Keith S. Taber
Invitation to Join Editorial Board
"Dear …
Thank you for your message, 'Invitation to Join Editorial Board'.
I am pleased that you find my work "The Use of Cronbach's Alpha When Developing and Reporting Research Instruments in Science Education" very interesting. Thank you for your invitation to publish in 'Frontiers of Mechatronical Engineering', to be published by EnPress Publisher.
Thank you also for the invitation to join the Editorial Board of 'Frontiers of Mechatronical Engineering'. I see from your website that the scope of the journal "includes mechanical engineering, electromechanical system[s], industrial engineering, production engineering, robotics, system design, modeling, automative, nuclear engineering, nanotechnology, computer intelligence, and aerospace engineering". This is a diverse range as might be expected from a journal tackling an interdisciplinary field, yet I cannot immediately see that my own expertise would be a good fit for the journal.
Best wishes
Read more about 'Journals and poor academic practice'
First published 1st January 2018 at