construct repertory test

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(a.k.a. the method of triads) is a technique for exploring a person's system of personal cosntructs

"The basis of Kelly's CRT, also known as the method of triads, is to provide an activity where the person is asked to make discriminations (i.e., to construe the world) without necessarily having to explicitly apply criteria… Kelly considered that, as his system concerns bipolar constructs, the simplest approach was to present three elements [a triad] to be discriminated … in effect, which two fit together best; and which is the odd one out? Kelly would prepare a deck of cards for this activity, from which various triads could be selected for presentation." (Taber, 2020)

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Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.