The Mental Register

One of Keith's publications is:

The previous chapter is The Centrality of Models for Knowledge Claims in Science Education

Chapter 2 is Introduction to Part II (Part II Modelling Mental Processes in the Science Learner): The Mental Register


The next Chapter is Modelling Mental Activity

This chapter explains the notion of the mental register, and why it is important in research into people's ideas and thinking.

"There is then a kind of folk psychology of mind that permeates our own thinking (sic) and dialogue and which functions perfectly adequately in normal conversation, but which lacks the precision expected in technical communication. We might refer to this as the mental register, where key terms would include thinking, ideas, understanding, knowledge and beliefs. The mental register does effective work for us in everyday discourse in many communicative contexts, but when we need to specify more precisely what some of these terms refer to, we may soon run into difficulties."

Taber, 2013: 29

Read about the mental register