people exhibit naturalistic fallacies as bees fly

An example of analogy drawing upon a scientific idea as an analogue,

"Like bees who fly despite theories of aeronautics which deny them the right to do so, probably the overwhelming majority of mankind are continually drawing normative conclusions from factual premises (and factual conclusions from normative premises, for the relation between ethos and worldview is circular) despite refined, and in their own terms impeccable, reflections by professional philosophers on the 'naturalistic fallacy'."

Clifford Geertz (2000) Ethos, World View, and the Analysis of Sacred Symbols (first published 1957), in The Interpretation of Cultures. Selected Essays. 2nd Edition. New York. Basic Books.

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Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.