A tangible user interface for teaching fairy tales about chemical bonding

Keith S. Taber

Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay
Once upon a time there was a nometal atom that was an electron short of a full outer shell. "I wish I had an octet" she said, "if only I knew a nice metal atom that might donate their extra electron to me"… Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay


Today I received one of those internet notifications intended to alert you to work that you might want to read:

"You wrote the paper A common core to chemical conceptions: learners' conceptions of chemical…. A related paper is available on Academia.

Tangible interaction approach for learning chemical bonding"

an invitation to read
An invitation to read

I was intrigued. Learning (and teaching) about chemical bonding concepts has been a long-standing interest of mine, and I have written quite a lot on the topic, so I clicked-through and downloaded the paper.

The abstract began

"In this paper we present ChemicAble, a Tangible User Interface (TUI) for teaching ionic bonding to students of grade 8 to 10. ChemicAble acts as an exercise tool for students to understand better the concepts of ionic bonding by letting them explore and learn…."

Ionic bonding – an often mislearnt topic

This led to mixed feelings.

Anything that can support learners in making sense of the abstract, indeed intangible, nature of chemical bonding offered considerable potential to help learners and support teachers. Making the abstract more concrete is often a useful starting point in learning about theoretical concepts. So, this seemed a very well-motivated project that could really be useful.

It is sometimes argued that educational research is something of an irrelevance as it seldom impacts on classroom practice. In my (if, perhaps, biased) experienced, this is not so – but it is unrealistic to expect research to bring about widespread changes in educational practice quickly, and arguments that most teachers do not read research journals and so do not know who  initiated particular proposals has always seemed to me to be missing the point. We are not looking for teachers to pass tests on the content of research literature, and it is quite natural that the influence of research is usually indirect through, for example, informing teacher education and development programmes, or through revisions of curriculum, recommended teaching schemes, or formal standards.

This study by Agrawal and colleagues was not a theoretical treatise but a report of the implementation of a tool to support teaching and learning – the kind of thing that could directly impact teaching. So this was all promising.

However,I  also knew only too well that ionic bonding was a tricky topic. When I started research into learners' developing understanding of chemical bonding (three decades ago, now) I read several studies suggesting there were common alternative conceptions, that is misunderstandings, of ionic bonding found among students (e.g., Butts & Smith,  1987).

My own research suggested these were not just isolated notions, but often reflected a coherent alternative conceptual framework for ionic bonding that I labelled the 'molecular' framework (Taber, 1994, 1997). Research I have seen from other contexts since, leads me to believe this is an international phenomenon, and not limited to a specific curriculum context (Taber, 2013).

(Read about 'the Understanding Chemical Bonding project')

Ionic bonding – an often mistaught topic?

Indeed, I feel confident in suggesting:

  • secondary level students very commonly develop an alternative understanding of ionic bonding inconsistent with the scientific account…
  • …which they find difficult to move beyond should they continue to college level chemistry…
  • … and which they are convinced is what they were taught

Moreover, I strongly suspect that in quite a few cases, the alternative, incorrect model, is being taught. It is certainly presented, or at least implied, in a good many textbooks, and on a wide range of websites claiming to teach chemistry. I also suspect that in at least some cases,  teachers are teaching this, themselves thinking it is an acceptable approximation to the scientific account.

(Read about 'The molecular framework for ionic bonding')

A curriculum model of ionic bonding

So, I scanned the paper to see what account of the science was used as the basis for planning this teaching tool. I found this parenthetical account:

"{As stated in the NCERT book on Science for class X, chapter 3, 4, the electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom are known as the valence electrons. The outermost shell of an atom can accommodate a maximum of 8 electrons. Atoms of elements, having a completely filled outermost shell show little chemical activity. Of these inert elements, the helium atom has two electrons in its outermost shell and all other elements have atoms with eight electrons in the outermost shell.

The combining capacity of the atoms of other elements is explained as an attempt to attain a fully-filled outermost shell (8 electrons forming an octet). The number of electrons gained, lost or shared so as to make the octet of electrons in the outermost shell, gives us directly the combining capacity of the element called the valency. An ion is a charged particle and can be negatively or positively charged. A negatively charged ion is called an 'anion' and the positively charged ion, a 'cation'. Metals generally form cations and non-metals generally form anions. Atoms have tendency to complete their octet by this give and take of electron forming compounds. Compounds that are formed by electron transfer from metals to non-metals are called ionic compounds.}"

Agrawal et al., 2013 (no page numbers)

There are quite a few ideas here, and quite a lot of his account is perfectly canonical, at least at the level of description suitable for secondary school, introductory, chemistry. However, sprinkled in are some misleading statements.


Curriculum statement Commentary
"…the electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom are known as the valence electrons."


"The outermost shell of an atom can accommodate a maximum of 8 electrons."

This is only correct for period 2.

It is false false for period 1 (2 electrons), period 3 (18 electrons), period 4 (32 electrons), etcetera.

"Atoms of elements, having a completely filled outermost shell show little chemical activity. Of these inert elements, the helium atom has two electrons in its outermost shell and all other elements have atoms with eight electrons in the outermost shell."

Fine – apart from the reference to  "completely filled outermost shell"

Of the noble gases, only helium and neon have full outer shells.

'Atoms' of the heavier noble gases with full outer shells would not atoms, but ions, and these would be extremely unstable – i.e., they could not exist except hypothetically under extreme conditions of very intense electrical fields.

"The combining capacity of the atoms of other elements is explained as an attempt to attain a fully-filled outermost shell (8 electrons forming an octet). The number of electrons gained, lost or shared so as to make the octet of electrons in the outermost shell, gives us directly the combining capacity of the element called the valency."

Hm –  generally the valency can be identified with the difference between an atom's electronic configuration and the 'nearest' noble gas electronic configuration – which would be an octet of valence shell electrons, except in period one.

However,  the equivalence suggested here "a fully-filled outermost shell (8 electrons forming an octet)" is only true for period 2. An octet does not suffice for a full outer shell in period 3 (full at 18  electrons), or in period 4 (full at 32 electrons), etcetera.

And, in the statement, valency is described as being related to the intentions of atoms: "is explained as an attempt to attain…" (and "…electrons gained, lost or shared so as to…") which encourages student misconceptions. [Read about 'Learners' anthropomorphic thinking'.]

"An ion is a charged particle and can be negatively or positively charged. A negatively charged ion is called an 'anion' and the positively charged ion, a 'cation'. Metals generally form cations and non-metals generally form anions." Fine.
"Atoms have tendency to complete their octet by this give and take of electron forming compounds."

This is a common notion, but actually suspect. Some elements have an electron affinity such that the atoms would tend to pick up an electron spontaneously.

However, for an element with a valency of -2, such as oxygen, once it has become a singly charged anion (O), it will not attract a second electron, so apart from the halogens, this is misleading. The negatively charged O ion will indeed spontaneously repel/be repelled by a (negatively charged) electron.

Metallic elements have ionisation enthalpies showing that energy has to be applied to strip electrons from them – they certainly do not have a "tendency to complete their octet by this giv[ing]" of electrons.

"Compounds that are formed by electron transfer from metals to non-metals are called ionic compounds."

This is not usually how ionic compounds are formed. Although it is possible in the lab. to use binary synthesis (e.g., burning sodium in chlorine – not for the faint-hearted), that is not how ionic compounds are prepared in industry, or how the NaCl in table salt formed naturally.

(And even when burning sodium in chlorine, neither of the reactants are atomic, so even here there is no simple transfer of electrons between atoms.)

So this account is a mixture of the generally correct; the potentially misleading; and the downright wrong.

Agrawal and colleagues describe an ingenuous apparatus they had put together so that students can physically manipulate tokens to see ionic bond formation represented. This looks like something that younger secondary children would really enjoy.

They also report a small-scale informal evaluation of a classroom test of the apparatus with an unspecified number of students, reporting very positive responses. The children generally found the apparatus easy to use, the information it represented easy to understand, and they thought it helped them learn about chemical [ionic] compound formation.  So this seems very successful.

However, what did it help them learn?

The teaching model

"For example, when a token representing [a] sodium atom is placed on the table top, its valence shell (outermost shell) with 1 revolving valence electron is displayed around the token. When the student places a chlorine atom on the table, its valence shell along with 7 revolving valence electrons is displayed. The electron from the sodium atom gets transferred to the chlorine atom. +1 charge appears on the sodium atom due to loss of electron and -1 charge appears on the chlorine atom due to gain of electron. Both form a stable compound. The top bar on the user interface turns green to show success and displays the name of the stable compound so formed (sodium chloride, in this case). The valence shell of the atoms also turns green to show a stable compound."

Agrawal et al., 2013 (no page numbers)

Which sounds impressive, except NaCl is not formed by electron transfer, and with the ChemicAble the resulting structure is a single Na+-Cl ion pair, which does not represent the structure of the NaCl compound, and indeed would not be a stable structure.

Does it matter if children are taught scientific fairy tales?

The innovation likely motivated learners. And the authors seem to be basing their 'ChemicAble' on the curriculum models set out in the model science books produced by the Indian National Council of Educational Research and Training. So, the authors have produced something that helps children learn the science curriculum in that context,and so presumably what students will subsequently be examined on. Given that, it seems churlish to point out that what is being taught is scientifically wrong.

So, I find it hard to be critical of the authors, but I do wonder why governments want children to learn scientific fairy tales that are nonsense. The electron transfer model of ionic bonding seems to be popular with teachers, and received well by learners, so if the aim of education is to find material to teach that we can then test children on (so they can be graded, rated, sequences, selected), what is the problem? After all, I am a strong advocate for the idea that what we teach in school science is usually, necessarily, a simplification of the science – and indeed is basically a set of models – and not some absolute account of the universe.

Here the children, the teacher and the researchers have all put a lot of effort into helping learners acquire a scientifically incorrect account of ionic bonding. We think children should learn about the world at the molecular, naometre scale as this is such an important part of chemistry as a science. Yet, to my mind, if we are going to ask children to put time and effort into learning abstract models of the structure of nature at submicroscopic levels, even though we know this is challenging for them, then, although we need to work with simplified models, these should at least be intellectually honest models, and not accounts that we know are completely inauthentic and do not reflect the science. This is why I have been so critical of the incoherence and errors in the chemistry in the English National Curriculum (Taber, 2020).

Otherwise, education is reduced to a game for its own sake, and we may as well ask students to learn random Latin texts, or the plots of Grimms' Fairy Tales, or even the chemical procedures obscured by disguised reagents and allegorical language in alchemical texts, and then test them on how much they retain.

Actually, no, this learning of false models is worse than that, because learning these incorrect accounts confuses students and impedes their learning of the canonical scientific models if they later go on to study the subject further. So, if it is important that children learn something about ionic bonding, let's teaching something that is scientifically authentic and stop offering fairly tales about atoms wanting to fill their shells.

Sources cited:


Chlorine atoms share electrons to fill in their shells

Umar was a participant in the Understanding Chemical Bonding project. When I spoke to him in the first term of his course he was unsure whether tetrachloromethane (CCl4) would have ionic or covalent bonding.

When I spoke to him near the start of his second term, I asked him again about this. Umar then thought this compound would have polar bonding, however he seemed to have difficulty explaining what this meant ⚗︎ . Given his apparently confused notion about the C-Cl bond I decided to turn the conversation to a covalent bond which I knew, well certainly believed, was more familiar to him.

Is it possible for chlorine to form a bond with another chlorine?

[Pause, c.2s]


What substance would you get if two chlorine atoms formed a bond?

[Pause, c.2s]

You get, it still, you get, if you had like two chlorines it depends what groups are attached to it, to see how electronegative or electropositive they are.

What about if you just had two chlorine atoms joined together and nothing else, is that possible?

[Pause, c.3s]



On their own.

Not on their own?


Umar's response here rather surprised me, as I was pretty confident that Umar had met chlorine as an element, and would know it was comprised of diatomic molecules: Cl2.

So you couldn’t have sort of Cl2, a molecule of Cl2?

[Pause, c.1s]

Yeah, you could do.

Could you?

[Pause, c.2s]

They might be just, they might be like, be covalently bonded.

Perhaps the earlier context of talking about polar bonds and the trichloroethane molecule somehow acted as a kind of impediment to Umar remembering about the chlorine molecule. It seemed that my explicit reference to the formula, Cl2, (eventually) activated his knowledge of the molecule bringing to mind something he had forgotten. Although he suggested the bond was (actually "might be") covalent, this seemed less something that he confidently recalled, than something he was inferring from what he could remember – or perhaps even guessing at what seemed reasonable: "they might be just, they might be like, be covalently bonded".

As often happens in talking to learners in depth about their ideas it becomes clear that thinking of students 'knowing' or 'not knowing' particular things is a fairly inadequate way of conceptualising their cognition, which is often nuanced and context-dependent. This suggests that what students respond in written tests should be considered only as what they were triggered to write on that day in response to those particular questions, and may not fully reflect their knowledge and understanding of science topics. Other slightly different questions may well have cued the elicitation of different knowledge. Now Umar had recalled that chlorine comprises of covalent molecules, I asked him about the nature of the bond:

So what would that be, covalently bonded?

They share the electrons.

So how many electrons would they have then?

They’ll have

[Pause, c.7s – n.b., quite a long pause]

like the one on it, the one of the chlorines shares electrons with the other chlorine to fill in its shell on the other one, and the same does it with the other.

In thinking about covalent bonding, Umar (in common with many students) drew upon the full shells explanatory principle that considered bonding to be driven by the needs of atoms to 'fill' their outer electron shells. (The outer shell of chlorine would only actually be 'full' with 18 electrons, but that complication is seldom recognised, as octets and full shells are usually considered synonymous by students).

So how many electrons does each chlorine have to start with?

In the outer shell, seven.

And how many have they got after this?

They’ve got seven, but they share one.

[Pause, c.1s]


So that’s a covalent bond, is it?


So how many electrons are involved in a covalent bond?

[Pause, c.3s]


[Pause, c.3s]


Two electrons.

So where do those two electrons come from?

They like, one that fills up the gap, fills up the – last electron needed in one of the chlorine shells, and the other chlorine shell fills it up in the other one.

So where do they come from?

Each chlorine. Outer shell.

One from each chlorine?


Okay, and that’d be a covalent bond?


Here, again, Umar is using the full shells explanatory principle as the basis for explaining the bond in terms of electrons 'filling up the gaps' in the electron shells, rather than considering how electrical interactions can hold the structure together. Umar's suggestion that the sharing of electrons "fills up the – last electron needed in one of the chlorine shells" demonstrates the anthropomorphic language (e.g., what an atom wants or needs) commonly used when learners have acquired aspects of the common octet rule framework that is developed from the full shells explanatory principle and used by many learners to explain bonding reactions, chemical reactions, patterns in ionisation energy, and chemical stability.

Covalent bonding is sharing electrons

It's covalent bonding where the electrons are shared to create a full outer shell

Keith S. Taber

Brian was a participant in the Understanding Chemical Bonding project. He was interviewed during the first year of his college 'A level' course (equivalent to Y12 of the English school system). Brian was shown, and asked about, a sequence of images representing atoms, molecules and other sub-microscopic structures of the kinds commonly used in chemistry teaching. He was shown a simple representation of a covalent molecule:

Focal figure ('2') presented to Brian

Any idea what that's meant to be, number 2?

Hydrogen molecule.

Why, how do you recognise that as being a hydrogen molecule?

Because there's two atoms with one electron in each shell.

Uh hm. Er, what, what's going on here, in this region here, where these lines seem to meet?


That's bonding. So there's some sort of bonding there is there?


Can you tell me anything about that bonding?

It's covalent bonding.

So, so what's covalent bonding, then?

The electrons are shared to create a full outer shell.

Okay, so that's an example of covalent bonding, so can you tell me how many bonds there are there?


There's one covalent bond?


Right, what exactly is a covalent bond?

It's where electrons are shared, almost, roughly equally, between the two atoms.

So that's what we'd call a covalent bond?


So according to Brian, covalent bonding is where "the electrons are shared to create a full outer shell". The idea that a covalent bond is the sharing of electrons to allow atoms to obtain full electron shells is a very common way of discussing covalent bonding, drawing upon the full shells explanatory principle, where a 'need' for completing electron shells is seen as the impetus for bonding, reactions, ion formation etc. This principle is the basis of a common alternative conceptual framework, the octet rule framework.

For some students, such ideas are the extent of their ways of discussing bonding phenomena. However, despite Brian defining the covalent bond in this way, continued questioning revealed that he was able to think about the bond in terms of physical interactions

Okay. And why do they, why do these two atoms stay stuck together like that? Why don't they just pull apart?

Because of the bond.

So how does the bond do that?

(Pause, c.13s)

Is it by electrostatic forces?

Is it – so how do you think that works then?

I'm not sure.

The long pause suggests that Brian did not have a ready formed response for such a question. It seems here that 'electrostatic forces' is little more than a guess, if perhaps an informed guess because charges and forces had features in chemistry. A pause of about 13 seconds is quite a lacuna in a conversation. In a classroom context teachers are advised to give students thinking time rather than expecting (or accepting) immediate responses. Yet, in many classrooms, 13 seconds of 'dead air' (to borrow a phrase from broadcasting) from the teacher night be taken as an invitation to retune attention to another station.

Even in an interview situation the interviewer's instinct may be to move on to a another question, but in situations where a researcher is confident that waiting is not stressful to the participant, it is sometimes productive to give thinking time.

Another issue relating to interviewing is the use of 'leading questions'. Teachers as interviewers sometimes slip between researcher and teacher roles, and may be tempted to teach rather than explore thinking.

Yet, the very act of interviewing is an intervention in the learners' thinking, in that whatever an interviewer tells us is in the context of the conversation set up by the interviewer, and the participant may have ideas they would not have done without that particular context. In any case, learning is not generally a once off event, as school learning relies on physiological process long after the initial teaching event to consolidate learning, and this is supported by 'revision'. Each time a memory is reactivated it is strengthened (and potentially changed).

So the research interview is a learning experience no matter how careful the researcher is. Therefore the idea of leading questions is much more nuanced that a binary distinction between those questions which are leading and those that are not. So rather than completely avoiding leading questions, the researcher should (a) use open-ended questions initially to best understand the ideas the learner most easily beings to mind; (b) be aware of the degree of 'scaffolding' that Socratic questioning can contribute to the construction of a learners' answer. [Read about the idea of scaffolding learning here.] The interview continued:

Can you see anything there that would give rise to electrostatic forces?

The electrons.

Right so the electrons, they're charged are they?

Yeah. Negatively.

Negatively charged – anything else?

(Pause, c.8s)

The protons in the nucleus are positively charged.

Uh hm. And so would that give rise to any electronic interactions?


So where would there be, sort of any kind of, any kind of force involved here is there?

By the bond.

So where would there be force, can you show me where there would be force?

By the, in the bond, down here.

So the force is localised in there, is it?

The erm, protons would be repelling each other, they'd be attracted by the electrons, so they're keep them at a set distance.

It seemed that Brian could discuss the bond as due to electrical interactions, although his initial ('instinctive') response was to explain the bond in terms of electrons shared to fill electron shells. Although the researcher channelled Brian to think about the potential source of any electrical interactions, this was only after Brian had himself conjectured the role of 'electrostatic forces.'

Often students learn to 'explain' bonds as electron sharing in school science (although arguably this is a rather limited form of explanation), and this becomes a habitual way of talking and thinking by the time they progress to college level study.

In ionic bonding, they both want to get full outer shells

Keith S. Taber

Mohammed was a participant in the Understanding Science Project. When interviewed in the first term of his upper secondary (GCSE) science course (in Y10), he told me he had been learning about ionic bonding in one of his science classes. Mohammed had quite a clear idea about ionic bonding, which he described in terms of the interactions of two atoms:

And you said in chemistry you've been doing about electron arrangements [electronic configurations], and ionic bonding.


So what's ionic bonding, then?

Ionic bonding is when, like let's say, a sodium atom and take a chlorine atom, which make salt if they react. What happens is – the sodium atom has one electron on its outer shell, and the chlorine atom has seven, now they both want to get full outer shells, so if I er let's say move the electron from the sodium to the chlorine, then the chlorine would have a full outer shell because it would have eight, and because it's lost that shell the sodium will also have eight.

This account of ionic bonding is a common one, although it is inconsistent with the scientific model. A key problem here is that the driving force for bond formation is seen in terms of atoms wanting to complete their electron shells (the 'full shells explanatory principle'). Mohammed's explanation here uses anthropomorphism, as it treats the individual atoms as though they are alive and sentient, acting to meet their own needs – "they both want to get full outer shells".

When Mohammed was probed, he related a full outer shell to atomic stability (a central feature of the full shells explanatory principle).

Okay. How do you know they want full outer shells?

Because it makes them more stable.

Why does it make them more stable?

(pause, c.1 s)

Erm. (Why do electrons?*) (* sotto voce – apparently said to himself)

(pause, c.2s)

Er, because they don't react as much with other elements if they have a full outer shell.

I see.

They don't react.

There is an interesting contrast here between Mohammed's instant response that full shells "makes them more stable", and the long pause as he thought about why this might be so.

His response reflects something quite common in students' explanations n that a student asked why X is the case may respond by explaining why they think X is the case. (That is, as if an appropriate answer to the question "why is it raining so heavily?" would be "because I got soaked through getting here", i.e. actually responding to the question "how do you know that it is raining heavily?")

Such responses seem to be logically flawed, but of course may be a mis-perception of the question being asked (so the learner is answering the question they thought was asked), or (possibly the case here) substituting a response to a related question as a strategy adopted when aware that one cannot provide a satisfactory response to the actual question posed.

The anthropomorphic aspect of his earlier answer was probed:

How do the atoms know that they need to get a full outer shell, they want to get a full outer shell? Do they know about this stability thing?

Not really.


It's just what happens.

Oh, I see, it's just what happens?


So although Mohammed used an anthropomorphic explanation, it seemed he did not mean this literally. (It may seem strange to suggest a 14 year old might consider atoms alive and sentient, but research suggests this is sometimes so!) This has been described as weak anthropomorphism, where the anthropomorphism is only used as a figure of speech. However, such language can act as a grounded learning impediment because if it becomes habitual it can stand in place of a scientific explanation (thus giving no reason to seek a canonical scientific understanding).

I went on to ask Mohammed about the formation of salt in the process he had described.

Ionic bonding – where the electron's transferred to complete the outer shell

Keith S. Taber

Amy was a participant in the Understanding Science Project. The first time I talked to Amy, near the start of her GCSE 'triple science' course in Y10 she told me that "in normal chemistry (i.e., the chemistry part of 'double science', as opposed to the optional additional chemistry lesson as part of 'triple science' that Amy also attended) we're doing about ionic bondingwhich was "atoms which have either lost or gained electrons so they are either positively or negatively charged" and

"how the outer electron's transferred…to complete the outer shell of the erm chlorine, thing, ion…and the sodium atom loses erm, one electron is it, yeah one electron, erm, which the chlorine atom gains, and that yeah that completes its outer shell and makes the sodium positively charged and the chlorine negatively charged".

Amy told me that "in ionic bonding it's the electrons that are transferred, I think."

So Amy had acquired a common alternative conception, i.e. that ionic bonding involved electron transfer, and that this occurs to atoms to complete their electron shells.

Ionic bonding refers to the forces between ions that hold the structure of an ionic substance together, rather than a mechanism by which such ions might hypothetically be formed – yet often learners come away form learning about ionic bonding identifying it with a process of electron transfer between atoms instead of interactions between ions which can be used to explain the properties of ionic substances.

Moreover, the hypothetical electron transfer is a fiction. In the case of NaCl such an electron transfer between isolated Na and Cl atoms would be energetically unfavourable, even if reactants containing discrete atoms were available (which is unrealistic).

Whether students are taught that ionic bonding is electron transfer is a moot point, but often introductory teaching of the topic focuses not on the nature of the bonding, but on presenting a (flawed) teaching model of how the ions in the ionic structure could form by electron transfer between atoms. As this mechanism is non-viable, and so not an authentic scientific account, it may seem odd that teachers commonly offer it.

One explanation may simply be custom or tradition has made this an insidious alternative conception. Science teachers and textbooks have 'always' offered the image of electron transfer as representing ionic bonding. So, this is what new teachers had themselves been taught at school, is what they often see in textbooks, and so what they learn to teach.

Another possible explanation is in terms of what what is known as the atomic ontology. This is the idea that the starting pint for thinking about chemistry at the submicroscopic level is atoms. Atoms do not need to be explained (as if in nature matter always starts as atoms – which is not the case) and other entities such as ions and molecules do need to be explained in terms of atoms. So, the atomic ontology is a kind of misleading alternative conceptual framework for thinking about chemistry at the submicroscopic level.

Sodium has one extra electron in its outer shell, and chlorine is minus an electron, so by force pulls they would hold together

Keith S. Taber

Annie was a participant in the Understanding Chemical Bonding project. She was interviewed near the start of her college 'A level' course (equivalent to Y12 of the English school system). Annie was shown, and asked about, a sequence of images representing atoms, molecules and other sub-microscopic structures of the kinds commonly used in chemistry teaching.

Focal figure (Fig. 5) presented to Annie

She was shown a representation of part of a lattice of ions in sodium chloride (see: Sodium and chlorine don't actually overlap or anything), but Annie identified the signified as atoms, not ions, because Annie had an idiosyncratic understanding of what was meant by charge. (Read: Na+ has an extra electron in its outer shell and Cl- is minus an electron and K-plus represents a potassium atom that has an extra electron.)

Annie was asked whether the structure made up of sodium and chlorine 'atoms' would hold together:

Do you think this thing would fall apart? Or would it hold together?

(pause, c.9s)

If you heated it, or reacted it in some way, it would hold together, and it would probably get held together by just forces.

By forces. Any idea what kind of forces would hold it together?

Probably just the attraction.

Uh hm?

The attraction from the plus to the minus because like chlorine's minus an electron and sodium is over an electron. So they could just like hold them together, but not actually combine.

Right, chlorine's, so sodium's, say that about the electrons again.

Sodium has like one extra electron, 'cause it has like an extra electron in its outer shell, and chlorine has seven electrons in its outer shell so its minus an electron so by sort of exchanging, the sodium combining with the chlorine just by force pulls they would hold together.

So Annie saw the plus (+) symbol to mean one electron over a full shell (2.8.1), and the minus (-) symbol to mean one electron short of an octet of electrons (2.8.7). For Annie these charges were not net electrical charges, but deviations from octet configurations. Yet, these 'deviation charges', for Annie, provided the basis for the attraction between the 'charged' atoms.

This was checked by asking Annie about the electron configurations.

So we looked at a sodium atom earlier, you recognised it as being a sodium atom, …

Can you tell me what the configuration is in terms of shells? How many in the first shell, how many in the second shell…




So this here (indicating a cation on the figure), you are saying that this here is 2.8.1


And this is 2.8.7 would it be?

Yeah, 2.8.7

And that is what holds them together the fact that this is one short,


one over and one short.

One over, and that one's one short.

So the plus means one electron more than an outer, the full shell,


and the minus means one electron


less than an outer shell,


and that's what holds them together.


Okay, so there is something holding them together,


and it's to do with these pluses and these minuses,


but what we don't have there is chemical bonding like we had before.


Annie held an alternative conception of the nature of the charges associated with ions: that neutral atoms had 'charges' if they did not have full shells/octets of electrons. Whilst Annie's specific deviation charge conception would seem to be rather unusual, alternative conceptions relating to the significance of full shells / octets of electrons seems to be very common among chemistry students. Although Annie's thinking was idiosyncratic it reflected the common full shells explanatory principle that sees electronic configuration as a cause for chemical processes.

So Annie considered that these 'deviation' charges could actually give rise to forces between atoms (see also The force of lack of electrons pulls two hydrogen atoms together*).

Annie did not see ions, but atoms. But she thought that after a reaction, there would be attractions, 'force pulls', holding the product together, but this would not amount to chemical bonding.

Annie's notion of 'charges' on atoms (being extra or missing electrons in the outer shell), that led to her not recognising bonding in the NaCl, was an uncommon alternative conception notion. However, her notion that chemical bonding was something other than 'just forces', and that sometimes structures were held together by 'just forces' when there was no bonding, is a common alternative conception. Indeed it is part of a common 'molecular framework' for conceptualising ionic bonding, that is in turn a part of a common alternative conceptual framework for thinking about chemical bonding, stability and reactions: the octet framework.

An element needs a certain number of electrons

An element needs a certain amount of electrons in the outer shell

Keith S. Taber

Bert was a participant in the Understanding Science project. In Y10 Bert was talking about how he had been studying electrolysis in class. Bill had described electrolysis as "where different elements are, are taken out from a compound", but it transpired that Bert thought that "a compound is just a lot of different elements put together"*. He seemed to have a tentative understanding that electrolysis could only be used to separate elements in some compounds.

if they're positive and negative then they would be able to be separated into different ones.

So some things are, some things aren't?

Yeah, it matters how many electrons that they have.

Ah. [pause, c.3s] So have you got any examples of things that you know would definitely be positive and negative?

Well I could tell you what happens.

Yeah, go on then.

Well erm, well if a, if an element gives away, electrons, then it becomes positive. But if it gains, then it becomes negative. Because the electrons are negative, so if they gain more, they just go a bit negative.

Yeah. So why would an element give away or gain some electrons? Why would it do that?

Because erm, it needs a certain amount of electrons in the outer shell. It matters on what part of the periodic table they are.

Okay, let me be really awkward. Why does it need a certain number of electrons in the outer shell?

[Pause, c.2 s]

Erm, well, I don't know. It just – 

So Bert thought that an element "needs a certain amount of electrons in the outer shell" depending upon it's position in the periodic table, but he did not seem to recall having been given any reason why this was. The use of the term 'needs' is an example of anthropomorphism, which is commonly used by students talking about atoms and molecules. Often this derives from language used by teachers to help humanise the science, and provide a way for students to make sense of the abstract ideas. If Bert comes to feel this is a sufficient explanation, then talk of what an element needs can come to stand in place of learning a more scientifically acceptable explanation, and so can act as a grounded learning impediment.

References to atoms needing a certain number of electrons is often used as an explanatory principle (the full shells explanatory principle) considered to explain why bonding occurs, why reactions occur and so forth.

Bert's final comment in the short extract above seems to reflect a sense of 'well that's just the way the world is'. It is inevitable that if we keep asking someone a sequence of 'well, why is that' question when they tell us about their understanding of the world, they eventually reach the limits of their understanding. (This tendency has been labelled 'the explanatory gestalt of essence'.) Ultimately, even science has to accept the possibility that eventually we reach answers and can not longer explain further – that's just the way the world is. Research suggests that some students seem to reach the 'it's just natural' or 'well that's just the way it is' point when teachers might hope they would be looking for further levels of explanation. This may link to when phenomena fit well with the learner's intuitive understanding of the world, or tacit knowledge.

Bert's reference to an element needing a certain amount of electrons in the outer shell also seems to confuse description at two different levels: he explicitly refer to substance (element), when he seems to mean a quanticle (atom). Element refers to the substance, at the macroscopic level of materials that can be handled in the laboratory, whilst an atom of the element (which might better be considered to gain or lose electrons) is part of the theoretical model of matter at a submicroscopic level, used by chemists as a basis for explaining much macroscopic, observed behaviour of samples of substances.

A sodium atom wants to donate its electron to another atom

Keith S. Taber

Lovesh was a participant in the Understanding Chemical Bonding Project, studying 'A level' chemistry in a further education college. He was interviewed in his second year of the two year A level course, and was presented with focal figure 1 (below). He recognised figure 1 as showing a "sodium, atom", and was asked about its stability:

Is that a stable species, do you think?

Erm (pause, c.3s) No, because it hasn't got a, a full outer – electron shell, outer electron shell hasn't got eight electrons in.

Lovesh shared the common notion that an atom without a full outer shell / octet of electrons would be unstable compared with the corresponding ion with a full outer shell / octet of electrons. When comparing isolated atoms with the corresponding ions this is seldom the case, yet this is a common alternative conception about chemical stability. A sodium ion can be considered stable in an ionic lattice, or when hydrated in solution, but does not spontaneously ionise as the outer shell electron is attracted to the atom's positive core. Ionisation only occurs when sufficient work is done to overcome this attraction.

Lovesh was demonstrating the common full shells explanatory principle alternative conception which is central to the common octet rule framework – an alternative conceptual framework reflecting very common 'misconceptions' found among learners studying chemistry.

Lovesh was asked what would happen to the atom that he considered unstable:

So if it's not stable, what would tend to happen to that, do you think?

It will wanna donate the electron to another atom.

Right, when you say 'it wants to donate' it?

Erm. (pause, c.3s) Well because that outer electron is less attracted to the nucleus, erm it is, it can easily be transferred, attracted by another atom.

Lovesh's first response here used the term 'wanna' (want to) which if take literally suggests the atom has desires and preferences. This is an example of anthropomorphism, imbuing objects with human-like traits. Using anthropomorphic explanations is a common feature of the octet rule framework which often leads to students talking as if atoms deliberately act to get full outer electron shells.

It has been suggested that such anthropomorphism may be either 'strong'- where the learner is offering an explanation they find convincing – or 'weak' if they are using language metaphorically, just as a figure of speech.

In this case, when Lovesh's use of the notion of 'wants' was queried he was able to shift to a different language register in terms of the action of physics forces – the electron being attracted elsewhere. Lovesh had clearly acquired an appropriate way of thinking about the interactions between atoms, but his spontaneous explanation was couched in anthropomorphic terms. Although in this case the anthropomorphism was of a weak form, the habitual use of this kind of language may come to stand in place of offering a scientifically acceptable account.