Avi Hofstein, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Muhamad Hugerat, The Academic Arab College for Education, Israel

'Teaching and Learning in the School Chemistry Laboratory' is a volume in the Advances in Chemistry Education book series published by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Outline contents:
Chapter 1. The Role of the Laboratory in Chemistry Teaching
and Learning
[This chapter is available from as a free sample]
- 1.1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2. How are Chemistry Laboratories Conducted?
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 The Cognitive Acceleration Curriculum as a Tool for Overcoming Problems and Barriers in the Implementation of an Inquiry-type Chemistry Laboratory
- 2.3 Teaching through Inquiry to Improve Higher-order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
- 2.4 Teacher Demonstrations in the Chemistry Laboratory
- 2.5 The Chemistry Laboratory as a Tool to Make Chemistry Learning More Relevant
- 2.6 Sustainability of the Extracurricular (Outdoor) Chemistry Laboratory
Chapter 3. The Chemistry Laboratory: From Theory to Practice
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Developing Learning Skills Using Teacher Demonstrations
- 3.3 CASE vs. New Outlook Teaching Models in the Chemistry Laboratory
- 3.4 HOTS in the Laboratory
- 3.5 Making Chemistry Learning More Relevant to Students
- 3.6 Sustainable Outdoor Practical Laboratory Activities
- 3.7 Microscale Chemistry Experiments
- 3.8 Using Web-based Learning in the Chemistry Laboratory
Chapter 4. Assessing Students in the Chemistry Laboratory
- 4.1 What Happens in the Laboratory?
- 4.2 Assessing Students' Performance and Achievements in the Chemistry Laboratory: The Use of Different Assessment Modes
- 4.3 Continuous Assessment
- 4.4 Development and Implementation of Assessment Tools for Inquiry-oriented Chemistry Laboratories
- 4.5 Students' Attitudes, Interests and Perceptions Regarding Learning in and From the Chemistry Laboratory
- 4.6 Measuring the Students' Perception of the Classroom Chemistry Laboratory Learning Environment
Chapter 5. Teacher and Student Behavior in the Chemistry Laboratory
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Roles of the Students and Teacher in the Chemistry Laboratory
- 5.3 The Teacher's Behavior in the Science Laboratory
- 5.4 The Type of Experiment Implemented: The Chemistry Laboratory Guide
- 5.5 Teachers' Professional Development for Teaching in the Chemistry Inquiry Laboratory: An Evidence-based Approach Workshop
- 5.6 Students' Behavior in the Chemistry Laboratory
- 5.7 Potential Objectives, Ideas, and Skills for Teachers and Students in Chemistry Laboratory Classes
- 5.8 Strategies for Effective Teaching in the Laboratory Class: The Teacher's Role
- 5.9 Summary
Chapter 6. New Learning Goals in the Chemistry Laboratory
in a New Era
- 6.1 Research-based Ideas Related to Learning in and from the Chemistry Laboratory
- 6.2 'New' Goals for Learning in and from the Chemistry Laboratory: Goals for Life
- 6.3 Summary
Chapter 7. Epilogue: The Future of Chemistry Laboratories
- 7.1 Laboratories Move into Public Spaces
- 7.2 Laboratories Go Greener
- 7.3 Laboratories Go Nano
- 7.4 Argumentation–A Future Tool in the Laboratory
- 7.5 Laboratories in Space
- 7.6 Summary