Building the Protective Belt of the Progressive Research Programme
One of Keith's publications is

Taber, K. S. (2009). Progressing Science Education: Constructing the scientific research programme into the contingent nature of learning science. Dordrecht: Springer.
The previous chapter is The Negative Heuristic and Criticisms of Constructivism in Science Education
Chapter 6 is Building the Protective Belt of the Progressive Research Programme
- 6.1 Students Understanding Science
- 6.1.1 Challenges of Exploring Student Thinking
- 6.1.2 A Rational Reconstruction of the Literature on Learners’ Ideas in Science
- 6.1.3 What Ideas Do Learners’ Bring to Science Classes?
- 6.1.4 What Is the Nature of the Ideas That Learners Bring to Science Classes?
- 6.1.5 Explaining Diverging Views of the Nature of Learners’ Ideas
- 6.1.6 How Much Commonality Is There Between Learners’ Ideas in Science?
- 6.2 Students Learning Science
- 6.2.1 Levels of Analysis of Learning
- 6.2.2 How Does Knowledge Construction Take Place in Learning Science?
- 6.3 Teachers Teaching Science
- 6.3.1 Teaching Within the Domain Boundary
- 6.3.2 Finding Out Where the Learners Are
- 6.3.3 Using Knowledge of Students’ Conceptual Resources to Inform the Teacher
- 6.3.4 Making Existing Thinking Explicit to Allow Exploration and Challenge
- 6.3.5 Making the Unfamiliar Familiar
- 6.3.6 Learning by Analogy
- 6.3.7 Scaffolding the Building of Shared Knowledge
- 6.3.8 Teaching As Developing a Community of Practice in the Classroom
- 6.3.9 Consolidating New Learning
- 6.3.10 Claims for Constructivist Teaching
- 6.3.11 Constructivist Teacher Education?
- 6.4 To What Extent Has the RP Addressed the Issues Set Out in the Positive Heuristic?
- 6.4.1 What Ideas Do Learners’ Bring to Science Classes?
- 6.4.2 What Is the Nature of These Ideas?
- 6.4.3 How Much Commonality Is There Between Learners’ Ideas in Science?7
- 6.4.4 How Is Knowledge Represented in the Brain?
- 6.4.5 What Are the Most Appropriate Models and Representations?
- 6.4.6 How Does Knowledge Construction (i.e., Learning) Take Place?
- 6.4.7 How Do Learners’ Ideas Interact with Teaching?
- 6.4.8 How Should ‘Constructivist’ Teachers Teach Science?
- 6.4.9 A Progressive Research Programme
The next chapter is The Positive Heuristic: Directions for Progressing the Field