Argumentation in Chemistry Education: Research, Policy and Practice
Edited by Sibel Erduran, University of Oxford
'Argumentation in Chemistry Education' is a volume in the Advances in Chemistry Education book series published by the Royal Society of Chemistry

Outline contents:
Chapter 1. Argumentation in Chemistry Education: An Overview
Sibel Erduran
[This chapter can be downloaded as a free sample at]
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Infusing Argumentation in Teaching and Learning
- 1.3 Curriculum Context of Argumentation
- 1.4 Overview of the Book
Chapter 2. Teaching and Learning Chemistry through Argumentation
Mehmet Aydeniz
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Nature of Chemical Knowledge
- 2.3 Argumentation Defined and Operationalized
- 2.4 Conclusion and Discussion
- Practical Digest
Chapter 3. Interdisciplinarity and Argumentation in Chemistry
Beatriz Crujeiras-Pérez and María Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Interdisciplinarity in Chemical Education
- 3.3 Interdisciplinary Approaches for Knowledge Integration
- 3.4 Argumentation in Interdisciplinary Settings in Chemistry Education
- 3.5 Argument-based Interdisciplinary Learning in Chemistry Education: Examples from Classroom Studies
- 3.6 Concluding Remarks
- Practical Digest
Chapter 4. Lesson Resources and Teaching Strategies on Argumentation for Secondary Chemistry Education
Alison Cullinane and Anne O'Dwyer
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Concept Cartoons
- 4.3 Evidence-based Reasoning Approach
- 4.4 Writing Frames
- 4.5 Social Media
- 4.6 Conclusions
Chapter 5. Using Computer Technology to Support the Teaching
and Learning of Argumentation in Chemistry
J. Bryan Henderson and Jonathan F. Osborne
- 5.1 The Intersection of Computer Technology and
Scientific Argumentation - 5.2 Online Learning Communities
- 5.3 Digital Scaffolding
- 5.4 Supporting Argumentation through Classroom
Response Technology - 5.5 Supporting Argumentation through Computerized Assessment
- 5.6 Implications for Chemistry Education
- Practical Digest
Chapter 6. Assessment of Argumentation in Chemistry: A Model
for Designing Items
Ng Yee Ping Diana
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Argumentation in Science Education
- 6.3 Science Curriculum and Argumentation
- 6.4 Assessment of Science Curricula and Argumentation
- 6.5 Learning Progressions in Scientific Argumentation
- 6.6 Implications for the Conceptualisation and Design of Argumentation Items
- 6.7 Limitations and Future Directions
- Practical Digest
Chapter 7. Research and Practice on Science Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development in Argumentation
Carla Zembal-Saul and Abha Vaishampayan
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Teacher Professional Learning in Argumentation
- 7.3 Argumentation in the Context of Reform
- 7.4 Argumentation as a Conceptual, Epistemic, and Social Practice
- 7.5 Science Teachers' Learning Needs
- 7.6 Promising Approaches for Science Teacher Learning
- 7.7 Scaling Up Science Teacher Professional Development
- 7.8 Argumentation and Equity
- 7.9 Summary
- Practical Digest
Chapter 8. The Development of Argumentation Skills in the
Chemistry Laboratory
Avi Hofstein, Dvora Katchevitch and Rachel Mamlok-Naaman
- 8.1 Introduction: The History of the Laboratory in
Science Education - 8.2 Learning in and from the Science Laboratory
- 8.3 New Era New Goals: Goals for Learning in and from the Science Laboratory in the Twenty-first Century
- 8.4 Argumentation in the Chemistry Laboratory
- 8.5 Challenges in Implementing Argumentation in the Chemistry Laboratory
- 8.6 Teachers' Behaviour in the Chemistry Laboratory
- 8.7 Students' Behaviour in the Chemistry Laboratory
- 8.8 Summary
- Practical Digest
Chapter 9. Argumentation within Societal Contexts in Chemistry Education
Andri Christodoulou and Marcus Grace
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Socioscientific Issues in the Chemistry Curriculum in England
- 9.3 Argumentation and Socioscientific Issues
- 9.4 Active Citizenship through Socioscientific Argumentation
- 9.5 Socioscientific Inquiry-based Learning and Chemistry Education
- 9.6 The Potential of SSIBL for Green and Sustainable Chemistry Education
- 9.7 Conclusions
- Practical Digest
Chapter 10. Argumentation in Organic Chemistry Education
Aybuke Pabuccu
- 10.1 Why Do Some Students Struggle with Organic Chemistry?
- 10.2 Research on Argumentation in Organic Chemistry
- 10.3 Example Activities to Support the Incorporation of Argumentation in Organic Chemistry Lessons
- 10.4 The Effects of Incorporating Argumentation into the Organic Chemistry Classroom
- 10.5 Reflections as a Teacher Educator
- Practical Digest
Chapter 11. Argumentation in Physical Chemistry
Marcy H. Towns, Renée S. Cole, Alena C. Moon and Courtney Stanford
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Participants, Settings, and Methods
- 11.3 Student Argumentation – Understanding of Content and Reasoning
- 11.4 Classroom Argumentation – Influence of Course Materials
- 11.5 Promoting Productive Discourse Through Facilitation
- 11.6 Conclusions and Implications
- Practical Digest
Chapter 12. Supporting Argumentation in Chemistry Education in Low-income Contexts
Audrey Msimanga and Brighton Mudadigwa
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 The South African Context
- 12.3 The South African Chemistry Curriculum Context
- 12.4 The Role of Argumentation
- 12.5 Argumentation in the South African Context
- 12.6 Development of Dialogic Discourse – How to Get Learners Talking and Arguing
- 12.7 Illustrating Argumentation in South African Chemistry Classrooms
- 12.8 Discussion and Conclusions