her finer threads are out of the reach of our senses

An historical example of personification of nature,

"But now our senses being scant and limited, and natures [natures's] operations subtle and various; they must needs transcend, and out-run our faculties. They are only natures [nature's] grosser ways of working, which are sensible; Her finer threads are out of the reach of our dull percipient. Yea questionless she hath many hidden energies, no ways imitated in her obvious pieces: and therefore it is no wonder that we are so often at a loss; an infirmity beyond prevention, except we could step by step follow the tracks and methods of infinite wisdom, which cannot be done but by him that owns it."

Joseph Glanvill (1661) Scepsis Scientifica; or, The Vanity of Dogmatizing

Read about personification in science texts

Read examples of personifying nature

Read other examples of personification

Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.