microbes behave deliberately

It is sometimes suggested that microbes such as bacteria and viruses behave deliberately (for example in causing infection). Learners may no appreciate that natural selection leads to species developing behaviours that may seem purposeful without the specimens themselves having any understanding of how their behavior has certain consequences.

Although this should seem unlikely with something as basic as a microbe, there are many examples of statements in public science discourse (such as in journalism) which at face value suggest microbes making deliberate choices of behaviour. For example:

bacteria try to eat natural polyesters

dinoflaggelates use light to try to drive off predators

microbes think about where to live

some strains of bacteria prefer to live in tumours

virus particles hide beneath a cloak

Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.