Values and science-related careers

Secondary students’ values and perceptions of science-related careers: responses to vignette-based scenarios

One of my publications is

Taber, K. S., Billingsley, B., & Riga, F. (2021). Secondary students’ values and perceptions of science-related careers: responses to vignette-based scenarios. SN Social Sciences, 1 (Art. 104) doi:10.1007/s43545-021-00130-9





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There has been concern about the attractiveness of science-based careers to many adolescence learners, and it has been suggested that school science may not always recognise or engage personal values that are important to young people in making life choices. The present study discusses interview comments made by upper secondary level students in England when fifteen young people were asked to give their personal response to brief vignettes describing scientific careers. Using an interview-about-scenarios approach, the students were asked about whether they would feel comfortable working in the scientific careers represented. The career areas were purposefully selected because they might be considered to potentially raise issues in relation to personal values or commitments that some students might hold. A range of student perceptions relating to the mooted careers were elicited (positive, negative and indifferent), but all of the participants raised issues that impacted on the acceptability or attractiveness of at least one of the mooted scientific careers, in terms of aspects of their own personal beliefs and values systems. It is recommended that teachers and career advisors should be aware of the range of value-related considerations that influence student views of science-related careers and should consider exploring aspects of science-based careers that link to values commonly shared by young people. This exploratory study also offers indications for directions for further research exploring how learners’ value systems impact upon their perceptions of science and scientific work.

Key words:
  • student perceptions of careers
  • extra-scientific values
  • ethics and science education
  • cultural values and science education
  • emotional responses to science

This paper derives from the LASAR (Learning about Science and Religion) project.

(Read about the LASAR project)


  • School science curriculum and extra-scientific values
  • The nature of extra-scientific values
  • Values and career choice
  • Extra-scientific values and science education
  • Aim of the study
  • Background to the study
  • Interview context
  • Methodology
  • Data analysis
  • Findings
  • Doctor
  • Cosmologist
  • Medical researcher
  • Palaeontologist
  • Conservationists
  • Anthropologist
  • Genetic engineer
  • Discussion
  • Students’ values and perceptions of scientific careers
  • Epistemic values
  • Perceptions of the natural order
Moral questions about killing
  • Valuing of different species
  • Implications
This work was carried out as part of the LASAR project.
[Read about the LASAR project]
(A related aspect of this work is reported in:
Taber, K. S., Billingsley, B., & Riga, F. (2020). Student perceptions of the knowledge generated in some scientific fields. School Science Review, 102(378), 65-70.)
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