teaching move

A lesson is usually a sequence of distinct episodes. Within an episode the teacher may make a large number of specific moves (making a statement, asking a question, handing out a worksheet, drawing a diagram…). The lesson plan will set out the intended sequence of lesson episodes, but some teaching moves will be decided upon spontaneously in situ in response to the reactions of the learners.

Figure shows how the curriculum leads to a scheme of work, on which are based lesson plans. Each episode within a lesson can be understood as a sequence of moves.
Teaching has several levels of structure. Figure 5.1 from Taber, Keith S. (2024) Chemical pedagogy. Instructional approaches and teaching techniques in chemistry. Royal Society of Chemistry. [Download Chapter 1]

Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.