving the impression no one knows what they are doing) or dodgy (if you* know the regulations, but are choosing not to follow them). *I assume you are responsible for the marketing strategy, but even if someone else is doing this for you, I suspect you (as the only registered company officer) would be considered ultimately responsible for not following the regulations.

If you are genuine about wishing to learn more about undertaking quality surveys, there are many sources of information. My pages on research methods might be a place to get some introductory background, but if this to be a major part of your company's activity I would really suggest you should employ someone with expertise, or retain a consultant who works in that area.

Thank you for the offer to work with you, but I am retired and have too many existing projects to work on – and in any case you should work with someone you genuinely respect, not someone that you consider only to "masquerade as a learned academic" and who has "shaky morals".

Best wishes


My key point was that if he wanted me to admit I had been wrong, Hussain could direct me to the released survey results and assure me that the data collected for the survey was not being used for other purposes. That is, he should given me grounds to think the survey was a genuine piece of research and not 'sugging'.

The findings of the survey are 'reserved'

Later that day, I got the following reply:

So, it seems the research report that was supposed to have been released ("over the next month" – according to Acaudio's email dated 15th May 2023) was not available, and – furthermore – would not be made available to me.

  • A key principle of scientific research is that the outcomes are published – that is made available to the public: and not "reserved" for certain people the researchers select!
  • A key feature of ethical research is that a commitment is made to make outcomes available (as Acaudio did) and this is followed through (as Acaudio did not).
What is the research data being used for?

Hussain also failed to offer any assurances that the data collected under the claim (pretence, surely) of carrying out survey research was not being used for commercial purposes – as a basis for evaluating the potential merits of approaching different respondents to tender for services. I cannot prove that Acaudio was using the collected information for such purposes, but if my suspicions were misplaced (and if Hussain really wanted to persuade me that the survey was not intended as a scam) it would have been very easy to simply include a sentence in his response to that effect – to have assured me that the research data was being analysed anonymously and handled separately from the company's marketing data with a suitable 'ethical wall' between.1

That is, Hussain could have simply got into enough of the "nitty gritty" to have offered an assurance of following an ethical protocol, instead of choosing to insult me…as I pointed out to him:-

Dear Hussain

Thank you for your message.

So, the 'survey' results (if indeed any such document actually exists) that you indicated to me would be released by mid-June are still not actually available in the public domain. As you say: 'Hmm'.

You are right, that I would have no right to ask you to provide me with anything – except that YOU ASKED ME to believe I misjudged you, and to withdraw my public criticisms; and so I ASKED YOU to provide the evidence to persuade me by (i) proving there was a survey analysis with published results, and (ii) giving an assurance that you did not use, for your company's marketing purposes, data supposedly collected for publishable research. There is of course no reason why you should have provided either the results or the assurances, unless you actually did feel I had judged Acaudio too harshly and you wanted to give me reason to acknowledge this. The only thing that might give me "some sort of power over [you]" in this regard is your suggestion to me that I might wish to "take back the claims that [I] made". Can I remind you: you contacted me. You contacted me, unsolicited, in December 2022, and then again in May 2023. This morning, you contacted me again specifically to suggest my suggestions of wrong-doing were misjudged. But you will not back that up, so you have simply reinforced my earlier inferences.

For some reason that is not clear to me, you think that my mind is on money – that is presumably why I spend some of my valuable time highlighting poor academic practices on a personal website that brings in no income and is financed from my personal funds. Perhaps that is the company director finding it hard to get inside the mind of a retired teacher who worked his entire career in the public sector? (That is not meant as an insult – I probably have the reverse difficulty in understanding the motivations of the commercial mind. Perhaps that is why these are "things that are beyond [my] understanding"?) I do not have any problem with you setting up a company to make money (good luck to you if you work hard and treat people with due respect), and think it is perfectly possible for an organisation to both make money and produce public goods – I am not against commercial organisations per se. My 'vested interests' relate to commitments to certain values that I think underpin both good science and academic activities more broadly. A key one is honesty (which is one fundamental aspect of treating people with due respect). We are all entitled (perhaps even have a duty?) to make the strongest arguments for our positions, but when people knowingly misrepresent (e.g., "We will release the results over the next month" but no publication is forthcoming) in order to to advance their interests, this undermines the scholarly community. Anyone can be wrong. Anyone can be mistaken. Anyone can fail in a venture. (Such as promising a report, genuinely intending to produce one, but finding the task was more complex than anticipated. Had that been your response, I might have found this feasible. Instead, you promised to release the results, but now you claim you have "every right to ignore [my] request for the outcomes". Yes, that is so – if the commitment you made means nothing.) As long as we can trust each other to be open and honest the system will eventually self-correct in cases when there are false (but honestly motivated) claims. Yet, these days, academics are flooded with offers and claims that are not mistaken, but deliberately misleading. That is what I find so troublesome that I take time to call out examples. That may seem strange to you, but you have to remember I have worked as a school, college, and university, teacher all my working life, so I identify at a very deep level with the basic values underpinning the quest for knowledge and learning. When I get an email from someone claiming they are doing a survey, but which seems to be an attempt to market services, I do take it personally. I do not like to be lied to. I do not like to be treated as a fool. And I do not like the thought that perhaps less experienced colleagues and graduate students may take such approaches at face value and not appreciate they are being scammed. Can does not equate to should: you may have "the ability to write and say what [you] want", but that does not mean you have the right to deliberately mislead people. You say you will not be engaging with me any more. Fine. You started this correspondence with your unsolicited approaches. I will be very happy if you remove me from your marketing list (that I did not sign up for) and do not contact me again. That might be in both our interests.

And despite all this, I wish you well. Whatever your mistakes in the past, if you do genuinely wish to make a difference in the way you suggest, then I hope you are successful. But please, if you believe in your company and the contribution it can make, seek to be totally honest with potential clients. If you are in this for the long term, then developing trust and a strong reputation for ethical business practices will surely create a fund of social capital that will pay dividends as you build up the organisation. Whereas producing emails of the kind you have sent me today is likely to be counter-productive and just alienate people: using ad hominem points – I am masquerading as a learned academic, out of touch, arrogant, unfit and entitled; with shaky morals and vested interests; things are beyond my understanding; I write nonsense – simply suggests you have no substantive points to support your position. By doing this you automatically cede the higher ground. And, moreover, is that really the way you want your company represented in its communications?

Best wishes


As I wrote above, Acaudio seem to be doing a really good job in setting up a platform where researchers can post accounts of their research – and given the scale of the organisation – I assume much (if not all) of that is down to Hussain. That, he can be proud of.

However, using the appearance of an international survey as a cover for collecting data that can be used to market a company's services is widely recognised as a dishonest and unethical (if not illegal 2) practice. I think he should less proud of himself in that regard.

If Hussain still wants to maintain that his request for contributions to the first annual International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes was intended as a genuine attempt at academic research, rather than just a marketing scam, then he still has the option of publishing a report of the study so that the academic community can evaluate the extent to which the survey meets the norms of genuine research; and so that, at very least, he will have met one key criterion of academic research (publication).

This would also show that Acaudio are prepared to meet their side of the contract they offered to potential respondents (i.e., please contribute to this survey – in consideration we will release the results over the next month). Any reputable business should be looking to make good on its promises.


1 The idea of an ethical wall (sometimes referred to as a 'Chinese wall') is important in businesses where there is the potential for conflicts of interest. Consider, for example, firms of lawyers that may have multiple clients, and where information offered in confidence by one client could have commercial value for another. The firm is expected to have protocols in place so that information about one client is not either leaked to another client, or (deliberately or inadvertently) influences advice given to another client. To avoid inadvertent influence, it may be necessary to ensure staff working with one client are not involved in work for another client that may be seen to have conflicting interests.

A company may hire a market research organisation to carry out market research to inform then about future strategies – so the people analysing the data have no bias due to preferred outcomes, and no temptation to misuse the data for direct marketing purposes. The commissioned report will not identify particular respondents. Then there is an ethical wall between the market researchers who report on the overall state of the market, and the client company's marketing and sales section.

My reference to the small size of Acaudio is not intended as an inherent criticism. My original point was that such a small company was unlikely to have the capacity to carry out a meaningful international survey (which does not imply the intention to do so was necessarily inauthentic – Acaudio might have simply overstretched itself).

However, a very small company might well have inherent difficulties in carrying out genuine research which did not leak information about specific respondents to those involved in sales.

Many surveys invite people to offer their email if they wish for feedback or to make themselves available for follow-up interviews – but offer an assurance the email address will not be used for other purposes, and need not be given to participate. Acaudio's survey required identifying information.2 This is a strong indicator that the primary purpose was not scholarly research.

2 The Data Protection Act 2018 concerns personal information:

"Everyone responsible for using personal data has to follow strict rules called 'data protection principles'. They must make sure the information is:

  • used fairly, lawfully and transparently
  • used for specified, explicit purposes
  • used in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary
  • accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date
  • kept for no longer than is necessary
  • handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage"

Acaudio's survey is nominally about research institutes not individual people.

However, it asks questions such as

  • "How satisfied are you with…"
  • "How much time do you spend…"
  • "Do you feel like…"
  • "What are the biggest challenges you face…"
  • "Who do you feel is…"
  • "How effective do you think…"
  • "Do you agree…"
  • "What would you consider..."
  • "How much would you consider…"
  • "Would you be interested in…"
  • "How do you decide…"
  • "What do you hope…"

This is information about a person, moreover a person of known email address:

" 'personal data' means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('data subject'); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier…"

Information Commissioner's Office

So, if information collected by this survey was used for purposes other than the survey itself –

  • say perhaps for identifying sales leads {e.g., "How satisfied are you with the level of awareness people have of your centre / institute?" "How effective do you think your current promotion methods are?"; "How important is building an audience for the work of the research centre / institute?"};
  • and/or profiling potential clients
    • in terms of level of resource that might be available to buy services {e.g., "How much would you consider to be a reasonable amount to spend on promotional activities?"},
    • or priorities for research impact strategies {e.g., "What mediums [sic] would you consider using to promote your research centre / institute?"; "Do you agree it is important to have a dedicated person to take care of promotional activities?"}

– would that not be a breach of UK data protection law?

The first annual International Survey of Gullible Research Centres and Institutes

When is a 'survey' not really a survey? Perhaps, when it is a marketing tool.

Keith S. Taber

A research survey seeks information about a population by collecting data from a sample.
Acaudio's 'survey' seems to seek information about whether particular respondents might be persuaded to buy their services.

Today I received an invitation to contribute to something entitled "the first annual International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes". Despite this impressive title, I decided not to do so.

This was not because I had some doubts that whether it really was 'the first…' (has there never previously been an annual International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes?) Nor was it because I had been invited to represent 'The Science and Technology Education Research Group' which I used to lead – but not since retiring from my Faculty duties.

My main reason for not participating was because I suspected this was a scam. I imagined this might be marketing apparently masquerading as academic research. I include the provisos 'suspected' and 'apparently' as I was not quite sure whether this was actually a poor attempt to mislead participants or just a misjudged attempt at witty marketing. That is, I was not entirely sure if recipients of the invitation were supposed to think this was a serious academic survey.

There is a carpet company that claims that no one knows more about floors than … insert here any of a number of their individual employees. Their claims – taken together – are almost logically impossible, and certainly incredible. I am sure most people let this wash over them – but I actually find it disconcerting that I am not sure if the company is (i) having a logical joke I am supposed to enjoy ('obviously you are not meant to believe claims in adverts, so how about this…'), or (ii) simply lying to me, assuming that I will be too stupid to spot the logical incoherence.

Read 'Floored or flawed knowledge?: A domain with a low ceiling'

Why is this not serious academic research?

My first clue that this 'survey' was not a serious attempt at research was that the invitation was from an email address of '', rather than from an academic institute or a learned society. Of course, commercial organisations can do serious academic research, if usually when they are hired to do so on behalf of a named academically-focussed organisation. The invitation made no mention of any reputable academic sponsor.

I clicked on the link to the survey to check for the indicators one finds in quality research. Academic research is subject to ethical norms, such as seeking voluntary informed consent, and any invitation to engage in bone fide academic research will provide information to participants up front (either on the front page of the survey or via a link that can be accessed before starting to respond to any questions). One would expect to be informed, at a minimum:

  • who is carrying out the research (and who for, if it is commissioned) and for what purpose;
  • how data will be used – for example, usually it is expected that any information provided with be treated as confidential, securely stored, and only used in ways that protect the anonymity of participants.

This was missing. Commercial organisations sometimes see information you provide differently, as being a resource that they can potentially sell on. (Thus the recent legislation regulating what can or cannot be done with personal information that is collected by organisations.)

Hopefully, potential participants will be informed about the population being sampled and something of the methodology being applied. In an ideal world an International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes would identify and seek data from all Research Centres and Institutes, internationally. That would be an immense undertaking – and is clearly not viable. Consider:

  • How many 'research centres' are initiated, and how many close down or fade away, internationally, each year?
  • Do they all even have websites? (If not, how are they to be identified?)
  • If so, spread over how many languages?

Even attempting a meaningful annual survey of all such organisations would require a substantive, well-resourced, research team working full-time on the task. Rather, a viable survey would collect data from a sample of all research centres and research institutes, internationally. So, some indication of how a sample has been formed, or how potential participants identified, might be expected.

Read about sampling a population of interest

One of the major limitations of many surveys of large populations is that even if a decent sample size is achieved, such surveys are unlikely to reach a representative sample, or even provide any useful indicators of whether the sample might be representative. For example, information provided by 'a sample of 80 science teachers' tells us next to nothing about 'science teachers' in general if we have no idea how representative that sample is.

It can be a different matter when surveys are undertaken of small, well-defined, populations. A researcher looking to survey the students in one school, for example (perhaps for a consultation about a mooted change in school dress policy), is likely to be in a position to make sure all in the population have the opportunity to respond, and perhaps encourage a decent response rate. They may even be able to see if, for example, respondents reflect the wider population in some important ways (for example, if one got responses from 400/1000 students, one would usually be reasonably pleased, but less so if hardly any of the responses were in, say, the two youngest year groups).

In such a situation there is likely to be a definitive list of members of the population, and a viable mechanism to reach them all. In more general surveys, this is seldom the case. One might see a particular type of exception as elections (which can be considered as akin to surveys). The electoral register potentially lists all enfranchised to vote, and includes a postal address where each voter can be informed of a forthcoming poll. In this situation, there is a considerable administrative cost of maintaining the register – considered worth paying to support the democratic process – and a legal requirement to register: yet, even here, no one imagines the roll is ever complete and entirely up-to-date.)

  • How many of the extant Research Centres and Research Institutes, internationally, had been invited to participated in this survey?
  • And did these invitations reflect the diversity of Research Centres and Institutes, internationally?
    • By geographical location?
    • By discipline?

No such information was provided.

The time-scale for an International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes

To be fair the invitation email did suggest the 'researchers' would share outcomes with the participants:

"We will release the results over the next month".

But that time-scale actually seemed to undermine the possibility that this initiative was meant as a serious survey. Anyone who has ever undertaken any serious research knows: it takes time.

When planning the stages of a research project, you should keep in mind that everything will likely take longer than you expect…

even when you allow for that.

Not entirely frivolous advice given to research students

Often with surveys, the initial response is weak (filling in other people's questionnaires is seldom anyone's top priority), and it becomes necessary to undertake additional rounds of eliciting participation. It is good practice to promise to provide feedback; but to offer to do this within a month seems, well, foolhardy.

Except, of course, Acaudio are not a research organisation, and the purpose of the 'survey' was, I suggest, not academic research. As becomes clear from the questions asked, this is marketing 'research': a questionnaire to support Acaudio's own marketing.

What does this company do?

Acaudio offer a platform for allowing researchers to upload short audio summaries of their research. Researchers can do this for free. The platform is open-access, allowing anyone to listen. The library is collated with play-lists and search functions. The company provides researchers data on access to their recordings.

This sounds useful, and indeed 'too good to be true' as there are no charges for the service. Clearly, of itself, that would be a lousy business model.

The website explains:

"We also collaborate with publishers and companies. While our services are licensed to these organizations, generating revenue, this approach is slightly different from our collaboration with you as researchers. However, it enables us to maintain the platform as fully open access for our valued users."

So, having established the website, and built up a library of recordings hosted for free (the 'loss leader' as they say 1), the company is now generating income by entering into commercial arrangements with organisations. Another page on their website claims the company has 'signed' 1000 journals and 2000 research centers [sic]. So, alongside the free service, the company is preparing content on behalf of clients to publicise, in effect advertise, their research for them. Nothing terrible there, although one would hope that the research that has the most impact gets that impact on merit, not because some journals and research centres can pay to bring more attention to their work. This business seems similar to those magazines that offer to feature your research in a special glossy article – for a price.

Read 'Research features…but only if you can afford it'

One would like to think that publicly funded researchers, at least, spend the public's money on the actual research, not on playing the impact indicators game by commissioning glossy articles in magazines which would not be any serious scholar's preferred source of information on research. Sadly, since the advent of the Research Assessment Exercise (and its evolution into the 'Research Excellence Framework') vast amounts of useful resource have been spent on both rating research and in playing the games needed to get the best ratings (and so the consequent research income). As is usually the case with anything of this kind (one could even include formal school examinations!), even if the original notion is well-intentioned,

  • the measurement process comes to distort what it is measuring;
  • those seen as competing spend increasing resources in trying to out do each other in terms of the specifics of the assessment indicators/criteria

So, as research impact is now considered measurable, and as it is (supposedly) measured, and contributes to university income, there is a temptation to spend money on things that might increase impact. It becomes less important whether a study has the potential to increase human health and happiness; and more important to get it the kind of public/'end user' attention that might ultimately lead to evidence of 'impact' – as this will increase income, and allow the research to continue (and, who knows, perhaps eventually even increase human health and happiness).

What do Acaudio want to know?

Given that background, the content of the survey questionnaire makes perfect sense. After collecting some information on your research centre, there are various questions such as

  • How satisfied are you with the level of awareness people have of your centre / institute?
  • How important is it that the general public are aware of the work your centre / institute does?

I suspect most heads of research centres think it is important people know of their work, and are not entirely satisfied that enough people do. (I suspect academic researchers generally tend to think that their own research is actually (i) more important than most other people realise and (ii) deserves more attention than it gets. That's human nature, surely? Any self-effacing and modest scholars are going to have to learn to sell themselves better, or, if not, they are perhaps unlikely to be made centre/institute heads.

There are questions about how much time is spent promoting the research centre, and whether this is enough (clearly, one would always want to do more, surely?), and the challenges of doing this, and who is responsible (I suspect most heads of centres feel some such responsibility, without considering it is how they most want to spend their limited time for research and scholarship).

Perhaps the core questions are:

  • Do you agree it is important to have a dedicated person to take care of promotional activities?
  • How much would you consider to be a reasonable amount to spend on promotional activities?

These questions will presumably help Acaudio decide whether you can easily be persuaded to sign up for their help, and what kind of budget you might have for this. (The responses for the latter include an option for spending more than $5000 each year on promotional activities!)

I am guessing that at even $5000+ p.a., they would not actually provide a person dedicated to 'take care of promotional activities' for you, rather than a person dedicated to adding your promotional activities to their existing portfolio of assigned clients!

So, this is a marketing questionnaire.

Is this dishonest?

It seems misleading to call a marketing questionnaire 'the first annual International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes' unless Acaudio are making a serious attempt to undertake a representative survey of Research Centres and Institutes, internationally, and they do intend to publish a full analysis of the findings. "We will release the results over the next month" sounds like a promise to publish, so I will look out with interest for an announcement that the results have indeed been made available.

Lies, delusional lies, and ill-judged attempts at humour

Of course, lying is not simply telling untruths. A person who claims to be Napoleon or Joan of Arc is not lying if that person actually believes that is who they are. Someone who claims they are the best person to run your country is not necessarily lying simply because the claim is false. If the Acaudio people genuinely think they are really doing an International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes then their invitation is not dishonest even if it might betray any claim to know much about academic research.

"I'm [an actor playing] Spartacus";"I'm [an actor playing another character who is not Spartacus, but is pretending to be] Spartacus"; "I'm [another actor playing another character who is also not Spartacus, but is also pretending to be] Spartacus"… [Still from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment movie 'Spartacus']

Nor is it lying, when there is no intent to deceive. Something said sarcastically or as a joke, or in the context of a theatrical performance, is not a lie as long as it is expected that the audience share the conceit and do not confuse it for an authentic knowledge claim. Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis, and their fellow actors playing rebellious Roman slaves, all knew they were not Spartacus, and that anyone in a cinema watching their claims to be the said Spartacus would recognise these were actors playing parts in a film – and that indeed in the particular context of a whole group of people all claiming to be Spartacus, the aim even in the fiction was actually NOT to identify Spartacus, but to confuse the whole issue (even if being crucified as someone who was only possibly Spartacus might be seen as a Pyrrhic victory 2).

So, given that the claim to be undertaking the first annual International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes was surely, and fairly obviously, an attempt to identify research centres that (a) might be persuaded to purchase Acaudio's services and (b) had budget to pay for those services, I am not really sure this was an attempt to deceive. Perhaps it was a kind of joke, intended to pull in participants, rather than a serious attempt to fool them.

That said, any organisation hoping for credibility among the academic community surely needs to be careful about its reputation. Sending out scam emails that claim to be seeking participants for a research survey that is really a marketing questionnaire seems pretty dubious practice, even if there was no serious attempt to follow through by disguising the questionnaire as a serious piece of research. You might initially approach the questionnaire thinking it was genuine research, but as you worked through it SHOULD have dawned that this information was being collected because (i) it is of commercial value to Acaudio, and not (ii) to answer any theoretically motivated research questions.

  • So, is this dishonest? Well, it is not what it claims to be.
  • Does this intend to deceive? If it did, then it was not well designed to hide its true purpose.
  • Is it malpractice? Well, there are rules in the U.K. about marketing emails:

"You're only allowed to send marketing emails to individual customers if they've given you permission.

Emails or text messages must clearly indicate:

  • who you are
  • that you're selling something

Every marketing email you send must give the person the ability to opt out of (or 'unsubscribe from') further emails."

The email from Hussain Ayed, Founder, Acaudio, told me who he, and his organisation, are, but

  • did not clearly suggest he was selling something: he was inviting me to contribute to a research survey (illegal?)
  • Nor was there any option to opt out of further messages (illegal?)
  • And I am not aware of having invited approaches from this company – which might be why it was masquerading as a request to contribute to research (illegal?)

I checked my email system to see if I'd had any previous communication with this company, and found in my junk folder a previous approach,"invit[ing Keith, again] to talk about some of the research being done at The Science and Technology Education Research Group on Acaudio…". It seems my email software can recognise cold calling – as long as it does not claim to be an invitation to respond to a research study.

The earlier email claimed it was advertising the free service…but then invited me to arrange a time to talk to them for 'roughly' 20 minutes. That seems odd, both because the website seems to provide all the information needed; and then why would they commit 20 minutes of their representative's time to talk about a free service? Presumably, they wanted to sell me their premium service. The email footer also gave a business address in E9, London – so the company should know about the UK laws about direct marketing that Acaudio seems to be flouting.

Perhaps not enough people responded to give them 20 minutes of their time, so the new approach skips all that and asks instead for people to "give us 2-3 minutes of your time to fill in the survey [sic 3]".

Original image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Would you buy a second hand account of research from this man?

In summary, if someone is looking to buy in this kind of support in publicising their work, and has the budget(!), and feels it is acceptable to spend research funds on such services, then perhaps they might fill in the questionnaire and await the response. But I am not sure I would want to get involved with companies which use marketing scams in this way. After all, if they cannot even start a conversation by staying within the law, and being honest about their intentions, then that does not bode well for being able to trust them going forward into a commercial arrangement.

Update (15th October, 2023): Were the outcomes of the first annual International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes published? See 'The sugger strikes back! An update on the 'first annual International Survey of Research Centres and Institutes'


1 When a shop offers a product at a much discounted price, below the price needed to 'break even', so as to entice people into the shop where they will hopefully buy other goods (at a decent mark-up for the seller), the goods sold at a loss are the 'loss leaders'.

Goods may also be sold at a loss when they are selling very slowly, to make space on the shop floor and in the storeroom for new produce that it is hoped will generate profit. Date-sensitive goods may be sold at a loss because they will soon not be saleable at all (such as perishables) or only at even greater discounts (such as models about to be replaced by updated versions by manufacturers – e.g., iPhones). But loss leader goods are priced low to get people to view other produce (so they might be displayed dominantly in the window, but only found deep in the shop).

2 In their wars against the armies of King Pyrrhus of Epirus, the Romans lost battles, but in doing so inflicted such heavy and unsustainable losses on the nominally victorious invading army that Pyrrhus was forced to abandon his campaign.

At the end of the slave revolt (a historical event on which the film 'Spartacus' is based) the Romans are supposed to have decided to execute the rebel leader, the escaped gladiator Spartacus, and return the other rebels to slavery. Supposedly, when the Roman official tried to identify Spartacus, each of the recaptured slaves in turn claimed he was Spartacus, thus thwarting identification. So, the ever pragmatic Romans crucified them all.

3 The set of questions is actually a questionnaire which is used to collect data for the survey. Survey (a type of methodology) does not necessarily imply using a questionnaire (a data collection technique) as a survey could be carried out using an observation schedule (i.e., a different data collection technique), for example.

Read about surveys

Read about questionnaires

Earning a higher doctorate without doing any research?

Is it possible that a publisher might be using fictitious academics to attract submissions to its journals?

Keith S. Taber

An obvious discrepancy is that the University of Ottawa is not Ottawa University, USA. One is in Ontario, in Canada – the other is in Kansas, in the United States. Someone who has attended one of these universities would be unlikely to be confused about which one they studied at, and graduated from.

I received an email from a journal managing editor claiming to be a highly qualified scholar (two doctorates)- for whom I can find absolutely no evidence on the web of her having ever published anything, or having any association with any university, research group, or learned society. Suspicious?


Information on the academic research of this woman

(Additional image elements by No-longer-here and OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay)

I received one of those dodgy emails from a publisher that are now part of the normal noise one has to navigate through in the Academy. The email was signed by a Dr Nicoleta Auffahrt, as Managing Editor of the 'Department of Humanities and Social Science' 'at Global Journals'. So far, nothing too suspicious.

Dr Auffahrt wrote that she had read my [actually co-authored] research paper "Secondary Students' Values and Perceptions of Science-Related Careers Responses to Vignette-Based Scenarios". She told me:

  • She had read it and felt it was worthy of admiration
  • She had shared 'the finding' with her [unspecified] colleagues
  • She reported that other [unspecified] scholars of our [sic] research community had also commended 'them' [?]
  • She suggested that this paper demonstrated my potential to influence and inspire fellow researchers and scholars.
Two classes of academics

Now, perhaps there was a time when I might have taken some of this at face value, being naïve enough to believe that most people are basically honest, and that at least in the world of scholarship people value truth and honesty and would not casually lie.

One might expect such compliments to often hit home with academics: after all, isn't academia made up of two classes of scholars

  • those who suffer imposter symptom and are waiting to be found out as not belonging;
  • those who know their work is important and ground-breaking, deserving of being more widely known, and a sufficient cause to bring them attention, prestige, admiration, acolytes, and prizes?

The latter group, at least, would not find anything odd in receiving such unsolicited praise.

However, I've had too many emails of this kind that praise my work but which are clearly not truthful: often they either

The reference to 'our research community' was intriguing, as the letter (appended below) was structured so as to

  • (i) first praise me as though Dr Auffahrt was so impressed with my work that she needed to tell me; and then,
  • (ii) by the way, incidentally, as she was writing – she thought she would mention, "also" her role working for a publisher that led her to invite me to submit some work.

So, was it feasible that Dr Auffahrt did consider us part of the same research community? When I checked her email signature I saw she signed herself as Dr. Nicoleta Auffahrt "D.Litt in Teaching Education".

Now I was intrigued. Clearly 'teaching' and 'education' suggest that at least 'Dr' Nicoleta has a background in my general field of teaching and learning which makes a nice change from being invited to contribute on topics such as nanotechnology and various medical specialisms. Yet, this also raised some questions: what exactly is meant by 'teaching education' (cf. e.g., science education) as an academic area – was her work in teaching the subject of education or…?

Moreover, I was surprised that someone with a higher doctorate was acting as a 'managing editor' for a publisher. A D.Litt. was only likely to be awarded to a highly productive and influential scholar, and such a person might well take on editorial roles (as an editor, an associate editor, an editor-in-chief), but probably not as a managing editor.

A managing editor is employed by a publisher to oversee the administration and business side of a journal, unlike an editor who would normally being doing the intellectual work of evaluating the quality of submissions and directing the peer-review process (work which would often be seen as taking a leadership role in a research field) – and then usually only as a subsidiary post undertaken alongside an academic appointment. The prestige of the journal is often in part seen to be reflected in the university affiliations of its editors and associate editors.

There is, of course, no reason why someone who has achieved eminence in their academic field, recognised ultimately by being awarded a higher doctorate such as a D.Litt., might not decide to then make a career change and move into publishing; and, similarly, there is no reason why a publisher should not employ such a person if they were available – but it seemed an unlikely scenario. Unlikely enough for me to dig a little.

So, I did a web-search for Dr Nicoleta Auffahrt. I found her listed on one of the publisher's web-pages as part of an editorial board for social science. Her listing was:

"Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, Master of Arts in Ottawa University, USA"

So, a Ph.D., but no mention of the much rarer and more prestigious D.Litt. degree. Of course, the web-page may be out of date, whereas perhaps Nicoleta had updated her email signature, so that proves nothing.

What was very odd though, was the limited number of web-pages that a search turned up.

QualificationsM.A., Ph.D., D.Litt
Search term "Dr Nicoleta Auffahrt"/ "Dr. Nicoleta Auffahrt"1 hit on Google (
Search terms Dr + "Nicoleta Auffahrt"4 hits on Google
How can a successful scholar who has two doctorates and is (or, perhaps, was until recently) working in a top US university be virtually invisible on the web?

Apart from three pages for the publisher, Google only provided one other 'hit' – a 'Facebook' page. Dropping the reference to 'Dr' still only found "Nicoleta Auffahrt" on Facebook and Global Journals webpages. That seemed very strange.

I also tried using Google Scholar. Google Scholar is a specialist search engine used by academics to find research reported in journal articles, academic books, conference proceedings, on websites, and so forth. Google Scholar did not suggest a single publication (and Google Scholar is pretty liberal in what it counts as a 'publication'!) that had been authored, co-authored or edited by "Nicoleta Auffahrt".

Typically searching for an academic brings up myriad references to their publications, conference talks, involvement in research groups, links with university departments, and so forth. A search for an experienced and successful academic would be expected to turn up, at least, hundreds, indeed – likely – thousands, of hits.

This is unavoidable if you work in academia – even if for some reason a scholar chooses not to have a specific Google Scholar listing (this does not stop your work being included in the database and returned in a search – it just means you do not get a personal profile page); not to have an Academia listing; not to post on ResearchGate; not to be on Linked-In (which is a common place for those working in publishing to seek to make contacts); and does not upload their dissertations/theses to University repositories…they still cannot prevent their books and papers and conference talks being referred to here and there.

Academic prestige is, after all, largely based on publications, and publications are by definition public documents. Assessment for a higher doctorate such as a D.Litt. is usually largely in terms of a scholar's published work being judged to be highly influential in their discipline or field (something that is usually only possible to judge some years after publications first appear). Moreover, one of the principle ways in which any academic is evaluated is in terms of the influence of their publications, as judged by citations – but Nicoleta Auffahrt's work does not seem to be cited anywhere. At least, Google Scholar had not found any. (No publications, and no citations.1)

So, here the only evidence I had of a person called Nicoleta Auffahrt really existing that was independent of the publisher who had contacted me was…Facebook, and that offered limited pickings.

I responded to the email (text appended below), asking Dr. Nicoleta Auffahrt about her area of work and where she had been awarded the prestigious D.Litt.

The next morning, I found I had a reply – but from someone else at the publishers. I say 'someone' else, as the email account was linked to the name Dr. Stacey J. Newman but the email was signed Dr. Nellie K. Neblett. Stacey, or was it Nellie, had ignored my questions to Nicoleta (but sent me an interesting brochure which revealed how the publisher calculated its own impact factor, but using data from the very catholic listings in Google Scholar – so vastly inflating the value compared with properly audited impact factors).

The response to my email reply to Nicoleta Auffahrt

Then a couple of days later, I had another email (appended below) from 'Dr' Auffahrt "following-up" on her earlier email, but written as if I had not replied to her – and repeating the information that she was going to be in Sydney 'next week' (it should have been 'this week' by then, if her earlier email had been correct) and again wishing my (non-existent) Christmas candles would be glorious. Given that she had asked me to confirm my affiliation with the University of Cambridge in Cambridge Uk, United Kingdom [sic, we in the U.K. tend to capitalise both letters, something one might expect an editor to appreciate – but perhaps she thought 'Cambridge Uk' was a place in the United Kingdom?], and I had done so, I was not entirely sure why she thought it useful for me to know she would be in Sydney, unless this was just 'small talk'.

I replied pointing out that,

"If you have checked your emails and seen my reply, you will have found I was asking about your research, as I wondered how it might link with mine. You have me at a disadvantage(!) as you tell me you have read some of my work, but I've not had a chance to read yours – perhaps you could direct me to some of it?"

My reply to 'Dr' Auffahrt 's second email.

So far, no response to that.

Nicoleta Auffahrt's Facebook presence

The Facebook page had not been updated since Christmas day 2021 (when a video from the University of Pennsylvania about the student-run Medical Emergency Response Team was re-posted.) According to this page: 'Dr' Auffahrt

  • Works at University of Pennsylvania
  • Worked at University of Ottawa
  • Studied at University of Ottawa
  • Studied at University of Pennsylvania
  • Went to Emma Hart Willard School
  • Lives in, and is from, Ottawa, Ontario

(I was unable to verify that there is a Emma Hart Willard School in Canada, and it is unlikely any current school would not have a website that could be picked up in a Google search, but, of course, it may have closed down or changed its name since Nicoleta studied there.)

Her Facebook page 'cover' picture (see below) is an image of 'Canada's University'.

A photograph of the Université d'Ottawa (Canada) – and the profile picture on 'Dr' Nicoleta Auffahrt's Facebook page.

The wrong Ottawa?

An obvious discrepancy is that the University of Ottawa is not Ottawa University, USA (where the publisher's site claimed 'Dr' Auffahrt was awarded her M.A. degree). One is in Ontario, in Canada – the other is in Kansas, in the United States. Someone who has attended one of these universities would be unlikely to be confused about which one they studied at, and graduated from.

'Dr' Nicoleta Auffahrt's Facebook cover picture was of the Canadian version (if from before some trees had been cut down – possibly as part of the removal of 50 trees as part of development work in 2015).

Friends and family?

Some people use a Facebook page extensively to connect with friends and family. Not everyone does. Some people start a Facebook page and either abandon it, or seldom update it. So, limited information on someone's Facebook page is not of itself evidence of any wrongdoing.

Nicoleta's account was linked to two 'friends' – the University of Pennsylvania, and a Canadian ice hockey player Brendan Jacome. (His Facebook page was even less informative than Nicoleta's – but unlike her, he has quite a web presence – Google made over 2000 returns for "Brendan Jacome").

Nocolata's Facebook activity was limited to

  • posting a picture of 'her baby' (see below) as her profile picture, updating her cover photo, and posting a message that "Real education is only obtained through self- education" – on the same day just before before Christmas 2016;
  • posting that she had "Started New Job at Global Journals Incorporated" in 2o19;
  • and updating her profile picture and reposting the University of Pennsylvania video on Christmas day 2021.
Nicoleta's baby?

It looked like the only real clues on the Facebook page were the photographs of Nicoleta and the woman she described as her 'baby' – so, perhaps her daughter?

I tried to find any other photos that matched the image supposed to be of Nicoleta Auffahrt. I failed, so that lead did not help.

However, I soon found an image matching the picture of the other woman.

The two images above are taken from Nicoleta Auffahrt's facebook page and a public profile for one Alessandra Manganelli when she was a Ph.D. student in Brussels (this page has no new content beyond a conference attended in the UK in November 2017). A smaller version of the same photograph appears on another page at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel site.

Unlike 'Dr' Auffahrt, a quick Google for "Alessandra Manganelli" gives over 2500 hits. That is much more in line with what one might expect for an academic.

According to the web, Dr Manganelli, having completed her doctorate at the the Universities of KULeuven and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, moved to a post-doctoral position in Hamburg. It seems she undertook her doctoral studies in Engineering Science with input in Architecture from one institution (KULeuven) and in Sciences from the other (VUB). She works on areas such as Urban Governance, Social Innovation, Urban Agriculture, Local Food Policies, Urban Environmental and Climate Governance. Google Scholar lists a range of publications she has written or co-authored. That is, unlike in the case of 'Dr' Auffahrt, there is a lot of publicly available information about Dr Manganelli's research activities to support her claim to be a genuine scholar.

A Canadian connection?

Although Dr Manganelli seems to have done most of her work in Europe, one might imagine that, if she was indeed Nicoleta Auffahrt's baby, then she was perhaps born and brought up in Canada, before moving to Europe to study? However, not so: it appears Dr Manganelli is from Sienna in Italy.

Intriguingly, however, one of her publications is a book for a major academic publisher: "The Hybrid Governance of Urban Food Movements. Learning from Toronto and Brussels". She also co-authored a paper in the journal 'Critical perspectives on food guidance' on "… FoodShare Toronto´s approach to critical food guidance…". So, there is a Canadian connection.

Dr Manganelli's has her own Facebook page. (Dr Manganelli has 840 friends listed on Facebook, but Nicoleta Auffahrt is not one of them.) Her page suggests she did work at Toronto Metropolitan University from January/February to June 2017 (so, at the time when Nicoleta Auffahrt was supposedly in Ottawa before moving to Pennsylvania) – and Toronto is 'only' about 350 km from Ottawa. (Dr Manganelli's Facebook site tells visitors that she visited Toronto again in November 2022.) But Nicoleta Auffahrt seems to have posted Alessandra Manganelli's picture on her Facebook page just before Alessandra Manganelli arrived in Canada.

One would presumably have to have a strong connection with another person to use their photograph as your social media profile picture for five years (Nicoleta Auffahrt used Alessandra Manganelli's image as her profile picture from 22nd December 2016 till 25th December 2021). But, perhaps I was being too literal in my reading of the term 'my baby'.


  • Nicoleta and Alessandra had met somewhere (a conference, a holiday, on line?) and formed a close friendship which may even have influenced Dr Manganelli's decision to spend some time in Canada (fairly) near Nicoleta Auffahrt; then
  • excited with anticipation at Alessandra's imminent arrival in the country, Nicoleta had posted a picture of her friend (her 'baby') as her new profile picture.

This seems a little forced to me, but it is not completely impossible. (I had no substantive interest in 'Dr' Auffahrt's personal life {nor Dr Manganelli's} – I just wanted to find out if there was evidence she was a real person who had genuinely earned those academic qualifications.)

Given the amount of information on the web, I am fairly confident Dr Manganelli is a real person.

(I emailed her to tell her I had found her picture on Nicoleta Auffahrt's Facebook page and asked if she had an email contact for Nicoleta Auffahrt. No reply (as yet) but Dr Manganelli is under no obligation to reply to emails from strangers asking her about her friends.)

I am less sure about 'Dr' Nicoleta Auffahrt.

I also emailed the registry at the University of Pennsylvania to say I had been contacted by someone claiming to hold a Ph.D. from the University, where I had suspicions about this, and asked if there was a public listing of Ph.D. holders that could be checked. So, far no response (beyond an automatic reply with a case number pointing out that a response "may take up to 3-5 business days", sent over two weeks ago). Perhaps the University of Pennsylvania does not concern itself with people who are possibly falsely claiming to hold its doctorates.*


Perhaps, Nicoleta Auffahrt is a real person who does hold the degrees she claims, including a higher doctorate, despite having no scholarly trace on the web (though this seems incredible to the point of being virtually impossible), and does work for 'Global Journals'; and perhaps she did write the email telling me she was visiting Sydney (why tell me that?) and wishing me glorious Christmas candles (why say that weeks after Christmas?)… and then also writing the second email email ignoring my reply and repeating the information about Sydney and candles? I guess this is not impossible, just extremely unlikely. And if this is the case, and if she is so keen to 'develop an academic relationship' with me, then why does she ignore my replies and my request to learn more about her work?

Alternatively, perhaps Nicoleta Auffahrt is a real person with a genuine, if seldom updated, Facebook page, and a close relationship of some kind (which is genuinely none of my business) with Dr Alessandra Manganelli, but her identify has been 'borrowed' by Global Journals. So, perhaps, there is wrongdoing, but Nicoleta Auffahrt is totally innocent of this.

I suspect this sometimes happens – it would explain why the long-retired philosophy professor, Kuang-Ming Wu, Ph.D., supposed editor of a philosophy journal, thought I was qualified to review a paper on…well, I read the abstract and was still not sure what it was about, but it clearly was not anything related to science education.

It seems more likely to me that the Facebook page is a sham set up to give some kind of minimal web presence to 'Dr' Auffahrt (a fictitious Managing Editor at Global Journals), and that there is no Nicoleta Auffahrt (and that Dr Manganelli's image was simply arbitrarily sourced from the web somewhere without her knowledge).

Of course, I may be wrong, but there is certainly something dodgy about communications from this publisher, as the supposed managing editor seems to share her email account with Dr. Stacey J. Newman / Dr. Nellie K. Neblett – and checking back through old email I found another invitation (appended below) from the same email address supposedly from a Dr. Gisela Steins (there is a real academic with this name who is a psychology professor in Germany and is listed on the editorial board of the Global Journal of Human-Social Science).

Prof. Steins thought my paper "Knowledge, beliefs and pedagogy: how the nature of science should inform the aims of science education (and not just when teaching evolution)" was "remarkable and significant" and could be "vital for fellow researchers and scientists". That was very nice of her – at least, if she did actually write the email!

Invitation from a highly qualified scholar?
My reply to Nicoleta

Dear Dr. Nicoleta Auffahrt

Thank you for your kind message.

It was rewarding to learn that you considered our publication "Secondary Students' Values and Perceptions of Science-Related Careers Responses to Vignette-Based Scenarios" to be worthy of admiration, and that you have shared our work with your colleagues.

Congratulations on your role as Managing Editor, Department of Humanities and Social Science at Global Journals. This sounds a prestigious and challenging position. I hope you enjoy Sydney – I've not been there myself. I was a little confused by your remark about candles, as I had always assumed most Australians celebrated Christmas at the same time as in Western Europe – I am afraid Christmas already seems a memory here.

I wonder what you found of particular interest in the paper – perhaps you would be prepared to share what it is you found especially of value in this work?

In answer to your question, I am now retired from my teaching role. I maintain an affiliation with my Faculty as an Emeritus Officer of the University, and intend to follow my own scholarly interests for as long as I am able.

Perhaps this links to your own research? I hope you would be kind enough, in return, to answer a question for me. I was intrigued to see that you had a higher doctorate, a D. Litt. in Teaching Education, so clearly your background is relevant to my work. I was wondering where you were awarded that? I see from the journal publisher' web-pages that you were awarded your Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania and your Master of Arts from Ottawa University, USA, but it does not mention your D.Litt. Is 'Teaching Education' meant to be an abbreviation for teaching and education or was your degree specifically related to teacher education? In my national context a D. Litt. would usually only be awarded after a highly positive evaluation of a portfolio of post-doctoral publications, but I believe in the U.S. some universities offer this as an outcome of a thesis-based programme. I would be interested to know more about your area of work – in particular the body of work for which the D.Litt. was awarded, and how it links to my own scholarship and research.

Best wishes


What is this obsession with Christmas candles?

Praise (supposedly) from a psychology professor who found time to read my 'remarkable' work.

Update: Dr. Nicoleta Auffahrt succeeded by her doppelgänger?

My thanks to Dr. Murat Siviloglu for forwarding to me this extract (above) from an invitation he received from the current Managing Editor of the Global Journal of Human-Social Science. It seems perhaps "Dr Nicoleta Auffahrt" has moved on form her role, and now invitations are being sent out by "Dr Carolyn C. Mitchell". According to the invitation, Mitchell, like Aufffahrt holds the higher doctorate of a D.Litt., again in the odd subject of 'Teaching Education'.

The only references to a "Dr [or Dr.] Carolyn C. Mitchell"that showed on a web-search were on the Journal publisher's sites. I could not find anyone called Carolyn Mitchell who seemed to have a D.Litt., so, like her predecessor, Mitchell seems to have achieved high academic status without any visible trace of research and scholarship. 1

Mitchell is also a 'dead ringer' for Auffahrt, as their profile pictures seem, well, identical.

And the similarities do not stop there. According to the Journal website, "Dr Carolyn C. Mitchell" also holds the degrees of

"Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, Master of Arts in Ottawa University, USA".

It seems that when appointing senior editors, Global Journals certainly 'go for a type' as they say.

Update (21st February, 2024)

On the 13th of February 2024, I received an email ("Immediate Cease and Desist Demand – Defamatory and Harmful Content") from the email address <> from someone claiming to be the Chief Legal Officer for Global Journals Incorporated, and asking me to remove this page (or face immediate legal action). The email acknowledged that the company engages in "the use of alternate identities by our editors and reviewers to engage potential authors" (something the email suggested they do "for privacy and safety").


1 It may seen obvious that if someone has not published any work, then no one can be citing them. That is fair enough. However, Google Scholar will find citations in work that is accessible on the web to work that is not itself found on the web – for example, references made to books that were published many years ago and have never been digitised, or to conference papers that were distributed at talks in hard copy, but have never been included in web repositories.

* Update. On 17th March I received a reply, from a Student Service Center Counselor, to my enquiry from eight weeks earlier:

Sorry for the delay as the registrar's office is months behind on email requests. We have been tasked with assisting to clear their portal. Below is what we typically send 3rd party requests for information:

Thank you for contacting Student Registration and Financial Services (SRFS). We have received your education verification request for (INSERT STUDENT NAME) from the University of Pennsylvania. Third-Party education verifications are required to go through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). Please use this link: to place your request. Penn's school code is…

email from University of Pennsylvania

When I investigated the National Student Clearinghouse website, I found I needed to first register as either a representative of a 'company' or as a student seeking to verify my own record.

Screenshot of part of a webpage of the National Student Clearinghouse

"The mission of the National Student Clearinghouse is to serve the education and workforce communities and all learners with access to trusted data, related services, and insights."

It seems there is no facility for someone approached by a publisher to check the veracity of an editor's claimed qualifications.

Not actually a government event

"It's just the name of the shop, love"

Keith S. Taber

An invitation

This week I received an invitation to chair an event (well, as most weeks, I received several of those, but this one seemed to be actually on a topic I knew a little about…).

Dear Keith,

"It is my pleasure to invite you to chair at Government Events' upcoming event The Delivering Excellence in Teaching STEM in Schools Conference 2023, taking place online on 29th of March 2023.

Chairing would involve giving a short opening and closing address, chairing the Q&A and panel discussions, and providing insights throughout the day.

Invited Speakers Include:

  • Kiera Newmark, Deputy Director for STEM, Digital and EdTech, Department for Education
  • Maria Rossini, Head of Education, British Science Association
  • Sam Parrett, Chief Executive, London South East Colleges

I feel you would add great value and insight to the day and I would be delighted to confirm your involvement in this event! …"

(Well, I claim to know a bit about teaching science, not so much about teaching technology or mathematics, or engineering {that I was not aware was really part of the National Curriculum}.)

Read about STEM education

So, at face value this would be a government-sponsored event, including a senior representative from the ministry of education – so perhaps another chance for me to lobby to have the embarrassing errors in the English National Curriculum for science corrected – as well as a leading executive from the 'British Ass'. 1

My initial reaction was mixed. This was clearly an important topic, and one where I probably was qualified to act as chair and might be able to make a useful contribution. And it was on-line, so I would not have to travel. Then again, I retired from teaching because I suffer from regular bouts of fatigue, and find I have to limit my high intensity inputs as I tire very easily and quickly these days. Chairing a session might not completely drain me, but a whole conference?

Due diligence

Finding myself tempted, I felt the need to do some due diligence. Was this really what it seemed? What would be involved?

The invitation seemed genuine enough, even if it included one of those dodgy legalese footers sometimes used by scam artists to put people off sharing dubious messages. (The 'you must not tell anyone' trope reminds me of what fictional blackmailers say about not contacting the police.)

A rather silly legal disclaimer.
It seems from the wording, presumably carefully chosen by the legal department, that this disclaimer only applies to "email (which included any attachment)" – whereas mine did not.

This one suggested that if I had received the message in error I should

  • permanently delete it from my computer without making a copy
  • then reply to say I had done so

I will leave the reader to spot the obvious problem there.

However, this lack of clear logic did remind me of the similarly bizarre statement about the conservation of energy in the National Curriculum which perhaps gave some credence to this being a government event.

Luckily, I was the intended recipient, but in any case I take the view that if someone sends me an unsolicited email, then they have no right to tell me what to do with it, and as in this case I discovered they had already announced the invitation on their website (see image above), I could not see how any court would uphold their claim that the message was confidential.

Government events?

I was clearly aware that just because an event was organised by an entity called "Government Events" was not assurance this really was a government event. So I checked out the website. (The lack of any link in the invitation email to the event webpage, or indeed the organisation more generally, might have been an oversight, but seemed odd.)

As you will have likely guessed, this was not a government event.

In situations such as this I am always put in mind of the 'song' 'Shirt' by the dadaist-inspired Bonzo Dog Doo-dah Band which included a joke about a man who takes his shirt to a dry cleaner for 'express cleaning' and was then told it would be ready for collection in three weeks. 1

Three weeks!? But, the sign outside says '59 minute cleaning'

Yes, that's just the name of the shop, love.

On searching out the website I found that "Government events" claims to be "Supporting UK Public Sector Teams to Deliver World Class Public Services" and to be "the UK's No. 1 provider of public sector conferences, training courses and case study focused insights and intelligence". By "public sector conferences" they presumably mean conferences for the public sector, not conferences in the pubic sector.

It transpired that "Government Events" is one brand of an organisation called "Professional Development Group". That organisation has a webpage featuring members of its "Advisory Board [which] is made up of senior executives and academics from both corporate and public-sector background" but its website did not seem to provide any information about its governance or who its executives or owners were. (Professional Development Group does have a listing in the Companies House registry showing two current directors.)

Possibly the senior leadership team at Professional Development Group? But probably not.

A bias against the private sector?

Perhaps I am simply displaying my personal bias towards the public sector? I've worked in state schools, a state college, and a state university. I have worked in the private sector if we include after-school, and holiday, jobs (mainly for Boots the Chemist or Boots the Pharmacist as they should be known), but my career is very much public sector. And I've not liked what I've seen as the inappropriate and misguided attempts to make the health and education service behave like a series of competing units in a free market. (And do not 'get me going' on the state of utilities in England now – the selling off of state assets at discounted rates to profit-making concerns (seemingly to fund temporary tax cuts for electoral advantage), and so replacing unitary authorities (with no need to budget for continuously needing to advertise and to try to poach each others' customers) by dozens of competing and, recently, often failing, profit-making companies that often own each other or are owned overseas.)

So, although I have no problem with the private sector, which no doubts does some things better, I am suspicious of core 'public sector' activities being moved into the commercial sphere.

Perhaps "Government Events" does a good job despite the misleading name. After all they are kite-marked by an organisation called the CPD Certification Service (a trademark of The CPD Certification Service Ltd, so another privately owned company. Again, the website did not give any information about governance or The CPD Certification Service Ltd's executives. But four directors are named in the public listing at Company's House). This all seems alien to someone from the public sector where organisations go out of their way to provide such information, and value transparency in such matters. (Three of the four directors share the same family name, 'Savage', which might raise some questions in a publicly governed organisation.)

A bit pricey for an on-line meeting?

But even if Professional Development Group do a wonderful job, do they offer value for money?

The conference is aimed at "teachers who work in STEM and senior leadership representatives from schools". If they work in state schools the cost per delegate is £399.00 (plus V.A.T., but schools should be able to reclaim that). For that they get a one-day on line conference. The chair (currently listed as" "Keith Taber, Professor of Science Education, University of Cambridge (invited)", but that will need to be changed*) is due to open the event at 09.50, and to wind it up with some closing remarks at 16.20. The £399 will presumably not include accommodation, refreshments, lunch, a notepad, a branded pen, a tote bag for the goodies, or any of the other features of face-to-face events.

It will include a chance to hear a range of speakers. Currently listed (caveat emptor: "programme subject to change without notice") are ten specified presentations as well as two Key Supporter Sessions (!) The advertised topics seem valuable:

  • National Trends and Updates on Boosting the Profile of STEM Subjects in Schools
  • Best Practice for Implementing Flexible Working to Help Recruit and Retain STEM Teachers
  • Providing an Inclusive and Accessible STEM Curriculum for Pupils with SEND
  • Driving Increased Interest and Participation in STEM Among Female Students
  • Encouraging Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds to Study STEM Subjects
  • Taking Action to Boost Extracurricular Engagement with STEM Subjects 
• Primary: Implementing a Whole School Approach to Boost the Profile of STEM Subjects• Secondary: Supporting Students to Succeed and Improve Outcomes in STEM Examinations
• Primary: Partnership Working to Promote STEM Education in Primary Schools• Secondary: Working with Employers and Universities to Encourage Post-Secondary STEM

However, anyone looking to book should notice that at this point only one of the ten mooted speakers has confirmed – the rest are 'invited'.

I was also intrigued by the two slots reserved for 'Key Supporter Session's. You, dear reader, could buy ('sponsor') one of these slots to talk at the conference.

You can sponsor the conference

Professional Development Group offer "sponsorship and exhibition packages" for their events. This would allow a sponsor to meet their "target audience", to "demonstrate your products or services" and even to "speak alongside industry [sic] leading experts".

Someone wishing to invest as a Key Supporter (pricing not disclosed) gets branding on the Website and Event Guide and a "20-minute speaking slot followed by Q&A". (For this specific conference it seems you could buy time to sell your wares in the 10.40 slot or the 13.55 slot.)

  • Perhaps you have invented a new type of perpetual motion kit for use in the classroom and are seeking an opportunity to demonstrate and market your wares? ["demonstrate your products or services"]
  • Perhaps you think that evolution is not really science because it is only a theory, and you want to subject delegates to a diatribe on why impressionable young people should not be indoctrinated with such dangerous speculations? ["speak alongside industry [sic] leading experts"]
  • Perhaps your company mines and refines uranium ore, and is looking to find a market for the vast amounts of fine slag produced, and think it might make an excellent modelling material for use in design and technology classes? [meet "your target audience"]

A Strategic Headline Sponsor at a Professional Development Group event can also purchase other features such as a "pre show marketing email to all registered delegates". I guess the terms and conditions of signing up to a Professional Development Group event mean delegates agree to receive such sponsored advertising.

What's wrong with selling conference slots?

There is nothing inherently immoral about selling slots at a commercial conference – after all, it is a commercial event – so, it is primarily about 'the bottom line' of the balance sheet. But that's my point. This would be unacceptable at an academic conference, where some speakers are invited because they are considered to have something relevant to say, and others wishing to present have to submit their proposals to peer review.

What I find, if not immoral, certainly distasteful here, is that an on-line conference of the kind that would likely be arranged for free or for a nominal fee in an academic context, is being priced at £399 for state school teachers at a time when public services are under immense pressures and budgets need to be very wisely spent. How can this price be justified?

Perhaps the speaker fees are a significant cost. But I doubt that: I was not offered any fee to give up a day of my time to chair the meeting, and so I expect the other speakers are also being expected to speak for free as well. That's how things usually work in academia and the state sector. (But if this is a commercial activity, then the professional speakers SHOULD ask for a fee. If they are taking time out of school, and so already being paid, then perhaps the fee could be used to buy school books or pay for supply teachers?) Indeed, there are two slots for fee-paying speakers who wish to advertise their wares.

So, this is perhaps not actually a scam, but it does not meet the standards of honesty and transparency I would expect in the state sector (because it is only masquerading as state sector), and the event seems to be priced in order to make money for shareholders, not primarily to meet a mission of "Supporting UK Public Sector Teams".

If the COVID pandemic taught us anything, it is that many (probably not all, but surely most) meetings can be held just as well on line, so avoiding all the time, money and carbon footprints of moving people around the country. Oh, and consequently, it showed us that most of these meetings (a) can be offered for free where they are hosted by a public sector organisation that can consider them as meeting part of its core mission; and (b) that even when that does not apply, and so costs have to be covered, they can be arranged for a fraction of the expense of a face-to-face event at a hired venue.

As you may have guessed, I declined.*

* I replied to decline this opportunity on 19th November. Checking on 25th November, I see I am still listed as Chair (invited). See note 1


1 In the academic world, the term 'invited speaker' is used to designate a conference speaker who was invited by the organisers in contrast to a speaker who applied to speak and proposed a contribution in response to an open call. However, 'invited speaker' here seems to mean someone whom has been invited to speak, in contrast to someone who has agreed to.

2 I have a pretty poor memory, but do recall seeing Bonzo stalwart Neil Innes play at Nottingham University when I was a student. He sang their most successful song, "I'm the urban spaceman" (which reached no. 5 in the UK single charts and led to Innnes getting an Ivor Novello award for his song-writing), then announced, deadpan, "that was a medley of hit".

The Bonzos

Falsifying research conclusions

You do not need to falsify your results if you are happy to draw conclusions contrary to the outcome of your data analysis.

Keith S. Taber

Li and colleagues claim that their innovation is successful in improving teaching quality and student learning: but their own data analaysis does not support this.

I recently read a research study to evaluate a teaching innovation where the authors

  • presented their results,
  • reported the statistical test they had used to analyse their results,
  • acknowledged that the outcome of their experiment was negative (not statistically significant), then
  • stated their findings as having obtained a positive outcome, and
  • concluded their paper by arguing they had demonstrated their teaching innovation was effective.

Li, Ouyang, Xu and Zhang's (2022) paper in the Journal of Chemical Education contravenes the scientific norm that your conclusions should be consistent with the outcome of your data analysis.
(Magnified portions of this scheme are presented below)

And this was not in a paper in one of those predatory journals that I have criticised so often here – this was a study in a well regarded journal published by a learned scientific society!

The legal analogy

I have suggested (Taber, 2013) that writing up research can be understood in terms of a number of metaphoric roles: researchers need to

  • tell the story of their research;
  • teach readers about the unfamiliar aspects of their work;
  • make a case for the knowledge claims they make.

Three metaphors for writing-up research

All three aspects are important in making a paper accessible and useful to readers, but arguably the most important aspect is the 'legal' analogy: a research paper is an argument to make a claim for new public knowledge. A paper that does not make its case does not add anything of substance to the literature.

Imagine a criminal case where the prosecution seeks to make its argument at a pre-trial hearing:

"The police found fingerprints and D.N.A. evidence at the scene, which they believe were from the accused."

"Were these traces sent for forensic analysis?"

"Of course. The laboratory undertook the standard tests to identify who left these traces."

"And what did these analyses reveal?"

"Well according to the current standards that are widely accepted in the field, the laboratory was unable to find a definite match between the material collected at the scene, and fingerprints and a D.N.A. sample provided by the defendant."

"And what did the police conclude from these findings?"

"The police concluded that the fingerprints and D.N.A. evidence show that the accused was at the scene of the crime."

It seems unlikely that such a scenario has ever played out, at least in any democratic country where there is an independent judiciary, as the prosecution would be open to ridicule and it is quite likely the judge would have some comments about wasting court time. What would seem even more remarkable, however, would be if the judge decided on the basis of this presentation that there was a prima facie case to answer that should proceed to a full jury trial.

Yet in educational research, it seems parallel logic can be persuasive enough to get a paper published in a good peer-reviewed journal.

Testing an educational innovation

The paper was entitled 'Implementation of the Student-Centered Team-Based Learning Teaching Method in a Medicinal Chemistry Curriculum' (Li, Ouyang, Xu & Zhang, 2022), and it was published in the Journal of Chemical Education. 'J.Chem.Ed.' is a well-established, highly respected periodical that takes peer review seriously. It is published by a learned scientific society – the American Chemical Society.

That a study published in such a prestige outlet should have such a serious and obvious flaw is worrying. Of course, no matter how good editorial and peer review standards are, it is inevitable that sometimes work with serious flaws will get published, and it is easy to pick out the odd problematic paper and ignore the vast majority of quality work being published. But, I did think this was a blatant problem that should have been spotted.

Indeed, because I have a lot of respect for the Journal of Chemical Education I decided not to blog about it ("but that is what you are doing…?"; yes, but stick with me) and to take time to write a detailed letter to the journal setting out the problem in the hope this would be acknowledged and the published paper would not stand unchallenged in the literature. The journal declined to publish my letter although the referees seemed to generally accept the critique. This suggests to me that this was not just an isolated case of something slipping through – but a failure to appreciate the need for robust scientific standards in publishing educational research.

Read the letter submitted to the Journal of Chemical Education

A flawed paper does not imply worthless research

I am certainly not suggesting that there is no merit in Li, Ouyang, Xu and Zhang's work. Nor am I arguing that their work was not worth publishing in the journal. My argument is that Li and colleague's paper draws an invalid conclusion, and makes misleading statements inconsistent with the research data presented, and that it should not have been published in this form. These problems are pretty obvious, and should (I felt) have been spotted in peer review. The authors should have been asked to address these issues, and follow normal scientific standards and norms such that their conclusions follow from, rather than contradict, their results.

That is my take. Please read my reasoning below (and the original study if you have access to J.Chem.Ed.) and make up your own mind.

Li, Ouyang, Xu and Zhang report an innovation in a university course. They consider this to have been a successful innovation, and it may well have great merits. The core problem is that Li and colleagues claim that their innovation is successful in improving teaching quality and student learning: when their own data analysis does not support this.

The evidence for a successful innovation

There is much material in the paper on the nature of the innovation, and there is evidence about student responses to it. Here, I am only concerned with the failure of the paper to offer a logical chain of argument to support their knowledge claim that the teaching innovation improved student achievement.

There are (to my reading – please judge for yourself if you can access the paper) some slight ambiguities in some parts of the description of the collection and analysis of achievement data (see note 5 below), but the key indicator relied on by Li, Ouyang, Xu and Zhang is the average score achieved by students in four teaching groups, three of which experienced the teaching innovation (these are denoted collectively as the 'the experimental group') and one group which did not (denoted as 'the control group', although there is no control of variables in the study 1). Each class comprised of 40 students.

The study is not published open access, so I cannot reproduce the copyright figures from the paper here, but below I have drawn a graph of these key data:

Key results from Li et al, 2022: this data was the basis for claiming an effective teaching innovation.

Loading poll ...

It is on the basis of this set of results that Li and colleagues claim that "the average score showed a constant upward trend, and a steady increase was found". Surely, anyone interrogating these data might have pause to wonder if that is the most authentic description of the pattern of scores year on year.

Does anyone teaching in a university really think that assessment methods are good enough to produce average class scores that are meaningful to 3 or 4 significant figures. To a more reasonable level of precision, nearest %age point (which is presumably what these numbers are – that is not made explicit), the results were:

CohortAverage class score
Average class scores (2 s.f.) year on year

When presented to a realistic level of precision, the obvious pattern is…no substantive change year on year!

A truncated graph

In their paper, Li and colleagues do present a graph to compare the average results in 2017 with (not 2018, but) 2019 and 2020, somewhat similar to the one I have reproduced here which should have made it very clear how little the scores varied between cohorts. However, Li and colleagues did not include on their axis the full range of possible scores, but rather only included a small portion of the full range – from 79.4 to 80.4.

This is a perfectly valid procedure often used in science, and it is quite explicitly done (the x-axis is clearly marked), but it does give a visual impression of a large spread of scores which could be quite misleading. In effect, their Figure 4b includes just a slither of my graph above, as shown below. If one takes the portion of the image below that is not greyed out, and stretches it to cover the full extent of the x axis of a graph, that is what is presented in the published account.

In the paper in J.Chem.Ed., Li and colleagues (2022) truncate the scale on their average score axis to expand 1% of the full range (approximated above in the area not shaded over) into a whole graph as their Figure 4b. This gives a visual impression of widely varying scores (to anyone who does not read the axis labels).

Compare images: you can use the 'slider' to change how much of each of the two images is shown.

What might have caused those small variations?

If anyone does think that differences of a few tenths of a percent in average class scores are notable, and that this demonstrates increasing student achievement, then we might ask what causes this?

Li and colleagues seem to be convinced that the change in teaching approach caused the (very modest) increase in scores year on year. That would be possible. (Indeed, Li et al seem to be arguing that the very, very modest shift from 2017 to subsequent years was due to the change of teaching approach; but the not-quite-so-modest shifts from 2018 to 2019 to 2020 are due to developing teacher competence!) However, drawing that conclusion requires making a ceteris paribus assumption: that all other things are equal. That is, that any other relevant variables have been controlled.

Read about confounding variables

Another possibility however is simply that each year the teaching team are more familiar with the science, and have had more experience teaching it to groups at this level. That is quite reasonable and could explain why there might be a modest increase in student outcomes on a course year on year.

Non-equivalent groups of students?

However, a big assumption here is that each of the year groups can be considered to be intrinsically the same at the start of the course (and to have equivalent relevant experiences outside the focal course during the programme). Often in quasi-experimental studies (where randomisation to conditions is not possible 1) a pre-test is used to check for equivalence prior to the innovation: after all, if students are starting from different levels of background knowledge and understanding then they are likely to score differently at the end of a course – and no further explanation of any measured differences in course achievement need be sought.

Read about testing for initial equivalence

In experiments, you randomly assign the units of analysis (e.g., students) to the conditions, which gives some basis for at least comparing any differences in outcomes with the variations likely by chance. But this was not a true experiment as there was no randomisation – the comparisons are between successive year groups.

In Li and colleagues' study, the 40 students taking the class in 2017 are implicitly assumed equivalent to the 40 students taking the class in each of the years 20818-2020: but no evidence is presented to support this assumption. 3

Yet anyone who has taught the same course over a period of time knows that even when a course is unchanged and the entrance requirements stable, there are naturally variations from one year to the next. That is one of the challenges of educational research (Taber, 2019): you never can "take two identical students…two identical classes…two identical teachers…two identical institutions".

Novelty or expectation effects?

We would also have to ignore any difference introduced by the general effect of there being an innovation beyond the nature of the specific innovation (Taber, 2019). That is, students might be more attentive and motivated simply because this course does things differently to their other current courses and past courses. (Perhaps not, but it cannot be ruled out.)

The researchers are likely enthusiastic for, and had high expectations for, the innovation (so high that it seems to have biased their interpretation of the data and blinded them to the obvious problems with their argument) and much research shows that high expectation, in its own right, often influences outcomes.

Read about expectancy effects in studies

Equivalent examination questions and marking?

We also have to assume the assessment was entirely equivalent across the four years. 4 The scores were based on aggregating a number of components:

"The course score was calculated on a percentage basis: attendance (5%), preclass preview (10%), in-class group presentation (10%), postclass mind map (5%), unit tests (10%), midterm examination (20%), and final examination (40%)."

Li, et al, 2022, p.1858

This raises questions about the marking and the examinations:

  • Are the same test and examination questions used each year (that is not usually the case as students can acquire copies of past papers)?
  • If not, how were these instruments standardised to ensure they were not more difficult in some years than others?
  • How reliable is the marking? (Reliable meaning the same scores/mark would be assigned to the same work on a different occasion.)

These various issues do not appear to have been considered.

Change of assessment methodology?

The description above of how the students' course scores were calculated raises another problem. The 2017 cohort were taught by "direct instruction". This is not explained as the authors presumably think we all know exactly what that is : I imagine lectures. By comparison, in the innovation (2018-2020 cohorts):

"The preclass stage of the SCTBL strategy is the distribution of the group preview task; each student in the group is responsible for a task point. The completion of the preview task stimulates students' learning motivation. The in-class stage is a team presentation (typically PowerPoint (PPT)), which promotes students' understanding of knowledge points. The postclass stage is the assignment of team homework and consolidation of knowledge points using a mind map. Mind maps allow an orderly sorting and summarization of the knowledge gathered in the class; they are conducive to connecting knowledge systems and play an important role in consolidating class knowledge."

Li, et al, 2022, p.1856, emphasis added.

Now the assessment of the preview tasks, the in-class group presentations, and the mind maps all contributed to the overall student scores (10%, 10%, 5% respectively). But these are parts of the innovative teaching strategy – they are (presumably) not part of 'direct instruction'. So, the description of how the student class scores were derived only applies to 2018-2020, and the methodology used in 2017 must have been different. (This is not discussed in the paper.) 5

A quarter of the score for the 'experimental' groups came from assessment components that could not have been part of the assessment regime applied to the 2017 cohort. At the very least, the tests and examinations must have been more heavily weighed into the 'control' group students' overall scores. This makes it very unlikely the scores can be meaningfully directly compared from 2017 to subsequent years: if the authors think otherwise they should have presented persuasive evidence of equivalence.

Li and colleagues want to convince us that variations in average course scores can be assumed to be due to a change in teaching approach – even though there are other conflating variables.

So, groups that we cannot assume are equivalent are assessed in ways that we cannot assume to be equivalent and obtain nearly identical average levels of achievement. Despite that, Li and colleagues want to persuade us that the very modest differences in average scores between the 'control' and 'experimental' groups (which is actually larger between different 'experimental group' cohorts than between the 'control' group and the successive 'experimental' cohort) are large enough to be significant and demonstrate their teaching innovation improves student achievement.

Statistical inference

So, even if we thought shifts of less than a 1% average in class achievement were telling, there are no good reasons to assume they are down to the innovation rather than some other factor. But Li and colleagues use statistical tests to tell them whether differences between the 'control' and 'experimental' conditions are significant. They find – just what anyone looking at the graph above would expect – "there is no significant difference in average score" (p.1860).

The scientific convention in using such tests is that the choice of test, and confidence level (e.g., a probability of p<0.05 to be taken as significant) is determined in advance, and the researchers accept the outcomes of the analysis. There is a kind of contract involved – a decision to use a statistical test (chosen in advance as being a valid way of deciding the outcome of an experiment) is seen as a commitment to accept its outcomes. 2 This is a form of honesty in scientific work. Just as it is not acceptable to fabricate data, nor is is acceptable to ignore experimental outcomes when drawing conclusions from research.

Special pleading is allowed in mitigation (e.g., "although our results were non-significant, we think this was due to the small samples sizes, and suggest that further research should be undertaken with large groups {and we are happy to do this if someone gives us a grant}"), but the scientist is not allowed to simply set aside the results of the analysis.

Li and colleagues found no significant difference between the two conditions, yet that did not stop them claiming, and the Journal of Chemical Education publishing, a conclusion that the new teaching approach improved student achievement!

Yet setting aside the results of their analysis is what Li and colleagues do. They carry out an analysis, then simply ignore the findings, and conclude the opposite:

"To conclude, our results suggest that the SCTBL method is an effective way to improve teaching quality and student achievement."

Li, et al, 2022, p.1861

It was this complete disregard of scientific values, rather than the more common failure to appreciate that they were not comparing like with like, that I found really shocking – and led to me writing a formal letter to the journal. Not so much surprise that researchers might do this (I know how intoxicating research can be, and how easy it is to become convinced in one's ideas) but that the peer reviewers for the Journal of Chemical Education did not make the firmest recommendation to the editor that this manuscript could NOT be published until it was corrected so that the conclusion was consistent with the findings.

This seems a very stark failure of peer review, and allows a paper to appear in the literature that presents a conclusion totally unsupported by the evidence available and the analysis undertaken. This also means that Li, Ouyang, Xu and Zhang now have a publication on their academic records that any careful reader can see is critically flawed – something that could have been avoided had peer reviewers:

  • used their common sense to appreciate that variations in class average scores from year to year between 79.8 and 80.3 could not possibly be seen as sufficient to indicate a difference in the effectiveness of teaching approaches;
  • recommended that the authors follow the usual scientific norms and adopt the reasonable scholarly value position that the conclusion of your research should follow from, and not contradict, the results of your data analysis.

Work cited:


1 Strictly the 2017 cohort has the role of a comparison group, but NOT a control group as there was no randomisation or control of variables, so this was not a true experiment (but a 'quasi-experiment'). However, for clarity, I am here using the original authors' term 'control group'.

Read about experimental research design

2 Some journals are now asking researchers to submit their research designs and protocols to peer review BEFORE starting the research. This prevents wasted effort on work that is flawed in design. Journals will publish a report of the research carried out according to an accepted design – as long as the researchers have kept to their research plans (or only made changes deemed necessary and acceptable by the journal). This prevents researchers seeking to change features of the research because it is not giving the expected findings and means that negative results as well as positive results do get published.

3 'Implicitly' assumed as nowhere do the authors state that they think the classes all start as equivalent – but if they do not assume this then their argument has no logic.

Without this assumption, their argument is like claiming that growing conditions for tree development are better at the front of a house than at the back because on average the trees at the front are taller – even though fast-growing mature trees were planted at the front and slow-growing saplings at the back.

4 From my days working with new teachers, a common rookie mistake was assuming that one could tell a teaching innovation was successful because students achieved an average score of 63% on the (say, acids) module taught by the new method when the same class only averaged 46% on the previous (say, electromagnetism) module. Graduate scientists would look at me with genuine surprise when I asked how they knew the two tests were of comparable difficulty!

Read about why natural scientists tend to make poor social scientists

5 In my (rejected) letter to the Journal of Chemical Education I acknowledged some ambiguity in the paper's discussion of the results. Li and colleagues write:

"The average scores of undergraduates majoring in pharmaceutical engineering in the control group and the experimental group were calculated, and the results are shown in Figure 4b. Statistical significance testing was conducted on the exam scores year to year. The average score for the pharmaceutical engineering class was 79.8 points in 2017 (control group). When SCTBL was implemented for the first time in 2018, there was a slight improvement in the average score (i.e., an increase of 0.11 points, not shown in Figure 4b). However, by 2019 and 2020, the average score increased by 0.32 points and 0.54 points, respectively, with an obvious improvement trend. We used a t test to test whether the SCTBL method can create any significant difference in grades among control groups and the experimental group. The calculation results are shown as follows: t1 = 0.0663, t2 = 0.1930, t3 =0.3279 (t1 <t2 <t3 <t𝛼, t𝛼 =2.024, p>0.05), indicating that there is no significant difference in average score. After three years of continuous implementation of SCTBL, the average score showed a constant upward trend, and a steady increase was found. The SCTBL method brought about improvement in the class average, which provides evidence for its effectiveness in medicinal chemistry."

Li, et al, 2022, p.1858-1860, emphasis added

This appears to refer to three distinct measures:

  • average scores (produced by weighed summations of various assessment components as discussed above)
  • exam scores (perhaps just the "midterm examination…and final examination", or perhaps just the final examination?)
  • grades

Formal grades are not discussed in the paper (the word is only used in this one place), although the authors do refer to categorising students into descriptive classes ('levels') according to scores on 'assessments', and may see these as grades:

"Assessments have been divided into five levels: disqualified (below 60), qualified (60-69), medium (70-79), good (80-89), and excellent (90 and above)."

Li, et al, 2022, p.1856, emphasis added

In the longer extract above, the reference to testing difference in "grades" is followed by reporting the outcome of the test for "average score":

"We used a t test to test …grades …The calculation results … there is no significant difference in average score"

As Student's t-test was used, it seems unlikely that the assignment of students to grades could have been tested. That would surely have needed something like the Chi-squared statistic to test categorical data – looking for an association between (i) the distributions of the number of students in the different cells 'disqualified', 'qualified', 'medium', 'good' and 'excellent'; and (ii) treatment group.

Presumably, then, the statistical testing was applied to the average course scores shown in the graph above. This also makes sense because the classification into descriptive classes loses some of the detail in the data and there is no obvious reason why the researchers would deliberately chose to test 'reduced' data rather than the full data set with the greatest resolution.

My work in the field of catalysis

Another predatory conference?

Keith S. Taber

Dear Programme Manager

Thank you for your message on behalf of the scientific committee offering me the position of invited speaker at 12th Edition of Global Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology.

I appreciate that your scientific committee comprises of eminent leaders in the field of catalysis, but when you write that "By going through your work in the field of Catalysis, our scientific committee would like to offer you the position of Speaker" I am at a loss to work out what

  • Stanislaw Dzwigaj
  • Jose C Conesa
  • Anne M Gaffney
  • Nikolaos C Kokkinos
  • Dmitry Nikushchenko
  • M A Martin Luengo
  • Osman Adiguzel
  • Ahmet Haxhiaj
  • Eugenio Meloni
  • Ramesh C Gupta
  • Abdelkrim Abourriche

have found in my work that makes them feel my it would be of any particular interest to your delegates.

Perhaps you would be kind enough to ask the scientific committee to specify which of my publications they consider to be in the field of catalysis, so I have some idea what I am being invited to speak about.

I assume that as an invited speaker all relevant fees would be waived?

I am afraid that otherwise I will just have to conclude that this is yet another dishonest approach from a predatory conference where 'invited speaker' invitations are of no worth and are issued indiscriminately as a ploy to elicit money from potential speakers: without any regard at all for their suitability or relevance – as long as they can pay you the conference fees.

As you "would be glad to answer any questions [I] may have and provide necessary clarifications where needed" I look forward to your clarification so I can put my mind to rest and avoid concluding that this invitation is just another scam.

Best wishes


[Email response to the conference (copied to committee members). Clarifications awaited*]

The scientific committee of a catalysis conference has, allegedly, invited me to speak on the topic.

According to the conference programme manager, this committee of experts invited me to speak after 'going through' my (non-existent) 'work in the field of Catalysis'.
Are they incompetent? (I very much doubt that.)
Did the programme manager mishear 'Benjamin List' or 'David MacMillan' as 'Keith Taber'?
Is this just another lie to publicise a predatory conference?

* Update: A clarification

To be fair to 12th Edition of Global Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology I have today (20th July) received a response. I have been informed that:

"We went through your books and articles regarding teachings in chemistry and concepts and thought to invite you to our event, as most of the delegates who attend our event are from academia"

That sounds reasonable enough, as long as there is a suitable place in the programme.

"As an invited speaker, there are no registration charges to be paid"

Again, that is reasonable.

It is one thing to pay to be present at a conference you are seeking to attend, but another to pay for the privileged of giving a talk when you have been invited to speak.

"But you can present on any of the topics related to scientific sessions"

Okay, so where would a talk to 'mostly academics' about 'teachings in chemistry and concepts' fit?

The conference sessions are on:

  • Catalysis and Porous Materials
  • Catalysis for Energy
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Catalysis in Nanotechnology
  • Environmental Catalysis
  • Catalytic Materials
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Chemical Synthesis and Catalysts Synthesis
  • Macrocyclic and Supramolecular chemistry
  • Petrochemical Engineering
  • Green and Sustainable Chemistry
  • Catalysis for Renewable Sources
  • Catalysis for Biorefineries
  • Chemical Kinetics and Catalytic Activity
  • Photochemistry, Photobiology and Electrochemistry

So no obvious home for a talk on teaching about chemical concepts.

The topics I was directed to in the email were

  • Catalysis and Porous Materials
  • Catalysis for Energy
  • Photochemistry, Photobiology and Electrochemistry
  • Catalysis for Renewable Sources
  • Chemical Kinetics and Catalytic Activity
  • Catalysis and Applications
  • Homogeneous Catalysis, Molecular Catalysis
  • Catalysis for Biorefineries
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Advances in Catalysis and Chemical Engineering
  • Reaction Chemistry and Engineering
  • Catalysis in Nanotechnology
  • Industrial Catalysis and Process Engineering
  • Environmental Catalysis
  • Advanced synthesis, Catalytic systems and new catalyst designing
  • Biocatalysis and Biotransformation
  • Catalytic Materials
  • Organometallics, Organocatalysis and Bioinorganic Chemistry
  • Surface Chemistry: Colloid and Surface aspects
  • Computational Catalysis
  • Enantioselective catalysis
  • Chemical Synthesis and Catalysts Synthesis
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Micro-emulsion Catalysis and Catalytic Cracking
  • Macrocyclic and Supramolecular chemistry
  • Integrated Catalysis
  • Plasma Catalysis
  • Enzymes, Coenzymes and Metabolic Pathways
  • Nuclear Chemistry/Radiochemistry
  • Separation Processes in Chemical Technology
  • Petrochemical Engineering
  • Green and Sustainable Chemistry
  • Analytical Methodologies
  • Microbial Technology
  • Mechanisms of Microbial Transcription

So, I have been invited because of my expertise relating to teaching chemical concepts (one of the very few areas where I really might be considered to have some kind of expertise), and can participate for free, as long as I submit a talk on some aspect of the science of chemical catalysis in a session about some sub-field of chemistry relating to catalysis.

This is like writing to Reece James to tell him that on the basis of his exceptional skills as a footballer, he is invited to talk at a literary festival on any any genre of fiction writing; or, on the basis of her song-writing and musical achievements, inviting Kate Bush to be give a keynote at a history conference – and allowing her to choose between speaking about Roman Britain, The Agricultural Revolution, Europe between the 'World Wars', or Sino-Japanese tensions over Korea in the nineteenth century.

So, I recognise the attempt to make good on the invitation, but hardly a total 'save'.

Addendum: A glut of catalytic conferences?

By coincidence, or otherwise, today I also received an invitation to be a speaker at the

"?3rd Global Congress on Chemistry and Catalysis?, an event hosted by Phronesis LLC and held at Dubai, UAE during November 18-19, 2022 [where] The main theme of the conference is ?Contemporary Advances and Innovations in chemistry and catalysis?"

I would apparently be a 'perfect person' to speak at one the sessions. These are on:

  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Advanced Structural Materials
  • Ceramics, Polymers and Composite Materials
  • Advances in Biosensors, Biomaterials, Medical devices and Soft Materials
  • Corrosion, Alloys, Mining and Metallurgy
  • Hybrid Materials and Bioinspired Materials
  • Materials in Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering
  • Energy, Environment and Materials Technology
  • Computational Materials Science
  • 3D Printing Technology
  • Materials Synthesis And Processing
  • Functional materials, Metals, and Metal Casting Technology
  • Emerging Smart Materials, Meta Materials and Smart Coatings
  • Materials Chemistry, Sustainable Chemistry and Materials Physics
  • Polymer Science and Polymeric Materials
  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  • Optics Photonics Electronic and Magnetic Materials
  • Glass Science and Technologies
  • Nanotechnology in Materials Science
  • Nanotechnology for Energy and the Environment
  • Nanomaterials and 2D Materials
  • Carbon Nanomaterials, Nanostructures and Nanocomposites
  • Graphene Technologies and carbon Nanotubes
  • Manufacturing Technology and Instrumentation Technology
  • Materials for Energy and the Environment
  • Nanotechnology in Healthcare and its Applications

Hm. Perhaps I am not quite the 'perfect person', after all?

Diabolical diabetes journal awards non-specialist guest editorship (for a price)

"By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes"

Keith S. Taber

Diabetes is a life-threatening condition – so one might hope that a research journal called 'Journal of Diabetes Research Reviews & Reports' would have serious academic standards
(Image by Tesa Robbins from Pixabay)

An open access journal that charges USD $ 1519 for publication (and "will not issue refunds of any kind"), that is available for subscription"Euro € 3600.00 for Single Volume, € 600.00 for Single Issue (+postage charge €100)", but which wants me to send it "$2519" because I have been awarded membership.

Dear Henderson

Thank you for your email 'Membership for Your Publications' notifying me that the Journal of Diabetes Research Reviews & Reports has awarded me 'membership' based on my research profile. That is rather incredible as my research is in science education. The most relevant publication that comes to mind is "Is 6% kidney function just as good as 8% kidney function? A case of justifying dubious medical ethics by treating epistemology as ontology" which is not peer-reviewed, but a post on my personal blog.

This does rather suggest that either

  • the Journal of Diabetes Research Reviews & Reports has a rather bizarre notion of its scope given the journal title, or
  • it has extremely low standards in terms of what it feels it might be happy to publish.
  • Or, perhaps both?

I am a little confused by your final paragraph which seems to suggest that although I have been 'awarded' various benefits (well they might have been benefits had I been a diabetes researcher) you would like me to send you $2519 (in some unspecified currency). I only ever recall being honoured with one academic award before, and that came with a sum of money. That is, when you make an academic award, you give money to the recipient, not the other way around.

So, let's be honest.

You do not know, or indeed care, if I know anything about diabetes research. (Either you have not examined my research profile to find out; or whoever was tasked with this has such limited scholarly background that they have no notion of how to identify publications about diabetes research – such, perhaps, as looking to see if the words 'diabetes' or 'diabetic' appear in any paper titles or keywords: not exactly a challenging higher level task.)

You are not making me an award.

You are trying to sell me some kind of a package of 'benefits' in relation to publishing my work in your dodgy journal. That is, the Journal of Diabetes Research Reviews & Reports is one of the many predatory journals seeking to take money from scholars without being in a position to offer a service consistent with normal standards of academic quality in return. (This has already been demonstrated by the journal identifying someone with no publications in the field as 'a potential author' for the journal based on scrutinising my 'research profile in [sic] online'. If that is the level of competence to be expected of the editorial and production side of the journal, why would any serious scholar let their work be published in it?)

That apparent lack of competence in itself does not justify spending my time responding to your invitation.

I write because I find these tactics dishonest. You deliberately set out to deceive by pretending you are offering an award based on the excellence of a scholar's research. I really do not like lying, which is antithetical to the whole academic enterprise. So, I reply to call out the lie.

If you feel that I have misrepresented the situation, and that my research profile justifies an award in the field of diabetes research, then I would be very happy to receive your explanation. Otherwise, perhaps you might wish to consider if you really are comfortable working in an unethical organisation and being complicit in lying to strangers in this way?

Best wishes


Notification of an 'award'. Benefits (once I have paid a fee) include being appointed a guest editor.

Update (5th August 2022)

I have just received a response from the journal…

"Anticipating for [my] positive response" -despite my reply to the Journal!

Swipe left, swipe right, publish

A dating service for academics?

Keith S. Taber

A new service offers to match authors and journals without all that messy business of scholars having to spend time identifying and evaluating the journals in their field (Image by Kevin Phillips from Pixabay )

I was today invited to join a new platform that would allow an author "the opportunity to get the best Publishing Offers from different Journals"; and would also allow journal editors to "learn about new scientific results and make Publishing Offers to Authors". Having been an author and an editor my immediate response was, "well how could that work?"

Publishing offers?

I was a little intrigued by the notion of publishing 'offers'. In my experience what matters are 'publication decisions'.

You see, in the world of academic journals I am familiar with,

  • authors choose a journal to submit their manuscript to (they have to choose as journals will only consider work not already published, under consideration or submitted, elsewhere)
  • the editor decides if the manuscript seems relevant to the journal and to be, prima facie, a serious piece of scholarship. If not, it is rejected. If so, it is sent to expert reviewers for careful scrutiny and recommendations.
  • then it is accepted as is (rare in my field); accepted subject to specified changes; returned for revisions that must then be further evaluated; rejected but with a suggestion that a revised manuscript addressing specified issues might be reconsidered; or rejected.1
  • if the editor is eventually satisfied with the manuscript (perhaps after a number of rounds of revision and peer review) it is accepted for publication – this might be considered a publishing offer, but usually by this point the author is not going to decline!
  • if the process does not lead to an accepted manuscript, the author can decide her work is not worth publishing; use the feedback to strengthen the manuscript before submitting elsewhere, or simply move on to another journal and start again with the same manuscript.

Read about the process of submitting work to a research journal

Read about selecting a journal to submit your work to

Read about the peer review process used by serious research journals

Similarly, in the world of academic journals I am familiar with,

  • an editor becomes aware of a paper available for publication because the author submits it for consideration;
  • editors may sometimes offer informal feedback to authors who are not sure if their work fits the scope of the journal – but the editor certainly does not actively seek to check out manuscripts that are not being considered for that journal.

Though editors may engage in general promotion of their journal, this does not usually amount to trawling the web looking for material to make offers on.

So how does the platform work?

So, I looked at the inexsy site to see how the service managed to help authors get published without having to submit their work to journals, and how journals could fill their pages (and, these days, attract those juicy publication fees) even if authors did not fancy submitting their work to their journal.

This is what I learned.

Step 1. Put yourself out there.

(Image by Dean Moriarty from Pixabay)

Make a show of your wares

The process starts with the author uploading their abstract as a kind of intellectual tease. They do not upload the whole paper – indeed at this stage they do not even have to have written it.

"Researchers submit Abstracts of their manuscripts to the INEXSY platform and set their Publishing Statuses:

#1 – "Manuscript in progress" or

#2 – "Manuscript ready, looking for publisher".

(Indeed, it seems an author could think up a number of article ideas; write the abstracts; post them; and wait t0 see which one attracts the most interest. No more of all that laborious writing of papers that no one wants to publish!)

Step 2. Wait to be approached by a potential admirer.

(Image by iqbal nuril anwar from Pixabay)

Wait to be approached

Now the author just has to wait. Journal editors with nothing better to do (i.e., editors of journals that no one seems to be sending any work to) will be going through the abstracts posted to see if they are interested in any of the work.

"All journals from the corresponding science area view the Abstract of the manuscript and determine the relevance of the future article (quick editorial decision)."

The term 'quick editorial decision' is intriguing. This term most commonly refers to a quick decision on whether or not to publish a manuscript, but presumably all it means here is a quick editorial decision on "the relevance of the future article" to the journal.

Editors of traditional journals are used to making quick decisions on whether a manuscript falls within the scope of the journal. I have less confidence in the editors of many of the glut of open-access pay-to-publish journals that have sprung up in recent years. Many of these are predatory journals, mainly concerned with generating income and having little regard for academic standards.

In some cases supposed editors leave the editorial work to administrators who do not have a strong background in the field. Sometimes journals are happy to publish material which clearly has no relevance to the supposed topic of their journal. 2

Read about predatory journals

Step 3. Start dating

(Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay) 

Enter into a dialogue with the editor

inexst acknowledge that even the journals they attract to their platform might not immediately offer to publish an article on the basis of an author's abstract for a paper they may not have written yet.

So, the platform allows the two potential suitors to enter into a dialogue about developing a possible relationship.

 "If the text of the Abstract and supplementary materials (video, figures) are not enough for journals to make Publishing Offers to authors, then the INEXSY platform provides the [sic] Private Chat to discuss the full text of a future article."

Step 4. Get propositioned by the suitor

(Image by bronzedigitals from Pixabay)

4. Consider moving the relationship to the next level

If after some back and forth in the virtual world, the editor likes the author's images and videos they may want to take the relationship to a new level,

 "If the potential article is interesting to journals, these journals make Publishing Offers to authors in 1 click."

Step 5. Choose a keeper

(Image by StockSnap from Pixabay) 

5. Decide between suitors

Now the idea of a 'publishing offer' is clarified. Having had an idea for a paper, and written an abstract and perhaps posted some pics and a video talking about what you want to write, and having been approached by a range of editors not too busy to engage in some social intercourse, the author now find herself subject to a range of propositions.

  • But which suitor does she really have a connection with?
  • Which one is the best prospect for a happy future?

But this is not about good looks, tinderness, pension prospects, or reliably remembering birthdays, but which journal is more prestigious (good luck with expecting prestigious journals to register on such sites), and how quickly the competing journals promise to publish the paper, and, of course, how much will they charge you for this publication escort service.

"Authors choose the optimal offer (best publication time, IF [impact factor], OA [open access] price) and submit their manuscripts to the website of the selected journal."

Do dating services check the details provided by member? Impact factors are useful (if not perfect) indicators of a journal's prestige. But some predatory journals shamelessly advertise inaccurate impact factors. (See, for example, 'The best way to generate an impressive impact factor is – to invent it'). Does inexsy do due diligence on behalf of authors here, or is a matter of caveat emptor?

Step 6. And ride off into the sunset together

(Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay)

Live happily ever after with a well-matched journal

So, there it is, the journal dating nightmare solved. Do not worry about reading and evaluating a range of journals to decide where to submit, just put up your work's profile and wait for those journal editors who like what they see to court you.

You do not have to be exclusive. Put the goods on public show. Play the field. See which suitors you like, and what they will offer you for exclusive rights to what you want to put out there. Only when you feel you are ready to settle down do you need to make a choice.

Publish your work where you know it will really be appreciated, based on having entered into a meaningful relationship with the editor and found your article and the journal have much in common. Demonstrate your mutual commitment by publicly exchanging vows (i.e., signing a publishing agreement or license) that means your article will find an exclusive home in that place for ever after.

(Well, actually, if you publish open access, it might seem more like an open marriage as legally you are free to republish as often as your like. However, you will likely find other potential partners will consider an already published work as 'damaged goods' and shun any approaches.)

So, now it is just the little matter of getting down to grindring out the paper.

Back to earth

(Image by Pexels from Pixabay )

Meanwhile, back in the real world

This seems too good to be true. It surely is.

No editor of a responsible journal is going to offer publication until the full manuscript has been (written! and) submitted, and has been positively evaluated by peer review. Even dodgy predatory journals usually claim to do rigorous peer review (so authors can in turn claim {and perhaps sometimes believe} that their publications are in peer reviewed journals).

This leads me to moot a typology of three types of journal editor in relation to a platform such as inexsy:

Absent partners
Editors of well-established and well-regarded journals.

These are busy with the surfeit of submissions they already receive, and are not interested in these kinds of platforms.
Desperate romantics
Principled editors of journals struggling to attract sufficient decent papers to publish, but who are committed to maintain academic standards.

They may well be interested in using this platform in order to attract submissions – but the offers they will make will be limited to 'yes, this topic interests us, and, if you submit this manuscript, we will send the submission to peer review'.

They will happily wait till after a proper legal ceremony before consummating the relationship.
Promiscuous predators
Editors of predatory journals that are only interested in maximising the number of published papers and so the income generated.

They will make offers to publish before seeing the paper, because, to be honest there is not much (if anything) they would reject anyway as long as the author could pay the publication fees. Once they have your money they are off on the prowl again.

So, this may well bring some authors together with some editors who can offer advice on whether a proposed paper would be seriously considered by their journals (category 2) – but this achieves little more than would emailing the editor and asking if the proposed paper is within the scope of that journal.

If any authors find they are inundated by genuine offers to publish in any journals that are worth publishing in, I will be amazed.

Watch this space (well, the space below)

Still, as a scientist, I have to be open to changing my mind. So,

  • if you are a representative of inexsy
  • if you are an author or editor who has had positive experiences using the service

please feel free to share your experiences (and perhaps tell me I am wrong) in the comments below.

I wait with interest for the flood of responses putting me right.


1 The precise number of categories of decision, and how they are worded, vary a little between journals.

2 Consider some examples of what gets published where in the world of the dubious research journal:

"the editors of 'Journal of Gastrointestinal Disorders and Liver function' had no reservations about publishing a paper supposedly about 'over sexuality' which was actually an extended argument about the terrible threat to our freedoms of…IQ scores, and which seems to have been plagiarised from a source already in the public domain…. That this make no sense at all, is just as obvious as that it has absolutely nothing to do with gastrointestinal disorders and liver function!"

Can academic misconduct be justified for the greater good?

Sadly, some journal editors do not seem to care whether what they publish has any relevance to the supposed field of their journal: 'Writing for the Journal of Petroleum, Chemical Industry, Chemistry Education, Medicine, Drug Abuse, and Archaeology'

The best way to generate an impressive impact factor is – to invent it

Is the Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research falsifying its impact factor?

Keith S. Taber

A journal claiming a seemingly falsified Impact Factor

Impact factors give an indication of journal quality. However, some predatory journals will make false claims (i.e., lie) about their impact factors to attract submissions.

Read about Journal impact factors

I was therefore suspicious when a biomedical journal approached me to submit my work for a 'reputed journal' that had a decent Impact Factor, despite wanting me to publish on a field I do not do research in.

I did a quick informal calculation of what would seem a feasible impact factor, and came up with a figure that suggested the journal's claimed impact factor was completely implausible. It seemed the journal was lying. (I even found an impact factor published by a less selective organisation than that used by most prestigious journals which was much closer to my own estimate.)

Of course, I could be mistaken. So, I sent the following response to (the source of the invitation to submit) the same day I received their invitation (19th May). I did not immediately get a reply, so I sent the message again to (an email address given in the footer of the invitation) two days later (21st May).

As of yet (30th May), I have had no reply – probably because the Journal staff know their claimed impact factor is fabricated. They suggested in their invitation that 'The best way to predict the future is to invent it'. I assume they took their own advice, but doubt this will help them get a genuine impact factor.

Oddly, a journal that started publishing is already inviting papers for Volume 43 (and on its website is up to Volume 44, Issue 2)1

Dear Angela
Thank you for your invitation to contribute to the 'Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research'.

I understand this journal was only established about 5 years ago, so I was very impressed to see that it already has an Impact factor of 1.229 – that seems a real achievement in such a short time. Your website suggests the journal has already published over 5000 articles, so having an impact factor of over 1.2 implies the journal's articles have already been cited over 6000 times in citation ranking outputs! I was so surprised to read this, that I went to check on Google Scholar, which is a very liberal listing of citations (it includes all kinds of things like student dissertations and webpages which are not included in the formal calculation of impact factors).

Yet, as far as I can see, Google scholar seems to list less than 200 citations of articles in 'Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research'. If that is not just my incompetence in using the search engine, that would likely suggest that the number of citations appearing in outputs included in the indices for calculating Impact Factors is many fewer than 100 – which would mean an Impact Factor over the life of the journal of certainly no more than about 0.02?

I would be grateful for your clarification. Have there really been 6000+ citations of articles in 'Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research' in journals which qualify for indexing when calculating citation indices? If not, is the journal's impact factor just one of these 'dodgy' numbers that some predatory journals quote but which have been generated by some dubious algorithm or act of necromancy, and which has no real connection with the authentic Impact Factors quoted by reputable journals?

The academic community has an accepted understanding of what genuine Impact Factors are claiming, and I cannot see any details on your site (perhaps I have missed this?) to suggest that your journal uses a different methodology to the academic norm, so it would be dishonest if the journal looked to deceive those you invite to be authors (such as myself) by pretending to have an Impact Factor that could not be substantiated and which has been heavily inflated. I am sure you would appreciate that authors are unlikely to be enticed to submit to a journal if they feel from initial contact that they are being misled by a journal that cannot be trusted to adhere to academic norms.

Perhaps I am not using Google Scholar correctly, and you can point me to the evidence for your impressive Impact Factor. I look forward to your response.

It may well be that 'The best way to predict the future is to invent it' but I hope this does not include the Impact Factor you cite.

Best wishes

On 19/05/2022 12:42, Clinical Trials & Results wrote:

Dear Dr. Keith S Taber,

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. So, lets make this year as a year of finding and fulfillment.

On behalf of Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research (ISSN: 2574-1241) with an Impact factor: 1.229, we take the great opportunity in inviting you to submit your manuscript for new issue release i.e., Volume 43 Issue 5 by 03rd of June.

We would be delighted if you would take part in this issue with your significant article being published in our reputed journal.

We look forward to hearing a positive response from your end.

Angela Roy
Biomedical Journal (BJSTR)
Address: One Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 300, Westchester, IL 60154, USA
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By far the most common practice in journal publishing is to have one volume per year – so typically all issues published in 2021 would comprise one volume. In 2021 Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research published volumes 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and part of volume 40.

Are you still with us, Doctor Wu?

Is the editor of a dubious journal a real living person?

Keith S. Taber

A katydid on a flower (Image by Zw Ma from Pixabay)

I've become a bit worried about Dr. Wu.

That is Kuang-Ming Wu, Ph.D., who is (at least, according to a number of internet sites) Professor Emeritus at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, USA.

To be honest, I had not heard of Dr Wu before I received an invitation to review an article for a Philosophy journal. But having been introduced to him, so to speak, in this way, and having done some 'digging' around the web, I became, initially, suspicious (did he really exist?), and, then, actually quite concerned about his well-being. Prof. Wu certainly was at one time considered a serious academic, but what I could easily find through the internet led me to ponder:

  • Are you crazy Dr Wu?
  • Or, perhaps, under the influence of some intoxicating substance?
  • Indeed, are you actually still with us, Dr Wu?
  • Or, is the persona on the internet just some kind of digital shadow of a previously respected academic?

That is, is Kuang-Ming Wu's name being used unscrupulously by various predatory organisations, perhaps without his knowledge?

But, I am getting ahead of myself.

A questionable invitation

I received an invitation to act as a peer reviewer for a research paper. Peer review is a key feature of how academic publishing works, and research journals reply upon academics being prepared to give up time to carefully read a submission, and prepare a report for the journal editor on the merits, and weaknesses, of a submitted manuscript.

Read about peer review

This task usually takes several hours (and sometimes considerably longer) and is normally completed gratis. During my career as university teaching officer I undertook hundreds of such reviews – all without payment. 1

An academic who is writing for publication and submitting their work to journals relies on other scholars being willing to undertake this task so their own work can be evaluated for possible publication. So, the system only works because authors are prepared to also act as reviewers. It is expected as part of the job of a university academic, and does get credit in the sense that it is one of the aspects (inter alia) of making a contribution to the field that are usually included on a c.v./résumé when applying for academic posts or promotion. (That said, having reviewed thousands of papers would count for little unless the academic is getting their own work published, and probably also doing a major course management role, and 'volunteering' for a few institutional committees, and showing involvement with learned societies or other aspects of their field, and involved in some way with public engagement…)

Since I have retired I have continued to undertake some reviewing, but limit this and have got more fussy about what I take on. In particular, if a journal publisher is charging authors hundreds (sometimes thousands) of pounds for publication, then why should I review for the journal for free when I am no longer receiving a stipend that I can consider makes this work 'part of the job'?

A deluge of mythical garbage

The invitation came from 'The Open Journal of Philosophy'. That was not a journal I had any association with, or indeed was familiar with. I have done some work which, if you are being very (very) generous, could be considered to have some philosophical content, but I am not recognised as a philosopher, so this was not a journal I would expect to review for. But, then again, some journals have wide scope, and some work is cross-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary, and so might involve, say, philosophy and science education, so one needs to consider specific request on their merits.

The title of the submission was long and complex and referred to the ideas of two specific scholars in relation to a topic totally unrelated to my own research. I was not familiar with the work of either of the named thinkers, neither of whom, to be best of my knowledge have contributed work to my areas of scholarship. 2

I read the abstract. It referenced "dominant interpellative historiographies…the deluge of mythical garbage…so-called facilitators of our process of humanizationalternative respiratory orifices to our survival…the aegis of commoditized auction blocksthe soft-ware of catacombic memory…" and so on. (Yes, this was just the abstract.) I was pretty sure it was not about teaching and learning in science. As a general rule, if you do not understand the abstract you probably should not volunteer to evaluate the paper.

An 'alternative respiratory orifice'? (Image by bluebudgie from Pixabay)

Perhaps this is a very worthy contribution to knowledge, but it was very clear to me that I was not qualified to evaluate it. What was not very clear to me was why anyone thought I would be so qualified. An academic invited to review has a responsibility to decline the invitation if that academic does not feel qualified to review the work: but a journal also has a responsibility to only invite referees to review where there is a prima facie case that they have the right expertise, and not to invite people arbitrarily and then rely on the person invited to make that call. (Especially as completing reviews is disproportionately useful in building the c.v. for novice and junior academics, so one can imagine the pressures for inexperienced scholars yet to develop expertise in a field but seeking an academic career to take on such work if invited.) Peer review invitations sent out without a reasonable rationale are simply a form of email spam.

It seemed that someone at the Journal had examined the manuscript and then, when considering suitable reviewers, had decided that I had the right expertise to advise on whether this manuscript was suitable for publication as a novel and substantive contribution to public knowledge.

How could they have reached that conclusion? Perhaps there was a phrase which seemed to match?

"A deluge of mythical garbage, huh.

For some reason I'm thinking Taber, in the Education Faculty at Cambridge, would be just the person to comment."

The Open Journal of Philosophy

I looked up the journal on line. I saw it was an Open Access journal that charged authors for publication. Its standard rate was $599 (but with discounts for authors from less-well resourced countries). It was not published by a scholarly society, or a university press, or even by one of the long-established commercial publishers. That cannot be considered to be sufficient reason to judge a journal will necessarily be of poor quality, but – given the profile of many dodgy predatory journals – is enough to make one suspicious.

The website claimed that

"All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Generally, accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks followed by printed hard copy."

My own experience as an author and an editor suggest this was dubious – a rigorous peer review process is likely to mean most published manuscripts will pass though at least one round of revision, and that journals will need to give reviewers sufficient time to evaluate the original submissions and then later the revisions. Of course, some submissions may be excellent and need minimal revision, and some reviewers may be able to give the work their immediate attention. So, there is no reason why a good paper might not be published in a good journal three weeks after submission – and I have known this to happen – but these tend to be exceptions. A journal that generally publishes work after three weeks is unlikely to have rigourous review.

Unless, of course, the clock does not start on submission. "Generally, accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks" seems to suggest

  • Generally, accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks [of submission]

but could mean

  • Generally, accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks [of acceptance]

which is not only not exceptional, but by today's standards seems a little tardy.

The website also claimed

"Submitted manuscripts adhering to journal guidelines are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or an Editor, who will assign them to reviewers".

So, assuming the claimed procedures were being followed, I was selected to review this particular manuscript by either the Editor-in-Chief or one of its Editors. Now the website included the details of the Editor-in-Chief, who it appeared was the only editor (there was also an Editorial Board – consisting of people who supposedly advise on editorial policy). So, presumably, I must have been assigned to this manuscript by the Editor-in-Chief.

And the Editor-in-Chief (according to the website) is – as you may have anticipated

Prof. Kuang-Ming Wu,

Professor Emeritus at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, USA

The editor-in-chief seems to have a hands-off approach

I sent a polite response to the invitation, copying in Prof. Kuang-Ming Wu.

"Thank you for your email.

This does not immediately seem to be in my area of expertise. I wonder if you would be kind enough to explain the Editor-in-Chief/Editor's rationale in nominating me to review this particular submission. Perhaps I am missing an obvious link, but does the journal really think my expertise is strongly enough matched that I am sufficiently qualified to review this particular manuscript?"

(I resisted a mischievous temptation to ask how much of the £599 publication fee I might be paid for reviewing.)

The next day I received a very polite and apologetic reply from the journal office explaining "I read your article on the Internet before and thought I might invite you to review the manuscript". This was from the journal's Editorial Assistant. It would seem that the task of identifying referees with appropriate expertise had been delegated to the Editorial Assistant and was not, as claimed, being carried out by an Editor. 3

Is Dr Wu incommunicado?

I failed, however, in communicating my message directly to Dr Wu.

According to the publisher's website his affiliation is:

Prof. Kuang-Ming Wu
Philosophy Department
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, USA
Professor Emeritus, Rosebush University Professor

The website gave an email address, and some biographical details. Kuang-Ming Wu was awarded his first degree in 1960, and obtained his Ph.D. from Yale (impressive) in 1965. Unfortunately my message sent to the email address given on the publisher's website was 'undeliverable' due to a 'policy violation or system error' at the recipient's end as the "mailbox is disabled". This email address was not at any academic institution or scholarly society, but then some universities seem to forget the potential value of emeritus faculty as an extremely cost-effective potential source of academic prestige due to their continuing (unpaid) scholarly activities.

As Prof. Wu was apparently affiliated with the Philosophy Department at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh I checked the departmental website to see if I could find an institutional email contact. A page detailing 'faculty & staff' listed current faculty and also emeritus faculty, but there was no mention of a Prof. Kuang-Ming Wu.

So, this was looking a little suspicious:

  • someone else was carrying out the editor's work
  • the email address given for the editor was unserviceable
  • the claimed academic affiliation did not seem to be corroborated

Was Dr Wu a real person?

What has happened to Wu?

I soon found that some of Dr Wu's books could be purchased from well-known internet sellers. I also found evidence that Kuang-Ming Wu had indeed taught in the philosophy department at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, USA. A university house magazine from 1991 reports that Kuang-ming Wu 'professor, philosophy' had that year given a lecture series at a University in Taiwan.

One of Kuang-Ming Wu's books – this was published by State University of New York Press in 1990 as part of its 'Religion and Philosophy' series

I also found that the "The John McNaughton Rosebush University Professorships were named for John McNaughton Rosebush" and the title is "one of the University's most coveted awards, the professorships are granted for excellence in teaching, professional achievement and public service". One of three awards made in 1992 was to Prof. Kuang-Ming Wu.

So, according to information on the worldwide web, Dr Wu was a respected academic and certainly had been in the faculty of the philosophy department at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh – even if that was decades ago, and no such affiliation is now acknowledged on the website.

Emeritus professors are retired from academic positions in universities, but it is not automatic that such a title is granted. If Dr Wu was entitled to use the title Emeritus Professor at Wisconsin-Oshkosh one would expect this should be acknowledged on the University website, but if he was long retired and no longer in contact it is feasible his department had inadvertently failed to include him as Emeritus Faculty. 4

Beyond Philosophy?

However, the internet also gave access to more recent information on Dr Wu. This includes affiliation to journals and conferences related to philosophy and other subject areas. Some of these subjects would not usually be considered cognate with philosophy.

For example, a journal called 'Account and Financial Management Journal' included amongst its list of Board members:

Kuang-ming Wu
Ph.d. [sic]
John McN. [sic] Rosebush University Professorship, University of  Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Even further from philosophy, a member of the 'technical committees' [sic] of The 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Control and Automation (ICECA 2018) was

Prof. Kuang-ming Wu, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, USA

and similarly, a member of the 'Technological Committees' [sic] of The 4th International Conference on Electrical, Control and Automation (ICECA 2020) was

Prof. Kuang-ming Wu, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, USA

Unless another Prof. Kuang-ming Wu from an area such as electrical engineering or similar was also associated with University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, this seemed an odd association.

The 'Technological Committees' [sic] of the 3rd World Conference on Management Science and Human Social Development (MSHS 2020), which will be held during December 26 to 27, 2020 in Tianjin, China, includes

Prof. Kuang-ming Wu, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, USA

and the 'Technical Committees' of The 5th International Symposium on Application of Materials Science and Energy Materials (SAMSE 2022) to be hosted by Thailand Institute of Science and Engineering Technology during October 2022 includes:

Prof. Kuang-ming Wu, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, USA

It is by no means unlikely that an academic philosopher will be invited to be on such committees as sadly such invitations are often offered regardless of subject expertise – but it less clear why an academic philosopher would agree to be part of a committee responsible for the academic programme in a discipline or subject area they did not work in.

I have seen an example in the past of such a committee listing being posted with names, photos and c.v.s of academics who were not even aware their names were being used in this way – so inevitably I am suspicious of whether Prof. Kuang-ming Wu (if he is still even with us, as he must be in his eighties) has agreed to give his name to some of these committees – or whether his name is just being used without his active involvement (just as I was invited to review for the journal he is supposed to edit without his involvement).

Are you crazy, Dr Wu?

Unless I can find a live email address for Dr Wu, I am unlikely to ever know for sure.

I found some of his more recent published work on line.

A 2014 article (described as 'a research/review paper') in 'Global Journal of Management and Business Research: g Interdisciplinary' is entitled 'Praise, Flattery: Common Cosmopolitan'. This two page article has no academic references, and begins

"Surprisingly, things common can have cosmopolitan import, such the praise-flattery pair in a common commercial deal and beyond. Flattery is for us, praise is to others, and both appreciate to move the world. It is a common oiling of our business deal all over the globe, in "sale" in "free" in every store, to promote our win-win deal, as buyers satisfy their need to profit sellers.

Doctors also do healthcare in "bedside manners," and as scholars do so to inter-enrich. As flattery praises much, so praise prizes a person; as babies cannot be spoiled, so no one can be praised too much. Thus "flattery gets anyone anywhere," even by "I know you'd never accept flattery!" Such joy goes around coming around; we are all in smile, cosmopolitan. "

Is this the writing of an academic philosopher lauded for his excellence? Perhaps it is, but it seems to have the feel of something generated by a 'bot'. Certainly if I was a judge in the Turing test I would fail this entry. 5

Are you high?

The 2018 article 'On Tender Pain' in the International Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal is described as a Book review. It begins:

"Human life is constantly surrounded with pain, both as justified one and as unjustified one. Unjustified pain is violent and bestial even below innocent animals, and it is caused by offending justified pain. Justified pain is tender pain in acts of love. Love means to cherish and serve heartfelt. We are human because we love, cherish, and serve three sorts of beings precious to us.
These precious beings are our parental others, our beloved posterity, and our own self. …"

Whether this is good writing or not, there is something very odd about this article. It continues in much the same vein for about six-and-a-half pages,

"Sex is joy because sex shares its pleasures. In contrast, Hitler's mass-murder hatred is his sadistic pleasure staying one-sidedly with him alone, without sharing it with his massive victims. Of course, it took Hitler's enormous talent of demagoguery to keep up such sadistic satisfaction, but still it actually collapsed in just four years. Brutal dynasties in China's ugly history and elsewhere did last a few centuries, but they all ended in disastrous revolutions, all so bloody. Violence on the others has never lasted for ever. World history testifies to this solid fact worldwide, that no violence is everlasting."

Whether this qualifies as a carefully constructed argument or is simply rambling ("This paper roams around...") may be a matter of judgement (and as this is open access, anyone can read the work and make up their own mind) but again the article has no academic references – which seems odd for a scholarly piece.

Even stranger, however, if 'On Tender Pain' is intended as a book review, it is the only book review I recall reading which at no point lets the reader in on the secret of which book is being reviewed.

Have you done all you can do, Dr Wu?

If these works are genuinely by the Kuang-Ming Wu who had worked in the Philosophy Department at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and was made a Rosebush University Professor, then this seems a sad decline. Perhaps this is a sign of diminishing capacity, which I can fully appreciate. Perhaps Dr Wu is now just a shadow of the the scholar he was when he was younger?

Perhaps, however, Dr Wu is simply kindly responding to some of those emails academics arbitrarily get asking them to contribute to journals and conferences from diverse fields. Predatory journals will ask for an article, preferably by next week, and point out that it you are busy they are happy to accept a short commentary or opinion piece or a book review or a shopping list. (Well, to be fair, I've never actually had a request from a journal explicitly asking for a shopping list, but one gets the impression that as long as the author is able to pay the publication fee, it would not be ruled out of hand).

The mysterious Dr Wu

So, in conclusion, I am left wondering. Is the Dr Wu who was a respected scholar and professor of philosophy still with us? If so, is he still actively engaged in scholarly activities? Does he (sometimes at least) actively edit the Open Journal of Philosophy? Has he approved of the various uses of his name on scientific committees for fields such as electrical engineering and materials science? So,

  • Is Dr Wu a once productive academic who's intellectual powers have declined?
  • Or, is Dr Wu a retired academic who has decided to allow the use of his name for various predatory conferences and journals
  • Or, is Dr Wu the victim of having his name and affiliation 'borrowed' without his knowledge?

I suggested at the start of this piece that "I had not heard of Dr Wu before I received an invitation to review an article for a Philosophy Journal". But, perhaps, I had, and had just not immediately made the connection. I have in my music collection the track 'Dr Wu' by Steely Dan (perhaps the only successful music act to have named themselves after a fictitious dildo). This includes the lines:

"Are you with me Doctor Wu
Are you really just a shadow
Of the man that I once knew
Are you crazy are you high
Or just an ordinary guy
Have you done all you can do
Are you with me Doctor"

Walter Becker and Donald Fagen (from the lyrics of 'Dr Wu' from the album 'Katy Lied')
Steely Dan's 'Katy Lied'. (What Katydid next?)

Are you still with us Dr Wu?


1 Book publishers (even when they are also journal publishers) tend to offer something (money or books) for reviewing book proposals or manuscripts. Funding organisations (including charities and national governments and their bodies) vary – some expect the academics to review for free, and some feel it is appropriate to pay a professional fee for their time and expertise. Reviewing is a kind of consultancy, and in most professions an expert would not expect an external organisation (especially a commercial one like most internet publishers) to ask for consultancy yet not offer to pay a fee.

2 I had intended to include the manuscript title, but think this should be treated as privileged information – even though the journal had not asked for it to be kept confidential, and I had never expressed any interest in reviewing for this journal, so it was sent to me 'on spec.'

That is, there is an ethics of peer review, and most well-respected journals will have policies asking reviewers (or potential reviewers) to treat any communications about submissions as confidential material. The invitation I was sent was not marked as private or confidential which might suggest no obligation to treat it as such exists. In any case, I am not criticising or evaluating the work here, as I do not have the right expertise to do so. However, I think the author has a reasonable expectation to confidentiality, and so I decided not to publish a complex and very specific title that may later appear in print.

3 It is possible that a scholar with great knowledge of the field could be working as an editorial assistant – however, such a role is administrative not editorial and it would be (very) unusual for an assistant to have the expertise to deputise for the editor rather than support them.

4 I emailed the Philosophy department, and have now had a reply – but they do not seem to have any current contact details for Dr Wu in their records.

5 That is, if I was asked to confirm this was written by a human being, and not an AI system designed to imitate genuine human language, I would assume this was prose put together by a machine using a crude algorithm to mine internet sites and compile a text. (Sorry Dr Wu – perhaps this was your work and this evaluation just confirms I should not be reviewing work in your field?)

Research features…but only if you can afford it

Should I pay a magazine to write a feature article about one of my book reviews?

Keith S. Taber

Dear Chris Temple

Thank you or your message with the subject 'Inquiry – Making sense of a pedagogic text', but I am a retired academic, and so do not have a publicity budget to pay you to do a feature on my research.

In any case, the publication you have selected, 'Making sense of a pedagogic text', as suitable for discussion in a feature article, presumably because [you want me to think that] you see particular merit in it, seems an odd choice, as it is an essay review of a text book. So, I immediately ask, how much thought and effort went into your selecting this article? How much of it did you read [i.e., have you read any of it?] before you decided you wanted to take up some of my time so you could "speak with you concerning your work on the Making sense of a pedagogic text paper". When I was teaching, how would I have responded to a student who wanted to have a supervision on a text, but had not themselves spent time reading it first?

However, I see from 'Linked-in'*  that you consider yourself "a Project Manager who strives on increasing new business and profit to companies through new sales and fresh thinking technical marketing strategies", so I suspect there is some 'cunning plan' (some fresh thinking technical marketing strategy) behind your selection of a book review as a target for enticing me me to spend some of my pension to help your company profit. Perhaps you do have some basis for selecting this work as being suitable for the 'feature' treatment in your magazine?

  • Perhaps you have recognised the deep insight and carefully honed judgement I apply in the review?
  • Perhaps you recognised how I have managed to apply pedagogic principles to the analysis of a book about pedagogy? (Clever, those academics.)
  • Perhaps you agree that the textbook concerned offers an approach overly focused on one factor, and that my review is crucial to offer readers of the textbook a more balanced appreciation of the field?

Or perhaps you especially like book reviews, as I quickly found that you had also invited a Prof. Julie Crupples to have one of her book reviews featured in the magazine.

Or perhaps you, or some 'bot' you employ, has simply identified the name of a recent publication that can be associated with a name and email address. That would explain the fresh thinking/bizarre choice.

As you offer no justification for the unlikely selection, I am left to suspect that no more thought went into the choice of this publication as the basis of a feature article in your magazine than all those invitations I get asking me to write or speak on nanotechnology, virology, gynaecology, psychiatry and all the rest – which seem to be based on no more that I am someone who has published something or other, on some topic or other, somewhere on the web.

Incidentally, when I read that your "email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of this message with any third party" this simply reinforces the impression of Research Features as a predatory publication. Perhaps I am wrong, but your email appears to be simply a standard marketing email into which you have dropped a few details into fields (email, name, article title)? It seems this is 'cold calling' by email, in the hope you will be invited to give me your sales talk. I do not find anything confidential here. You are aware of one of my publications (well, it is in the public domain) and you are making sure I am aware of your publication (which…, well you get the point). As your website invites all and sundry to get in touch to "get featured" it is clearly not a matter that the offer is only open to those directly invited.

So, that raises the question of why you would not want me to share the content of your email (and so let others know about your magazine and the PR service you offer). The only obvious reason would be that you would like recipients to feel they have been specially chosen. Like most of the weakly targeted scam emails that come my way, it is clear that the vast majority of recipients will dismiss them as irrelevant, but that does not matter as long as

  • (a) a very small proportion find the invitation convincing and
  • (b) the company engages in blanket emails so that a, say, 0.01% hit rate brings in enough sales.

You add a little bit of additional spam to the clogged-up Inboxes of the other 99.99%, but presumably (although I read on the web that UK "legislation says that organisations must only send marketing emails to individuals if you have agreed to receive them, except where there is a clearly defined customer relationship") you think you will get away with that?

(* I see that you have posted a link to a video that talks about the need for social value, ethics and responsibility in business. Hm.)

If there are academics tempted to pay you for this service, they should consider:

will this count for my publications list for appointments/tenure/promotions?clearly, no
is this the kind of publication I myself would go to to read about research?if they know what they are doing,
clearly no
is this a publication which would point me (and therefore others) to the most significant new research in my field or other fields of interest?only when the authors of that research happen to have paid to be featured, so at best it is pot luck there, and arguably the most significant work is already getting attention because it is recognised as such in its field, and so is less likely to have authors prepared to pay out for publicity

– {I hope this does not mean you have selected my article because you think it is so insignificant that no one is going to pay it any attention otherwise!}
will this increase my research impact?only if the general public, relevant professions, and policy makers, think this is something they should spent time reading to find out about the most important research – so, very unlikely that those in these groups who would be motivated to read about research would also be ignorant enough to think a 'pay to be featured' magazine is likely to be a good place to get a balanced view of the most significant new studies.

I would question the judgement of those academics who think this would be a good use of their time and money.

In summary then, this seems a dubious publication, with a very dubious marketing policy, that I would suggest serious scholars should avoid. I hope that clearly responds to your enquiry.

Best wishes
