Engaging Learners with Chemistry: Projects to Stimulate Interest and Participation
Edited by
Ilka Parchmann, The Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Germany
Jan Apotheker, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Shirley Simon, University College London, UK
'Engaging Learners with Chemistry' is a volume in the Advances in Chemistry Education book series published by the Royal Society of Chemistry

Outline contents:
Chapter 1. Engaging Learners with Chemistry: How Can We Better Understand and Design Supporting Structures and Programs?
Ilka Parchmann, Shirley Simon and Jan Apotheker
[This chapter can be downloaded as a free sample at https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/ebook/978-1-78801-508-0]
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Engagement in Science and the Specific Niche of Chemistry–Still a Challenge
- 1.3 Engagement–Characterizing a Term to Better Address Measures
- 1.4 How to Understand Personal Choices for or Against Engagement in Science?
- 1.5 How to Design Learning Environments, How to Investigate and Model Interactions?
- 1.6 How to Design Activities?
- 1.7 Do Not Forget the Stakeholders: A Systems Thinking Perspective
- The Storyline of the Book–Chapter Overview
Chapter 2. Complexity, Intellectual Challenge and Ongoing Support: Key Learning Conditions to Enhance Students’ Engagement in STEM Education
D. Corrigan and K. Smith
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Understanding Student Choice: Moving Beyond Assumptions
- 2.3 Effective STEM Education: Creating Conditions for Student Engagement
- 2.4 Exploring Conditions for Effective STEM Learning
- 2.5 Complexity of the Learning Environment
- 2.6 Providing Intellectual Challenge
- 2.7 Providing Ongoing Support for Learning
- 2.8 Conclusion
Chapter 3. Being a Scientist: The Role of Practical Research Projects in School Science
Judith Bennett, Lynda Dunlop, Kerry J. Knox, Rebecca Torrance Jenkins and Michael J. Reiss
- 3.1 Introduction and Context
- 3.2 What are Practical Research Projects?3
- 3.3 Some Examples of Opportunities for Students to Undertake Practical Research Projects
- 3.4 Why are Practical Research Projects Seen as Important?
- 3.5 The Systematic Review of Research into the Impacts of Practical Research Projects in Science
- 3.6 The Views of Students and Teachers Participating in Practical Research Projects
- 3.7 Conclusions
Chapter 4. Engagement and Relevance Through Context-based, Everyday Life, Open-ended Chemistry Problems
K. Broman
- 4.1 Context-based Learning
- 4.2 Problem Solving and Higher-order Thinking
- 4.3 Relevance, Interest and Engagement
- 4.4 Design-based Research
- 4.5 Involvement of Teachers for the Empirical Study
- 4.6 Teachers' Opinion about the Old and Suggestions about New Context-based Tasks
- 4.7 Developing Concrete Examples of Context-based Problems from Teachers' Ideas
- 4.8 Implications for Teaching 65
- 4.9 Outlook and Final Reflections
Chapter 5. Development of a Context-based Learning Model Where Teachers Link Regional Companies and Science Classes Utilizing Relevance to Students
Mitsuhiro Terada
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Construction of a Class Model Linking Local Companies and Science Lessons
- 5.3 Development of Teaching Materials Based on a Lesson Model Connecting Local Companies and Science Lessons
- 5.4 Practice and Evaluation Method of Teaching Materials Based on a Lesson Model Connecting Regional Companies and Science Lessons
- 5.5 Conclusion
- 5.6 Discussion
Chapter 6. Cooperating With Companies Helps to Make Science Education More Relevant to School Students
S. Herzog, F. Luethjohann, L. Kampschulte, M. Wilken,
A. Lindmeier, A. Heinze and I. Parchmann
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 The Shortage of Skilled Workers for STEM-related Jobs
- 6.3 Factors Influencing Students' Career Decisions
- 6.4 STEM-careers and Companies as Contexts
- 6.5 The Project PANaMa
- 6.6 Two Best Practice Examples of Successful Cooperation
- 6.7 Attitudes and Feedback
- 6.8 Professional Teacher Development
- 6.9 Discussion
Chapter 7. Teaching and Learning Science From the Perspective of Industry Contexts
O. Finlayson, E. Mc Loughlin, S. Herzog and members
of the FP7-project ESTABLISH
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Industry Relevance to Science Education
- 7.3 Approaches to Introducing Industry into Science Classrooms
- 7.4 The Concept of Industrial Content Knowledge (ICK)
- 7.5 The Teaching and Learning Unit 'Holes'
- 7.6 Applying the ICK Classification to the 'Holes' Unit
- Conclusion
Chapter 8. Research Visits as Nuclei for Educational Programs
R. Blonder, S. Rap and N. Benny
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Three Different Programs at the Weizmann Institute of Science Research Laboratories
- 8.3 Summary and Outlook
Chapter 9. Fostering Scientific Literacy with the Language of Science in the Production of a Nano-based After-sun Care Product in an Extracurricular Setting: A CLIL Approach in a Science Lab for School Students
Sezen Hollweck and Stefan Schwarzer
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Theoretical Background
- 9.3 Bilingual Education in Germany
- 9.4 Bilingual Scientific Literacy in a Science Lab for School Students
- 9.5 Science Labs for Students as Extracurricular Settings
- 9.6 Overall Research Design
- 9.7 First Findings on the Monolingual Treatment
- 9.8 Exemplary Experimental Station on the Production of a Nano-based After-sun Care Product
- 9.9 Future Prospects
- 9.10 Outlook
Chapter 10. Enhancing School Students’ Engagement in Chemistry Through a University-led Enrichment Programme
S. Simon, A. Mallaburn and L. Seton
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Background
- 10.3 The Intervention Programme
- 10.4 Evaluation of the Intervention Programme
- 10.5 The Interview Study
- 10.6 Conclusions
Chapter 11. Can Participation in a Citizen Science Project Empower Schoolchildren to Believe in Their Ability to Act on Environmental Problems?
Katrin Kruse, Tim Kiessling, Katrin Knickmeier, Martin Thiel and Ilka Parchmann
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 The Marine Litter Problem as an Opportunity for Citizen Science
- 11.3 Following the Pathways of Plastic Litter–Combining Citizen Science with
School Student Education - 11.4 Results
- 11.5 Discussion
- 11.6 Conclusion and Outlook
Chapter 12. The Use of Contexts in Chemistry Education: A Reflection
on System Levels and Stakeholder Involvement
Jan Apotheker
- 12.1 Introduction: Influences on Curriculum Development
- 12.2 Insights into Developments in the Netherlands 2
- 12.3 Stakeholders in Educational Change
- 12.4 Side Results of the Pilot
- 12.5 Further Developments
- 12.6 Conclusion
Chapter 13. Conclusions
Shirley Simon, Ilka Parchmann and Jan Apotheker
- 13.1 How is Engagement Understood?
- 13.2 What Conditions and Approaches Enhance Engagement?
- 13.3 Engagement and Aspiration
- 13.4 What are the Ways Forward?