hypothesis about abortive buds could be an abortive theory

An example of a pun in scientific writing:

"THE inclosed specimens appear to me curious, as in some degree connected with the origin of double flowers. They consist of plants of the Gentiana amarella, found in a wild state, covered with abortive buds, or rather minute double flowers. …

Linnæus has remarked that most Alpine plants, when cultivated in the lowlands, are rendered quite sterile. In most of these cases, we see that sterility is compatable with long life and health. Is it, then, too bold a theory to suppose that all double flowers are first rendered by some change in their natural condition, to a certain degree, sterile; and that their vessels being charged with organizable matter in excess (which would be greatly formed by high cultivation), it is converted into petals–the organs which are nearest in their morphological nature and position to those whose functions are checked? Is there any shadow of truth in this theory, or is it an abortive one, as are the buds of the Gentiana?"

Charles Darwin (1843) Double flowers-their origin. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette.

Read about puns in science

Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.