One of Keith's publications is:

The previous chapter is Components of Personal Knowledge: Characterising
the Learner’s Conceptual Resources
Chapter 12 is The Structure of the Learner’s Knowledge
- The Nature of a Conception
- Modelling Student Conceptions with Concept Maps
- Limitations of Concept Maps as Models of Student Conceptions
- The Importance of Conceptual Integration
- The Significance of Conceptual Integration and Coherence in Science
- Conceptual Integration as a Demarcation Criterion for Science Education
- Degrees of Integration of Students’ Science Knowledge
- An Example from Learning About Atoms
- An Example of Relating Science to Belief
- Discussions of Integration and Coherence in Students’ Science Knowledge
- Integration Across Science Topics
- Domain-Based Learning
- Domains of Knowledge
- Viable Domains in Cognition
The next Chapter is Development and Learning