Problems and Problem Solving in Chemistry Education: Analysing Data, Looking for Patterns and Making Deductions
Edited by Georgios Tsaparlis, University of Ioannina, Greece

'Problems and Problem Solving in Chemistry Education' is a volume in the Advances in Chemistry Education book series published by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Outline contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction - The Many Types and Kinds of Chemistry Problems
Georgios Tsaparlis
[this chapter may be downloaded as a free sample at]
- 1.1 Problems and Problem Solving
- 1.2 Types and Kinds of Problems
- 1.3 Novice versus Expert Problem Solvers/Problem Solving Heuristics
- 1.4 Chemistry Problems
- 1.5 The Present Volume
Part I: General Issues in Problem Solving in Chemistry Education
Chapter 2. Qualitative Reasoning in Problem-solving in Chemistry
Vicente Talanquer
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Qualitative Reasoning
- 2.3 Qualitative Chemical Reasoning
- 2.4 Challenges in Reasoning
- 2.5 Educational Implications
- 2.6 Conclusions
Chapter 3. Scaffolding Metacognition and Resource Activation During Problem Solving: A Continuum Perspective
Nicole Graulich, Axel Langner, Kimberly Vo and Elizabeth Yuriev
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Case Studies of Two Scaffolds
- 3.3 Discussion
- 3.4 Conclusions
Chapter 4. Deconstructing the Problem-solving Process: Beneath Assigned Points and Beyond Traditional Assessment
Ozcan Gulacar, Charlie Cox and Herb Fynewever
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Rationale and Theoretical Framework
- 4.3 Investigating Problem Solving: Where to Start and What to Look For
- 4.4 Developing a Novel Tool for an In-depth Analysis of Students' Challenges: COSINE (Coding System for Investigating Subproblems and Networks)
- 4.5 Examining Students' Success and Failures with COSINE Codes and Formulas
- 4.6 COSINE Codes and Students' Chemistry Course Performance
- 4.7 The Codes and Metacognition
- 4.8 Conclusions
Chapter 5. It Depends on the Problem and on the Solver: An Overview of the Working Memory Overload Hypothesis, Its Applicability and Its Limitations
Georgios Tsaparlis
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 The Demand of a Mental Task and Its Logical Structure
- 5.3 Necessary Conditions for the Validity of the Johnstone-El-Banna Model
- 5.4 Testing the Validity of the Model for Higher M-demand Organic Synthesis Problems
- 5.5 Conclusions and Further Issues
Part II: Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Chapter 6. Mechanistic Reasoning Using the Electron-pushing Formalism
Gautam Bhattacharyya
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 MR EPF: A Unique Form of Reasoning
- 6.3 Students' Approaches to Learning EPF Mechanisms
- 6.4 Assessment
- 6.5 Concluding Thoughts
Chapter 7. Scaffolding Synthesis Skills in Organic Chemistry
Alison B. Flynn
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Phase 1 – Orientation: Assess the Problem
- 7.3 Phase 2 – Exploration: Consider Options
- 7.4 Phase 3 – Investigation: Propose a Synthesis (Choose Probable Steps)
- 7.5 Phase 4 – Verify: Identify Competing Reactions
- 7.6 Conclusions
Chapter 8. Problem Solving Using NMR and IR Spectroscopy for Structural Characterization in Organic Chemistry
Megan C. Connor and Ginger V. Shultz
- 8.1 The Role of Spectroscopic Analysis in Organic Synthesis
- 8.3 Instructional Innovations
- 8.4 Implications
- 8.5 Conclusions 194
Chapter 9. Assessing System Ontology in Biochemistry: Analysis of Students’ Problem Solving in Enzyme Kinetics
Jon-Marc G. Rodriguez, Sven J. Philips, Nicholas P. Hux and Marcy H. Towns
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Theoretical Perspectives
- 9.3 Methods
- 9.4 Findings
- 9.5 Conclusion and Implications 210
Part III: Chemistry Problem Solving in Specific Contexts
Chapter 10. Problem Solving in the Chemistry Teaching Laboratory: Is This Something That Happens?
Ian Hawkins, Vichuda K. Hunter, Michael J. Sanger and
Amy J. Phelps
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 History of Lab Education 2
- 10.3 Purposes for Lab Instruction
- 10.4 Cost Challenges for Laboratory and Virtual Alternatives
- 10.5 The Power of Practice: Problem Solving in the Laboratory for First-time Versus "Veteran" Problem Solvers
- 10.6 Implications for Problem Solving in the
- Laboratory
- 10.7 Conclusions
Chapter 11. Problems and Problem Solving in the Light of Context-based Chemistry
Karolina Broman
- 11.1 Problems and Problem Solving
- 11.2 Context-based Learning Approaches
- 11.3 Affective Aspects of Learning
- 11.4 A Design-based Research Project to Exemplify Context-based Problems and Problem Solving
- 11.5 Students' Perception of the Context-based Problems
- 11.6 Students' Problem-solving Strategies
- 11.7 Context-based Problems – How Might We Move Further?
Chapter 12. Using Team Based Learning to Promote Problem Solving Through Active Learning
Natalie J. Capel, Laura M. Hancock, Chloe Howe, Graeme R. Jones, Tess R. Phillips and Daniela Plana
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 Team Based Learning
- 12.3 A Review of Team Based Learning in the Physical and Mathematical Sciences
- 12.4 A Comparison of Team Based Learning and Other Collaborative Instructional Approaches
- 12.5 Team Based Learning in Chemistry at Keele University
- 12.6 Case Studies
- 12.7 Conclusion
Part IV: New Technologies in Problem Solving in Chemistry
Chapter 13. Technology, Molecular Representations, and Student Understanding in Chemistry
Jack D. Polifka, John Y. Baluyut and Thomas A. Holme
- 13.1 Introduction
- 13.2 Methods
- 13.3 Results
- 13.4 Limitations, Conclusions and Teaching Implications
Chapter 14. An Educational Software for Supporting Students’ Learning of IR Spectral Interpretation
Maria Limniou, Nikos Papadopoulos, Dimitris Gavril, Aikaterini Touni and Markella Chatziapostolidou
- 14.1 Introduction
- 14.2 IR Spectral Interpretation Software
- 14.3 Results
- 14.4 Discussion and conclusion
Chapter 15. Exploring Chemistry Problems with Computational
Quantum Chemistry Tools in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum
Michael P. Sigalas
- 15.1 Introduction
- 15.2 Knowledge about Quantum-chemical Theories from the Upper Secondary Curriculum
- 15.3 Computational Chemistry and Problem-solving in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum
- 15.4 Conclusion
Part V: New Perspectives for Problem Solving in Chemistry Education
Chapter 16. Methodological and Epistemological Issues in Science Education Problem-solving Research: Linear and Nonlinear Paradigms
Dimitrios Stamovlasis and Julie Vaiopoulou
- 16.1 Introduction
- 16.2 The Definition of Problem and Problem Solving
- 16.3 Traditional Research Approaches in Problem Solving
- 16.4 Seeking for and Developing Theories: The Next Phase
- 16.5 Problem Solving and Conceptual Understanding
- 16.6 Methodological Issues
- 16.7 Epistemological Issues: Beyond the Linear Regime
- 16.8 Catastrophe Theory in Problem Solving
- 16.9 Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity in Problem Solving
- 16.10 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 17. Issues, Problems and Solutions: Summing It All Up
Georgios Tsaparlis
- 17.1 Introduction
- 17.2 General Issues in Problem Solving in Chemistry Education
- 17.3 Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
- 17.4 Chemistry Problem Solving under Specific Contexts
- 17.5 New Technologies in Problem Solving in Chemistry
- 17.6 New Perspectives for Problem Solving in Chemistry Education
- 17.7 Problem Solving Checklist: Other Topics and Issues
Chapter 18. Postscript – Two Issues for Provocative Thought
Georgios Tsaparlis
- 18.1 Introduction
- 18.2 The Potential Synergy Between HOTS and LOTS: The Case of the Fight against COVID-19
- 18.3 When Problem Solving Might Descend to Chaos Dynamics