One of Keith's publications is:

The previous chapter is Development and Learning
Chapter 14 is Models of Cognitive Development
- Piaget’s Stage Theory of Cognitive Development
- A Constructivist Model of Cognitive Development
- Relevance of Piaget’s Theory
- Piaget’s Theory and Models of the Cognitive System
- Beyond Formal Operations
- Perry’s Model of Intellectual and Ethical Development
- Perry’s Model of Development and Models of Cognitive Processing
- Other Studies
- Social Processes in Cognitive Development
- Modelling the Development of the Cognitive Apparatus
- Domains of Cognition and Modularity of Mind
- To What Extent Are Our Minds Modular?
- Are There Inherent Domains of Knowledge?
- Demetriou’s Model of the Mind
- Reflecting on the Demetriou Model
- Domains of Cognition
- Folk Physics
- Folk Biology
- Development of Domains
The next Chapter is Modelling Conceptual Learning