repertory grid

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is a technique used to explore aspects of a person's construct system. The repertory grid is developed after carrying out the construct repertory test which elicits personal constructs, and allows a model to be developed of the relative relationships between a persona elicited constructs

"Having elicited labels for personal constructs, the participant is asked to then rate each element on each construct on a numerical (e.g., 5 or 7 point) scale. The outcome of this would be a grid with an entry in each cell….The strength of this type of data is that it allows a systematic analysis, to reflect aspects of the structure of a person's constructs …The quantitative data generated allows tree diagrams to be constructed similar to those used in cladistics to show the relationships among different species: these can both reflect the degrees of perceived similarity among the elements [presented to the participant in the construct repertory test] and also the degrees of similarity among the elicited constructs applied." (Taber, 2020)

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Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.