proteins act as cellular gatekeepers

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Examples of similes adopted in opular science writing

"Proteins can act as gatekeepers of the cell…"

"Proteins can…act as chemical controllers"

"The proteins which perform these feats are not gates, but 'pumps'…"

"proteins are the molecular 'labourers' of life…"

"act as freight vehicles transporting various chemicals around the body…as chemical messages which are sent from one cell to another"

"can act as defensive weapons…"

Andrew Scott

Scott, A. (1988). Vital Principles. The molecular mechanisms of life. Basil Blackwell. (read about this book: Making molecular mechanisms familiar –
A reflection on the pedagogy in Andrew Scott's 'Vital Principles'

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[Please be aware that a word may have different nuances, or even a different meaning, according to context.]« Back to Index

Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.