A chemistry teachers' discussion list

(Image by dandelion_tea from Pixabay)
Purpose of the list / Community rules / To join the group / To leave the group
List purpose
This list is for teachers of chemistry (mainly at school level), or others involved in supporting chemistry teaching. There are currently active UK based lists for biology teachers (Biotutor) and for physics teachers (PTNC), but the parallel list for chemistry teachers was discontinued a while back. The list is being set up on trial basis to see if there is currently sufficient demand for a list for discussing professional issues relating to the teaching of chemistry.
Emails sent to the list address (chemteach@science-education-research.com) from subscribed email addresses are distributed to all currently subscribed list members.
The list can be used to share ideas, ask colleagues questions, disseminate relevant news, offer to share resources…

Joining the list
The list will be unmoderated (messages will be circulated without anyone checking they are suitable). Therefore there will be no automatic sign up (as open subscription lists attract spammers) – although anyone subscribed to the list can unsubscribe at any time using the 'unsubscribe' box below.
Rather, if you wish to join, please send an email to kst24@cam.ac.uk (from the email address you wish subscribed) with the following information:
- your name – as you wish to be known on the list
- a (very) brief statement of why you wish to join (e.g., "I am a science teacher", etc.)
Before doing so, please check you are happy to agree to the community rules and notes below…
Community rules
In joining the list, a subscriber agrees to these community rules:
- posts should be on theme – something likely to be of professional interest to those teaching chemistry or supporting chemistry teaching.
- posts should be courteous and kind (criticism is fine, as long as it polite and seeks to be constructive – and is not ad hominen {so criticise the policy, opinion, action – but not the person})
- language should remain professional and not be of a form that others might reasonably find offensive
- opinions and viewpoints are welcome as long as they are relevant and within the law (e.g., the law of libel!)
- any post which refers to colleagues or students at your institution should usually* be phrased to ensure someone familiar with the institution could not identify individuals (* unless perhaps along the lines 'my wonderful head of department, Marie, has this fantastic practical on radiochemistry…')
I reserve the right to remove from the list anyone (in my judgement) not following the community rules. I will normally issue a warning first, unless there is a gross violation.
Important notes:
- Information shared (e.g., about laboratory practicals) is not checked nor endorsed by the list administrator– but is a suggestion or claim by the person posting. All community members should do due diligence before acting on any information shared (e.g., a risk assessment before any laboratory activity, checking a claim about what is specified in a syllabus)
- Each message circulated on the list will show the poster's email address
- There is now an archive of posted messages, which can be searched (by list members) for messages including a specific word or phrase.
To unsubscribe