One of Keith's publications is:

The previous chapter is Modelling Mental Activity
Chapter 4 is The Learner’s Ideas
- The Idea of Ideas
- The Source of Thoughts and Ideas
- Sensation and Perceiving the World
- The Apparatus of Sensation
- Representations May Seem Realistic
- Sensory Representation Involves a Coding System
- Sensory Information Is Selectively Filtered Before Reaching Awareness
- Executive and Non-executive Processing Modules
- Sensory Information Is Patched-Up Before Being Presented to Consciousness: ‘Filling-In’
- Perception Is the Outcome of Active Processing of Sensory Information
- Perception May Involve Over-Interpretation
- Innate Bias in Perception
- Learnt Bias in Perception
- Perceiving Communication from Others
- Paying Attention: Distinguishing Subliminal and Preconscious Processing
- Recalling Experiences
- Imagining Possibilities
- Expressing Ideas
- Representing Ideas
- Accessing Another’s Ideas
- Research to Investigate Learners’ Ideas in Science
- Modelling Student Ideas
The next Chapter is The Learner’s Memory