Let's NOT shape the world's energy through oil, gas, and petroleum
Keith S. Taber

I have just replied to yet another invitation to speak at a conference about a topic where I have no expertise! (Presumably, actually an invitation to be hoodwinked into paying a conference registration fee to a conference organiser who has no concern for the academic quality or accuracy of their conference presentations. 1)
Dear Dr. Jessie Parker
Thank you for your invitation to speak at the International E-Conference on Oil, Gas and Petroleum Engineering, but I really do not see I have any particular expertise that would be relevant to delegates at such a conference.
As you "would also love to hear [my] thoughts and opinions" relating to the conference theme of "Shaping world's energy through latest advances in oil, gas, and petroleum" then I am happy to share. Basically my opinion would be that oil, gas and petroleum should be phased out as contributions to the "world's energy" (i.e., power generation to meet human needs) as soon as it is feasible.
Best wishes
My reply to an email inviting me to speak on "Shaping world's energy through latest advances in oil, gas, and petroleum", 21/12/2021

1 The email comes from urfconferences.com, which according to the web is Universal Research Foundation now seemingly trading as United Research Forum:
"The website United Research Forum is a platform where knowledge and zeal to [sic] meet with the vision of educating with the latest scientific and technology-specific innovations and the best implementations for mankind."
Well, quite.
But strangely, the conference I was invited talk at to does not appear on the diverse of events shown on their website:

Someone there at least has a sense of humour, as on the dates that they invited me to talk about "Oil, Gas and Petroleum Engineering" they are advertising a meeting on "Environmental sustainability"! I hope they have not got the two meetings conflated.
Whereas there is a conference on the topic of Oil, Gas and Petroleum Engineering, with the same dates, listed on the website of the 'The World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology' which apparently is "an open science research organization dedicated to promoting the advancement of science, engineering, and technology" (https://waset.org/page/support, accessed 21/12/2021):

https://waset.org/oil-gas-and-petrochemical-engineering-conference-in-april-2022-in-london (accessed 21/12/2021)
[I had thought it was (the old) London Bridge, not Westminster Bridge, that had been built with buildings along it.]
Surely, United Research Forum (a.k.a. Universal Research Foundation) and The World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology are not different 'fronts' for the same organisation?