an orbiting object is subject to balanced forces

An example of an alternative conception

It is common for learners to think that an object in orbit (the Moon around the Earth; a planet around the Sun) is subjecct to balanced forces.

Sometimes this is understood in terms of the centripetal force attracting the satellite being balanced by a centrifugal force pusing the satellite away form the central body. Actually, orbital motion is accelerated motion: as the direction, and so velcocity, is constantly changing – as the satellite turns towards the central body (compared with moving in a striaght lines). The centripetal force towards the centre of the orbit acts on the satellite to accelerate it so it does not leave orbit by moving off in a straight line (as Newton's first law would require if there was no net force acting.)

Read: Conceptions of planetary orbits

Read: Scaffolding learning of circular motion

Figure showing family discussing roundabout motion
Figure showing family discussing roundabout motion (photograph by facethebook from Pixabay)

Read about centrifugal force as an alternative conception

Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.