shortening of the telomere is like the fraying of a shoelace

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An example of simile and metaphor in popular science writing"

"Every time a cell undergoes mitosis, it loses a little of what is called the telomere, the protective surface on the chromosome, capping the end of each D.N.A. strand. In a process often likened to the gradual fraying of a shoelace, the telomere gets a little shorter with every division, until eventually it can no longer guard the D.N.A. effectively, and the cell loses its ability to undergo mitosis and becomes senescent (inert)."

Dr Camilla Pang

Pang, C. (2020) Explaining Humans. What science can teach us about life, love and relationships. Viking

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Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.