Science Education As a Research Field Within a Domain of Enquiry
One of Keith's publications is

Taber, K. S. (2009). Progressing Science Education: Constructing the scientific research programme into the contingent nature of learning science. Dordrecht: Springer.
Chapter 1 is Science Education As a Research Field Within a Domain of Enquiry
- 1.1 A Research Topic: Learning Science
- 1.1.1 The Construction Metaphor for Learning
- 1.2 Sharing Meanings for Key Terms
- 1.2.1 Learning as a Potential for New Behaviour
- 1.2.2 Knowledge as a Label for What Is Currently Considered to Be So
- 1.2.3 Beliefs, Ideas and Conceptions.
- 1.2.4 Thinking and the Mind
- 1.3 Locating the Research Topic in a ‘Field of Study’
- 1.3.1 The Wider Domain of Enquiry
- 1.3.2 The Relationship of Topic and Field
- 1.3.3 Progressing Science Education?
- 1.4 The Domain of Enquiry – Background to the Field
- 1.4.1 Public and Personal Knowledge
- 1.5 Philosophical Views on Learning
- 1.5.1 Dewey’s Pragmatic View of Knowledge
- 1.5.2 Glasersfeld’s Radical Constructivism
- 1.6 Influences from Psychological Studies of Development
- 1.6.1 Piaget’s Construction of the Child’s World
- 1.6.2 Vygotsky and Scaffolded Construction of Our Worlds
- 1.6.3 Kelly’s Personal Constructs of the World
- 1.6.4 Perry’s Model of Intellectual Development.
- 1.7 Studies of Cognition
- 1.7.1 Introspection and Behaviourism
- 1.7.2 Gestalt Theorists
- 1.7.3 Learning Through Metaphor
- 1.7.4 Information Processing Models
- 1.8 Structure of Mind.
- 1.8.1 General Processing Models
The next chapter is ‘Scientific’ Research in Education