Sampling an "exceedingly large number of students"
Keith S. Taber
the key to sampling a population is identifying a representative sample

(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)
Many studies in education are 'about' an identified population (students taking A level Physics examinations; chemistry teachers in German secondary schools; children transferring from primary to secondary school in Scotland; undergraduates majoring in STEM subjects in Australia…).
Read about populations of interest in research
But, in practice, most studies only collect data from a sample of the population of interest.
Sampling the population
One of the key challenges in social research is sampling. Obtaining a sample is usually not that difficult. However, often the logic of research is something along the lines:
- 1. Aim – to find out about a population.
- 2. As it is impractical to collect data from the whole population, collect data from a sample.
- 3. Analyse data collected from the sample.
- 4. Draw inferences about the population from the analysis of data collected form the sample.
For example, if one wished to do research into the views of school teachers in England and there are, say, 600 000 of them, it is, unlikely anyone could undertake research that collected and analysed data from all of them and produce results in a short enough period for the findings to still be valid (unless they were prepared to employ a research team of thousands!) But perhaps one could collect data from a sample that would be informative about the population.
This can be a reasonable approach (and, indeed, is a very common approach in research in areas like education) but relies on the assumption that what is true of the sample, can be generalised to the population.
That clearly depends on the sample being representatives of the larger population (at least in those ways which are pertinent to the the research).

For example, if we were interested in secondary school students in England, and we had a sample of secondary students from England that (a) reflected the age profile of the population; (b) reflected the gender profile of the population; but (c) were all drawn from one secondary school, this is unlikely to be a representative sample.
- If we do have a representative sample, then the likely error in generalising from sample to population can be calculated (and can be reduced by having a larger sample);
- If we do not have a representative sample, then there is no way of knowing how well the findings from the sample reflect the wider population and increasing sample size does not really help; and, for that matter,
- If we do not know whether we have a representative sample, then, again, there is no way of knowing how well the findings from the sample reflect the wider population and increasing sample size does not really help.
So, the key to sampling a population is identifying a representative sample.
Read about sampling a population
If we know that only a small number of factors are relevant to the research then we may (if we are able to characterise members of the population on these criteria) be able to design a sample which is representative based on those features which are important.
If the relevant factors for a study were teaching subject; years of teaching experience; teacher gender, then we would want to build a sample that fitted the population profile accordingly, so, maybe, 3% female maths teachers with 10+ years of teaching experience, et cetera. We would need suitable demographic information about the population to inform the building of the sample.
We can then randomly select from those members of the the population with the right characteristics within the different 'cells'.
However, if we do not know exactly what specific features might be relevant to characterise a population in a particular research project, the best we might be able to do is to to employ a randomly chosen sample which at least allows the measurement error to be estimated.
Labs for exceedingly large numbers of students
Leopold and Smith (2020) were interested in the use of collaborative group work in a "general chemistry, problem-based lab course" at a United States university, where students worked in fixed groups of three or four throughout the course. As well as using group work for more principled reasons, "group work is also utilized as a way to manage exceedingly large numbers of students and efficiently allocate limited time, space, and equipment" (p.1). They tell readers that
"the case we examine here is a general chemistry, problem-based lab course that enrols approximately 3500 students each academic year"
Leopold & Smith, 2020, p.5
Although they recognised a wide range of potential benefits of collaborative work, these depend upon students being able to work effectively in groups, which requires skills that cannot be take for granted. Leopold and Smith report how structured support was put in place that help students diagnose impediments to the effective work of their groups – and they investigated this in their study.
The data collected was of two types. There was a course evaluation at the end of the year taken by all the students in the cohort, "795 students enrolled [in] the general chemistry I lab course during the spring 2019 semester" (p.7). However, they also collected data from a sample of student groups during the course, in terms of responses to group tasks designed to help them think about and develop their group work.
Population and sample
As the focus of their research was a specific course, the population of interest was the cohort of undergraduates taking the course. Given the large number of students involved, they collected qualitative data from a sample of the groups.
Units of analysis
The course evaluation questions sought individual learners' views so for that data the unit of analysis was the individual student. However, the groups were tasked with working as a group to improve their effectiveness in collaborative learning. So, in Leopold and Smith's sample of groups, the unit of analysis was the group. Some data was received from individual groups members, and other data were submitted as group responses: but the analysis was on the basis of responses from within the specific groups in the sample.
A stratified sample
Leopold and Smith explained that
"We applied a stratified random sampling scheme in order to account for variations across lab sections such as implementation fidelity and instructor approach so as to gain as representative a sample as possible. We stratified by individual instructors teaching the course which included undergraduate teaching assistants (TAs), graduate TAs, and teaching specialists. One student group from each instructor's lab sections was randomly selected. During spring 2019, we had 19 unique instructors teaching the course therefore we selected 19 groups, for a total of 76 students."
Leopold & Smith, 2020, p.7
The paper does not report how the random assignment was made – how it was decided which group would be selected for each instructor. As any competent scientist ought to be able to make a random selection quite easily in this situation, this is perhaps not a serious omission. I mention this because sadly not all authors who report having used randomisation can support this when asked how (Taber, 2013).
Was the sample representative?
Leopold and Smith found that, based on their sample, student groups could diagnose impediments to effective group working, and could often put in place effective strategies to increase their effectiveness.
We might wonder if the sample was representative of the wider population. If the groups were randomly selected in the way claimed then one would expect this would probably be the case – only 'probably', as that is the best randomisation and statistics can do – we can never know for certain that a random sample is representative, only that it is unlikely to be especially unrepresentative!
The only way to know for sure that a sample is genuinely representative of the population of interest in relation to the specific focus of a study, would be to collect data from the whole population and check the sample data matches the population data.* But, of course, if it was feasible to collect data from everyone in the population, there would be no need to sample in the first place.
However, because the end of course evaluation was taken by all students in the cohort (the study population) Leopold and Smith were able to see if those students in the sample responded in ways that were generally in line with the population as a whole. The two figures reproduced here seem to suggest they did!

There is clearly a pretty good match here. However, it is important to not over-interpret this data. The questions in the evaluation related to the overall experience of group working, whereas the qualitative data analysed from the sample related to the more specific issues of diagnosing and addressing issues in the working of groups. These are related matters but not identical, and we cannot assume that the very strong similarity between sample and population outcomes in the survey demonstrates (or proves!) that the analysis of data from the sample is also so closely representative of what would have been obtained if all the groups had been included in the data collection.
Experiences of learning through group-work | Learning to work more effectively in groups | |
Sample | patterns in data closely reflected population responses | data only collected from a sample of groups |
Population | all invited to provide feedback | [it seems reasonable to assume results from sample are likely to apply to the cohort as a whole] |
It might well have been, but we cannot know for sure. (* The only way to know for sure that a sample is genuinely representative of the population of interest in relation to the specific focus of a study, would be …)
However, the way the sample so strongly reflected the population in relation to the evaluation data, shows that in that (related if not identical) respect at least the sample is strongly representative, and that is very likely to give readers confidence in the sampling procedure used. If this had been my study I would have been pretty pleased with this, at least strongly suggestive, circumstantial evidence of the representativeness of the sampling of the student groups.
Work cited:
- Leopold, H., & Smith, A. (2020). Implementing Reflective Group Work Activities in a Large Chemistry Lab to Support Collaborative Learning. Education Sciences, 10(1), 7.
- Taber, K. S. (2013). Non-random thoughts about research. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 14(4), 359-362. doi:10.1039/c3rp90009f
- Taber, K. S. (2019). Experimental research into teaching innovations: responding to methodological and ethical challenges. Studies in Science Education, 55(1), 69-119. doi:10.1080/03057267.2019.1658058 [Download manuscript version]