fireflies will murder and steal

An example of anthropomorphism in science journalism:

"In fact, lucibufagins are so useful that some rival species that can't produce them, such as Photuris frontalis, aren't above a little murder. Female Photuris fireflies mimic the flashes of Photinus females, only to eat any males of the rival species that come to mate with them. Once she's devoured her hapless suitor, the Photuris female transfers the prey's lucibufagin into her bloodstream, stealing the toxin for herself!

Kit Chapman

Chapman, K. (2023, 20 June 2023). Bioluminescent beasties. Education in Chemistry.

The terms murdering and stealing do not just refer to killing and taking, but to deliberate acts undertaken by a moral agent capable of judging wrong from right.

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Read examples of anthropomorphism in science

Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.