One of Keith's publications is:

A volume in the Routledge Research in Achievement and Gifted Education series
Publishers blurb:
This book offers an overview of programmes designed to support the learning of gifted and talented students in STEM subjects, both to allow them to meet their potential and to encourage them to proceed towards careers in STEM areas. The chapters from a range of national contexts report on perspectives, approaches and projects in gifted education in STEM subjects. These contributions provide a picture of the state of research and practice in this area, both to inform further research and development, and to support classroom teachers in their day-to-day work. Chapters have been written with practitioners in mind, but include relevant scholarly citations to the literature. The book includes some contributions illustrating research and practice in specific STEM areas, and others which bridge across different STEM subjects. The volume also includes an introductory theoretical chapter exploring the implications for gifted learners of how 'STEM' is understood and organized within the school curriculum.
List of contributors
Editorial introduction
1) Knowledge sans frontières?: Conceptualising STEM in the curriculum to facilitate creativity and knowledge integration (Keith S Taber)
2) Developing STEM Talent in the Early School Years: STEM Starters and its Next Generation Scale Up (Ann Robinson)
3) Teacher Beliefs Regarding Gifted and Highly Able Learners in STEM Schools in the US (Colby Tofel-Grehl, Carolyn M. Callahan and Scott Hunsaker)
4) Parent or Guardian Characteristics and Talented Students’ Persistence in STEM (John T. Almarode, Rena F. Subotnik, Katherine P. Dabney, Edward Crowe, Robert H. Tai and Christopher Kolar)
5) Talent development of STEM experts (Katsuro Kitamura)
6) What factors contribute to the development of gifted female scientists? Insights from two case studies (Kirsi Tirri and Elina Kuusisto)
7) An extra-curricular gifted support program in Hungary for exceptional students in mathematics (János Gordon Győri and Péter Juhász)
8) "It's great to be able to talk and discuss with other talented mathematicians”: AskNRICH, an Internet opportunity for connecting like-minded gifted learners (Libby Jared)
9) Learning science through PROFILES: Are there any benefits for gifted students in elementary school? (Mojca Juriševič and Iztok Devetak)
10) Talented Students And Motivated Teachers: An Interactive And Synergistic Tandem To Design Innovative Hands-On Learning Practices In Biosciences (David S Horner, Giovanna Viale, Cinzia Grazioli, Livia Pirovano, David Micklos and Paolo Plevani)
11) Challenging gifted students in Science – the German Science Olympiads (Stefan Petersen, Janet Blankenburg and Tim Höffler)
12) Incorporating nanotechnology into K-12 education, with a special focus on gifted students (Hsiao-Ping Yu, Chen-Ming Chen and Enyi Jen)
13) Nurturing Virtuous Minds in Gifted Engineering Learners (Rosanna Yuen-Yan Chan and Cecilia Ka Yuk Chan)
14) Design-based challenges as a means of encouraging creativity (Stephanie Hathcock and Daniel Dickerson)
15) Enhancing Gifted Early Elementary Students’ Learning Experiences Through Engineering Design (Lauren Madden and Jill Turner)
16) STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Mathematics) Education for Gifted Young Children: A Glocal Approach to Science Education for the Gifted (Manabu Sumida)