nature has not varied her plan of organisation

An example of personification of nature in scientific writing:

"…the animals of this family [Valdivia]. In the greater part of those which I have been able to submit to my scalpel, I have found a truly extraordinary fact, that they were viviparous…on analysing a Tadpole not yet transformed, I satisfied myself that nature has not varied her plan of organisation. In these, as in the Tadpoles which live in water, the intestines were of a length very disproportioned to the body: now if this length were necessary to the latter, which live upon vegetable substances, it was altogether useless to those which are to undergo their metamorphosis in the belly of the mother: and thus nature has followed the march prescribed to her by a uniformity of construction, and without deviating from it, has admitted a simple exception, a real hiatus, well worthy the attention of the philosophical naturalist."

Claude Gay (c.1929-1930), letter to French newspaper

Read about personification in science texts

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Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.