Patterns of thinking across three European contexts
One of my publications is
Taber, K. S.,Tsaparlis, G., & Nakiboğlu, C. (2012). Student Conceptions of Ionic Bonding: Patterns of thinking across three European contexts. International Journal of Science Education,34(18), 2843-2873. doi: 10.1080/09500693.2012.656150
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Previous research has reported that students commonly develop alternative conceptions in the core topic of chemical bonding. Research in England has reported that students there commonly demonstrate an alternative 'molecular' conceptual framework for thinking about ionic bonding: in terms of the formation of molecule-like ions pairs through electron transfer, which are internally bonded, but not bonded to other ions. The present study reports the use of translated versions of a diagnostic instrument to elicit the conceptions of bonding in NaCl (commonly used as the teaching example of an ionic compound) from two samples of students setting out on university courses in Greece and Turkey. The study reports that students in these two contexts displayed high levels of support for statements based upon the alternative conceptual framework identified in the English context. Students commonly develop similar alternative conceptions of ionic bonding in these three different educational contexts. The study also found some quite large differences in the specific response patterns across these three contexts, some of which could reflect specific features of the different curriculum contexts. The study reinforces the cross-national nature of the challenge of effectively teaching the abstract models of chemistry at the submicroscopic level. It also provides intriguing suggestions that close study of the interactions between specific curriculum contexts and specific patterns in students thinking offers much potential for identifying particular aspects of subject pedagogy that either support or impede the learning of accepted scientific models.
Key terms:
- ionic bonding
- learning chemistry concepts
- alternative conceptions
- conceptual frameworks
- cross-national comparisons
- cultural factors in learning
- Introduction
- Ionic bonding as a topic in chemical education
- Student thinking about ionic bonding
- Development of a simple objective instrument
- Refinement of the instrument
- Investigating student thinking in three educational contexts
- The Greek context and sample
- The Turkish context and sample
- Methodology
- Facility of the instrument items
- Comparing across the three countries
- Findings
- Recognition of electrostatic principles – the curriculum science framework
- The alternative conceptual framework
- Statements reflecting the 'history conjecture' alternative conception
- Statements reflecting the 'valency conjecture' alternative conception
- Statements reflecting the 'just forces conjecture' alternative conception
- Statements reflecting the presence of molecules alternative conception
- Discussion
- Alternative conceptions of the ionic bond found among Greek and Turkish students
- Patterns across different educational contexts
- Implications for instruction
- The value of comparing across national contexts

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