One of Keith's publications is:

Taber, K. S., & Sumida, M. (Eds.). (2016). International Perspectives on Science Education for the Gifted: Key issues and challenges. Abingdon, Oxon.: Routledge.
A volume in the Routledge Research in Achievement and Gifted Education series
Publishers' Blurb
In the spirit of encouraging international dialogue between researchers and practitioners, often working within isolated traditions, this book discusses perspectives on science education for the gifted informed by up-to-date research findings from a number of related fields. The book reviews philosophy, culture and programmes in science education for the gifted in diverse national contexts, and includes scholarly reviews of significant perspectives and up-to-date research methods and findings. The book is written in a straightforward style for students studying international perspective modules on undergraduate, but especially masters and doctoral degrees in Science Education and Gifted Education. Gifted education has come to be regarded as a key national programme in many countries, and gifted education in science disciplines is now of major importance to economic and technological development. Despite these national initiatives and developments, there are very few discussions on gifted education in science from international perspectives. This will be a valued addition to the scholarship in this emergent field.
Editors’ preface: Keith S Taber & Manabu Sumida
About the contributors
Chapter 1: Giftedness, Intelligence, Creativity and the Construction of Knowledge in the Science Classroom – Keith S. Taber
Chapter 2: Creativity and Science Education for the Gifted: Insights from Psychology – Paromita Roy
Chapter 3: Depth and Complexity: A model to differentiate science for gifted students – Sandra Kaplan & Jessica Manzone
Chapter 4: Engagement in Theoretical Modeling in Research Apprenticeships for Capable High School Students – Elon Langbeheim & Samuel Safran
Chapter 5: "Excuse Me Teacher, But You Made a Mistake…": Interactions between science teachers and gifted students in a regular classroom – Naama. Benny & Ron Blonder
Chapter 6: Developing Blended Knowledge in Science Using the Enrichment Triad: Practical applications of an inquiry-based learning model – Nancy Heilbronner & Joseph S. Renzulli
Chapter 7: Engaging Learners in the Analysis of Scientific Literature: A practical strategy for enhancing gifted students' interest in science – William L. Romine & Troy D. Sadler
Chapter 8: The Nature of Science and the Teaching of Gifted Learners – Keith S. Taber
Chapter 9: Gifted Females in Science – Sezen Camcı Erdoğan & Fran Riga
Chapter 10: Scientific Giftedness in Japanese Society – Manabu Sumida
Chapter 11: Creating a Space and Place for Diverse Learners in Multifarious Contexts – Niamh Stack, Margaret Sutherland, Thomas Aneurin Smith & Frida Tungaraza
Chapter 12: Extending the Gifted Science Student: What the teacher needs to do during inquiry learning – Gillian Kidman
Chapter 13: The U.S. Science Olympiad Experience: Interplay between competition and cooperation – Lucy Kulbago, Bridget K. Mulvey, & Aziz Alamri
Chapter 14: The Experiences of Scholarship Students: Perceptions of New Zealand physical science scholarship holders – Jenny Horsley& Azra Moeed
Chapter 15: Neuroscience Research on Science-Talented Learners – Ching-chih Kuo, Ching-Po Lin & Hsiao-Lan Sharon Wang
Chapter 16: Meeting the Needs of Twice-Exceptional Children in the Science Classroom – Manabu Sumida