This section of the site discusses some issues in research methodology.
I contributed to teaching about educational research methods for most of my time in the Faculty of Education at Cambridge, and for my last decade there this was the major component of my lecturing 'stint'.
Pages here discuss such themes as:
- Action research
- Authorship
- Axiology
- Case study
- Conclusions – drawing conclusions from research
- Construct repertory test
- Context-directed research
- Data in research
- Data analysis
- Epistemology
- Ethics
- Ethnography
- Experiments
- Generalisation
- Grounded theory
- Idiographic research
- Interpretivist research
- Interventional research
- Interviews
- Kelly's triads
- Literature reviews
- Measurement scales
- Methodology
- Mixed methods
- Observation
- Ontology
- Paradigms
- Participatory research
- Publishing research
- Questionnaires
- Randomisation
- Reliability
- Research design
- Research ethics
- Research questions
- Research programmes
- Research techniques ('methods')
- Sampling
- Statistical testing in research
- Surveys
- Theoretical perspectives
- Theory-directed research
- Think aloud
- Validity
- Writing-up research
An introductory text
I have written an introductory text book on educational research. This was initially aimed at teachers setting out on classroom research, although I have often been told that other research students also find the book useful:

Taber, K. S. (2013). Classroom-based Research and Evidence-based Practice: An introduction (2nd ed.). London: Sage.