One of Keith's publications is:

Taber, K. S. (Editor) (2007) Science Education for Gifted Learners, London: Routledge.

Taber, K. S. (Ed.) (2017). Üstün Yetenekliler İçin Fen Eğitimi. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publishing. (Turkish Edition)
Publisher's blurb
Science is central to our modern technological society, yet many of the most able pupils who could become the scientists of tomorrow turn away from science as soon as they have a choice in their studies. Science is often seen to be difficult or boring, and fails to engage or challenge those who are most suited to excel in scientific studies.
This book asks what classroom teachers can do to make sure that their science teaching is stimulating and challenging for their students. Topics covered include:
- what do we mean by gifted and able children?
- gifted children that slip through the net
- challenging science through modelling
- asking questions in science
- exploring topical issues
- challenging science through talk
- after-school enrichment.
Set in the wider context of debates about the provision for those labelled 'gifted' and 'exceptionally able', this book explores the meaning of these categories, and considers what they may imply in such approaches as setting, streaming, acceleration and enrichment.
- Science education for gifted learners? – KEITH S. TABER
- The characteristics of the gifted and exceptionally able
in science – JOHN K. GILBERT AND MATTHEW NEWBERRY - Gifted science learners with special educational needs – CARRIE WINSTANLEY
- The emotional lives of fledgling geniuses – STEVE ALSOP
- Opportunities for gifted science provision in the context
of a learner-centred national curriculum – RICHARD K. COLL - Developing the thinking of gifted students through science – KEITH S. TABER AND VIVIEN CORRIE
- Challenging able science learners through models and
modelling – ANDREW GREVATT, JOHN K. GILBERT AND MATTHEW NEWBERRY - Challenging gifted learners through classroom dialogue – PHIL SCOTT
- Asking questions in classroom science – MIKE WATTS AND HELENA PEDROSA DE JESUS
- Teaching controversial socio-scientific issues to gifted and
talented students – RALPH LEVINSON - Context-based science: a 'gift horse' for the talented? – VANESSA KIND
- Choice for the gifted: lessons from teaching about scientific explanations – KEITH S. TABER
- Practical work for the gifted in science – ALAN WEST
- Working together to provide enrichment for able science
learners – KEITH S. TABER AND FRAN RIGA - Bringing learners and scientific expertise together – MATTHEW NEWBERRY AND JOHN K. GILBERT
- An agenda for science education for gifted learners – KEITH S. TABER