glass wants to be 6 mm deep

An example of anthropomorphism in public science & technology discourse:

"Glass wants to be a certain depth. I think it is 6 mills or whatever. If you heat it up it will try and be that, so if the mass is more it will spread out and become 6 mills. If it is less it will turn into a little ball, to try and be that. It has a want, but if you constrict it, and force it, it will do a hell of a lot."


This quote is taken from a BBC Radio 4 documentary radio programme, Vessels of Memory: Glass Ships of Sunderland, presented by Dr Ayako Tani, Assistant Scientific Glassblower at the University of Glasgow. Dr Tani is an artist as well as a chemical glassblower. (The programme explored the community of scientific glassblowers who switched to creating glass models of ships in bottles for the gift shop market when the Pyrex factory closed.)

Read about anthropomorphism

Read examples of anthropomorphism in science

Author: Keith

Former school and college science teacher, teacher educator, research supervisor, and research methods lecturer. Emeritus Professor of Science Education at the University of Cambridge.