A topic in research methodology
Grounded theory is a methodology with particular characteristics. It also has a number of key concepts (beyond being concerned with building theory), which are collectively necessary for a full GT study:
- Emergent design
- Delayed or deferred literature review
- Theoretical sensitivity
- Theoretical sampling
- Fit
- Constant comparison (to check for ‘post-inductive resonance’)
- Core category
- Theoretical saturation
The slogan ‘all is data’ is associated with GT.
The process involves various phases of coding of data:
- Open coding
- Axial coding
- Selective coding
- and the use of memos (theoretical memos or analytic memos) to support the construction of theory.

My introduction to educational research:
Taber, K. S. (2013). Classroom-based Research and Evidence-based Practice: An introduction (2nd ed.). London: Sage.