Rosetta spacecraft hibernated for several years

An example of anthropomorphism in popular science writing:

"The ESA Rosetta spacecraft had a lot resting on its wide, solar-panel, shoulders when it launched at the start of its mission to catch up with a comet in space. Firstly, it had a long and lonely journey into deep space to contend with, requiring it to enter hibernation for a number of years to save energy. There was no certainty it would wake again."

Natalie Starkey

Starkey, N. (2018). Catching Stardust. Comets, asteroids and the birth of the solar system. Bloomsbury Sigma

The reference to wide shoulders is a kind of metaphor (or, perhaps here a pun) based on an English idiom ('broad shoulders' as supporting much weight but used metaphorically for substantive responsibilities etc,) that might not be familiar to some.

Read about anthropomorphism

Read examples of anthropomorphism in science

Read about idioms in science discourse

Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.